NEWLY INSTALLED and invested officers oi Slï¬n Chapter No 84 the ow Royal Arch Masons tor the PRINCIPALS Di Signet Chapter No of the Holy year 1961 pictured above are as follows FRONT ROW Left to right on Cowan lmnw diets Past Principal Quinn Royal ArchBnrrie for 1991 are pictured above tell to Outer Guard Pearson Second Principal Rust First Princl al an Third John aw rlght Duke Pearson Second Principal on Senior Soiourns Bonita Second sec on now Bowie Scri bs Esra Frank Green Prin licast First Principal Myers lhird Principal cipal Sojourner Wm bell Fourth Veil Wm patrick Junior Boioumer Ruddlds Treasurer Cross mm v11 TwoHour Blaze In Essa Township ALLISTON Fire confined mainly to the attic of two storey brick home on the tenth sidcroad oi Essa Township Sun day brought more than dozen men from both Alliston and Air Force Camp Borden Fire De partments Alliaton Capt Harold Parsons told The Examiner extensive water damage resulted irom treatment at the twohour blaze It is believed that it may have starlet when electrical wiring in the walls became overheated No damage estimate was avail able ltusidont oi the home was Al lan Bags Rh Alliston No one was injured Must Work Together To BoOst Economy War devastated countries are Enduring products at good qua ty and design selling at oom pstitlve prices which are being prsierred to Canadian products in alarming numbers Trade and Commerce Minister lion George Bess told Barrie bus linoumenlastaight To mnka otn products more competitive we must do what European countries have done management and labor have worked together to improve da signs and ty and lower costs he increasing asi es lull em ioyment and good standard living has been the result oi planned sifort by mam agernent and labor both maps realizing that working separat ely they could accomplish lit tle Pulling together they could do great do Taming the process onil ened management and or Mr flees urged that Can ads emulate an example well set it they can do it we can do it and we must do it TRANSPORTATION Speaking to Harrie Kiwanians at Trinity Parish Hall hir Hoes stressed this need for im roved transit means ior goods th or export and internal consumption He called pro gram marking on 519 million outlay or four large hikers to export grain products to trans eh pment into as courag cone step industry and re flerting the kind of coniidence needed in Canada today to start the chain reaction at prosper ity Canadian General Electric has launched the program he cargo While volume in this iield is atiiiiower than passeng or service its present rate oi growth has surpuud or business growth as Competent svls Meir men today predict that sin in revenues will soon saw was those tron passengers BREAKTBBOUGE Canadslrs Ciro was describ ed as maior economic break through on at and world markets they him not only woti to keep their manuiactnriog costs down but must also strive to maintain lavorabla level at costs ior transportation and distribution oi the products they have or sale No SENTIMENI more is no sentiment in the buying habits oi the public be asserted either here or in any other country product must either be better quality st thasameprioeorthesame edln tenth he saidl react in substantial inirsighthandiing ocsts as told the Kiwanlana that they ought to consider alrirslght in the future because crait such asthe CLa could reducevr el iminate the existence of branch warehouses across the if anadian primary and so condary producers are to re mein oompeutivs in domestic quality atslowsr price or it will not sell it it does not sail ï¬eple iormsriy employed mak gitwlllboautoiaioh Teamka is the vital neces si ti Canada is to compete in te ently win ioreign export ers Mr rises urged and team work must be carried out on both managerial and labor lev els The foreign management lalllorugcam is coflhinatlon en enment groups aid their lmutual iiieneiit he said with building to be done at Collingwood Shipyards through the persistence oi He bertE Smith QC MP for Sim coe North Mr llees was introduced by Barrie Kiwanlan Norman Syn nott and thanked on hehali oi the gathering oi 150 by Mayor Willard Kinsie Larger more efï¬cient rail rviccs were noted lvith em latcr issue as we have an in teresting item trons down here to tell you about ENGLISH BUS This island where we are Jo cated at present is stringoi washedup sands in theGuli oi Mexlcolt is connectedto the mainland at St Petersburghy bridges and is municipality on its own operated as the LOCAL AND GENERAL IBldaneioRANOE possessions removed she also Onedrgeï¬imcoe County War ound screwdriver wedged in 0011 its ï¬r ganlonEwa glected diiierent place at the door Vu as re as mcoe com m1 cm mu meniscie mwmd fluids in lugcud Mary Morten AbilenoChristian INNISFVILV NOTES By ILG CORRESPONDENCE We received severalfletbsrs from back home tlfls weds and every line them had information which was news to II Oi course we cannot use all thlsas romeo them ex plicitly state themhe ne is not for the papers Roy Hickllng wa one best letter wnitersfwe hs fact with and he went into many angles of his still busy liie One thing we mentioned was that there were two cas unities at County Council Lists year when the Roeveof Sun nidale had light heart attack and the Reeve oi Vesprs Csr man Downey had to he taken home with slight attack We would invite both these gentle men it they are now ieeling tit to write us and have us arrange plaocwhme they could spend month down here in this summer climate and enioy the spring twice over once here and again when they get back home Roy mentioned the Federa tion oi Agriculture banquet and that some 230 attended The veteran Ag Hep Stewart Page is behind the idea oi get tlng back the seed potato hus inessa worthy motive One of his topics was to be better fertilizers Mr Hickling says that it these growers only produced the po tential seed needed tor the commercial growers of Simona County they would have all they could handle Seed pota toes now are Worth up to $120 bag more than the commer cial variety He also mentioned that it Goodwin who was to be in at tendance at the Seed Growers meeting had taken heart at tack and would have to he re placed Mr Goodwin has con tributed considerably to the isrmers of Slmcoe County and his film Keoping the Boy on the Farm is something that is well worth time to see The Seed Fair in North Simone will no doubt stress seed potatoes Mr Hickling will be assisting not in entertainment but in talk oi pastures CHURCH WORK Gull Beaches Boulevard overnight hava adve sing showingh qulckly and cheaply one fly or travel to England the southern twang that prevalent down here fines of these places it was quite wanna to see one at the big English double decker buses parked at one oi the motels oh Guli It had been shipped over to Florida as publicity stunt by two his English shipping ï¬rms who lastered the bus with booty said how wonderful the trip would be The bus which has done thousands of miles London is manned by real Ooekney driver and two hosti cases who speak the Queens English with true accent not The publicity is well handl ed and the agencies who rs present the firms who are put ling on the stunt will have the us parked in or near the ot Thou sands oi people come to see the bus and its double deck Britishers who have not seen one of these vehicles since they left the home shores War Bro Don McArthur of Hawkestone cae momma incisor oi armament the County oi Simone and the City oi Barrie will be held today at pm in the county administ ration building 9i Maple virtue Barrie Monday screwdriver wedged be on door and door 1am When Elected TPGM Alired shepherd 32 was elected Thrice Puissant Grand Master of Barrie Lodge of Per iection Scottish Rite Masons at the annual meeting held in Regular monthly meeting of Clllldrens Aid Society oi the resulted in the disappearance at two electric razors and pair oi loaves oi bread valued at on the streets at the City of about $50 Police any entry was through door secured by College sophomore irorn Bar rie Ontario is included on the Deans Honor List at ACC or making 12 hours oi this past semester MissMorren major in French is the daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Fred Morren as Eugenia Street She graduated from the Barrie Dis trict Central Collegiate in 1956 At ACC she is member of tits international Cluh panorama casn Barrie Collegiate Band picked up its money on the weekend at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto it received the Kiwan is Club East York award first prize at 3100 and the RI asia on the size at rail irelght cars and the piggyback method ct transit The iormer transport ministi er praised developments inair freight costs and methods rhe cause they have direct bear ing on lowering the cost oi mov ing goods in the field of air wanis Cluboi NorthYork boueeowner returned to find her second prize at $25 ii Shepherd BARBIE VISITOR Trade and Commerce Minlrlcrrï¬on George llees is seen in ity Parish Hall last night receiving Canadian Sports man tape rule iron the that sample run oi an all new Canadian product from Luf ltin Rule Co oi Canada Ltd VlccPresident and General Manager it Hauck Bar ria examiner Photo many years ago are quick to tell about them WINTER PARKING BYLAWS Among our correspondence from home is story irons couple oi elderly ladies who live alone and who should not be ex pected to shovel their driveway They tell of neighbor who drove down to their cottage and parked on the roadway for an hour during the evening and found parking ticket on his car when he came out The area is part oi that which is zoned or no parking during the summer when the number oi vehicles have to be prevented ircm obstructing the road We do not understand how the pol ice could ieei thatthis bylaw was intended to apply to winter parking especially while to get the vehicle oil the road would have required that driveway be ehoveiied out Even the high ways are not enforcing such reg ulations when snow prevents parking of the road the Masonic Temple Feb 21 other oificcrs chosen ior 1961 were Immediate Past TPGM Eidon Greer 32 Senior Grand Warden Fred Crowe 32 Junior Grand Warden JamesfPoppleton 32 Secre tary Allison 33 Treasv urer Rodgers orn tor Dr Sudden33 Al moner Peter Sinclair 33 Chaplain Rev John liid dei 18° Master oi Ceremon ies Donald Tupling 32 Grand Expert Kirkpata trick 18 Assistant Rx Walket32 Grand oili James Wilson 13 Tyler Har ry Michie 32 Organistr Lloyd Tuiiord 18 Since the meeting was held the Grand TteBSHIET Rodgers passed away Another appointment to this office will be made Spring Assemblyoi the Lodge of Perfection for the Valley of Thaenforcementolthesc stun Barrie will beheld here on me bylaws should be covered All 15 byaccuncil regulation makingv lloy mentioned also his part in the work oi the church and that the committee of which he is member keeps the pulv pita oi the United church throughout theoounty tilled He mentioned Innisftls ty Reeve Joe Cochrane as lug chairman at meeting on pastoral relations This is new light on Joes activities We had not thought oi him as trying to settle dit fetcncca between preachers and others He quite eiien has differences in council in fact with the budget coming up there is little doubt but with it will come tight as Joe will not want to reduce his road budget on his five year road plan even if the ocuncil wants to do so so it can get back the mill it al lowed the County Roads and other committees toradd to the years costs We will save comments on other correspondence until We have been reading the Fed eraï¬ons report and their mention at the appreciation oi the grant made them by the county They might have ad ded that they also appreciated the fact that this had helped to add the mill to the taxes at every home in the county many oi them widows elderly people and unemployed iolk and thousands of nontame who are contributing in these grants made to arm organiza tions so they can help to make better tamers and more profits SEED POTATOES The Crop improvement As sedation at North Simcoe is endeavoring to get the potatg growers of that are back into the raising oi more and better seed potatoes This line of production has been going back in the last few years as at one time the potatoes tram the north part ed the county went tar and wide tor seed Ilont Watt 111 You lagihnelyElght Theres no need to put oii building atiew Home tosultvthe needs oi ychr family The folks at am PnANING MILL will not only help you plan it so it says YOU but well also arrange convenient financing for all the topgradevmatérlais youll need come in thisweek iorFrce Estimates Give your car albumel Materials rats 14005 1car garage cost as little as amonth FARM Nwsw INFORMATION BRANCH UNT DEPT OF AGEICUULUBB rnvtanszrrrg Making your corn planting plans Dont iorget about Atra zine ll cnn now be sprayed on as postiemergence treatment says Proiessor George Jones of the MC Field Husbandryno rpartment He states it will save on getting the land packed and smooth as was needed tor pro emergence treatments with A6 resins and Sirnezine Peacem ergence treatments will give you an immediate kill oi brond tea and grassyannuais and then will not as preventative for sever TURN EM 0N Dont take chances while driv tng when visability is poorlal Wright Farm assetyspectauxt with the Ontario Departmen Agriculture sayi that toomany people dont turn their lights on because they think theycan see all right The point is says Wright that others should be able to see you THE EASY WAY The coldwater treatment ior loose smut of barley is not as diiiiculi as the hot water treat ment says Kelly oi the GAO Botany Department It can he used lot few bushels of seed Soak the seed in water for two hours at 76 degrees Then drain nndplace seed in closed container for 35 hours at the same temperature Then spread out and dry Treatedrswd can be kcntior several weeks it its drled harmony TC BILAGE Tower silos cianpreseni ba zard about this time oi year as silage is removed Hal Wright Fann Sale Specialistwiththe Ontario Dig Agricult ure says it frozen allege isntsemovednna the surface to them not applicable dinin th winter months Moron TUNEUP SPECIAL 4Cyl Cars $480 CyiCors $650 8Cyl Cora $850 How about itstaliisltburning much gas name nave TUNEUP st emanating laithisrdlostartdoes Scicnce Now Shrinks Piles Without or Discomfort Thaliiallsvesiasi Home mwnttwnw 10101110 Ont5pedialFor the ï¬rst time science has new banish ability to to relieve Thousands iouad khensprrhoids and sin and itching ve been relieved with this ines ve substance right in the vacy oi their own home without any discomlort or mils s13 hile on case use an we denim 28 Most smazln oi allresults that suflerers substance with the METEEEDDELIVESY at The Finest on Available The severest Ontario winter weather toys outside your door when home is heated with CoopSungloFuei Oil Specially littered it gives your home mass hours at cozy heat gallon Keeps your burner oper ating at its peak efficiency easy nous ramm aunanr roan pure anonn mmcsrmou an coon omissions Pamouacn reason no HOUR MEMENCY enema 00 56531 lt Preier to build carport Drive over for materials and $SflVingiiiQSi PHONE PA 87249er0RoN THE SPOTIVADVICE ESTIMATES rtnulue mm on LUMBER sum as 4s ANNE PA 282496