BOND Ill1RD Mr and Mrs Joe Noble and family visited Mr and rs Charles Noble in Toronto on Sunday Mrs Bradley and spent couple of days with the farmers sister in Bowman ville There were 24 tables of ench re played at the party on Mon day night Ladles prizes were won by Vera Kneahaw Alan Breedon playing as lady Mrs George Edwards Gents Rob ert Campbell Harry Wamner Jack Ramsay lucky tallies Bfll Clark Elva Sutherland Norene Taylor Irvin Watson Bill Edwards and Mel Stewart Lorraine Johnson is unprov lng nfter her operation for ap pendicitis in Barrie hospital Mrs Ioung and Harold of Lively spent the weekend with Mrs Everett Mrs Hayes is patient in Barrie hospital Mr and Mrs MacLeod spent day at Atwood Friends and acquaintances were sorry to learn that Mrs MacGregor the former Essie Miller better known as Marian Keith authoress had pased away at her home in Tomato She attended the local school where her father taught later attending orillla Collegiate where some of her finer books were written Amongthem were Duncan Polite and Silver Maple The characters in both books were residents of on Township IN HOSPITAL Mrs Collier and son Ran dy are patients in Royal Victor in Hospital Barrie following car accident on Sunday HILLSDALE Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Olser Copeland were Mrs Mabel Geddes and daughter Gwen of Barrie Bill McArthur and friend of Bradford Mr and Mrs Bert Thompson and family of Drillia The World Day of Prayer was held Friday at the Presbyterian Church Those taking part were Mrs Schiller Mrs Robert Martin and Mrs Mellon of the Presbyterian Church Mrs George Martin and Mrs Doug las Ronald of United Church The address on The facts of world prayer was given by Mrs Mellon Mrs George Signi of Wyevale was pianist for 27 Mrs Herbert Goddard left Thursday for Toronto where she will spend the next two weeks Recent vtsitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Rumble were Mr and Mrs Nelson Bum ble and daughter Elizabeth of Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Ray Walker of Stayner Congratulations to Playford who won the Queen of Heart contest last Thursdayev suing at Midland We of the vih news or HONOR NEWLYWEN On Thursday evening few friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Wallace McConnell to honor Mr and Mrs Thomas Kidd nee Joyce McConnell who were recently married with miscel laneous shower Mrs Cooper and Mrs Ritchie assisted the bride and groom with the gifts social time was enjoyed with several contests Light refresh ments were served to conclude the evening WORLD DAY OF PRAYER The World Day of Prayer was held onFriday afternoon in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Conducting the service we Mrs Percy Frankcom of Johns Mrs Swan of the Angli can Church and Mrs Mc Clung of St Andrews Theme Forward through the ages in unbroken line Prayers were given by Mrs 11 Stratb Mrs Morton and Mrs Field WMS members from the three churches Collection was takea by Mrs Cooper and Mrs Ritchie Mrs Chapman Was the soloist with Mrs John Ritchie accompanying her at the organ Mrs McClean gave brief address on the sup port of missionaries religion in the various countries and how the prophets took religion to oth or countries Hymn The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended was sung and Mrs McCiung closed the meeting with the ben ediction from the abeet socm err1m 0n Fridayrnightatthe ange Hall very enjoyable had playing Euchre Aila chardsoo was cky enough vto win the door Highprlzes Mrs Mama and Mr Cooper men Mrs who played manscard an AROUND SIM COB COUNTY Mrs Stewart Jamieson on the lageofllfllsdalaareprmdof be Larry brewed in recuperat ing at his home following top sillectomy in Genuflï¬dspltal Fencing BOX SOCIAL The Kuples Klub had box social on Saturday night They enjoyed games skitsumusic and lunch Their regular meet ing was held on Wednesday cv ening and about 33 attended from Hillsdale and sinrounding district Everybody enioyed the evening Visitors at the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gordon Thomp son were Mr and Mrs Lloyd Thompson and daughter Debbie and Miss Nancy Grange of Tor onto Little Bowel of Eden vale is spending some time with his grandmother Mrs Jamleson BIRTH OF TWINS Congratulations to Mr and birth of twins boy and girl at General Hospital Penetang on Sunday Feb 19 The Couples Club held their attendance The presidents Mr and Mrs Ed McGrady were in charge of the devotional which preceded the business To con clude the evening all enjoyed some recreation followed by delicious lunch On Friday evening the Hills dale YWYMCA were guests of hï¬dlaad YWYMCA They were entertained by gymnastic dis play and were then treated to lunch Hillsdale United Church ob served Sunday on Feb 26 Russ Davey executive dir ector of Barrio YWYMCA was the guestspeaker Congratulations to Gary Ron aid and Donald Hoskins who re ceived their Yellow Belts after competing in judo tournament at the Hatashita Judo Club in Tor onto The Judo Club is flourishing and requires donations to pur chase new cover for the mats in use at the present time GUTHBIE Arthur Pearson of Hythe Al berta visited his brother Geor ge of Guthrie last week Newton Basso was involved in motor accident last Sunday and is now in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mr and Mrs Mason Diane John and Carol Annetts motorv ed to New York and Brooklyn on the weekend of Feb 11 Mr and Mrs Mason remained for an extra weeks visit Bob and Paul Forbes accom panied their uncles Messrs Stapley of Toronto on week end to Cedar Grove Ski Dodge near Huntsville Mr and Mrs Cough and Mr and Mrs Keith Sanderson spent couple of days in Toron to last week attending the Na Breeders at the Royal York Ho tel ELMVALE the sentiments were The din ner waswonderf SAURINWI The February meeting of Sau nn W1 met at the home of Mrs Iorne Graham The roll call was answered by An emergen cy and how to meet it The motto Mora people are run down by gossip than by motor cars This was the Accident Sur vey meeting with Mrs Hugh Ritchie in charge film was shown on Miracle in Paradise Alley which proved rnost inter estng There is to be course on Sandwiches for all occas ions on Feb 27 LEFT FOB PAKISTAN Mrs George Terry left Melton on Friday for vacation in Home and Comillia Pakistan where she will join her husband who is employed building pow er lines and substations in the district Miss Florence Manning left on Sdaturday for holiday in Flor Mr and Mrs Everett of Whitby spent Sunday with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Walter Draper EUCHE PARTY The members of Saurin WI sponsored euchre party on Saturday night in the Saurin schoolhouse There were 10 tab les in play Mrs Archer sat on the lucky number chair Mrs Jean Thompson held the lucky number and won the cake For euchre high score Miss Edna vMcQuarrie and Harvie Grohami eoosolahom Mr Terry and George McFadden There were ten tables in play PANCAKESUPPER On shroveTuesday themen of the Wycliffe Church prepar ed and served delicious well baked light pancakes with but ter and syrup also sausage For dessert there was plenty of cake afternoon guests Whitfield and Mrs Robertson There was good attendance evenkthough the weather was most unkind Mr and Mrs Leshe Vollett Mr and Mrs Ferguson and ice cream They proved that men can equal the ladlu in cooking andvafter all the stom uohes being comfortably ï¬led and family attended the wed ding of Miss Ruth webster and have left on trip to Florida meeting on Feb 15 with good tional Convention of the Holstein men leader recei dthe Assistants were Mrs corona DAY OF PRAYER The Giliurd and Letroy mem bers of the Wunans Mlslmary Society met in Giliord United church Friday afternoon for the prayer service Mrs Bill Noble ofIAroywas the leadcrforthe service assisted by some of the Lefroy and Gflford ladies Mrs Hewitt of Churchill gave the ad dress lovely solowas render edbyMrsBen Morris of In fmy 4H CLUB The third meeting of the Gil ford Willing Workers 4H Club was held on Saturday Feb is at Mrs Richards home The meetingopened with the club verse and the business was discmscd The girls started cut ting the material for their dreslt ses Bonnie Firth served del icious lunch Mr and Mrs Dli Eden of Whitby were weekend visitors at Mrs Porritts Mr and Mrs Sawyer and Margaret and Elmer Bothwell YPI MEET The YP Union held their meeting at Stanley Todds Sun day evening Feb 19 unth good attendance Stanley Todd was coavener for the program Sunday evening Feb 26 the Young People will hold their alt nunl church service in Church ill United Churchlhere will be giest speaker Farm Forum met at Keith Kells on Monday evening with fair attendance HOLLY Six tables of euchre were in play at the home of Mr and Mrs Morrow on Satur day evening Prizes were won as follows High Mrs Schen dlen Mrs Leighton low Miss Connie Brown Paul Lock ie door prize Mrs Joe Leigh ton Bentley IN HOSPITAL Tommy small son of Mr and Mrs Moore is patient in Royal Victoria ospital Mrs Grant and baby daughter re turned from Royal Victoria Hos pital on Monday Mrs Brown and Louise Mrs Moore and Donna Mrs Downing Eileen and Sharon attended the mother and dau District Brownies in St Gear ges Parish Hall Allandale on Monday evening Donna Moore received hergolden bar and first year service star HOME AND SCHOOL Over 30 were preéent when Holly Home and School Assoc iation met in Holly school on Feb 20 Guests were present from Kiiiyleaghand Thornton Mrs Downing called the meeting toorder with the sing ing of the Queen The prayer for ghter banquet of the Allaadale the ebbetl of Home and School Mrs Downing read article on mothers ABCs Mrs Listenedqu educyetary for the balance at the year number signified in tentions at attmdlug Email Horne and School meeting on March 31 their invitation was re correspondence included announcements tional Health Week or March 1218 and also convention not ice Awone wishing to go is to contact any of the uecutive and arrangements can be made St Patricks Day tea will be held in the school on March In Convener is MrsPrydennd committee to assist Mrs Canlpbell Mrs Hoskins Mrs Crow Mrs Downing Jack Ken well was appointed to purchase pail and dishpan for use at the school Announcement of the Home and School Council mset lag in Oakley Park School Bar rie was made Several are plan ning to attend Mrs Downing asloul that any one having old nylons please turnthem in to ha and she would forward them to the Shel tered Worhhlp in Barrie for use in stufï¬ng the things they make it was decided to collect used clothing old sheets forhandag es and greeting cards to send bales for use in Miss Yarmilla Jaleneks work in the leper col ony Clothing should be size or over Anyone wishing to contrib ute could leave items with any member of the executive Jack Kenwell reported on the most successful sleigh rides Thanks was extended to Bob Pryde and all who helped in any way Mrs Peterson read report prepared by rs Wright on the January council meeting in King Edward School which attended from the as sociation Mrs Pryde read an article on Founders Day There was display of books and over 5600 will be forwarded trom Holly and Keliyleagh associations re sults of special collection tak en Mrs Leighton arranged skit ttrs Clarkes Sitting Room Castwere Mrs Wright Mrs Pryde and Roy Bargent Mrs Peterseaintroduced her sister Miss Yarniilla Jeien ck who is home on furlough from the leper colonyln Bolivia where she is teacher and helps with the care of the lepers Ev eryone thoroughly enjoyed her talk and color slides of her life and work there She was thank ed by Mrs Pryde Mrs Down ing thank all who had helped in any of With the evening after which the meeting was ad journed and social halfhour enjoyed Mr and Mrs ACrow had her sister husband andbaby of Ior onto spend few days with them Mrs Cole had the misforh une to break her arm in fall in Home and School Associations was repeated Roy Bargent read herhome We hope she will soon feel better DoMeerQ All Add conï¬rming mousrnm Douglns Brown on Friday at Galtin First United Church Firstfï¬o Hours rs ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION ij margin 16552501 WATERPUMPED IMP GAL +329854mo TOTA1 NUMBER OF coNsUMeRs Both Electricï¬ndwulorllnies ilrellmong The Lowest In flnlurio ELECTRIC RAT155 Charge par loisrnlledor Demand of us or 1551 Service Charge $l per Houriperimvonflltl so Hours usoar 1611 4e PerKWHour as so Hours Uselt0 Pe KwHour nee of Consumption 025c Por KW Hour PROM an as wltsoac1mmai ion any porn meanness perineum 021 Peta Jenaouwbo lathe Weimmetooureommunitx mammtaurafwflm MranersNnbwho 1m in spent in mm with Lois THE BARRlE mdMnBehhamrbousu Kelly 1m BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY EBEUABYI Min Linda John Toronto ADVERTISE EXAMINER mnmmhubeén gossamer since 1923 mm Small Store in lozaomwingrver Since SHORT VISIT Barrie PublicUtilitiesCommission HYDRO PICTURE over 111000 30 IllSPLIin HARDWARE SUPPLES Largest stock and selection in the district of nails bolts hinges pipe and pipe fittings pails stove pipes Vtrelta and glass we do glass ginning BAND POWER TOOLS Complete line of hand and power tools for the handyman or the professional SPORTING EQUIPMM Large selection of camping and outdoor equipment ï¬shing needs sporting goods rifles kotea skis barbeques camp stoves cool eN TRAINS See our giant electric train display and accessories of Traing Lionel American Flyer the year round hobby BUILDERS HARDWAllï¬z We do contract work on bullders hardware Free Estimates on large or small jobs SMALL APPLIANCE52 Sunbeam and General Electric kettles irons clocks toasters tens heaters kitchen gadgets we carry all the best LIGHTING FIXTURESE Large display and selection of lighting fixtures and wiring needs bulbs fuses etc LUGGAGE AND TRUNKS selection for the most economically minded or for theselectivehuyer DOLLS AND TOYSL See our large year round stock 01 dolls and toys games doll carriages pramsuwagons tricycles and Raleigh Bicycles mannsenoun and are rams uousaaonn APPLIANCESby complete stock MeCLARYEASY Also Brushes varnishes Turpentine MOFFAT Etc commhsamnna COFFEE Also good selection of used appliances we do our own service work an 82431 One of the Finest Displays of CHINA Gm SUGGESTIONS 31 author sr rnsr WATER 1950 195s 1959 1950 4s3oa954 71716117 33156630 515443309 601167100 504196900 spas 5222 6803 5961 WATER RATES GENERAL n4 First1000 Cu For Mom 25e For 100 Fr Ail Militantin 22g For 100 Cu Ft WHOLESALE fwwld um 141090 par mom and 9m hindrance to erqu my 100 cu gt 5COOOLGIIFiParjMonth llePer IOU cu 61 Masonic11 which 10