Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1961, p. 11

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achonl age child BUS SERVICE PAINTKRS TPAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WORK DONl BY BRITNEIJ AND WRIGHT PHONE PA 68737 or PA 87920 PERSONAL CHLD FOR ADOPTION JOEY IEd Mods pluml who will love him tho avch child ha in This Itlnrllv Indrhlired young ill of Auibsunn Bureau nu Iionl Vicii Villa at archtlalrui and II mak inl lltisllclnry school Drum Ilthniilh wnrks man slowly than lhI Ive child Jooyo emu hulln fine nowvar has very mild form sort hral pain stumbles coma and hu slight push in Idiaxaat my doesnt lore mol cli treatment Iny kind hl ll Ililo Ihll It panlcipata in ID tviilel ilk any annual you liar Would onI IhI call to whom this child could hlpplncul Pmtcatarlt Nu icl luteurtcd lll adopting boy should writ to THE MINIEm PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINDI NRONTO WOMENS COLUMN Bum SllgleCaldwnell its crtiJird mm nr aim ehomo Phone PA as or PA Hm == LOST CV FOUND Losplioavy duty Truck aax iron tir rarvlca trunk in Barrie araa Ilndcrnrlcln telephono PA cam now l2 TENDERS COUNTY OF SIMCOE Tenders for Supplies Tcudcrl wul be rccoived by tho undrrfigncg 3ng 91$I noon niu up like prlco submitted IhIIl or the criod Avril lrt loci to March an 1962 and dclivcrrd to thl County alluding no Coun ty nu rcqulrcd and tar tho III 1y of tha followinl unit prlca er uL or No light and la uatrlli not all tha New county annulus scram Igor sin moo an It so In mos sicker coal lot tho Milk Bread Malt Ind Brocco Icl for tha Iii For mrthll particular contact Mr Casey Governor Coun ty nu in rcspcct to roqulro manta Bidders will use their leader farms Scalcd tendon shall be delivucd ta thI Trul Iinrl Office and marked lender to contents Lowest of tin tondernot nec csn accep IL COLEMAN Simone County minim Gaunt Building Elma Ont ARM Wu an aim pc Committee 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY MARCH 15 Auction of 35 head of resin lercd and grade lcrsoy cattle equipment pigs farm machincry hay straw and min household cliccts for LAWRENCE THERRIEN At Lot is concession Um Township ratios north or No 11 Highway lo miles northeast of Harris SALE AT 1230 PM SHARP Tenn cash No reserve II Inn II for nlc JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer l0 HELP WANTED amour HELP TELEPHONE SURVEY Parttime Age no handicap Hours to suit your convenience Tclelt Sheri for appointinch between and 11 no ana2 and p111 PA luluRoom No10 sltlAlvr ambitious woman wanted to servico Avon territorch Car necessary For personal lntcrvlaw telphone PA 551 HAmDRHESER Wanted Exrlliuice prelcmri For Eves Beau Shop or Essa Road Telephone r4 571 for Ippalntrncnt LADIES WANTED Phone 5011b itinl evenings Ram your home lfll home impravcmant product sum and commission wm no LI Ellfl Examiner MAKE nanmur broached Ear Rinfl Necklaccl It home Easy to do Sell to your rrtrnds Excellent profits Send tor tree wholesale colored catalogue Muulgltrayd Cm Dept Alin co Ontario MALE HELP rm SETTEBS wanted at Kemp viaw BOWL For interview clli Cohan at PA 59272 after 1zso EMPme WANTED YOUNG MAN desires work on up $04 farm or work on delivery truck helper Prefers weekend trap Telephone PA com WIIJ GIVE Cara to pro my own honla in Wonicy Sircat vicinity Tole phoua PA mu WOMAN with Switchboard and orilca experience desires position alter pan lull or part tlmI would hope waitress work Ap ply Past ice Bax211 Barrio noomgau Accountant rc uml on canton alter all your lcrvicc wth local am seeking Irttlma employment John using High Strut iclcphonl PA Maul 09 for Want Ad Sari accepted unlt pm Dev boon rum SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS quctandaspcclalchurch occ CliBEMOlil VALENTINE PARTY On Saturday ave Feb mcmbels oi the Idlan Legion Noisy Rlvcr ch Daemon No NI entertained their ladies to Valcatlaaparv ty at the Legion HIlL The hall was suitably decorate ad for the occasion with cupid and heart than throughout About 20 couples were in Ittand once and enjoyed an evening of games cards and Mas tor of Ceremonies during the evening was Harry Rina lab Illous bullet lunch at salads cold cutsnalgdcglheaghoodlcgtms greatly mug evening to close Prizes for games went to Mrs ch McIn tosh and Roy Mllls Spot dance prize to Mr and Mrs Bill Dent and novelty priu toMrs ftansicr OPEN HOUSE Mrs Harold Crawford held Open House on Sunday Feb 19 In honor of her great aunt Mrs John Warren who celebrated her 98th birthday During three hour period 80 relatives and friends from Toronto New market CoiilnEWWd Stayner Crcemnro and Avcnlng called to sip cup of In With this grand old pionccr mother and caloy her recollections of bygone days Mrs Warren was born in Os prey Township and lived at Av enlng after her marriage to Mr Warren for 65 years She now lives in Coliingwood with Mr and Mrs John Mackay DAY OF PRAYER The Worlds Day of Prayer was fittineg observed In Crcc morr on Friday Feb 17 when large congregation tiatardenom in atlonal assembled at St Lukes Anglican Church Mrs Lcllnnx president of St Lukes Womens Auxiliary was the capable leader Assist ing her were Mrs Annie Marsh all of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Mrs Emery Fraser at the First Baptist Church and Mrs Norman McArthur of St lohns United Church as wall as others in the congregation Special speaker lor the day was Mrer Sladea oi Duns din who thrilled the congrch tion with her address Forward through the ages In unbroken lino reviewing the Bibla down through the ages Mrs Sladcn told how it was the women of prayer womn of God who have moved through the ages in un broken liars and how these wa man side by side with their man in their time carried the day by the grace at God Now in 1901 wo aroln the front line wo stumblc we cease to praywc begin again we look up we move forward for Thlaa is the klngdao the power and tho glory now and forever JUNIOR FARMERS SPIEL Nottawasaga Junior Farmers held curling honspiel at tho Crcemore Outing Rink on Sat urday Feb 18 and local rink skipped by Milton McArthur took top honors Tho McArthur rink won all three edging another Crcemorc skip Jim Steed in the days final The former captur ed the days first prize and also accumulated the most points Withmlz to quality for the pro vlnclal playdowns at Guelph on March 20 Runnersup in total points Boa Spencer of ivy with and Jim Steed with 22 On the McArthur rink were hill Tiaunons and PaulMlllaap Crecmnre and George McNabb Stayuer la thedays play Ross Brett of Allan took second prize and Marion MdArthur the only lady sklp took the consolation with Jean Blackburn Johnltumblc and Glen Best MISS MARION GROSE Funeral services were held at St Johns United Church on Feb 15 for Miss Maria lilac Grose oldest resident of the village who passed away at thcvage of 05 Rev Douglas Miller officiat ed large number of friends and relatives paid final trlbv uto ot respect and the many floral tokens bore evidence of love and esteem Temporary en tombmcnt was made in Curr vice at tho First Baptist Church on Sunday Feb Ray Cook former Crccmom wildcat was killed In Hamilton this wcek when otaciglrdar fell on him ol the plant when he bad just recently been on ploycd Lclt to mourn are his wilc Gertrude and three child ren flay Harold and Belniece The Cook fatally resided at Bayvlaw in Bill Days house and Mrs Cook was employed at the IGA Stare Congratulations to Mr Mrs Hamid McArthur on the birth at their daughter Mr Smith II sported to have made remarkable ro covcry and isaxpcctcd to be dis charged fram the hospital In Collingwood this week Gcorgo Dodsworth has been removed to tho Tomato Hospltai for observation An old shrapnel wound received during World War had him hospitalized in Callingwood since last Novemb er Mrs Ethel Sidall is patient at St lilichacla Hospital in Tor onto where aho will undergo an operation for the removal eye cataracts other folk la Collingwood hos pital for observation are Darcy Carlton Mrs Stan Royal and Mrs Bert Middlcbrook SKlPS WINNERS Mrs Winona Hcslip skipped the winning rink in the local ladies feature bonspicl far the second consccutivo on so They are the holders of tha Crcemoro Creamery Trophy for this season The Hcsllp rink is made up of Marl Smith Lola Steele and Marion Cherry Two at this winning rink are rcpoab era In this event Winona Hcslip and Marion Cherry who team ed up year ago with Marlon Freethy and Lonnie Mann Mr and Mrs George Nixon Crcemore who have been vaca tioning at Melbourne Beach Florida lor the past three months have had some local people call on them these past low weeks namely Mr and Mrs Vincent Flynn of Toronto Mraad Mls Ivan Daley of Stayncr and Mr and Mrs Law Is Lighthoart of Dunedin GBENPEI Mrs Peter Switzer and sons of burns were recent visitors with Crawford and HughEllis Robert Holmes is spending few days with his niece and nop how Mr and Mrs Wiilrcd Davi ldson Brentwood Congratulations to Carol Muir and Bill Sparrow who wero Congratulations to Mrs My vln Noble on her 59th blrtday FcbnlaryuthlraNoblclsat pruentenioylnxavisitwithher daughter Mrs Dec Gautier at Newton Robltlon cram vssrna SS No Vaspra wolcomu the immunity and any later ested parties to sec the new ad dition on March It eight oclock Guest of the evening will be school inspector Mr Scott film on Safcty Will also be shown as well as the ocular room showing some at their musical talent altar which lunch will be served Will wo ace you GETTING BETTER Paul Dobsan is doing well aft ar an cmcrgcncy appendix op eration Sunday night in Barrie Royal Victoria Hospital ch Dobson is home again after spending aIhort time In Toronto hospital Roads In this area were very icy Monday and took many drivers Into the ditch N0 WATER Water rupply at 55 No is all these days as it is frozen up somewhere between the source of supply and the school All are hoping this mild weather will continue so that tho washrooms and drinkln fountain will again be in opera on MnBradshaw of Dundas log couple of days with Mrs Oakley Eric Money along with his parants spent Friday in Toron to where Eric had checkup in Sick Childrens Hospital and re ceivcd favorabiercport Christ Anglican Church will hold Its regular service on Sun day at 230 pm under the dir ection of Mr Day who will have as his guest speaker his brother from Toronto Everyone welcome married saturday Feb 15 EUCHRE NIGHT Thcro were 17 tables at tho cuchrc Friday night Prize win ncra were High Ed Donnelly and Frank Elphick lone hands Richard Cloughlcy and Maurice Miller low score Judy Morris and Bill Jones Committee in charge Mr and Mrs Ross Har ris Mr and Mrsyl Taylor ST PAULS The Parents Committee of the First Innlsiil Brownies and Guides met at the home of Mrs James Owens The meeting was opened by Mrs Lucille Mctcalfe president raepating the Brownie Promise it was agreed to pay AYPA to for serving at the annual banquet The group will cater to the father anti son banquet April 20 The new slate of ol Iiccra is President Mrs Lucille Met calfc secretary treasurer Mrs Ethel Graig vlccApresident Mrs June Walt social service Mrs Ardis Owens badge secretary Mrs Beatty Mrs Cranfield accompanied by Mrs Metcalfe and Mrs Grlcg attended the division mcctulg at Mrs Dyers Allan dalc Plans were made to hold St Patricks evening tea at Stroud Hall March is to 030 and to advertise same in Com ing Events in The Barrie Exam 81 Mrs Craniield offered to don ate shield for Girl Guides as this is her last year as commis SIDIIEI committee will try to find more Mortuary Chapel later aow commissioner burial in Crcemore Cemetery Nearest surviving relatives are three nephaws FranklinAlvln and Fergus Close and slshar lnlaw Mrs Frances Grosc crcemoro three nephews and niece in Western Canada and lgphew at Spokane Washing FAMILY NIGHT Scouts Family Night in Crec more was well attended by Di chts and friends of local Cubs and Scouts on Thede even ing at St Lukes Parish Hall Part of the evenings program was the showing of the Scout Jamboree in England Further oventsto mark Boy Scout Week will be due fathervand son ban 1he next meeting to be called by secretary after contact with Scout Commuter to prepare for banquet Lunch was served by Mrs Dwens and Mrs Robertson Paumlrr MEETING lha Paulette meeting for March will bo at Mrs Douglas Pralicks home 815 sharp Miss Edna Keil accompanied Jim Madio to see his mother Mrs Harry Madle who is taking treatment at Princess Margaret Ilospltal Toronto Her many friends hopa aha will soon feel better Mr and Mrs Walter Kinton spent Suaday with her parents Mr and Mrs John Kcll lo HELP WANTED saias our scours THINKING OFCHANGING YOUR JOB nationally hdvertiserl adlanCompany whichhas been cs tablishod in Barrie APRIL position should appagl to or on years will be selecting man in the next two wocks t4 rm an opening in the sales department lsr Vduiraus of ma battal than Ivarc Income He lilaHId hl and Mutation In at least years business when in uretully trllnad will be tea in to trav homunernttun opcnial cotlonl Barrio Ago 15 37 it will ba Barrie and will not bl required discullion Reply ltatlnl annua boatlmaamlwsamuio DETROIT PHILADELPHIA ifszroé Quebec Lakels Big Winner In Magazine Fishing Contest NEW YORK CPIA Quebec lake Ibounding in giant brook trout grabbed majors in the 1060 Field and Stream maga lina Lihlnl coolest Asaqu lake near the Chi bougamau mining region 300 miles north at Montreal no awaaoro arc P0 Clive Charles Batcock of Toronto rcccivcd tho Air Force Croa frmn the queen Mother in London Eng land In February F0 But cock received the award for WW dilmtvflnm Si III Iy stay with his powarlcos jet fighter to avoid crashing on homes near the BCAF base at Baden Soeliiugcn Germany in 1060 MLA RETURNS maouro CPLThe oldest member ol the Ontario legisla ture Wycartold Alexander lax Mackenzie rcturacd to his seat In the House Monday after week absence with broken ankle Mr Mackenzie is Progressive Conservative menu her for York North gtTOTTENHIIM Mr and Mrs Wilmer Palmer spent Wednesday last with Mr Iand Mrs Milton Palmer at Map Mrs Rae Sloan and Mrs Crows wcrolunchcon guests or Mrs Henderson on Wednesday IN uosrrms Mm John Abrams and John Bolton are patients in the Stev enson Memorial Hospital Allis too We wish them speedy rc counted for it of the It awards listed in tho open and flycasting divisions Tops was 10 pound lunker that fell to woman angler one of three women to win first prizes The authoritative outdoor mn gaxinc which complies trestl water records releases the llrst instalment last yeara results iiiythc March ism out Wednes Mn Ellie lhlerry of Chi bougarnu got the big ooa In the open division or fish caught on lures or balti other than artill clal files She nailed it on an Eppinger Dardavlo last Aug Lawrence Fountain of East Loogmendow Mass topped the flycasting division with fish at eight pounds three ouncos from Asslalca on Pooler Spe al LAKEHEAD FISH FIFTH Nlpigon waters in Ontarios Lakehead district which gave up the world record brook trout of 1m pounds In 1916 was rel resented by only one fish sevenpound twoouncer caught by Stanley Fuller of Sussex Wis on Weber Giant Hopper in the fly division It was filth ihc lvnlleys record was taken away from Ontario where the fish is commonly known as yel low pickercl Mabry Harpers upoundor from old Hickory Lake in Tennessee displaced the zitpound mark set by Patrick Noon in the Niagara River at Fort Erie in 1943 The best Ontario could manage this time was lipouadcr from Lake Slmcoe 50 miles north of Top onto which gave seventh place tEdwin Thorpe alNewmarkct ll No other records were cracked but Bunch of Chamfllgn 11 came close with saltpound laka trout winner takcn on Williams Wlblcr lrom Great Slave Lake In the Northwest Territories it compared with tho record of as pounds tvm ounces from Lake Superior In 1952 lepound its run bmvm trout caught on homc tied deer hair fly iron strain in Ontarios Bruce Peninsula In Rogers of Southampton Ont was second to fly di vision RECORD UNCHAIJENGID it was an all year for small mouth bass and there was no threat to the record of it pounds 15 canon act in Kentucky in 1855 Bull Ross won with aloe poundcr that bit on bomber lure in Wheeler Lake Alabama Fourth an sigh pounder cough Andrew Ball at Toronto on live lrog in small heavily fished Littla Laka at Midland in Ontario Georgian Bay district Quebecs Shannon Lake Ibout 155 miles northwest of Ottawa gave up the winning northern Pike The upoundcr that Ecl land Constantincau oi Stc Anna duLac caught on Dcpcndoa lure was only about four pounds under the record from New Yorks Sacaadala Reservoir other Ontario fish among tho top five ware Brook trout open Helen Cole Flint Mich lb 11 01 Aux Sables river In Onta rio Pllucgcr lndlana spinner and northern pike Duane Anderson Ear Falls Out 35 lb oz Latrch Lake in the Kcnola area of northwestern Ontario Evans Buoktail SCHOOL HA5 BUCETS TORONTO CPIA wooden school housing 250 pupils in sub urban North York wal sched uled for replacement by Sep tembcr 1956 but It still stand ing In spite of being overrun with skunks and rats and lit tcrcd with buckets to catch rain WW W90 ifioualb TRlP FARES ARE Low HAMILTON osqua TORONTO $1635 2530 See your peaa SWASlIINGTON 15 Years For Bobbing Man TORONTO ICPI Tomlin youth was scdtcaccd Monday to is years in penitentiary for Is uult and robbery in the beat ingol on year old retired lawyer Robert Terry Morrison ll torm rly oi Xenon who earlier plea guilty to the charge was alto sentenced to macar rcol two year terms for car that and possession of stolen moacy Triad with him was David Cameron of no fixed ad dmo He recalved ibrao years for houseoreaktng and ooomr rant twoyear tam for car that and possession Crown counsel raid tho viclt tin Alexander Fulton survived only because of hla filmed animation ISays Maple Trees Should Be Tapped KLMIRA CPIOntario farm ers are losing arlch markctby not cultivating thalr maple woodlands to produce mapla iidinln°hm partman Er Steele Lake Huron timber supervisor for the dc partment told 100 farmers that many growcrs are cutting their woodlotn too soon and not let tlagthcm mature for syrup The meeting was called to or ganlu maplelyrup producers Mr Steele said new methods of production used plastic pipes and reduced labor by 85 per cent Two men can care for 5000 trees which are linked to sugar house by tho piper 717 Eeorgonavies coumvctloai pm PAM CHILDREN of men stationed Franmmil I458 dc Mercy plea by tho Geri Canc Same OTTAWA Cl tickling Enroll in Euro castle because it than five rot heated only one prestige status wr Generally speak Canadian servlccn familias overseas they do at homo slbic exception th tions are more gin time they can Paris Roma Mal hagen when Prcsldcn ordered the amt cats 01 America reduced there oasiaess among viccmen that the might consider is Since then how Kennedy has my der Theta arc nea pendants of Call man living abroa are not permitted Canadian troops as The Congo Indochina Nearly around bases division in Frat many and the in The army an group in German MORE EFFICE that their overs are more cifician cots go along sides morale is some time to sel job and married accompanied by are not expected seas more than tour of duty in it all division is ill the possibility ill no number abroad is not over Serviceman wi lea are not like to Europe unles quired for spy And servlc vidcd with gavel quarters must fi commodatioh for fore they are him The accorn be approved by on the spot There have rences of one ca ago when an an wife and sever rlvcd poaniless LIMITS 0N 3A1 There are som one at brigade

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