Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1961, p. 10

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eone fliul¥W5U Old Buy 511 ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS consHr Culu inee Pelrlcln sentinel II Comndltn ennui Amoufl trophy in nnnouoce thl birth of Ian on Thundlir FIbmlry mi rt st ulcheeil nupltIL Tannin courts ColinI nee Klli Kldhum lu uounco ml Inlv Bl their dlulii ler umice Lllinn no chou lily rehruuy 11 mt It Ruyll Victoria Hospilci horrid DAMBROSIO At Rom Vla iorll Hamill Burnt on Sllun Febmlry 15 lfll l0 Ill Ind iiil nAinbrnIiu ici Dumbhlllnd street Blrfll deulht 510 RoyIl Vldurla not pitl Beldc on Hand room Iry fl MI to he pd Mn Peter stall 70 Ariu hood Comp Borden onlerio Ion John nAihuoNoAt litrle victori Hospital Barrio on 5rturdey rehmary ml to Mr Ind Mn thllti Elmond nit utoplr onurio orulhlrr WHEELERBola rnd heth nee 5gb sFlclfilier loo hiiuxilllkh we on crop ere Innouncd tor Irriin of our rhlcr Lori Anni dry Tehmary Mi oeephr HospllIi Torenlo INTERETING FAMiLY insloans drown our rw rper Event BIR mommarig Ind meiNus Nouou or their event Ira only mo min then to the classified counter or tale 8321 The nerd klnlinl PA on mum at El DEATHS ALPINE Suddenly at her home stroud Ontlllo on sun dey lehrunry id mi xunhcth welt beloved wile oi the In Ghoul AlDIno dear mother dl John Slnlil SIliid Mn Elliott of KirkiInd LIh MII Mn Funk Wnterlleid Mlu Prod MeiJan Ind Wm Iii Toronto mie Mn Chall lu Spmuiel Strolld In her out year Resting It the ieuneit Funeral Home Blnie mnlrll lervlcn Wedueidly MINI 200 Intnnnient St rYI ANDREWS suddenly It Ml home MlneIlDfi Ontario on Mondny Fnbruuy TI 0i Dr Frlllk Andrew beloved but hood or Hulda Malice imhii deih yerr nesting rt the icnnett fil nenl Home BIrrlI luneral urvlcd Wednesd urrch at China on noise At lonlrwood Prl Ho Itl on Homily Feb 21 981 Christen Cr hrrlnr one my relayed wile oi the me Dr Rail dell mother Mil lien or Blrrie lrmee hole of end or nowrd Ruth the steciriey hm none on 10y Strut Barrio or Service on Thursdy Much nt 130 pm interment authiie cemetery SLACKSuddenly rt her home pp nerrin on SundIy Febru ery 2a loci nelen Elizabeth Slack in her nth deer dliu hter oi Mr rod Prrnlt Sin ilrter DI Denote and Ede word nesting rt the stechle runerrl home lo Wonlly Elmo uunle lor service on Wednesdry Ilicli at 100 pm interment lneslng Cemetery IVEMOEIAM Palmlo loving memory oi ieIl hurbnnd Ind tether Alhcrt Foul who peered rway Fdlr nilry 28 1952 Denuuiui memorie lIst lorever cl hIppy dry when we were to Ecther Lovingly rcmemhered by wile EIII Ind irmlly CARDS 0F TEANKS MecoBKiNnAleE The llnilly el Mreit hiccorittodie willie to expresr their hrnrtlelt lhaniu dud appreciation to their molly rrlends or their klndneee end symprthy shown in the loss or dell hushrod end tether We en pecielly who to think the hey yohn ruddel Flight Lieutennnt neverldge RCAP Chip hill or their consoling wordr the pruhecrerr member of the RCAF Dr Deleney Dr John Postnllrol puree and nail ot the Royli victorir ilcrpitcl ell donorr the thy henutlhri liornl oliertovs iennett nioernl Phrlor tor the hind end eiileient msnnyement ol the rervlre To erch hnd everyhnn we cry thlnk yo lurr in McCorlsindrle end John ENGAGEMENTS BAISIONELEAMr Inli hire chk Entstone oi Blrriu with to announce the covenant or their elder daunhter Loir Eueeu to lnlcs Len son or nir rod Mrs Welter Less of stroud The mllrluge will Elke nine quletly on Priory Much lilo mu pm in some street United church COMING EVENTS RUMIVIAGE OPPORTUNITY SALE YMYWCA OWEN STREET FR MARCH 900 am to 200 pm Uded inrnlturc clothing electrlerl appliances lung hoolu rem nIntn tin or edrprceds toyl cheer the Ind mlrceunneens items For pickup call PA 60195 Auiplcu YMYWCA AuxIliIry THE BARRIE DISTRICT FILM COUNCIL PRESENTS 112 HOUR FILM 0N RUSSIA LIBRARY HALL WEDNESDAY MARCH 1st 300 PM ADMISSION EREE SILVER COLLECTION ITS EASY oer TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER vAD CLASSIFIED Use oneoitheso exit wnys PHONE PA 84014 and want to place Classified Ad tilted conveni MAIL it toTh Barrie more loop Barri Got BRING it re The Bold Inilnotoflloo Hayfield Street lion And Evian 4Rent Hire Swap illTHE BARRIE EXAMINER Tyndall FEBRUARY mi REAL ESTAr NOEIAN rubella mu sol SHiLSWElL REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP STREET EAST PA 8996I GENERAL STORE niehwny north with roach bar end no umpl one Iivlnl QumlflmAkaDlm 6311 rux Inc bzpuqud PA we are me REAL ISIATI Bflflm ll DUNWP 51 EAST PA 8452 0mm io seen You BIlril Coilinxwood Toronto mas CALL ORAYDON KDIIL PA Head laud sou PA cued awn THDIIPSON PA mic AUSTIN LYoNS PA Hail CUSTOM HOMES Ind APARTMENTS BUILT BY STOLLAR CONSTRUCTION LTD Par furthur IninmItinn PHONE PA 87204 ROSE AL ETAIE imam II mm mm BAiuur CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Mamba till EIrllI Ind Diatlict liei but Bond CeRfégN 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Theatre ARENA AREA 0900 uii prkl Low Ind Nice lvinl mm illailsx kitcmn two bldrnonu lnd ty room Full tenement ou huunx Thu one he purchued or low down pIylt ment end Ittncuvo monthly ply menti no he arrnnded CIiI MI Sharer omce PA Hm eve PA 97501 $1000 DOWN sumo not price LIild colony home Two storey irame tour bedroom luio kitchen repnrrtc dlhlna room pod living room Sun porch heth mot and hem Good condition cu More snerar our ire PA cowl eveninfl PA uses LOVELY BRICK BUNGALOW Pill price only til 00 This home is under min on hrs mortonze thlt cIrrieI lor 590m monthly inoludinl interest prin clpri end tIxu bone hed reomr herutlml llvlnl room roomy kitchen This home II in top rhrpe Forced Iir on heat ing Ind Invon basement thrt lend lteell very well ior ree room For turther inlometlon cell Gerry Mrliory oulcePA H481 evenings PA Mm $5000 MONTHLY Yer thIt LI the monthly pyment or thia lovely two bedroom hun nlow ierne living room and hrlght roomy kitchen piece hrth oil Iielted and located on nomorereiri lot Priced to soil It only $0500 with extremely low down payment mil Gerry hinliory ouice PA WI even inn PA Mm NAPIER STREET bedroom hungnlow meellent cnndltlnn close to schools right on bus route Thu home win rarry with one monore tor $15 mont includinl prlnclpul rod interes Let one show you this one run price only sumo Clll Ge plenary olllce PA moi eve one PA Mm BUILDING LOIS 32500 erch Services prid tor These lotr nre close to both crate schools Ind puhlie rchoo oo wide rod too deep Now it the tinre to buy Ind he ready to build in the rpm Thll in hmIiilty 12110811th ml oi prone an onion PA ml evening PA ltIVlZ PA 6648 Manila 02 Elm lnli Diltfict Rel Estate Bond HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 798 BAYMELD Si PA 66453 MAKE US AN OFFER NOW My cores with etrerm runninz through Thin property comm two hinhw It molten In ideni ierviee rtelon rite The owner Intran nude other commltmenll II vety rcxloul to sell immedi etely Do not hesltrte but can innery lviltlcr with your otter INVESTIGATE This PROPOSITION Smlll bungalow anwuntiy Vliue $400 to he used In down ply ment on mac our bedroom home or Inn nplrtmeht house in cityL grrrxr Rundlehfond file pryhen ee one ory or PA oneIo itemher or some and one heel Zdthtl Boerd ammo chm EMORYTMILLEK PA 60475 192 vAtlinit PA coco mom Eonsm commotion aouoon Area Thlel lillliooin brick bunxllflw erre rtormi etc tlmi Snead Iot Owner 556 Inmfiller Tele M107 11 na rdply Be tthnl none convenient GI Iyliorll um lively uoo mil with on Iytn ll ooo win occurstun or my on merrier Invlltld CIII doe Londtln or cempir deteill mos mu Normn shliwlll ROGERS REAL ONEDUNLOP PA 5996 PA 68742 FARMS iotameeru Woove good aeleetiml lvliilbll CIii reir wuioun cud dined lmn maximum nowud Norrie llck Wuhan CONNELL LL thirst in horde home SalesForums in Quality Sexvie PA 85568 TRUNK LINES NORTH CENTRAL pm MODERN epholloonl dormnow LOW PRICE $11600 Herd Ll lion hedroo Lotted Wlmink I11 ht Mel Mtahgognrleflrglmollieflfehlm be In In on PI wléyortnprcomr end loud or none men and huiim nu ereu ociorei Thu price ll recit bottom end below the merirrt bo nun IuinlntiIl cub II required only pouwlonl Phonl PA 5556 NOW to Inxplct CITY BUNGAMW WITH LAKEFRONT SHANIY BAY ROAD 014000 One or Barrioe my nnl nomu comma cl with prith bech an Kemplnleit Ely Ainiu Lil convlnientl LentilMU lIndeped ml Int Ihldl tn lilruhl Ind pmnniail flnl lultml of UM noun Include PNIW tleched heated Electric deidnl chimn lrepincu rrrre prved drive chill on mil pan Mmom bplrcu bIth dnwlutaiil This dellrlliia pmpeziay owner New exciurivc Iinlnl Rots rrrte him and wauoln common to Billicenlm to open tenor are uttered by rhown by IPDolhtmtnt PA 56811 ESTATE SALEI 1000 Suvator in to have Seen nddcd In annex ht reor lulrtinent or income This Div Iinnl tonoo Pull Pruun rented It $55 MRS MOOREPA 35137 ROGERSPA N561 WES BARBIE Smith CI Punk notch condition throudhuut hm extr downlulrI term In Dildred tn leitll Lh Ml Ind ulnpld with diam Ind Icnm NEW In beau rig month In camnilxciai incluon il load Invortmont For in re Inlnrrnlllln phone PA Mm EVENINGS CALL 2A WELLINGTON STREET WEST unlit Ironnl bfltk litany him Bids Itll bill bedroom modeln kitchln upliain provides In me at innruuo Ind excellent Now vlclnbinunediah paint WEST ENDSMALL HOME prion 101 ihla Zebddmm brick haml Tile doith Item NSWA now CDNNmrPA 5016 It DISTRICT REAL MATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REAL103 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA nouna PA W2 We llIvl omen411 Inyihne EVmYTHING IN REAL ESTATE AFTER HOURS CALL limpedPA pom yPA mod John LaniPA M7 Fergus GlrvlyPA lim Member the Blilil illl mate Hand MOVING Dont target to muster yau INSURANCE rod to youlleod extr enveno or Iny kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 3520 39 DUNLOP ST SUITE 103 MOVING For com leil mound llrvicd hr and anion III COOKE CARTAGE £7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Li ma Rd nanll PArlrwny 55575 Send tor tree hcoitiet anon You MOVE PA 0815 JC BOAKE REALTOR BRADFORD Sm BAILIUE PA 85337 OR PA 85833 still eeiilnz terms to leimere tor Irminx clan WaxemlnPA Hui Illi HolliePA 80803 item on or Dorrie and Dirtrict Reli It Board ACROSS lFoutnnIa marllo 511m wall English colian 10 Small IZEikes 1413am 1613th lions 183501th slang 18 Elihu em 10 Mosleln GRDISEW DOWN Erpzrsp dam Conner Forflfly dynamite adenoid Mr Hope Frontii commune PhiHon 11 Brazilwnofl and dlvldlvl 13 Kings title route 21 Without feeling mwllngV smooch smudednlte axilole 37GoldSp wooing lager 591159 420qu 6521931 room as sink HENDERSON REALTOR ill coLle 51m PHONE PA 02670 FARMS FOR SALE IBII lure on Plvedrlflld Good bflok house bunk bun good WI Iupply 95 acre workinz bnilncu hush lnli more Priced to sell 315000 WI $5000 down 75 Intel cholcl little Inn acre of bulb good building close to many end renool Cali Percy Ford lt SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE on main hithIy close to Bar rie Ger rules or low 30000 halionn GIlul her room or no em Six room eprtuient with all convenienccr real hllilln Owner her other inter ertr Terms manned Clli Geno Moore EAST END on Vancouver street threehed room rung Rm humourin very pre room hookcue divider Lcrgo bright kitchen with dinlnl Im Fenced and with eerden1mmncuinte in eide and out CIrriu lor 91 monthly lociudine taxed Pierre cell lut Scandrett EVENINGS CALIl Gm MOORE PA ohm i=ch Pom PA Mm RITA scANDitm PA 04505 Member or Dorrie Ind plrtrlcr end Ontllio Roll Lint Baud DAILY CROSSWOBD om 280w man unlike stand and you REALVESTATE mornr BALI fiirieie fig so one will mm Camp Bonita flin phDM El mil PROPHET WT woman at mu mum club require no em or Clfltlvll proper $3754 if fiduffiufir um mum EY AVAILABLE invited to dieeoae your rehiemr with gluin pro PiIII in intereri or on tor CIII Coulis ale archr owcn It Dorrie PA mo MORTGAGES run Holman worried onexeeilcot property on leuua street Will pay 37 lntrcrt CIIi conch lieu mate PA sun or PA with MON MOBNAGII in Ind and boom hold Ind Inlnlld mud Elton ruldlntili JIM loaned on IIIlb Beckie Incl nowa Drui Ecrun RENTALS Wm union hula merit 111 noon not and MINI in liltilln hiephoiu PA =10 our plece MUS beacon rei at £343 III Mn nee Ayahgr April Tele or PA mic unn nurux Aperiment Ive mm In on building on John Strut Elli Inter tum Sui lhll or fluid 11 ed II grillNe rrel Telephone Cutlfl Iman AplrtmlnL leer Tunpui notary completely leil Dntlined Ill lldiltiu included Avnllahie Inch Phone on ltdi collect or con nt 111 St Vincent Stud POUR I00 unmmiahld Dul ec IpartnlenL llydro plied Privlto ehlrlnce Newly llan tldl Dominion Slon ml Avail Ihll Immedillcli illnph PA 01100 WELD Lhnl min lyarb lnlnt muDd floor flute enl rrner Junta oath service tnclud no monthly Very elu tnlty looted Itiul tor couple only Telephone PA use FOUR Wm nor etnirr alumna heIt Ind utlur tiu mild all to Umtnl gin Ind lthMLK an leIII le Rent per mun Ieliiphonh PA BUB OPPORTUNITIES FOR RENT COUNTRY nAnDWAh mill Arm plum min in thrivioe mm communib Iuiilbll october loci Apply ocuttl ltecl ite rtate than st PA nu entices on Summer Gehenl store enteringlo me Since onert cuentellc moon turnover in Iix mniitiu open lion Pruent owner spend win g3 ID gloulnfigdellA lumiin rotn CHI DD 0X Dorrie homo Ir RENTALS BAY RIDGE APARTMENT lll lat three min lelnnh pelted rprrtment tour piec hrth At huh street Ilime llu her It door mu perch per month Telephone PA 7475 OR PA 55860 WEEK nnwly deoonied rrtment cenir located hero rerun roe vurpie lamp ADP 10 Mill Avenue on BEDROOM nnhlrnilhd hub cd mman 055 er moo PIX rpIed Limited at 143 fin 5m Mormon PA H235 NEW Bunion or not on Highway inileI south or one ge elapfione ieyioe H1 hnn mam heeled three room Iplrtnient Ground lioer centnl iocciion New decorted Priv cte entrence elepoene PA WM MonmN with hlth pd FA 59M ONE THREE room Iparhnlni Hut Ind wlter luvplhd Agni l5 Dunlap Stunt Ell or all phone on noose or PA com contained completely Inmeu Irenh lnd clean entrlnce Avliilbld now Phone PA N103 Poul nooivi modem hunflinw oil lieItln ur On My st For further dot telephone PA tomllhed riv Oi TWO DnnnnuM mnduI heated Iplnment laundry Ilcliitiu AvIlIIliltt March For urther idiomlion telephone PA 8409 Two rtooivi Aperiment urnIIhed cud heeled Suithie tor one or two lduitI For further mum mu telephone PA 51305 even AVAILABLE immediately bedroom IpartmenL Eut stove Mrigelhtol Ind laundry equipment included Adults ieiet Phone PA $589 mil ItooM Apartment with kite ohouette Ind priute both Priv X3133 IRdiy Sim erre PP iei Street Barrie THREE 1100MB rpmment nested units and wltu Included Located on Ton onto Street Telephone PA 037 for details $35 MONTH Home two bed room three piece bathroom own drivewny Avaiiahie Immedi Two end telephone PA 68620 THREE BOOM Illl eontclned un iurniehed rprrhpeut with recru orrtor Ind stove Rent nnd light plied see month Telephone Maia mmdlem Inning on apnrtment with Ildy buying the some interest Telephone 60104 Iftel 430 pm ms nonsns To 533 1an room rprrtment entflnta IIth dd clone in bu ltflp Ieluphonl my cm tillco lnoin lull unturnllhed rtely Apply 75 down street or PA 1m noon Apartment union united hill with huted Cullrail to per month sieve red mg lnior Ivlllahle Alec lenr room Irtmznt with Ilia lldlitiu elephone PA cello idDDlnN one bedroom rprrt melt Vin room imam lnd helmcone prlvltn lnhlnce lep lntn Ilund ilcillllel Halt Ind Wltlr NP Od Avllilbie now an leop one pA H329 EXCELLENT Accommodelitm lnr huIIndIl couple Aveluhle Mercia Modern ioul room noun In rpe loul letting One bedroom lune Ilvlnl mm oil furnace Telephone PA N065 IPACIOUB three roani tarnished Apartment flute haul belted nulltlrr eu oudy pIr Very centrdi core to new oplnl Apply on Eocie lrect liter lpm Atrium Iineli cpcrimeni mlly unlined with all cunvenl noel Plenty cu bond Illto Aduitl only Avalle ie much For further lnlormation telephone PA was mmm innWo rIIIenI on in Main Klinpanllit Buy all It tor norm And In service in flndod Antonia llahlnl and PA 3200 BOOM nnmrniliied Iri nient modern hIth round oor lei contained tinted clean now decorated huiiun cu hairdo ectrie Itovl mDEIIBd arkinx Word Strut dIepIlonl PA mm AND mrniahed lei con tained room cpnrtinent with piece both heevy duty etove ro filertar builtin kitchen on hunrdr hardwood floors App Armstrong Eeldune or telephone PA W41 lnmyumsmtn on Furnishtd rpcrtmrnt here wrter nod hy dro rupp ed lent mm 55 Ind up one mlli chlid welcome Av eple April Also winter ired cottIxo ipaee hulor and hydro supplied SniIIl children welcome 37 month Avallabla now Phone PA Hm lie Bud lord screet ROOMS TO LET Two Pmunnmsb Housekeoglnx Rooms Vhedmom Ind kill en helied water Ind hydro Supplied Telephone PA 593 ARTICLES for SALE ELECTRIC MEAT GRINDER in exeeuont condition SANITARY MODEL pol miller inquiries Ind bid ncceped up to and incluqu lecii Si by MAPLE LEAF SERVICES BUILDING Tu PD nox loo dAilP 01mm ONT ANTIQDB GRANDPAflm clock Ibolil 170 yellI old in wolkinl order Ctdl Cult Crimp telephone 1mm Two worer WATCEEB LIde nuiovr mhrreeroler MInI Lou and Wittnor cloth in excellent alllpl ileuenrhie Tele hone PA will apply It in odrinzton ce slmvnl momma litre new illngette rnd Floor Lamp Elwlfivfl iii 33232 nv 157 Dutkwalth street 2P POUR COMPLETE Rooms nlture Ind nomehold meets mo yella Did and In land candle lion PIE to II Mingle but will oonxldel concretely 1254 llan cuPPmswtu out we have explndedl Then an nuw our prnlulionxi linked to lerve you promptly plus excellent phiking ircilltler at FIIherI poyite Port omee Collier BOWLING SHOES lentiunlnl rile l0 Boye tweed spam IIck ct silo is Scout lire Scout rhirt Ill 11 no mILlo in chin Silver Fox nilr Goo PA 61554 wusmariousl Electric Range 24inch ueelient condition price 325 Also Gooerel Electric lullv rutcmrtlc whshnr new urnr prior Apply in unmoerirnd street herrle ARTICLES WlD MANUIIB WANTED lol tertiiicer Cull IIIIke Bohesch RR Utopia Telephone Ivy 25ml TWO FURNISHED hedroomt to let No blocks from downtown Budineld man prdomd Telr phone PA Mm malt BRIGHT Room in mod em home Board optivnlL Loolied in Afllndlle Gentlemm prelel mil PA 05150 Two nos hymnwndshret error oe In ex Afluoone haunting rhuni AVIIi Ibll immediately Telephone PA new In 500 tun F4 Two imam Bedrooms sult ohie or two people Reasnnlhie rent lirenun it denired close to arena noelll provided For tun gnu intonnetioh telephone PA mm mrnuhed rooms kit chenettll range refflgerntor Ind cnnvenienoel on our line Adultl reierre Suit pensianuI or mill fhry personnel Telephone PA ml or PA 00540 BOOM AND BOARD noolvi AND nolnn in rlvote home Gentleman prelurre For guartshser particular telephone PA 300 AND BOARD In prlete home nell GenuXIi Electric Gen tlemln prelerredhome privileges Telephone PA Hols ARTICLES tor SALE NEWSPAPER 23 To leave was no mcomn PP dihBIbllohi name Humming ninth cuourm noon Aprrtment fur nirhed or unlurnished stove and rclrieerotor supplied Prlvhtn en trnnce nod pnridnc Centrally Ilr untied Apply he owen street F0173 300M If contllned niehed or more Iphrtinont nhltfllr laundry utilities am Io hot water puking Avlllu 1r lurch Telephone nevi MODERN three bedroo once with gillIsl located an Highw 11 routh one mile from city lim itd FolWu plmclliln telee Phone PA 3755 six immvi Aphrtment unmrnllh ed hehted very modern bulan bven Ind counter top elements Luge flelddtvue nrepiuee In llellZ room Private heheh IA mile from Ben1e Telephone PA mos mum Looted Large dye room heated opnrhnent lienin enter and stove mfipued Rent loo permonth AVI ahle Mrmh Apply ircoliier street THREE 00M unlurnlslied hut ed Ipait ant our plant tiled bltii tile1looro throughout mod ern tohen euphocrds rmpie elo let pure and Irklng utilities Av Dlh new sum FlimEEEII Apartment hed dlt tloe room rno kitchen with her vy dut rtove Ind relrlgeretor Avllllbe immediately Apply 121 gimp Ave or telephone PA Two palpation Aprrtment ln mode apartment house stove nirloeur rtorage loundry in cuitlel incinerator pnrlrlno AvIlIIble rlI 1No children funnierqu 91m Dmo ammwuhn Uniurn ilhud bedroom apartment with null porch Hydro snppllcd Hot water he llll lIundry lnollltlen With or withon rnhlgcrotor end 33 $75 AVIIIIblI much PA MATS sire amp loeu ler Linn hen housed ltttel lfllllea etc perlect insulator 254 PER DOZEN Apply The purple hummer nuric optarln SALTED LIVE MINNOWS FOR SALE ICE FISHING HUTS FOR RENT VIC PALMER 194 KEMPENFELT DRIVE PA 60497 or PA 60543 CLEARANCE SALE MELMAC DINNERWARE ii PIECE STARTER SET REG $1100 SALE PRICE 700 51 PINE SET $4395 REG SALE PRICE $3150 36 PIECE SET REG $299 SALE PRICE $2000 FILTER QUEEN SALES SERVICE B7 MAPLE AVE PA 83482 SEVERAL GOOD Used Sowlnu hin chincl Treodlcr from $995 and up Electric iiolll Anti up Slh ger Swim Centre in Domino st Wllt Telephonl PAV D1960 USED FURNITURE Wanted Time to get null or ureiui item now stored ley in your buemzntr or Ittics Tole none or rnytime PA Lissa STANDARD SIZE Uprllht Piluo WInted Must be in load condition andreasonably pflcrd Telephonl PA 55977 extension 58 mos WANTED coy moire or cesh Write to Illa will rre oron Ell Pike in 0D OrlL ni telephone calico 64131 BOATS MOTORS USED 15 EP MERCURY MOVIOR 13 FT FIBERGLASS BOAT OARMSON TRAILER BOATING BARGAJNI DOMINION TIRE STORE 21 MARY sr FRUITS VEGETABLES raucous grown fromcertlaed reed No Grade Potnte stoeir price mo ier 75Dannd DIS tom Apply to Mr stun Apple ivy telephone Elm FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK sYEABrDLD Amerienn shcunnd Pony senioz for $150 Accessories for the pony also for sole Peter gym Kit Big my Point he PAllI Baum cow due Much is hurhnin cow due in April Registered heretord Bull 71 you old Apply Switzer PA 89508 FARM mommy aniiLEs CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES £1 SERVICE 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 ATTENTION FARMERS CASE snowcAsE wnmimnAY MARCH la Phi STRDUD COMMUNITY HALL Cooe And Bring the Funny Dnnl Prizes Vllued It $5000 PAItlliBRSl You aint morn to he without Show Blower Only two ieft4200 ench Burr1c iron Vorks High street Burle FEE SEED GRAIN BALED IIAY AND StlIw lut role Apply Guhert HII ht Minesloo Tc ephune 55 Mtne no qunrmrv N0 eonnre bales For nether inron mation telephone ztlu Strand AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SAL iTiilfiilR Specloi Hr do IllidIOPhVB uutomltlc ply to White use stntion shcny Boy lined 1951 PDNTIAC nlr conditioning mo or host ester Ii ply to nnynrid street or to cphone PA oizso WI¥400 tZExcmlinfer Ads Phone PA 82414 rVJJIIVII IT OR NOT BY Ripley Aurothv MOTOR CARS FOR 3m SEE VIAU MOTORS For The FAMOUS RAMBLER SEAMAN AND LAND ROVER PA 96488 17 Gown St 151 lillBOBiwo door we nmItlc Wlii considto Telephone PAGmfl 195 mom tour door Low mileage Eecridee Telephone strutd mm 1355 CHEVROLET much on Mun deli $5 down Nlpgonl PA E7931 rot hide USED CARS Wide lellclidn 105 to 1057 mndell 315 Telephone PA 01011 nsi FALCON Demonstrator qua model 199 3219 Tllopilnna PA 819 135 MERCURY two door coach body Air Motor tranamiuiou Mal cnd ILI Al condition mo Telephon PA 877333 helm Inn 1353 BUICK Eunflool Mm ll nu utomrtle irrnnnisioo two tone glint A1 condition thtvufll out In Se reen it Sunnldlil herd eveninrr isle VOLKSWAGEN top condition fflvltelyvowned Snow tires orey rather uphohterln Apply to Garry Lucu sorn hey mu record conceldoo north od nun of down do down 1951 BUICK two door hurdtcp LIB blue and cum flnilil Cllln two tone Dino Interior AntnmItin trn ion Good tirea upon mil Private Hall Wiii Ieocpt undo CIn menu iinandul Cali EA 14150 No reuonehie war it BUS SERVICES BARRI HOME SERVICES RICHARD LAKE PA 39299 SPECIAL SPRING TUNEUP ON ALL MAKES SEWING MACHINES AND VACCUMS REG seoo now $295 SINGER SEWING CENTRE DUNLOP ST WEST PA 87960 ELECTRICAL HQIMCEY FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE FREE ESIiMIm Jack Howey Barrio PA 03554 Excnvnma MIL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED encryption roe Grading Weter Delivery cruehed rtonn uric Yard another or hlu DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne street PA Meow SANITARY DISPOSAL DEADANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We hove heen neemd to remove your dead and crippled cm anir mole under the ohove Acl FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PAlkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE sscoi UPDDLSTE in UPHOLSTERY Rufll Drones sllpeoverr GuDD QUALITY AI Lowm PRICES wuli BEST SERVICE Guulnnléed Workmailship Free Estimates PA 616I2 MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY ANDBUG C0 ROSSSL BARRIE ONT Try Anhrrmiier wont AT Bhrrld

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