Apunpase To léeep pace with the ever increasing need of progressive food merehandisers throughout Canada ll the soli purpose of Hills new ultrainodarn Barrie plant As permanent fixture of Barrie were fultlfiably proud to be identi ed with its economic growth and continued progress And Canadian everfwhere can be iustly proud of the fine reputat ion for quality workmansh that identifies Hill Refrigerated store Fixtures as Canadafs finestl In this we proudly salute the men and women of our Barrie plant who continuato elevate their un usually high standard of quality mu so YEARS of pr the announcemem Humes Wes Be um Campany Canadian Hardwax sewares Show Wes Slig The general ecn sion in Canada hzr what ill eflchs on motor industry in port from the He West Bend Alumi Bend Wisconsin Thercporl Whii produclion activit adian subsidiary menlcd that thul motor 5313 in 196 than in 1955 total was not up to ex The decline in chases of marine 1960 can be altri general ecannmic seated the reamI consumer frequer MOI