gt extended effort their way to foreign markets ho gterm lowinterest Ne tiooai Housing Act lotus with attractive incentives for the early construction at municipal sewage treatment plants and trunk collector sewm were in cluded in legislation passed by Parliament last December An amount at $100000000 was est abllshed as the osmosis for loans municipalities to assist in the el etion of water and soil pollut on Under the new NBA pmvis qulrement only ten Central Meistage and As In encouragement to Housing Corporation the Feder tdpelltfee to make an early el housing agency is authorised to make loans to municipalities and municipal sewerage corper atloneolnptotwothlrdeotthe cost oi sewage trestxncnt plants and tr It collector sewers ans are repeyable in not more than 50 years at the cur rent interest rate of 18 per cent The loan or any part of it may be repaid In full at my time belore the expiry at the loan term loans may be lecur ed by municipal debentures ll sued to MC POLLUTION WIDESPREAD At the present time less than oneslxth oi Canadas an municipalities have adequate sewage treatment plants in op eration while some twothlrds of the countrys urban population are living in regionswhers there are seriously polluted sur face waters The increasing pol iutlon oi lakes rivers streams and soil has become serious national problem survey of 8168000 persons undertaken in 1957 revealed that no fewer than 5200000 or 65 per cent lived in municipalities where pollution was alrearb threat to health An application for sewage treatment project loan may be considered by Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation pro vided the project forms part of an overall plan for the elimina tion of water and soil pollution within the municipality The overall plan must be approved by the Provincial authority in those province where provinm lat control is exercised and must also he aeoeptabla to CMJZC ihemunlclpality must give an nndertahlng to Claim that the overall plan will be carried out in due course This undertaking should be supported by in satis factory program and schedule to be submitted to the Corpora tion The design of project and the proposed method of financ ing the whole of it must be acceptable to the appropriate provincial authorities inane may cover such items of cost as design supervision of construction ctlon amounts paid for legal services interest paid during the period of construction cost of land for treatment plants at agreed val uatlon and any other costs that maybe approved by the Corp oration Whera Federal govern ment grants are available to municipality such as grants un der the Municipal Winter Works Incentive Program the grants are deducted from the cost of the project The new measure also provid es for loans to groups of munici palities planning to rk jointly on the construction of trunk collector sewers or sew age treatment plants This pro vision will be particularly bene ï¬cial in growing metropolitan areas where municipal bound aries do not always correspond Foreign Trade llids Tanners Overhuying of leather by shoe makers in 1959 had ill effects on the tanning industry last year reports spokesman from Bar rie Tanning The peace time peak for the hide market in L959 caused shoe manufacturers to purchase all the leather in tanners inventor ies to average out leather costs and during 1960 heavy propor tion of shoes were made tram these high inventories rather than from leather produced by tanners This produced strong buy ers market but Barrie Tanning Limited could still call 1960 satisfactory year despite these adverse conditions As result more efforts were made in selling and extending the market and steady full employment throughout the year was the result of this SUCCESS BYWORD As for the cooperative own ership of this firm success is still the byword After two years all employees have paid for their stock in lull which had been purchased on the basis of some cash andthe balance by payroll deduction The original plan was for peyv meat within three years The report from the tannery commented that this form of ownership has resulted in stable and efficient labor costs inter est by employees in the quality of their work and in general good team effort Bookings for th early months of mm are good but the feeling is that flattenlng out in the later months which seems prob able make the prospects for 1961 no brighter than normal start has been made in the export field and several sample shipments have already found Long Term NHA Loqns OK Fer Municipal SeWag sure petmin CMJIC to forgive windpel amount of the loan putioplece by liarsh 195 to extend NBA nearest local ofï¬ce of came and to sthnulate activityin the Eminent OniIousing Inthiower dmpaymeny and mtimetopayw=eamaeg mfloramendmustaio the Ne tianalHoualnlActoontalnedln inflation passed by Parity mentiastbeoember EAR TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11 593 Imdertheoew adecreaseel oaehaif Merry Menagarte noomuaeomhlnoeeuea flhtsberloansasdlowerdown Payments on monthly npay menu the maximum repay 1le has been extended Mmyunbï¬yeers Itartonthlsmamthemea repaymentofaSperoentoftbe andaocrued lntemt for work HARMONY GROUP mthose who require more lawman Ont Sweet Adeline is not only song its an institution womens harmony mm with headquarters in Tulsa Okla 11 KitchenerWaterloo chapter has received its charter one of 300 chapters in Canada and the us Applications for loans should home ownership to matu hesulnnlttediothe locnlor number of lowlucomeiamiliee Appï¬nd projects will mom housebuilding industry senori completion or agreement he elly the connos provide for twemtbemlmlelpultyendcu DAninoreaseinthe ration EC coming such liaise as the loan in lending value than 00 eoeteftbeprojecttbetermsoi peroenttossperceotofthe the loanendrepaymenheecm flntttzoooefieodingvelue in Itn lame to the maxi on STORE The first location of Lowe furniture store was at the cornea od Mhry and bimlop st the premises now oooupied by Williams Jewellery My grandfather named on successful business here for many years and then moved to the corner of Dunlap and Monte Ste MY FATHER AND HIS sToRE THE Seedivntows FURNITURE STORE My father took over this location upon an fathers retirement This location was modernized by my fa ther what youaee in the picture It hasnt changed much to this day and it is now occupied by compel itol FURNITURE SHOWROOMS 202 Dunlop st Barrigvontario This Is my SfORE TODAY This ismyatore at verhcenaii location for somelhhrea yedx