117d by Apart lrorn residenttgj WWW deed lbere biannual heamdly mocked the stump tionol such what they cons meltdown Butgtoe special celebrations on the tint two days oi nndlose title by red was still did mark the coming clog at the community From small settlement at the start ot port age on the short oi Kempenleit Bay Lake Simone more thana hundred years ago the place had grown to maturity and had now received its indeplendence Barrie was now an on ty in it self no longer part oi the soy ernment ot the County of alm one The community entered into the years of adolescence with the coming of its first important industry the Canadian General Electric Company in 1948 In the it years following that the new omens commit smear community meanness uSl lnteeothe lotion was 11312 The iiiIliad growth at followedde the pattern oi the arrival oi indust ry to the brea lhepeakyeers populationlacunae were last 50 1021 55 18M and 61 58 15 In last DeVllhiss of Canada and liotmar Wilkinson Ltd both located in Barrie 1855 saw the opening of the Mansfield Rub ber plant and smaller indust ry The Canadian Wire Brush Company 1956 Piastomer Ltd and Moldcs both opened small plants 1957 Cnnadylet Closures Ltd and West Bend Altuninurg both went into production There is little possibility that population tigure for this com munity will become element around the 29000 mark or in 1959 three more substantial in dustries located their plants in the area Hill Universal Cooler and Canadian Tampax That the new city is determined to pursue its plan to attract more industry to the common in isvessmplined by the ep poinhnelst cmnmiflioser Birmnnn Com where he had considerable esperleau in industrial real auto Ind tok lng over his new oulce in July 1959 Mr Birmann last no time to point out tonervits clubs ond so indirectly to the taxpay ers via the local press that Barriee good fortune in obtain ing industry cannot continue on ever The betting svarage is one every two years commented Mr Birmann And when you consider that large citiu such as Montreal Toronto Windsor Humilton have greater ettrac flvc force we have been very fortunate recently This is slow proposition No one can push on industry where it wont go ATTRACTION FORCE Why did industry come to Bar rie in the first place Accessib ility to transportation routes and availability oi labour is the reply ot CGE WorIts Manag er John hfitcblnson who helped to establish this particular in dustry in Barrie The community is serviced by the two rail routes the CNB locally and the CPli at Mid hurst only ten mils from Bar rie and has Highway 400 pass ing its door Thus industries lo cating in the area have the choice oi rail rondAransport and accessibility through the port oi Toronto to sea going transportation HIGHWAY ASSET Probably the greatest asset the city has is Highway 400 or local industry depends to ma jor extent on road transporta tion Yet the positioning of this highway is as much the sub eat for debate today as it was en first mooted Then the cry was that since the highway would bypass the town it would mean urination to business But of course in the years that followed business prospered even more for those who turned oif the highway to come into Barrie came for purpose to see and spend without the frustration of hour long traiiic iams Today there are some who consider the highway was sited too close to Barrie its present location they claim hampers growth Status veteran realtor Coutts president of the Barrie and District Real Estate Board Highway 400 encircles Barrie and it is difficult to persuade of its ï¬rst industrhl ll snowball sNowaau PROPOSITION industryand availableiabeur proposidouï¬ An industry may oorne to loca tion because there is nucleus at suitable labour there its sd vent in turn attracts more lab our and so the population grows asearch has shown that an in dustry employing 100 persons in an area will Increase the population by Persons Create 117 more lobe in other ï¬elds Create 131 new households And create demand for more retail stores can and other necessities of modern living ltcanbeseen readily thattha growth oi barrio has made tho area rich hunting ground for realtors Back in 194 there were three realtors in the town today there are as members of the Barrie and District Real Es tate Board which was formed latest with membership of Coutts president of the board predicts that while busi ness is good now with plenty or all the realism in the city the peak years for them will be 1963 onwards It is then that those whowere born during the last war will be looking for hom es At the present time he con tends the real estate men have to he grateiul to industry for the business they are doing The major house sales being trans acted are with those who have come to settle in Barrie in the wake of industry and with the fluctuating armed forces popu lation living outside Camp Bor den and RCAFStationEdgar This is population expansion of one sort But the true popula tion upunsion will come when the sons and daughters at those who have settled in the com munity start seeking homes ol their own claims Mr Coulis Apart from the realtors who has gained from this readymade market tor real estate Basical ly tho furthers on the perimeter and on the arterial roads for they have found that the value of their property has grown as tho town has grown outwards Few have found it any hardship to leave the farmstead and see 39 ï¬elds divided into town sin ts While some can have said to The VLofngest EStahlished Dry Cleaners In Barrie 19281961 The Wright cleaners was started in March loanvat the corner of Maple Avenue and Dunlap at Westin theypremlses now Occupiedby camera Grail In this the business was moved to itspresent location at Balbunlop st West The founder George Wright operated the business until 1951 when the present owners Edwardian Green and Wilmernomll purchased one business FREE plexur unosttvrttv MUNICIPAL REGULATIONS But this is not to any that instructors have not gone in ior speculation by be coming subdividers There have beena number of builders whose businesses have flourish ed beceuse they had laid out subdivisions and thereby have met demand for housing so commotintlon But while their profits may have been more than adequate the municipal authorities have from the early stages imposed certain con trol through local bylaws on these developments it any of these regulations were case of hind sight such as the matter oi services of sub divisions lintll as recently as three years ago new house own an on these subdivisions petit ioned for males services and sidewalks and paid for them under local improvements To day the subdivider is responsihlt 1e for payment forthe main ser vices and laying out roads and sidewalks to an approved stand nrdandthecostisaddedtothe vpri at the house The subdivider accepts the responsibility for vi ding thus serviceson subdivision with poor grace He claims it puts up the cost oi subdile to point where the subdivider can hardly see sure return for his money There is limit to the amount he canltlke the cost of house and it may add as much as $1200 per lot on the price of home But for the municipal author itles the bylaw removes very big hrndache that of provid ing each year those services to new groups at houses PLAZA AGE Although living accommoda tion has developed space shop ping facilities in Barrie have been slow to develop in the past is years Possibly this is be cause at the nature of the citys this lHBJSflAN EDUCATION WING iblarincssareait is hemmed The tiret molar break hem the traditional shopping iacillt tea was lobiaws supermarket which opened around tonin use the arrival of second sup ermarket Dominion Stores at the eastern extremity ot the city was another attempt to break away immvtba accepted down town sthPifll area The tlrst major break in the accepted routine of going down town to shop is the small shop ping plaza adiacent to Dominion Store at the East end plaza oi this nature is expected to open in West end this Spring Plans are also maturing for one onl3ayficld Street The influx of 9000 people over in years must necessarily have wrought many changes within the community The small core of families who could claim sen lority and demand modicum ot respect by virtue oi the fact that their ancestors were among the earlier settlers in the community have become assim ilated by the new citizens GROWTH OF CHURCHES The most striking thing about thegrowth of the eonununity is the corresponding growth of the churches and the addition of new churches Anglicans Unit ed Church Baptists Presbyter ians Gospelers Roman Cathol ics Free Methodists Dutch Re worth repeating formists Salvatlnnlrts Luthen an Christian Sciennuand Un ltarians all have their pieces of worship in the past five years the churcltes which were already established have expanded their congregations The Anglican church the Roman Catholic Church and United Church have all founded new parishes One at the two United Church es serving the community mov ed its location from the down town area and built larger church tor its growing congre gation block further into the residential area The second Um lted Church built large iriend ship hall to meet the demands of its congregations activities and to provide suitable hall fer the growing community not lvitles The Emmanuel Baptist Church also lett downtown location to build bigger chapel in the east and residential area where it has doubled its congregation The Lutheran Synod of Miss sourl sent mission into the town some three years ago and established their church The congregation is now in the neighbourhood of 50 and con sists mostly of newcomers to Barrie This church board is headed by the managing direct or of Wut Bend Aluminum Emberson which opened in Barrie in 1957 lnthecaseoteverychurehit 5T1 Gil35 CHURCH is easy to ï¬nd the prominent husinal mm of the immunity heading the work at the church In many use they are recent arrivals comparatively speak ing to the congregation and in that case tb show readi ness to accept eir responsibil to their church SERVICE CLUBS Service clubs legion wanis Rotary Kinsmen Lions and Jaycees are all represented have been quick to gather into tnelr fold the cream oi the new population There is little argument that six to ten years back the two major clubs in community work were the Ki wanis and Lions Almost 11 years ago the Rotary Club was chartered and they now have membership of over 50 most ly those men who have come to Barrie to work In the past year Kiwanis has founded second club in the community Here then is another example oi new citizens bringing new look at the communitys need The final result is that those who have joined the community in the past is years and then the churches and service clubs have given community projects new lease of lite andthe ser vice clubs new tesling of purlt pose How did the older established eltiaens accept the invasion of mm to page three please That we are alï¬liated with the Order of the Golden Rule is fact worth repeating be cause it is an interesting and signiï¬cant feet Membership in the Order is not oncea memherelwaysamember sort of thing mens bets must make application for reaï¬iliation each year and each application must be carefully reviewed beforelit can he accepted Accordingly we feel it is worth mention ing worth repeatingthat we have just received notice ï¬tatour application for reafliliation has been accepted andthot we start at this time another year of service to the community as the only member of the Order Ashdiepeetyoumeydependonusï¬n service which totally moasuredlnot by goldhathy Golden Rule PETHICK 710m 127 some amazon 304 it 2nd Wright cleaners service consists of thatamour Banitone Dry clean mg TailoflngDyelng sntrhmunsmng he magetamdomn smr LY age tor turn and cloth garments mite rher ohmic nlhen in Wmoflono