WiI DELEGA Nineteen women shown above gathered at the home of Mrs Charles Newton Dav idson Street yesterday it was the spring meeting of the executive and board of the Simcoe area Womens in stitute and the presidents sec rotarles and convcncrs of dis trict Wis Deiegatos from all corners of the county were present for the morning and afternoon sessions Plans were discussed for the area con vention to be held in Dun troon community hall Oct and 14 Plans were also made for promoting farm safety in cooperation with the Simcoe Safety Council Pictured sit ting from loft Mrs Otta woy Barrie convener for the museum Mrs Mc Clung Vycbridge secretory treasurcr Mrs If Kells Collingwood chairman Mrs Lane Goldwater past chairman all of the Simcoe area executiva Mrs Vie OBrien Hawkestone secre tary for East Simcoe district Mrs hchiwain Phelpston public relations representative Simcoe area Standing in sec ond row from left Mrs Bcv crley Walker Eady president of North Simcoe Mrs Ed Soliows Warmlnistcr conven let of home economics and TES FROM ACROSS SIMCOE COUNTY MEET iii diiR health Simm area Mrs Campbell Strond vice chairman of Simcoe area Mrs Charles Newton Barrie second vicevpresident of Sim coearoa Mrs Art Merrett Alliston provincial board dir ector Mrs Smith Col llngwoad vicepresident West Simcoc Mrs Cecil French Elmvalo secretary treasurer Centre Simone Mrs Earl Scott IIawkestone president LETS GO Insurance on camping equip meat is an unusual ideauntil tale of woe is heard Upon hearing recently about the complete loss of camping equipment suifered by local couple as the result of car fire inquiry was made withJe gard to insurance coverage small sum of approximately $844 $100 of equipment will insure your equipment for the camping year So visit to your own agent could protect your 1vacation from such complete osa Fmsr AID First Aid necessities are ano ther asset to camping vaca tion suggested list of con tents for ï¬lling your own First Aid Box follows two or three small packets oi absorbent cot ton gauze and lint separate packets of cotton bandages also crepe bandage The above mentioned items may be wrapped in separate triangular piece of clean fabric which could be used for sling More items include tweezers safety pins scissors needle and thread and antiseptic lotion and oint ment liniment roll adhesive and box of assorted water proof and fabric adhesive dress ings Remember to take remedies for burns indigestion and poi son ivy Halozone tablets to drop into water for purifica tion are useful addition to the box as are aspirin and laxa tive Find tightly fitting and spotlessiy clean biscuit tin that In large enough to hold the lot and to keep out the dust and damp Arrange all the items inside close firme and tie around securely hot water bottle is often great comfort As tip for further First Aid keep the box where it is access lbla to you but well out of the way of youngsters EARLY START Experience has shown that an early start gives real boost to the day Roads are notice ably clearer in the early mornlt tag This means that driving becomes relaxed and enjoy able part of the vacation Cooperation from all the members of the family is is nec essity to an early start Allo cation of specific duties will ease the chores The tent sleeping bags air mattresses and camp cots may be folded and packed in the car Simulg taneously substantial hot breakfast may he prepareduand some sandwiches readied for midday snack by the roadside later on When stowing the gear make certain that the picnic stove kettle cups and so forth that will be needed for the midday snack are within easy reach Often roadside picnic areas are without water supply so carry enough with you for that pot of tea or coffee Thirsty young stern appreciate iidded jug of water in the car short sip of water will often allay thirst until the next stopping point is reached CHOOSING SITE Arrival at camping ground choosing site and setting up the camp takes certain amount of time good meal is nec essary at the end of days journeying Peijhnps firewood will have to he gathered and fire lit All those things are more easily done in the day light Therefore on planning your trip arrange to finish tho days travelling whilst the can still has an hour or more warmthtu CAMPING bogs may be shed or dried You may have time after ar ranging your camp to explore the new area There may he the odd occa sion when late arrival at campsite is unavoidable If this should happen the best course is to accomplish only the essen tial chores and leave everything else until the morning dry tent warm bedding and hot think will often sui fire until the morning But rc member that useful motto for campers to follow is Early to ali ibcdearly to rise Now lets camping Mother 30 THE STARS SAY ny carnation Oil TOMORROW You may note feeling of tensencss in personal relation ships now but you can avoid friction by remaining optimistic tolerant and understanding Just put yourself in the other feliows place It will he fine day however for scientific and other intellec tual pursuits FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your planetary configurations in dicate definite uptrend in both job on financial matters within the next four months For the Taurusborn the period between May lst and August diet should mark real turningpoint in all business affairs and during the four months following truly happy period where health and family interests are concerned is indicated Social activities should prove THEYtiiiov 45 YEARS or MEMORIES Relaxing on happy occa sion are Mr and Mrs Wesley Roy Johnston The Johnstons celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary April 12 They entertained approximately 125 relatives friends and neigh bors at their name on crimes sion two Flostownship where they have lived for the past 11 years salad supper was served to about 60guests triliglit lamp and magazine rack was presented to Mr and Mrs Johnston by friends and neighbors The couple re offer so that tantr and sleeping ceived many tions Mrs Alec Finlay resolu 1oveiy gifts Of New New Flos Womens Institute held its annual meeting April 19 at the home of Mrs James Kenney Thirteen members and one visitor were present The following were the of tieers elected for iosooi presi dent Mrs Harold Smith honor ary president Mrs Gerald Kin vicepresident Mrs Bert Kenny second vicepresident Mrs George Smith secretarytreas urer Mrs Cline Rawn assistant secretarytreasurer Mrs Jack Busch treat secretary Miss Mary Mulroy assistant treat secretary Mrs James Kenney press reporter Mrs Archie Wanless auditors Mrs John DoGorter Mrs Archie Waniess District director in Mrs Steve Rawn alternate Mrs Fred Viney Branch directors are Mrs Iack Cameron and Mrs Gerald King Conveners are and Canadian industries Archie Vaniess citizenship and education Mrs John DeGorter historical research and current events Mrs Fred Viney home economics and health Mrs Joseph Belcaurt public rela agriculture tions Mrs Duncan Shaw Nominating committee includ es Mrs Harold Smith Mrs highly stimulating in August and there is possibility that you will make short but interesting journey during thesame period December will bring new opporlt unities for business expansion in 951 child born on this day will be generous warmhearted and artistically inclined Guests came from Midland Waverley Wyavole Colllng wood Ebnvnle Pheipston Oshawa Woodville Whitby Mindcn Noriand Crosaiand Unionviiie Cannington and Willowdaie Wesley Johnston and his bride Mary Ethel Hos kin were married at Elmvale 45 years ago by Rev Preston pastor of Wycliffe Anglican Church They lived in Elmvole area for 15 years and at Mlnesing for 10 They had six childrenand are nag grandparents to 20 grandchii ren Mrs Annual Meeting Flos WI lSamAlien and Mrs Alec Fin ny potluck supper was held at the close of the meeting The May meeting will be at Huths School The pupils and teacher of New Flos School are invited WMS Meets For Easter Service The monthly meeting of St Andrews Womens Missionary Society was held April 20 in the church parlor with the presi dent Mrs McCaw in the chair Opening hymn was sung fol lowed by prayer by Mrs Wilson Roll call was answered by verse from the Bible con taining the word Kingdom Treasurers report was then read and letter of thanks from Mrs Smirle Reports were given by the welcome and welfare committees also the home helpers We were pleased to have as guests three home helpers Our thankoffcring service was held April 24 at 11 am with Rev Mr Ferguson addressing the WMS TbeMay Rally will be hfld May at Meaford The program was an Easter Service of Worship with the convener Mrs Cowau in charge Those taking part Wine Mrs Wilson Miss Ander son and Mrs Scott They were thanked by Mrs McCaw social cup of tea brought the special service to close Canadian Tours Russmn Cities MOSCOW AHPianist Mar garet Ann Ireland returned to Moscow Friday from fivecity tour that found her so popular she was running out of encores She winds up her first Russian tour here Saturday night and Saint John NB and her lawyer husband gMiss Ireland appeared to be overwhelmed at the favorable re ports er concertshad received In oth Kiev and Leningrad the theatre manager had to douse the lights to get applauding au diences out of the halls MOTHERS DAY May =8th sewn MOTHER FLOWERS romance GIFT FROM Penilleys lloiiiei Jii BLAKE 51an Pnoivnogii ism Cundles WI VANCOUVER or Mrs SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND Thme Notes an intended to we Jogeaerellodfltifldh The time was last Saturday Noemiwugsy Thepiace was the homooananers Smith Innlafii Street The occasion was the celebration of the Smiths 45th wedding an niversary gather Betty The Smith fanuly was all to with the exception of the youngest daughter who you in Winnipeg Her husv band StaffSgt Cunningham now on course at Camp Borden was present grandchildren Mr and Mrs Smith have In The Ladies Guild St Giles Anglican Church will sponsor RIE of East Simooe Standing third row left Mrs Robert Kali Churdiill convene at historlt leal research and current events Mrs Ward Goodfeb low Barrie research Simcoe area Mrs Weaver Gil ford secretarytreasurer South Slmcoe Mrs Spencer Thornton president South Strum Mrs McKen ney Drillia oonvener for agri culture and Canadian indu trles Simeon area Names Ofï¬cers white Then she can mischief Her mind rummage sale this Friday Trin ity Parish Hall doors will be open from two in eight pm Anyone wanting articles picked up may call PA M793 or PA E4472 Sergeant and Mrs Ernest Pollaruk and two sons RCAF Camp Borden spent Sunday in Tomato wuv ruornv Barrie has won another award It has copped this honor of be ing the Ontario city with the biggest membership of 1959 in the Canadian Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors As aociation Ernie Wolfendcn Candies Road accepted the Bedard Tm phy at the lath annual conven tion of the Ontario branch held at the Royal Connaught Hotel Hamilton Friday and Saturday Also attcnding were Mrs Wol fenden and Mr and Mrs Miller Amos Grove Street SPECIAL TEAS Theres something special aboutboth of tomorrows teas The Tea and Bake solo at the Loyal Tme Blue nan is be ing given by Barrie Senior Citi 7ens on the occasion of their 10th anniversary To celebrate PLACES this first decade the Citizen are opening the door It 230 in the afternoon to anyone pincth ing 35 cent admission ticket There will be draw for lions hooked rug run one being held in cooperation With the Somptimist Club of Barrie And at Trinity Parish Hall spring bonnuts will go on sale from 230 to pm The pa ltir headgear from Evelyn Tu Iiat Shoppe will be modelled by members of the Trinity Angh can Guild The Guild is holding the tea Frce babysitting ser vice is providod while you emoy lien bake table will offer its fares for your convenience The tea is convened by Mrs Earl Erydges and tilts Charlie Read Miss Donna Warner has return ed to Toronto after spending the Easter vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs Vnmcr Gnnn Street Miss War ner is on staff of St Marks Separate school Another guest of the Warner family was Misssimone Si Denis RN Toronto Miss mone who Is on the nursing staff at St Michaels hospital spent the weekend With tho Wan ners Sunburn Not Sexy Eva Gcibor Advises NEW YORK AP Actress Eva Gabors advice to wives who want to hold their husband is dont get sunburned am definitely against sun burn she said It looks unfem lnlne wife should always look delicate and feminine get away with any usband wont Miss Gabor now wed to broker Richard Brown is member of Hungarian family renowned for two generations for its mantra The Candles Womens Institutl log skill She feels with some held the monthly meeting re justification that she herself is really at the home of Mrs an international authority on Flook with to mmberr pres ent Mrs Flook was in the Roll call was paying of fees Discussion was on what changes would you like in our branch for the coming year paper was given by Mrs George Ottaway on the motto The secret of success of every man who has over been success ful lies in the fact that he found the habit at doing those things that failures dont like to do Election of officers was taken by Mrs Newton officers for the coming year are presi dent Mrs Vern Walt first vice presldent Mrs Carruthers second vicepresident Mrs ottawuv secretary treasurer Mrs Hubbard assistant Mrs Alvin Hubbard district director Mrs Vern Waltn alter hm nate Mrs Hubbard branch directors Mrs Bell and Mrs Flook auditors Mrs Gums mlng and Mrs Garvin Convenersr citizenship Mrs Ferris education Mrs Cumming agriculture Mrs Carruthers Canadian industries Mrs Newton home economr ics Mrs Bell health Mrs George Ottaway historical re searchand oinrent events Mrs Ottaway public relations and press Mrs Flook resolu tions Mrs Garvin piano Mrs Cumming social Mrs Hubbard 1A eudire party was planned for May at the home of Mrs Carruthers Strabane Avenue Name Deputy Chief 0f Guide Assoc Fred Wiiks of Vancouver was named deputy chlef commis sioner Friday night for Canada for the Girl Guides Association Chief Commissioner Mrs Rankine Nesbitt ofToronto made the announcement at the golden how to attract men But just because man puts ring on your finger doesnt mean youve got him forever she said Thats only the begin ning Thats when the trouble starts NEVER RELAX You can never really relax in manloge Too often when peo ple marry the wife stops growing and the man begins do grow Unlessthe wife does something she is bound to lose her hus band We asked Miss Gabor if she would disclose few European secrets in the art of winning and holding husband She gladly obliged The main thing woman must alwayl remember is to look fem She should always wear hat and never take If her gloves even when she smokes She looks glamorous in gloves European girls know how to flirt and inthis hat is big help hat with wide brim is big help to girl with pretty eyes out of focus Here are afewmora other suggestions Never wear lowheeled shoes its better for girl to go bare foetal Eat in dimly lit restaurant Then if girl has shiny nose the glare from it wont blind her escort In wearing bat be sure all the hair is tucked in Then no one can mistake girl for mop Wear dangling rather than button earrings Theyre sexier Dont let yourself get too NEED CURVES Its not just because myself am round and European said Miss Gabor ln elaborating this last point But do not think men like women who are so thin they look like boys woman should have curves Eva believes that by and large North American women dress very well but that their biggest error is in dressing to please each other What the good of it if an other womnn thirds you look chic and your husband thinks you look terrible But the biggest lesson most women need to learn in the field of romance she added is how to make their men feel more manly European women know better how to make the man feel he is the boss This man needs If his wife tells him you are the greatest her husband has the resources to fight again to marrow cannot stand women to men It makes who are me shrivel to hear them wife can get anythin from her husband if she only learns how to make him feel he is the boss OTTAWA TOUR Al OTTAWA lCPlField Marshal Viscount Montgomery made the gt last visit of his Ottawa tour to But if she weals flowered daya 50minute chat with Prime bat she should never wear mm Pleenhflkerand De busylonldng dress plus he fcnce Minster Pearkes Lord Montgomery stuck with his pro meeting statement that what he had to discuss with Mr Diefeo baker was my business Today he goes to Kingston for Royal Military College address Beaver Award Comimssioner ST CATHARINES CPléhirs Keith Clysdule of St Marya tario commissioner of the cane dlon Girl Guide Association was presented with the beaver award one of the highest awards poss bio for guider at the council annualmeeting Friday night The award is given for outstanding service The medal of morlt for excep tionnlly good service was awarded to Laura Hyattliogora Falls Niagara area camp advisar and camp commandant ahd KatiirynAnson Toronto cial international conunissioner Mrs Baker St Cath aries Lincoln division comms sioner Wm awarded the certifi cate of merit for good service as were Mrs Anthony Elliott Cob lingwood retiring Georgian area commissioner and Mrs Frank Willar Dryden retiring as com ruissioner of Lakeland area The twoday rneetingh attended by some 300 guida from 82 poinm across Ontario was held here to commemorate the 50th year of guiding movement in nded in St Catharines inflï¬l capstan mm memos bï¬ewfaimï¬cws Monday Then she flies back to jubilee dinner of the Guides British Columbia Council NEWCDMER Have you or has someone you iniow just moved to as new home dlriandly Mnyï¬omï¬iem lawpooucoo um