our murmurs lamï¬mmrdr PASMlth communistthesaurus wEdilulnlbepLHPAISsfl LOCAL WEATHER Mal Winds but huh15M mtwm55lorlullv maturationthree 96th YearNo 98 in MRS TABLE ARRWES AT NASSAU ABOARD PLANE Cubans Holt imerican Pirates British Want them For Murder HAVANA AF Cubon offi cials today held two Americans accused of killing ship captain who tried to rescue thcm from Bahnmnn island and fleeing in his cabin cruiser Cuban authorities capturedAl vin Table 25 and William Sees 23 and the stolen yocht Muriel III Monday after they went aground on cay islet near Isabela dc Saugua 200 miles east of Havana Officials aid the fugitives would be brought to Havana but did not say when British author itles Want them in the Bahamas on charges of murder and piracy Table Sues and Tables fayeon old bride Barbara Fisher of San Antonio Tex stole boot in Key Wat Fla last week ran out of gas and were stranded last Tuesday on Elbow Cay de serted island in the Bahamas Their boat broke up on the rocks On Sunday 55yeanold Angus Boatwright of Key West owner of the Muriel ill spotted the castaways while cruising for game fish with four men who had chartered his boat Kent Hokanson 21 year old mate of the Muriel said Sees four fishermen swam out and shot antwright after the skipper had refused to land He said Table joined Sees aboard the boat and they let the swim ashore floating Boatwrights body with them on life jackets Hokanson said he dived overboard and also swam ashore and Sees and Table fled in the Muriel leaving Bar bara Table on the island coast guard plane picked up the custnwoys and flew them to Nassau Another coast guard plane shadowed the Muriel but turned back five miles from the Cuban coast because of the strained relations between the United States and Cuba The British Embassy asked the Cuban governmcpt to apprehend iheIugitives Bahamas au thorities placed no charge kgainst Barbara Table and she said she hopes to stay in Nassau until her husband is brought there Barbara said she and Table eloped from San Antonio to Mex ico month ago Table formerly lived in California and deserted wife Beverly and their two small children there last Septem ber Beverly Table said Monday she has filed for divorce PRESS TIME FLASlIES 3062 Arrested in Africa JOHANNESBURG South Africa Reuters rouceriu closed Monday night that 3062 men and women have been arrested in nationwide raids on Negro townships sincethe Sharpeviile bloodshed of March 21 16 Allies Confer Over Korea WASHINGTON AP Representatives of the 16 Allied nations which fought in the Korean War were called together today to confer on the situation in Korea lheextraordinary session was set up as developments in the Korean crisis brought the regime of President Syngrnan Rhee tottering to ward collapse Montie Ends Ottawa Tour OTTAWA CF Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery ended his tour of Ottawa today leaving at am EDT by car for Kingston He was to speak at luncheon of the United Ser vices Institute at Royal Military College there at noon Calilomia Firm Plans Atom Plant Les ANGELES AP Southern California Edison Com pany Monday announced plans for the largest atomic electric power plant inihe United States saying it is expected to be competitive as far as cost is concerned with conventional power plants Ike And do Gaoue Will Challenge WASHINGiipN AP Pres dents Eisenho er and de Gaulle plan to challnge remii er Khnishchev demonstrate by action that he outs relaxation of tension That action months sum conference in Paris was eed onyby the French and ericnn leaders in four days of olks ending today with de Gan os departure for New York The two We tern leaders agreed to make etc to Khrushchev that if he presses is Berlin demands too far he 11 kill all chanceof getting ente or improve ment in Eat est relations in other fields Their hop is that the Soviet premier will agree to softpedal the Berlin ispute despite his persistent to talk about it and concentrate stead on the sum mltaaarchl oommon groundin disarmament They would like to work out one or more first steps toward disarmament program REACH AGREEMENT Diplomats reported that Eisen hower and de Gaulle reached high degree agreement in their presummit strategy discusisons They were represented as confi dent of full support and coopera tion from Prime Minister Mac millan who will join them in meeting with Khrushchev at the aria conference beginning May De Gauiie was described by as sociates as fully satisfied with his discussions with Eisenhower communique lsued at the White House late Monday gave no details but said isenhower and dc Gaulle had an able to de fine more precisely the position which will be taken at the num mlt conference on the questions which will be raised there who Aortic Examiner BARR ONTARlO CANADA TUESDAY APRIL 26 1960 By THE CANADIAN PRESS The prospect for several flood threatcned areas of Ontario grew worse today with forecast of at least half an inch of rain over some southern sections of the province during the day Peterborough and Soult Ste Marie districts and the area northwestof Ottawa faced seri ous flood threat from combine ition of heavy roin and the spring thaw The weather office expected fniriy heavy showers during the day to reach as for north as Muskoko and east to Peterbor ougb where the flood situation Monday was reported out of con trol The weather disturbance was expected to touch on the Soo arch Six highways in the Son and Kawnrthn regionswcre reported closed by flooding or muddlness Sewage Monday backed up into 75 homes in the flat southend of Peterhorough where the Otona bee River rose above the citys swer outlet Six families left their homes in the city The Red Cross was standing by in case further evacuations were necessary The to reach into the city proper NEAR RECORD Water levels in the Trent Canal system were approaching record levels Lowlying cottages in the Hanvood and Bewdiey areas on the southern shore of Rice Lake were flooded as the lake rose to GENEVA GP The world maritime conference failed todoy by single vote to set new uni versal limitrfor territorial waters and exclusive fishing rights The conference voted 54 to 28 in favor of CanadianAmerican proposal for sixmile limit to territorial waters with countries to have exclusive fishing rights for six more miles beyond their territorial waters after 1970 But the vote was one short of the necessary twothirds major ity If only one of the 28 opposing delegations had voted in favor the proposal would have been car ried and would automatically have become international law It was the third failurein 30 years to reach universally recog nized agreement on territorial waters and fishing rights FIVE COUNTRIES ABSTAIN todays vote and the 88th country attending the conference Le Charge Swindled Deai Mute Woman ronomo or mo men were arrested Monday on charges of swindling an 82 year old woman Police said Mary Rnberts deaf mute was duped out of $1275 in house repairs racket She withdrew the money from her bank April to to pay for water proofing her home The men then reported the house needed further repairss new roof chimney and eav trough The cost she was told at note would be $2150 When she went to the bank the manager became suspicious and notified police Samuel Brown 23 and Terence Sherman Smith 23 both of Tor onto were charged with fraud and attempted fraud Ambassador Quits Made Mistakesf WASHINGTON AP You Chan Yang South Korean om bassador to the United States said todayhe is submitting his resignation to President Syngman Rhee because have made mis takes The diplomat who has repre sented hls country here for al most nine years also issued statcmenLgf logy for having blamed the km unrest in tagentl Korea on Comm rising waters were not expected Rain Worsens Flood Threats its highest level in several yars About 50 cottages were sur rounded by water from the Ot tawa River at Constance Bay about 15 les upriver from Ot tawa Th spring runoff had not reached its peak and the worst was yet to come At Britannia Bay in westend Ottawn the river level was nearly six feet above the Wyear aver age murk and only 28 feet short of last years peak of 1039 feet at May No inches of rain fell in the Sault Ste Marie area Motorists were warned to stay off highways in the region HIGHWAY BHOCKED The Trans Canada Highway was blocked Monday at Kirbys Corners 19 miles north of the Soo with foot of water from the Gouiais River Mud forcéd closure of Highway 129 south of Chapleau In the Bancroft area secondary Highway 515 wos flooded two miles east of Latchford Bridge while the south branch of Route 504 was flooded in several places to depth of up to three feet Highway 121 was flooded in placesbut was still open More There were five abstention in 58 Highway 7A was blocked at the Port Perry causeway and on both sides of Scugog Island Highway 507 was blocked two miles north of Peterborough Two schools in Blegard Tawn ship near Sudbury were closed because of suspected pollution SWINE Single Vote Bogs World Fish Pact bunchdid not on session The proposal compromise between American and Canadian plans put before the conference earlier would have showed coun tries with bistoric fishing rights within 12mile zone to continue to operate there for 10 years Before the finalvote the cou ferenec adopted an amendmnt to the proposal put forward by Bra zil Cuba and Uruguay which would have granted further pref erential fishing rights to coastal states But this failed to swing support behind the plan to win its approval The conference resoundineg re jected an Icelandic plan which would havoj given preferential fishing rights to countries whose economies are dependent on fish ing The vote was 25 in favor 37 against and £6 abstentions DPPOSED BY RUSSIA Russia and the Soviet bloo op posed tha AmericanCanadian plan and backed proposal to turn the whole question of the ter ritorial see back to the United Nations for at least five years The Soviethacked proposal was voted down attend todays fi SEOUL Korea APiTcns of thousands of jubilant students celebrated wildly today asprcs sure generated by week of violence pushed the Inner rule of President Syngman Rhee to ward collapse After ailnight street demon strations the 05yearold presi dent offered to resign as head of the South Korean republic he demanded he quit at once At least IS demonstrators were killed aad 173were wounded to day mg the official toll in the ong uprising to 145 dead and more than aqo wounded Crowds of students smashed into the home ofvicePrcsldent elect Lee Kipuong and sacked it Lee electcd in the suspect March 15 election has been the target of lent student angerr Today hedisappeared to an un closed soot COMMERCIAL UP Too Residential Rate Up7 Mills rise in the residential mill grant system forced the citys rate from 71 to 78 and in tho1 commercial mm 77 to 83 is the final report on Barries 1960 budget The farm rate also went up to 72 mills from 65 The breakdown of the struc ture shows that the Public School Board is responsible for 44 mills in the total rise of seven The total public school mill rate is 2227 for all prop erties and business The separate school rate is the some as the public school rate The high school rate in compari son is only 1201 rise of 15 mills from last year choose in the government portion of the rate up from 37 to 38 mills The city rate for forms is 32 and for all other businesses and industry 43 Before the budget negotiations started Mayor Ktnzin askedall committees to try to keep the rate constant The Public School Boards budget brought in storm of criticism and after much haggling with council the Board chopped $6400 from its earlier estimates For this chop lcnuncil thanked the Board Alderman Roberta sum med up the feeling of council last night when he said lm not in favor of the school budget but like puppet must ap prov West Powers Reshape Proposal In Reply To Request By Soviet GENEVA APiThe Western powers reshaped their disarma ment proposal today into tract of basic principles stressing step byetep approach to total disarm ament under strict international controls The Western move was in an swer to Soviet request that the Iiipower disarmament conference first agree on set of basic prin ciples before getting down to de tails on such matters as controls The principles put before the conference by French delegate Jules Moch in the name of ance anon United shtesrwan any and Insist amounted to restatement of the Joint Western disarmament plan FOUR CONDITIONS Todays proposal set out four conditions under which general disarmament would be untried out by stages each stage to be completed as rapidly as possible although no fixed timetable can be laid down in advance for the process as whole Nuclear and conventional dls armament measures must be bal anced so that no country or group of countries will obtain at any stage slgnificant military ad vantage Disarmament measures must be effectively controlled through out by an international disarma ment organization within the framework of the United Nations Disarmament measurm must be negotiated progressively ac cording to the possibility of their earlysimpiementntion aad effec tive control The Western proposals also state that any disarmament pro gram must restrict the use of outer space for peaceful purposes only They provide for the final elimination of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery Imam Police Body TowDiscuss Situation After Chief Acquitted Innlsfil Townships police commission will thrash over its police chief situationin session sometime this week Reeve Charles Sproule told The Examiner today The decision follows on the heels of the acquittal of Chief Stewart Fisher by Judge Wal ter Little at Siman County Court Monday of an indecent assault charge It seems apparent to the court the accuseds period of usefulness as police officer particularly in the area must be finished Judge Little pointed out In reading his judgment he said the 32year old police cbief had lied to police investigating the alleg ed assault7 on three occasions If the police do not tell thetruth be said the administration of our laws will be seriously hampered STRANDED 1N BARRIE Mildred Marcotte 22 Bella founded The Natiouai Assembly denh Ewart had complained the ORDERS NEW ELECTION Another crowdof students and street urc ns attacked and humed police station Before they fled through back door police opened fire killing six stu dents and wounding Immediately before Rhee an nounced his decision to ruign if the people want he had an other visit from v5 Ambassador Walter McConhugby lie was accompanied by US Gen Carter Magruder the United Nations commander in South Korea and the Korean Army chief of staff LtGen Song Yochan who has been directing martial law News that Rhee had ordered chief bad indecently assaulted her Feb after she had been stranded in Barrie and had called Innislil Police to take her home She said Fisher had called to pick her up after she had quarreled in Barrie laundro mat with her husband then had assaultedher near Barrie drivein theatre on the way home In his Went Judge Little recalled the chief had Turn to page three please PRINT PAMPRLET TORONTO CPlA labor delt pertinent pamphlet acquainting Italian laborers with theirlrlghts regarding discrimination hours of work vacation pay an worklt mens compensation will be pro duced shortly Labor Minister Daley of Ontario announced Mon day The circular will be printed in Italian and possibly in other languages Rule By Rhee Totters In FQCe Qt Pressure Kinsman names norm Uproarious besieged Rhecs hillside mansion Others milieu down the leadingto the capitol crowd pulled two statues Rhee from their pedestttls and dragged them throhg the streets Soldiers in the city to ento mortallaw stayed outot sight ith jublian Lee to leave his post and offered gt new elections tumed the demon strations into wild victory celclt bration This iathepylctory people of the young generation cried ztynwld college Idiotetorshia in over me 5c per Copyl4 Page URGES CANADIANS JOIN WORLDWIDE BOYCOIT African Goods May Be Blocked MONTREAL CmThe execu tive council of the Canadian La bor Congress today proposed that Canadian workers join in world wide boycoit of South African consumer goods starting ncxt Sunday The proposal introduced as on Sill Fails To Appeal Against Expulsion MONTREAL CP The Sea farers International Union today failed to appear before the Cann dien Labor Congress conference to appeal against its expected ex pulsion from the parent body of Canadas labor movement An 11 am deadline for an on pool from the convention floor came and wentand the Sill re mained silent CLC President Claude Jodoin asked if any representative of the SR was at the conference When no one appeared be declared the appeal now closed Next move is expected to be to put the sill jurisdiction case emergency resolution by CLO President Claude lodoin was turned over to the congress lnlt temationnl affairs committee for study it was expected to be returned to the convention floor later today for debate and vote from 1600 delegates at the weeklong con ferencc Canadian workers by ioining this wurldwlde boycott of South African goods will be giving ex pression to their decpfelt symlt pathy for the victims of the apartheid policy and their indig nation at tho bestiality of the present government of South Af rica said the resolution The CLO proposal also called on the Canadian government to supportin the United Nations and also at the forthcoming Com monwealth prime ministers talks in London all measuresla condemnation of the policies of the government of South Africa Should such efforts fail the Canadian Labor Congress urges thaexclusion of the government of South Africa from the councils of the Commonwealth of nn tions said the proposed resoluI before CLO committee In Iran TEERANhIan AP Weary rescue teams pressed on today digging dead and injured from the ruins otthe quakeshattered Iranian city ofLar but death es timates dropped sharply as more complete reports reached this cepital The total is expected to exceed 500 dea said Dr Hus sein Khatibi thrector of lrahs Red Cross alter conferring with officials who vlsitEd the disaster scene 550 miles south of Tehran The local military commander said some 400 bodies already had been recovered and buried and about 100 more were believed still in the ruins About 50 of the thonlt sands of injured were in serious condition Officials at the scene had orig inally estimated that more than 2000 perished in the two quakes which on Sunday battered Lar city of 14000 and Gerash com Diggers c1aw tion Rubble plex of viuoges 15 milesaouth ward Ll INSPECT DAMAGE Red Cross pilot who flewvlow over the city lot Monday and landed nearby said the damage did not appear as total as origin ally reported Most of the victims were women and children The men were working in the fields when the first quake struck in midaftg emoon The second shock came four hours later Red Cross officials said hectic conditions in the area are caho ing down as food medicioeï¬ clothing and tents continue toarn rive An emergency call went out earlier forsnakebite serum Poi sonous snakes roused fromtheic iairs by the quakesslithered into 31 wreckage biting trapped vic