Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1960, p. 4

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Published by Canadian mummified 18 hnyfldd direct macaroni PAGE FOUR ruegnu 12 psi armour Demerit Point Syst Will Clear Roads Of BadDrivers As we approach the heaviest driving seasons of the year and intact the Easter week when with school vacations many people take to the road especially if the weather is gond itmlshtbetlme to ex amine how the demerlt point system for drivers in Ontario is working out It has been in effeCt Just overn year Recently Windsor city council passed resolution to the effect that the daner it system was too harsh in penalizing the comparatively few truck drivers who commit traffic infractions Somenenrby councils such as at Samia rejecteden dorsement The Windsor view is rightly that as class of worker truck drivers are generally safetyconscious Operators of large trucking fleets spendm1ch money time and effort training their drivers to obey the laws and to avoid accidents Since driving trucks is their livelihood licence suspension through the accunimuiatlon of demerit polnts would constitute real hardship But by and large we believe thelde merit system is the best yet devised for Ontario At the last Canadian Highway Safety Conference resolution was pass ed asking more provinces to adopt de merit point system The Sarnla Observer contends that no matter how good are the malorlty of tggfidrivers there are those lost as no cl tprone as the rest of the very growing motor population in Canada Heroin Barriielt would not be difficult for the average person to see even in the downtown area some doing something invioiationnfthe Highway Traffic Act be it speeding excessively noisy exhaust or wrong parking Id the Windsor resolution was adopted what about representation from com mercial travellers to be protected from the loss of employment because of de merits Tha Ontario demerlt point sys tem was introduced as one of the most effective yet fair means of taking off the read those drivers of cars trucks or motorcycles who are aocldentéprone We are in favor of giving it fair trial Stay With Cty Recreation Barrie Recreation Committee should reconsider its decision to retire from the Slmcoe County Recreation Service except on payasyouuse basis Public opin ion ls all against it and it is gratifying to learn that city councl has stepped into the picture and arranged joint meeting between county and city to discuss and settle differences This should not be im possible The whole situation was summed up very well in recent article inthis nem paper by the provincial agricultural re presentatlve when he asked if we as city have grown up enough to warrant city status There is no conflict between the two recreation bodies They are complete ly complementary The grant in question amounts to only $2300 Value received is many times this And then again Banlo left the County or simcoe year ago but this is still the county town with the county buildings here and fine addition to be opened next June Barrie depends on the citizens of the county for great deal of business income Barrie would do well to retain their goodwill Opinions pol Oiher Newspapers WERE ALL COUEINS Vancouver Sun iharo are always busybcdia eager to spoil good story Now its disdosed that Princess Mar garets romance witha comman isnt that at Tony ArmtrougJoues it appears can trace his ancestry back to daughter of Edwardl Also to assorted welsh princes Thus hes Margarets umpteenlh cousin This could disappoint all due who rejoiced remahirely in the commaprincess roman ft could please only the snobs But let us slabs not be downhearted London anewspapers point out that Margaret and Tony are alsodescended from Adam and Eve making theui ldn tous all Fleet Sircet neednt havegone back to Genesis for this comforthowever Genealogists have pointed out at various tuna that practically every person born in the British Isles today could trace his blood lines badr to royalty And lot of people in France could too And Canada If thats any comfort LET THE SHIRT TAKE THE GRAVY Cleveland Plain Dealer The manufacturers of mens clothing are pro moling the return of the vest that sleeveless little garment worn under the coat vest cus tomarily has satinbaok six buttons and four pockeb the lower pockets on each side tradition ally reserved for resting the thumbs in when man relaxes This explanation we feel is necessarybecause many ofour young male citizens are unfamiliar with the old vcst the kind that made suit timepiece article of clothing We hope the movement flops Year ago then was wisecrack that the coat and pants do all the work but the vest gets all the gravy We feel this still holds true Go away vast THOSE FLYING SAUCERS Fort William limesJournal few years back some mldents of North western Oniario believed they saw flying sauc ers But science writer for Unasco publica tion declares the explanation was spiders Websl In particular area he writes spiders made large webs on bushes and the wind wrenclr ed these webs off the bushes and sent them splu ning into the air Anyone looking upwards would see shimmering circular object travelling ra pidly Pebpls would saytheywere at great heaghl Actualiy they were only thirty or forty feet above the ground but the observers could not judge the height There will be some no doubt who find ens ier to believe in the dancers than the web eory News of Former Years APRIL1219w Hap Emms Barries only contribution tofbig time hockey over long period of years and who still can score prettygoal has done one of the outstanding coaching feats of the season Lining up as the mentor of the newlydonned Omaha Club early in the season he wasnt given chance to get his charges near the playoff Until late in lire season the experts appeared to winning out but their the Knights begin to click and have been gomg strong since They recently eliminated St Louis and are now in series with St Paul Emma must have instilled some of his figbttowin spirltin his team for their showing has been nothing short of remark able Midland closed verysuccessful season with four bonspieis but Barrie Curling Club won prem ier honors at every one In the big early Jars nary spiel Charlie Beelby ofBarrie won the Im penal Oil Trophy then came back month later to capuue the Canada Sisamsldp Lina Tro It is strange that the jet propulsion principle was used on motorcycles for several decadesbefore anybody thought to apply it to other things Ellie flow Authorized second clan mull Post our 17ch pally sand smmry Honda Wannsjnbunm and General Manager cmLEa alwnnoz Enema mu NEle pawn Munrm Editor 303E131 8311133 Aavmlrlng Manager roan nomzn emulation Manager subxmpuou mi dsll comedians we no your single copy2 do By mail in moo year run six months and three men one month Outaldo cma GMyur omcu 425 unlverflt Street Montreal ms v3 Member oltho Canadian my Nuwipaplr Pub llsbers Anqclgumtyrse Csna tho Audit linearly irculations The Candlanmh arciuflvaly ontltledto use far re ubliuatipn chum term in mperer tcdto it or Tb utcrs poll also tho pub cutlon heroism rindL rgervsd Telephnn Numberi Editofia in PAlkww F6337 the Paragraphically Speaking phy the two major Midland events rinkskip ped by Harry Armstrong took first honors at the two March open bonsplels including the Burke Trophy And added to that Norm Johnsons Rink skipped by Ab Simon won the Grant Tmpr at the second last spiel APRIL 12 1935 At the inaugural meeting of the Barrie board of Health for 1935 the chairman newly appointed wusd Duncan Wisdom who had been member ofvthe board sinoe 1921 and succeeded ASle phcns who retired at the close of 1934 after 18 Years in office other members were Town Clerk Smith Secretary Dr Little M0H Blair and Msicorrlsou Dr Little addressed few remarks to the meefiug pare tioularlyfor the benefit of the new members Mayor Blair AldBuchanan and Male comon He also pointed out that four meetings yearly arenot 310th and it was decided to hold monthly meetings from March 11on the sec ond Mondays number of pardons get lost trying to find an alternate routefor the straight and narrow way Capt Joseph Kittinger AlrForce parachutist refers to Murphys Lam and says Ihats the law that says that anythingcan go wrong it will We have moverheard of this imwbut we have oft en been the victim of it As usual right in the middle of one of the winters worst blizzards we open our rnail box and seed catalogue is star ing us in the face The US Navy is developing clock which will not gain onlosea second in 300 years Press reportusugh atlme piece would be almost as accurate as the average man thinks watch is time he is threebuthcis suallyfive or six timesthat old before he learns to that moml child learns to turn on lights by the in run mm 13 OTlBWA REPORT What Costs Does The Seaway Save By PATRICK MCEOIMN UliAWAfbis second lesson of the St Lawrence Seaway opening April 15 is expected to reveal the conscious of can Idas optimistic forecasts for this cheap camer of commerce Last year Like all our rims it provided often hitter and sometime costly lemons along with tbspride and the thrills There were the frustrations and STILL THE SAME Idea Of Progress Requires Decision On AspiratiOns This is the flint of four summaries of presentation made by resource persons in the Simone County Folk School this March Tolnot row Sara Mnley will discuss Mntcrilllam By DAVID SMITH Whatever was the beginning of this world the end will be glorious and paradlsical beyond what our imagination can con ceivelMeu will make their situation in this world more easy and comfortable they will prob ably proloag their existence in it and will grow daily more hap py Priestly First Princip loshf Government 1168 our fathers our grandfathers our greatgramifathers believed in Progresrspelledwlth acapl tnlIT For them as fdr most inf us progressives almost arre llgiou We bad faith in Progress even if we werent very certain what was meant Morerecently we have not been so sure Two world wars and the Great 1178 pression have shaken out faith The danger of atomic disaster has made us still more unsure Philosopérs and writcrs have voiced the disquiet that gradually seeped through our society So in this folk school ws have decided to examine the idea of progress In this first ses slouiwe will look briefly at the history of the idea and at somo of the problenls lwo ancient religions those of the Persiansand the Jews in eluded the notion that history was onedirectional Christian ity based on Judaism continued with the uotion that we were moving aheadlhis idea was ex pressed rnust forcibly by the fact that Christians date all events from before and alter the birth of Christ His birth marked turning point in history The goals of the Christians were two one the joys of the Christian life lived even in the midstof flleworld and two the joys of the new heaven and the new earth which it was expect ed wouldsoon appear As the ex pectation of the early arrival of the new1earth andlleaven grew dim the ultimate goal of the Christian hope was transferred to the after life but the notion of movement in history remalued WESTERN THOUGHT Thismuch ourmoobrn belief in progress owes to Christianity insurance is the product of the last twohuudrecl yearsof west em thought The first step oc curred during the Renaissahcé hen waste man discovered ely interest in the things of this world but the founders of our belief progress were Francis Bacon vRene Descartes the twophilosophers who stand atthe beginning of the modern era fiat that these men believed rogress as we do or ourgrandfathers did but they argued that it was possible to advance kuowledgeof the natur al world through the irse of rea son And theyzthougbt we should work fortbesc gains in know ledge so that we ouldlmprove theielhpural and hyslca condi tions oflivin Tim was the be glun thoughtal eds in earthly lot flhe French philosophers of the 18th Century ded the uotiun adcial progress uld also be dcllievedhy and they suggested that progress wnsiuav ab also thought that improved fibrougir tlbnxThlstrend In climax in the plain to on lhgoilhglll has alwaysmeen true of luevltablllly pllcatlo of pollen derived tram couldbe discovered in the some ways as the laws of nature MODIFIED IDEA In the 19th century German philosophers modified the idea of progress by suggesting the no lieu of development This was followed by ibe teachings of Dar win on evolution His famous book dealt only with biology but with the help of Herbert Speaclt er the doctrine of evolutiouwas made to apply to all of history Other thinkers in our own time have taught that the universe it self is evolving although when they say this they mean some thing different from the biologi cal evolution that Darwin was talklugabouLA The philosophers provided system of thought which suppor ted the idea oflprogress but the successofl tbesclehtists la in lcreasing knowledge gaia trol of the natural world and improving reconditions of Ill ing persuaded moat péople of the truth of progress In the realm of technology we made such rap id advances that it was easy to assume that progress was inevit able and that we had discovered the way to achieve it But there are some questions to be asked about progress ls progress inevitable lll idea didnt occurlo Bacon and Descartes They argued simply that it was possible Later men got the ideathat it was inevib able But if progress is inevib able what is the role of reason and of human effort or if pro grass is inevitable and Goddlr cell it what is human responsib ility and what becomes of free will or if progress is develop biology to all of society and the rapid growth of science stimulat ed an unthinking faith in pro grass We must now recognize that the idea of progress has no meaning unless we note the prior conditions and define the goals Progress is word that has meaning only when the activity it donates is from one point to another To suggest as om people have that progress goes on for ever with no goal either in time or eternity is to deprive the termof any useful meaning it might have In Christianity of course this has never been quite the case since the goal was achieved at once in living the Christian life with sort of secondary achieve ment secured lathe new earth and tbe new heaven reached either in history on this earthor in eternity lathe afterlife In practical consideration of lbc notion of progress we have to think about our goals This means we must examine tho changes that are occurring in present ohy society and decide whether somenf these changes are examples of progress or not dclsyswbicb are the experi ence of dress rehearse pected to be different But in Him case they were ag gravated by the novelty that any one who cared to pay the co tranca fee was permitted to join in the performance Alas some of the saltwater visitors were not merely unrcbcarsed they were unequlpped leatherfaced skippers who had spent life time sailing the dangerous high seas found that they were less skilled at sailing the smooth but narrow cauaistban the Canadian truck than who earn their living on our sweet water lakes But this year things are ex pecteo to be different As the result of our experi ences last year we are now better prepared for all eventunib lies lion George Hear our Min ister of transport told me There should be lower delays caused by lmplcperly equipped ships or by ships crews inex pfrienced in operating in can BENEFIT OF CHEAP FREIGHT in Canadian eyes the purpose of the St Lawrence Seaway is to let the lake boats out of the lakes In USA and overseas eyes its chief function has been misconstrued as being to admit overseas carguos in and out of oceanlgoing frelgblors to carry the Great Lakes This misunderstanding prob ably stems from the widespread luck of knowledge about the 59 staggering volume of freight car ried on the waters of our lakes When we think of the worlds great canals we perhaps think first of the Suez Canal or the Fanama Canal perhaps some of us have seen or even sailed upon the Manchester Ship Canal in England no we think in the some terms of the canals and And if we decide that they are not examples of progress we must then decide whether or not we will oppose these changes and if so how If we believe at all in freedom we must accept the responsibility of fixing the goals of our society and not so cepling all changes necessary and good but accepting and working only with those changes that seem likely to help us ach ieve our goals and opposing those changes which seem likely in defeat our aspirations first requirement is do decide what our goals are loch at Saul Sic Marie on the St Marys River linking Lake Superior with Lake Huron Yet in typical preSeaway year more cargo was passed through The Sad than through the Sum Panama and Manchester Ship canals combined And that despite the long winter closure at The Sea WHAT WATER SAVES US To express in different wont the bugs use which we milks of our Great lakes it has been cal culated that the total tonmiles of freight shipment on the lakes in an average year Is equivalent to frelghMrain of 75 trucks eacb laden with in tons of cargo be ing hauled from the earth lo the Sun and back Wuferbome shipment of bulk ourng in our giant lukebuafs is probably the cheapest transporta tion on the North American coa llncnt The queens of the inland seas can now ibunlu to the new St Lawrence each carry 800000 bushels of wheat say 24000 ions from the Lake bead to deepwater port on the St Lawrence at cost of 12 cents per bushel That represenls saving of just over cents per busth on the prescaway cost when giant lakcr was ob strucicd by the International Rapids and had to transship her cargo into no less than ten little calrollers for the last 120 miles of the journey to Montreal And it represents saving of 28 cents per bushel against the cost of rail transportation from the Lake bcad to Montreal 600 Joint Talents For Timmys Iund TORONTO CF More than 600 international entertainers and technicians combined talents Sun day to support the annual Easier campaign in an hourlong cunsitocoast radio and tclev on broadcast from Toronto The program part of the three hour variety sbuw called Tim myg 1560 East Parade of Stars was carried by 150 radio and 53 television stations The show bringing simple message of hope to Canadas 90 000 crippled children included singer Mitch Millet conflicting the crowd of more than 10000 in Maple Leaf Gardens BIBLE THOUGHT And prayed nulo the Lord my God and made my confession Daniel 94 Everyone needs to humble himself before God and confess his sins The sinthat is covered will fesier and cause trouble The sin that is confessed to God will lead to forgiveness and health of soul ment and each event grows out of the eveut that procedes it howls this accomplished IfGod controls this He achieve His objectives What is meant by suggesting mat the universe is evolving In ordinary use organisms evolve within an environment and in re action to it but what is the en vironment of the universe It is customary to generalize from biology to all of history development by what kinds of interventions does but is this sound In biology pro gres means movement from the simple organism to the complex But is it equally valid to suggest that changing rfmrri the simple to the complex is progress in so cial organiza on inbusiness in farming means adjustment the envifi onment butis this amark ofpro grass in human ctivityGreat er independence is also mark es in readier to accep as human progress Losr FAITH lologyi progress environment Clearly we have use ulii faith nd knowledge Belt cause arman knows more doesnt guarantee that he will be better Knowledge may ccmpoundarld extend eyil This lack offaitll iu reason has come about because of the clear failure of ourvsoclety to make as much progress as we had sped or thought wo king It has also been caused by the stud es in psychi atry whichreveale how much of humanbehaviour is caused by irrationalibrces withinius The bomb and mediation haz ards are evidence enough ffor mostpeople that reason is not enough Thelralnlngv of tlle fool ings alsorcquired if modern society to survive How are the eellngsto be trained agrees means movement fro but ideas otready ap point to another This the long and short of It Every manand every womanteetera on the brink of twofgreat economic may lice too long or they may die too soon Men and women who have outlived their savings may become dependent solely upon OldAge Security Most people dont want to be burden their children or have to rely on disguised charity Similar hardship is experienced by the family which loses through disease or accident young husband and fatherwho earned the income that paid the bills Through investing around 107 of net earned income after taxes in permanent personal policies of life insularice man or woman can provide guaranteed and reasonable income to themselves when old or totheir familiw in event ofuntimely death EXCELSIOR rare yW 70 years of service fa Canadians HARVEY Branch Manager Wilson Building Barrie Ont pitfalls they Phono PA 84784

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