2w OUR TELEPHONE MEAL WEATHER rumornausea Manama mmmcmum wwwmtuigstu Imbcflllvï¬elm Vmrfl WW Fill uMhflchpLhPAW 96th YearNo 87 BARRtE ONTARIO CANADA TUBDAY APRIL 12 19656 pencopyis Pages VERY RACK Just Lift Phone For Drug Pusher UNVEII HOME com 1H 1r as age runasm Va MPHA oung The it or talk in over husband holding his lib carrold Jennings fired back Its time slsterinlnw hostage waved for gunplay now shotgun at police and shouted And little while later Jen wild threaLs early today as he nings fired his shotgun for the stayed barricaded in brick hun third time that mormng No one gnlow was hurt and policecontinued inI The youth 19yearold Jack Jen Plea with him southern nings rushed into the bungalow YEW mwn lilonday after he broke away GIRL STAYS from police who were tnkinglhim to jail He had been charged with The unauthorized use of his fatherAin Form seemed to have had several laws car took his little sisterinvlaw nrbara Butts nto the bungalow fhe home of his atherinlaw Butts And he dcmnndcti that his i6yearnli wife Sandra Le brought to thebungalow or lll comc out shunting POLICE ALL AROUND Earlytoday small army oil police surrounded the home as Jennings threatened the lives of the police Barbara and anyone who came near him ten and you he shouted throttgh aL ng room window Youre not Ftcve Shelton re cuss his situadnn At one point duringvhls barri cade Jennings phoned The Asia riatcd Press in New York to dis ii laid the AP just want the world to get off my back in the small town of Pulaski ost of the neighbors had drv gt cidcd opinions about the 19year laid They described him as tool siote policemannsh immature boy who always ifeels that he is persecuted flm not mad at anybody illiotiijoreign MiniSiers Start iOundOl PieSummit Parleys WASHiNGTON tar round of prosummit talks today under blunt reminder that East fesl leaders canthope to settle Weir bitter disputes at single tictica The road to peace is long hard one and no one can now 1y when the goal will be etched the linited States state epartment said inpublishing oi wok of background documentsl The series of meetings opens Iis afternoon with ession hringi iccretary Christian Lloyd and Foreign Minister Mann ice ConvedeMurville of France marT proposals The foreign policy chicls meet ing in an atmosphere of lowkey npttmism were treported confi Nixon 33 Ailiedldcnt that they foreign ministers preparcd for blood proposals their nt merit phase of theirdlscussion later ina move to curb excessiv one the state department pub strategy lished bulky document which together State menus how the 1955 summit Hertcr not meeting at ninsFmeign Secretary Selwyn break Geneva failed to thelEastWest deadlock Willi summary lt would be iinrealistlcto ex pect that these grave issues can be resolved one headsetgov rnmcnt conference mpldyees Strike Or Boost At am today about 27 em ployEes of Nixon Building ProA ducts Ltd Tiifin Street Barrie went on strike against the com pany protesting working condi tions and wages after negotia tions became deadlocked President of Nixon Building ProducLs Nixon said this morning that business will con inue as usual He declined to comment further Secretary of Local Lia inter national Brotherth oi Team sters Romley Artt reported on the strike action DEMAND NOT UNJUS We realize that cannot ueome into city like Barrie and demand Toronto rates Mr Artt said but we feel that our de mands are not unjust to Nixon Building Products Wehave done everything in our power to settle this dispute before taking strike action he said Mr Artt said that readymix cask per yard inrloronto are the same as in Barrie yet there is flitcent per hour wage differ ential hetwean the cities In To ronto he said workers gatover time rates fullypaid insurance plan to complement Ontario Hos pital Insurance and four per cent vacation pay Mr Artt said his group would ask for $175 per hour over one year up from $110 overtime premium pay for hours worked in excess of 10a day welfare plan including weeklyvsick pay south for sk wards to 55 degreesand westerly winds from15 to 25 miles an hour There were no reports of major damage blow life insurance of $5000 and sur gical benefits Mr Artt said Russell Craddock operators licence and negotiating organized in April of last year an in July with the company After three meetings with the conciliation officer from Ontario Department of Labor little was acldeved he said 53mpli Gusts Hit lireas In Ontario TORONTO CmStrong winds with gusts up to so smiles an hour swept many areas of South em Ontario Monday night but be came lighter early today the uhlic weather office said The outlook across most of the today was for clear ies temperatures ranging up from Mondays Princess Chooses JLONDON car weddingthc Church of England obey the Dean of Westminster press conference today Algiers PoliceNip RiotThreat French police early sevcral rightwing leaders to thwart threaten against visiting premier Michel Debre ALGIERS AP ule COniessed Kille LANSE Mich min l7ycaroid girltriends father shot and killed PRESS rinriiasnrs Word Obey PrincessMargaret has chosen for her ervice that includes theword Dr Eric Abbott told today rounded up eddemonstrationa Insane 1in who admitted he one 9f her sisters was ruled insane Monday andrommitted to Stateliospital for the Criminally insane eign ministers to the disarm was unharmed Officers abld she chances to escape during the night but for somereason reY mained with the wild youth ienniogs shouts from the bun éalbw grew viler during the night Most of his nvectives were di rected at his atherininw the cnm government chicfs will lay core Russias ita Khrushchevat next months Paris summitmceting Heinrich von Brenlano West German foreign minister joins them Wednesday and the italian counter of P355 Ofï¬ce In land Canadian for will be brought in arnicaNs line at the ntimida Johannesburg SoutliAlrlca lo collect new passes so they can Law Abidin By CAPETOWN AmeThe South Alricangovernment claims Ne gro intimidators havebeaten the feet and hands of lawabiding Nc crocs until they were unable to rirwc or work sticc Ministcr Francois Eras told press conference Mon that the recent police action aimed at agitators trying to tree work boycotts in the campaign against South Africas Ial laws Eiasmussald many of the vic tims of intimidators today are and Camus we ban ï¬red on crutches and using sticks tram Nixon Building Products within the In eight day Grad street corners and made the sign dock for taking day off and of gums because he had no gro was seen going to work This crane ould not drive truck since he had five demerit points against his driving record These men thava been on the committee or the union he said Hosaid lntimidntors stood on slitting throats whcnvany Ne meant the minister declared that the workers would be beaten up when they returned home He said intimidators threatened to burn downthe homes of work ers and the factories of employ ers pulled workers off buses and Nixon plant workers were earth trains and searched Negroes for fied by Ontario Labor Relations the P355 Board in June Negotiations be fro taking action against lntnnidators We are prepared to doavcrything we can to assist Africans todevclop along their own lines and in their own terrilt tories The built of Africans are being intimidated and we are de termined to maintain law and or der Asked aboutreports of police abuses in enforcing the law re quiring non whites to carry passes he said thepolice have been ordered to give Negroes chance to get their passhooks it they do not have themnwhen stopped by police You must not judge the whole police force by the actions of iew individuals said Erasmus when repnrter cited instances of Negroes being arrested even after telling police they had passs and were being réfusedal chance to show them Erasmus said many Negroes had been forced to destroy their passes by Ncgro political leaders who had in fact keptiheir own or only burned the covers 10 Police ï¬Irijiirédz After Korea Riot SEOUL Korea ReutersPa lice throughout South Korea were an the alert today following anti government riots at Masan Mon were wounded by hand grenades At the same time audiorlties here said plot to overthrow Syngman Rhecs government had been uncovered andrarrests were expected within the next few days Cho In Ku national police chief said about 100 of themore than 1000 riotersin Masan stormed transact Fans Line Up At Gates TORONTO OP lineup of about 1500 hockey fans jammed the street ianront of Maple Leaf Gardenstoday as standing room tickets went on sale at 10 am foritonightstliird game of the Stanley Cup finals Some hadbeen in the line since am to make sure of getting one of the 2000 tick8ts few seat tickets which were not picked up by subscribers before Monday nightsdeadline also Were available Toronto Maple Leafs and Mont real Canadiens face off at it pm EST in the nationallytelevised ofseven set 24 The fourth game is here Thursday night day night in which 10 policemen gameCananiens leadthe best th police stationgrabbed four hand grenades and hurled them at po iiccmen inside it Four otherpolicemcn wereinlt jured byflyingstones as the riots spread through the southeast city scene or bloody election day clashes March 15 The disturbance was touched off when the body ofra 17year old studentv ssing since taking part in election demonstrations was found on the seashorenear Mason msrurr ovan nonv Police refused rto hand the body over to the youths fellow students police jeep was set on ire anddc onstrations started mountingviole Officials said rioters besieged the government prosecutors af lice pro government newspa per office and the home of gov ernment politiciaii as well asthe police station Officials said hootp cemen in cluding reinforcements from the nearby port of Pusan quelled the riot ailerr morethan four hours without using firearms However press reportfrom Posan said two rloters had been killed Meanwhile authorities is claimed revolutionary conspir acy twas uncovered iqur dnys ago They said leaflets calling for overthrow of the government by force refusal to pay taxes and tears return to work Many publicly burned their passes during yrle Louw brought up the question of Com muant influence in South Africa Saying tho nowoutlawed African National Congress had active Communists among its leaders Louw noted that the Moscow newspapers Pravda and Izvestia recently buastedlthat Comriiu nist policy and work in South Af rica had been paying off Louw saidthe assassination at tempt on Prime Minister Ver woerd showed rise of gangster ism and intimidation Terrorism was playing big part in therur rent troubles Violence Hares ATLANTA Ga APT New violence has erupted in the south ern United States now in its 10th week pflsitdown demonstrations fight the brandishing of shovel and the drawing of knives marked protests against scgrega tion in Nashville Tenn Monday after nearly three weeks of calm Two arrests were made The first Negro boycott of white merchaan in Mississippi was re ported at Jackson Police and merchants said it fizzled but spokesman for the National As saciation for the Advancement of tempt as 70 per cent effective More than 100 Negroesdemon stratcd at four stores in Concord NW and sixof them were ar store was charged sault BOYCOTTPLAN AtAtlanta Rev Martinmizher Kingé Negro integrationleader said Negro collegestudenfs from 40 communities wh have been staged Raleigh He said the sessions might lead to developmentof selective buying pro as well asfo MIAMI Three Cubans Airlines crew members brought their plane tti Miami and rcgu lor flight today then asked for political asylum passenger also requested US Airport immigrstion took charge of tha four eflight from Havana mi also carr 15 regular anctuary the Both clubs inept late today fund national Istudents strike were passengers1L liens and four ll Knives In Tennessee Protest Colored People described the at The woman prop etorrof campaign of defiance against the government Without the passes they cannot get em ployment 150 Policemen RaidlIQWnships ueryflegroés nohundredaud filty phlicemen supported by three armored cars todaytraided grouper Negro townships southwest of Johannes hurgt Police started thelargcscalc operation this morning and were still working throngh the town shipa this afternoon iAbout so Negroes were de tained for questioning by Police in the morning The raid followeda similar one Monday on Western Township where police lookedfor danger ous weapons in doortodoor search linew In South mation of southern council to battle racial segregation At Nashville white divinity student picketing with Negroes wasvstruck by truck driver and both were arrestedon disorderly conduct charges city employce brandisbed shovel at demons strator twowhite youths bit Ne gro pickets and Negro man and white youth drew knives on TORONTO CP Controller Jean Newman disclosed today that dnig addicts in Metropolitan Tomato now have their drugs de llvered to their homes All an addict has to do no matter what area of the city hes in is pick up the phone and ask for some caps Mrs Newman said Then five minutes later he gocs down to the street in front of his home and gets drugs from the pusher its incredible to thinkthat drug addiction in the Metro area has grown so much that this la happening she paid HAVANA ApiAn insurgent band led by former Castro of floor was reported bottled up in the Sierra Maestro Mountains of costem Cuba today but the gov ernment refused to talk about it Unconfirmed reporu said troops and militiamen in Orienta Prov ince weremoving in on an en circled group of about to gueru rillaSledby Manuel Benton for mer captain in Fidel Castros forces it was from these moun tains that Castro launched his revolution Castro himself was rcportad somewhere in the Oriente Moun tains today and there was spec ulation that he was personally di recting the military operation against the guerrillas The semiofficial newspaper Revolucion said esaturday that Bentonrwas heading avgang of Mrs Newman who has been waging fight to clean up prosti tution In Toronto said she discov ered the home delivery service to addicts through letters she re ccived about prostitution in the city She said the pusher charges so for heroin capsule plus $1 for the extra work and risk in volved in going near the addicts house instead of to contact place lIta horrible and frightening the way our vice and crime have been growing Insurgents Bottled By Troops In CubaMountains Govt Mum Another unconfirmed report said second guerrilla band was roaming the Sierra Cristal mountain range north of Sierra Maestra Beaten recently escapedirom Havanas La Cabana military fortress where he had been held on charges of killing an army major and two soldiers at the gates of Camp Libertad oumida the capital several months ago Beaton denied he was responsi bio the shooting and friends said he had been made Scope goat REJE v8 REQUEST Castr crnmcnt meanwhile has rejected Washington plea to return two Americans who Weia shot wnYln Cuba after sneak rom Fl id it in ill houncedrts own releotion of threa Cubanprotcsts on other matters At the time hvo flyersv were arrested Cuba said they try ing tolspirit out of the try former agent of dictator Fulgen fbandits in the area Barrie OPP said today=it was unlikely there would be any in quest into thedaath of Boyat Canadian Dental Corps captain found dead in his car Monday at Camp Borde CaptainJi MaeNeily 33 died as result of gunshot seat was arifle lie was found in the car on street in the north end of the Sutherland gt cantanolrr Barrie fire department attend ed one call Monday when chimney tat 241 Dunlop Street West started lorsmoke No dam age was done however This was theronly call since Sunday when the truck tripped out to Mlnets Point only to find the blaze was each other butwere separated wounds Beside him tonthe auto camp by passing motorist cio Batista Dr Shannon Barrie coroner performed an autopsy and Bar den Provost and Barrie OBI tie tachments are investigating Capt MacNeily was stat had at the ROM Depot Clinic at Camp Borden fora year He was formerly from Wolfville NS He is survived by his wife Norine who resides at 279Blaka Street Barrie ASK GUARANTEE LonnoN tReutersXA party of English folk dancers will not take part in South African tour later this month unless their safety canbe guaranteed itwas announced Monday At the same time Scottish grouplof dancers due to accompany the English dancefs have asked the Com Sure Inquest Unlikely In Death Oi Borden Denial Corps Captain mouwealth relations office here for gas that they ill be safe Canadian are LONDON forts of Britain papers to estab ainister behind the royal refusals for Princess Margarets wedding officials are generally satisfied that sh notice is thereal rea son Aiter coilnting long list of We regret notices IiOmEllltP tpean royalty spokesman at Clarence House home of Princess Margaret said peeted After all they have only had six wéeks notice Normally one would thave expect it much longer engagement So for beauty member European royalt have copied an invitation lngrldof Denmark The royal families of Norway ifolland Bab if wasnlt unex neen outside the city limits sons advanccdis that the groom Antony ArmstrongJones so is commoner King Olav of Norway whose daughter married lcommnnar was the only member of royalty asked to omment on he report Hejtcimed An expert royal protocol in London explained tolda that when king or queenmart other heads of states ar ex tions But protocol is obsctire concerninglthe marriage of prin ces orprincerseslhere is int obigstion to attend Queen Mother to have trcuble fillingth 047 seats in trn is backed up with formidable pected to accept wedding nVi ster auhey The initial gue list ey go on theto RegretsNor sinister EngagementxTob jef By STEWAluMncL on editorially that on people With au on date notionofthe su pr aoyofr eB wnud cxpectother Aya etcchange engagements end the wed tabloid its front or in reply to arid said lnany caseno one expectsthc