rarvlirs MUSEUM Blli urns CATALOGUE George Bannister of 0t mwalooks over someol the 1500 ï¬reamu in his private mucous Ovcr the genre he oï¬rasc PREMIER pd PortablétPensions By All In Serious FSesSion TORONTO CPl serious animals and birds half ton of elephant tusksnrmor and 2000005tamps Little of it is VISITS has collected stucco tropiual threehour discussion on portable pensions and visit by Premier Antonio lighted the legislature session Thursday Members5of all parties spent one of the quietest evenings of the session going into the prnb lems of compulsory contribut arrette of Quebec highs The land was purchased from ory pension plan All agreed that portable pensions are necessary Premier Frost said special committee is now studying pen slons It is to report to the legis lature at the next session at which time select committee of the House will he set up to make specific recommendations The House took on an informal atmosphere during the afternoon as Mr Frost permitted camora men to set up lights and take pictures of Mr Barrctts brief visit He is the first Quebec pre mier to speak in the Ontario legislature since Confederation CLOSE TIES SEEN Mr lrost said the visit con firmed the close tiesfthat tradi tionally exist between the two sister provinces apartner ship betwcen two great peoples Liberal Wintermeycr said the two provinceshave people of different origins can demonstrate to the world that people of different origin scan live together and 1build riation Mr Barrette said he had come to0ntario to offer partnership and friendship forever Indeed we are partners even when sometimes we think we are not ANTONIO BARRETTE We Are Partners This applies to all the provinces of Canada but it is only right that since your prime minister in vited me should come here ï¬rsth The calm atmosphere was somewhat disturbed when Labor Minister Daley and Education Minister Robarts rose in quick succession to deny charges that there had been politicalpay off in theselection of site for new teachers college near St Catharines James lrotter Toronto Parkdalc king in the gown debate charged that the government purchased 14 acres of farm land for the college from Big Scottish Breweries Mull Over Taylors Tait Oller EDINBURGH Toronto financier Taylor is seeking to take over three of Scotlands leading breweries in £3500000 deal it was reported here Thurs day night The hoards of the three com panies said in joint statement that they consider the offers fair and reasonable and will recommend strongly that the shareholders in the companies accept The brewers are William Mur ray and Company Limited of Edinburgh George Younger and Son Limited of Allan and John Fowler and Company Limited They have 200 pubs employ al most 1000 Workers and produce large proportionhf the beer drunk in Scotland it is understood new com pany to be called Calednoian Brewers will be formed to con trol the three firms ltwillbe headed by the present director of George Younger and Son canvass SHAREHOLDERS All members of the boards have said they willaccept the offer for their own holdings The shareholders will be canvassed by letter Chairman Younger said tonight It is very goodoffer It is bit early to say what the effect of the takeover will be but Im sure that after everything has settled down the companies will coordinate their energies and cut down on spending There is no doubt there will be economies which can be af fected by merging three com panies into one Last month Taylor merged three north of England firms Hammonds United Hope and Anchor and John Jeffreyinto $215000000 northern moup Northern is said to be buying all three Scottish companies Mr Taylor chairman of the board of Canadian gtBrewerles limitedfwas notavailable in Tor ontofor comment on the reported Scottish deal Ian RDowie of Toronto presi dentlof Canadian Breweries said he hadno knowledge of the deal DANCINGC svrnv rm and our l0lllllllll pm tuitionSr TBmAYMnalcny The Rhythmaires Modern sATumAYMnslc by Tom PattendenOIGTJBSM oldatlmo and modern ADMISSION 500 Americas No stagnantJeans Permitted rnm catalogued and he has prac tically no idea of its wins blast of it was picked up dur ing his travels Favored fricnd of Mr Dalcys when land could have been bought chenper ncnr Welland The Welland riding ProgrcsA sive Conservative Association is upset about this said Mr Trot tcr Theyve passed resolution protesting the new location of the teachers college Cecil Secord Grantham Town ship farmer and Niagara Parks commissioner for $3500 an acre while land near Welland where the education department first considered building the college could bavebeen obtainedfor $1 000 an acre Mr Robarts said the depart ment looked at 14 sites but de cided on the Secord property as being the most suitable for its purposes At that time the land wasthought to have been owned by totally different party Thedepartment of education must make the choices of lanes MrRobartswas réfeiring to letter from the Greater Welland Chamber of Commerce complain ing because the college was not to be built in the Welland district He said he had also received delegations from Lincoln County skin that the college beloceted there dont blame them for try ing but wont yield to organiza tions when they try to exert pressure He said the ncw teachers col lege would not he built for ut three years During that tlm he would reexamine the situation if it was still advisable to buildthecollege at St Cathar mes Burl dont make any promA ises to change the departments decision he said EDLOTIATION CHARGE Ray Edwards LWeotworth urged the government to pass legislation to stop what he called the exploitation of service sta tion operators by the big oil companies He said by adopting the lessor lessee relationship the compan ies can avoid the requirements of theLabor Relations Act with re spect to hoursof work vacations with pay and working conditions And be charged that the com panies force the station operators to sign exclusive contracts that make it possiblefor them to con trol the merchandising practices of the lessee Woolwonh Power FoodMn into Shoes gPlaza Drugs Royal Bank Reilmnns canonso NOW REVNTED Coward Clothes roll aspires iuronmnrlon orgawn c9 pawn up Mistiy la thenpullflc manila of its hot quitnu and humane pests Hamid Winch CC MP for Vancouver East ted Thursday to Health Minister Monteith that it ll WI can be the healthgiving nation of the world if we take advantage of them be told the Common cramta committee The hot spring and peat bags are mostly found in the mountain ranga flchstem Canada Health authorities on the merits of hot springs and out treatments Some say they induce noorglnic changu that cant be obtained in plain hot bath was aired in six days ligaments suffered in an bile accident when he spent hours each day packed in her monepeat Authorities in the health de partment here said later they have never heard ofhormone peat But they said certain pests mlghl contain hormones derived from plant remains which con ceivably could help catch all meats ifsenior ups Wish Defence Bill Could BelUsed For Other Things OTTAWA iCP TWonf the moreelderly members of Parlfa meat lmkedmuefully atCanadas huge defence bill Thursday and wishedthnt thernoney could be devoted to something more con structive The high cost of running the countrys defence establishment +estimnted at more than $1586 000000 in the current fiscal year drew the attention of Herridgu CCFKootenay West and Hon Macdonnellllc Toronto Greenwood Both are veterans of the First World War Mr Herrldgo 66 reiterated his partys cafl for planned elimina tion of wasteful defence expendi tures Mr Macdonnell 15 former minister without portfolio in the Conservative government he moaned thoexpendlture of mll llons of billions on weapons that are alreadyobsolete WOULD AID WEEKS Both memberaspeaklng in budget debate that ranged far but seldom dealt with the 196061 budget advocated increased ecolt homlc assistance to underde velopcd countries Mr Macdonnell said he did not know how the West could let down its guard However be la rnented We watch new weapons being manufactured become obsolete before they are even ready for use Meanwhile another de terrent to war to not being adequately used He said he was referring to the deterrent vnlue of working economy in the world which would permit the emergsicc of political and social conditions under which free institutions cln exist Mr Maodonnell suggested that Prime Minister Dlefcnbaker take the lead at the Commonwealth prime mlnLvters conference next month in great stepsof further lecoggmh aid to underdeveloped an WOULD STOP WASTE Mr Herrldge said that for start Canada could save $300 000000 by eliminating wasteful defence expenditures as pm posed by the CCFln noncon fldence motion now before the House We in this group are quite confident that every dollar that is being spent on the Bomarc missile in being wasted he de clarcd The GOP member said 330 000000 saving would more than take care of onethird boost in disability war pensions increases in war veteransI allowances no monthly boost in the old age pension and civil service salary increases to ling $50000000 These be calculated would come to 9231000900 Mr Herridge also called for capital gains tax and national inveshnent policy to develop idle resources and give employment to the jobless Govt Intention Firm To Depart Irina Rebrin Teacher lit IIBC OTTAWA GP Lion Minister Falrclougb said Thorn day she is satisï¬ed on security grounds tbat the vgovuument shouldnt change its intentionto deport Irina Reblln University of British Columbia Russian teacher Replying In questions asked in the Commons earlier Mrs Fair clougb said the decision to de port Miss Rebrin who came to Canada from Brazil was re viewed but on the basis of classified information we are satisï¬ed on security grounds that she should not be permitted to remain in this country Mrs Faircloughaald Miss Reb rln came to Canada in 1958 as visitor and later applied to re main as animmlgrant On an amlnatlon it was found she did Reports 0i Cider on flights Mistake VANCOUVER CPllt was all mistake TransCanada Air Lines said Thursday it did not intend to serve vaguely alcoholic drink on reg ular flights of its new transcon tinental let serviceonly on the introductory flights The service of the sweet cider With an alcohol content of 26 per cent was stopped Wednesday on orders from Montreal headquar ters It was replaced withnon alcoholic elder The26percentdrinkwaa served on inaugural jet flights Friday TCA ofï¬cials said here Monday it would be part of stand ard service with meals forfirst class jet passengers that not comply with requirements of Canadian lmmlgration Miss Rebrin 33 is said to be the daughter of Russiantraders who lived the Chinese main land She lived in China Japan and Brazil TOOK NEWS CALMLY VANCOUVER CP Reporter Pat Carney former student of irlna Rebrin broke the news to the Russianborn Slavonic lec turer thatlthe federal cabinet had rejected her appeal to remain in Canada Mlss llabrln was in hospital with acute bronchitis Miss Carney Province re porter said Miss Rean was dazed and feverish but took the news calmly Miss Carney gave her copy of Immigration Minister Fair clougba statement in the Com mans 5y ey wo for security rials said Miss Rebrin dont care what it is wish they would make it pub lic This way cant prove or disprove anything Miss Carney said Miss Rcbrin then started to cry And where will go What country will take me with this stigma Miss Rebrin said she does not want to return to Brazil where her brother and aged parents live because cant earnaliv lng there cant speak the language she said And there in node mend there for Russian or Chi nese language teachers It would be like returning to grave Id never make enough money to emigrate anywhere else Barrie SHOPPING PLAZA Developments INTERSECTION WIIwy cooAim 51 and Murmur 51 T0 COMMENCE coNsruucrIou AND orysLoerNr IN APRIL 13y ACRES PAKKINGiFORloio cAlisg moronic consrnucnnn nsraiu Habavtdnon llsï¬iloorv St East Toronto Ontario gt FTswlohPWA 444582 39 mm namesprions Canada Passing Up Big Ind In Hot Springs Hormone Feats Murder Tip RelaYé To Manager Of For OTTAWA CP tipsicrs mm $3 port manager Guy Montreal was relayed Thursday to nndntent Commons mmmittee investigating the toll operation of national harbors board bridge under Mr Beandets nuthoriU Quietly but with signs of strain in his voice Mr Beaudet told the railways committee of noon bour telephone roll he had re celved from his wife in Montreal He said shed beenphnned the night before by an anonymous man who warned that two men next to him in Montreal bar had been plotting to kill me lie said if was wise ld get protection said Mr Beaudet adding that hed alled the RCMP in Montreal and arranged for guard at his home The man had told Mrs Beaudet that heswould be in Montreal courtroom Tuesday when six for mer bridge toll collectors appear on charges of theft and breach of trust If he recognized the two plotters the man had promised he would inform the RCMP SENSAHDNAL TURN The Beaudet statement was the most dramatic and sensational turn so far in the committee in vestigation running parallel with on RCMP inquiry begun info List year First arrests were made earlier this week Jacques Cartier bridge toll col lecting was handled manually un til Septcmberwhen an automatic system was installed Revenues increased immediately The move was accompanied by series of threats tobrldgc per sonnel At least non member of Parliament and warning by two armed men to Mr Beaudct last August to halt the installation or expect harm to himself and his family Pierre Sevigny associate de fence minister said series of telephoned threats halted after he was named to the cabinet SEEK NEGLIGENCE Conunlttee members have been digging for signs of administra tive negligence and political pa tronngc Witnesses from the National Harbors Board which operates the bridge under agreement with Quebec province and Montreal have agreed that the old manual collecting system was outmoded Mr Beaudet said Thursday that he recommended automch ma chines innsss two years after becoming port manager He said delay by the province in ncccpt ing new tariff contributed to delay in getting the machines in stalled Purchase of the automch sys tem had been approved in prin ciple in 1556 by the federal Lib oraladministration They were installed last September Mr Benudct and Clems ent bridge superintendent were questioned at length on steps they had taken to check up on toll collections FISHER CRITICIZES The fact of heavy demand for the jobs must have indicated some weakness said Douglas Fisher CCFPort Arthur who finally stated that the whole operation prior to last September appeared wldc open and clumsy Both officials agreed they had been suspicious llr Clement said no police inspection had been requested for the toll super vlsoror assistants but he had been building case against Hijack $6400 01 Plant Payroll BRANTE Oil CPlEenjam McLaughlin an office manager who picks up his companys pay roll alone cvery Thursday was hllacked by two men Thursday and robbed of $6400 The money was the weekly wages of 150 employees of Kitchen0verall and Shirt Com pany Police said McLaughlin was driving into the company pnrklt ing lot when man walked up on each sideioi his car They wore khaki overalls palnters caps and dark glasses and held handker chiefa to their noses McLaughlin said later there was work going on around the factory and he believed the two were workmen until they pulled guns andbundled him back into the car One drove and the other held the manager GAGGED AND BOUND After short ride the two taped McLaughlins eyes and mouth and bound his hands he hind him with wire before shov ing him beneath the dashboard They left him there when they abandoned the car about half mile from the factory Police said the manager freed himself and telephoned police but that they had already been called by woman employee who saw may tlté WILZEYOF lullWilli MSWlid farmMM the holdup through window Eileen Browne ran into the company business office shouting Quick call the police Ben has been hijacked Police said the gunmen must have known McLaughlins pay day routlnc raccoons oeuvres ma our will Justinian John Sievénm atPA 85201 or Call at thayofflce 95 anlopï¬m srsvsusom manner that Rocked THE SUN turgidNS Echinoderms uNlVlasapanaNAnuuagyan VINTAGI anemicnan Adult Mntertalnment tomorrows Willi tAMOUE PlflYtRS THEATRE PLUS mum Gnnsmoltn and 1m pan supervisor Alired Poole year employee This man in good health Mr Clemen and the tone of his indicated he was protedtn toll collectors Mr Poole retiredon last year after refusing position Mr Clement said Mr had asked to he notified wh openings occurred Mr had been listed prevl documents as the most fr recommender of applicants the 1951 federal election the Liberal party Mr Beandet and harbors chairman Maurice Archer their personal opinions litlcal recommendations be stopped llprilZl To Austerity We OTTAWA Mayo reeves in Canada will pro the last week of Aprilas Na Austerity Week External Minister Green announced day in the Commons The pose will be toon reiug Canadians will be asked tribute to their local refugee mlttces money saved by themselves some luxury be April at and so Tag days will also be hel postal cancellation will during May and June las months of World Refugee to remind Canadians to In contribution HOPE ro OPEN APR MASSENA NY Apt struggle against heavy lce ing slowly but lha St La Seaway is expected to up schedule April 15 admlnls Lewis Castle of the Seawa velopment Corporation Thursday One of the ï¬rst through the locks probahl bathe Norweglan steamer which went aground late las son and was laid up winter at Prescott CarolAnn nonu ml Greatest pan on warn srncmr omnnnnns mac ranynma CARTOONS LIrrLs on Many