Elbe metric Examiner Published by Canadian newspapera Lid id hayueld dtrest Ontario WAGE FOUR THURSDAY MARCH ll KDITOBIAL LOntario Premier Calls For improved Railway Services Premier Leslie Frost whose govern ment operates railway the Ontario Northland has criticized in the legisla ture Canadian railways saying they are antiquated and outdated He called for complete reexamlnation of rail prices and policies in the interest of Canada as well as our province The ljionorable Mr Frost is Many other people have said the same thing before long before in fact Cer tainly there have been attempts to do fSomethinz of what headvocates For one thing dleselization is almost complete on the two major systems the privately owned CPR and the governmentowned ONE sometimes known as the peoples railway As one person put it the peo ple own it but they dont ride on it The Premier said many railway ser vices and practices are little different than they were at the end of the 19th century so right Competition for the transport business has been increasingly aggressive truck ing airlines even boats private cars have caught up with the railways who could have maintained their dominant position by earlier modernization and better service As Mr Frost pointed out the rau unions cannot escape some of the blame He noted the growing rigid ity of labor in railway operations helped contribute to the decline He summed up by stating We hope that fromjthe deliberations of the royal commission on transportation will come recommendations that will assure for Ontarloand Canada modern and effic ient railways possessing the capacity of adaptability to change and providing ser vices consistent with the optimum de velopment DI Canada 35 ll nation at rat es that are equitable and fair to all re gions in Canada and realistic in relation to the cost of providingservlce Canadas BlesrsedrMWinier One reason why winter has not been praised adequately is that most or the worlds greaTllterature assffarbeen produced in areas where they have no Amthwhllejvln er Homer had no change to know the glories of CanadiAn wintzr Iwith the snow shining brighter than his goddesses Dante had as splendid anvim aginatlon but northern Italian winter was sleety mud Shakespeare peer of both might reasonably have been ex pected to imagine how wonderful winter could be but he was stuck with that ter rible thing the English winter comments The Printed Word There is an obviously fine opportunity for Canadians to take winter over and make something of it Experience is not lacking most writers being too poor to escape Besides there is the spur of com Opinionsol Other Illewspapers LOST POPULATION New York Times Four states have lost population Among these Arkansas with adrop of 83 percent is the most striking One wonders if Governor Fuubus might not do more for Arkansas if he stopped monkey ing with the schools and got in some new indust ries As for Vermont it has dropped 15 per cent One is puzzled Why dont the people who think Vermont is beautiful andromsntic as it is go and live theref MUNICIPALITIES HIT Vancouver Sun Mun ipal counciLs in this province can sym pathize with the council that governs St Pierre and Mlquelon small group of French islands off the south coast of Newfoundland The islands face financial crisis so grave that 11 of fiber 14 council members have resigned Their situation is not unlike the one with which BCs local governments have lived for several years Except that it siran overnight and territorial spokesmen say the crisis results from the French Governments franc devaluation They dont explain whybut they estimate their islands 50000dd citizen will have to pay $800000 more in taxu this year because of Frances fiscal policy In Vogue crisis didnt develop so dramatic MARCII 1940 Prominent in business and also in Masonry and one of Barries outstanding citizens Frederick VilliarnOiiundiedlle andrhirsr Miss Lillian Somewllle were unable to spend the winter in Florida as customary because of the farmers illness which started 14 years pr2 vlously and became worse Born at Napanee in 1874 only son of the late Henry Holt Otton and the fomner Elizabeth Boyle he came with his parents to Barrie in 1877 ttenderl Victoria School and as youth in his teens in 1894 be and his futile as Ii Otion and Son succeeded in tha Winesiihwhidl Mr Dunns brother Joseph had been spartner as Often Bros The latter went petition Amongall the other things tho Russlans possess winter they have plen 4vanuuukelynthatsuvrestlrig tions are placed on USSR writers who can get their ringers thawed out enough to praise the Russian winter The Canada Council might Well stipu late in passing out expensemoney for travel that instead or heading away from this country Canadians should tra vel in their own land especially afoot and especiallydn the mornings and ear ly afternoons of winter days when there is about fifteen degreesof frost and the sun is dartingarourld from every direc tion through gentlyblowing snow among the carved drifts Homer and Dante and Shakespeare would haveinstantly appre ciated that the Canadianwinter was one of the most wonderful experiences avail able to humans it was no sweeping onenyeartactiou by Viet oria that put municipalities under heel But if the burden here came less swiftly it is no less real than that facing the codfishing St Pierrais and Mlquelonais Theres one other difference The French colonials can look back longingiy to days when they had no tax worries During US prohibition their islands were lush 93v squaremile warehouse for bootleg hoocb being smuggled to parched Americans BCr municipalities have no such rosy rem lraeisclences Theyve bad thing better but never Shll their experience should make ulcmgen uinely sympathetic to any local government un der an nppruslve lax burden because of ï¬nancial policies over which it has no control now Pnnsuann PEOPLE London Free Press The Reverend lamu Mulchmor secretary of the United Churchof Canada Board of Evan gelism and Social Services told the Essex Pres bytery that it is high time Canadians drank and bet less worked harder and longer and accepted more moral discipline This might be expected to raise the Canadian productivity index from three percent to six percent and thus alleviate the tight money situaion No doubt Dr Mutcbmor is correct but how are people to be persuaded illewe oiilormer Years west Ahusy life included servicefc his town as alderman also to his church Collier Street Methodist at first later United wasgn Liberal also prominent in Masonry Rose Croix Scottish Dist maï¬fEï¬rmFg arson was esteemed by all who knew him Dr Neil Morrison of Kitchener suffered fracture of both legs below the knee in peculiar accident mile south of Shoud four cars were involved Thevictirn was attempting to get shovel from the rear of his car to aid motorist in ditch ahead when another car ran into him pinning him against the rear bumper of his own car He Was removed to the Royal Victoria Hospit al Barrie and attended by Dr Lewis Paragrapliically Speaking Note to those who have always wanted bison buffalo The US Government willsell you one for $140 Elle idemin Examiner Authorixzd second class mail Post our Dcpurtmcnt Dttnwu ouuy Sundays and autumn nounv Implod wanna PIIIIIISIIH and General Manager cannons wanna iiurinerr Manager Nevin emu urnuinr 3dr noaaar snares Advertising mam Joan aonnm subscri can 111 550 veg sinllo coarse 350 llx montbi than no Ignwmggth scanon Csnudu rsnoveu Universlt Ava relum Camcu main llzlLVilut in Street Vancouver mm of the annual oaiy rum Association The antdiln Pro Audit Bureau ug circulation raucauaarunrm on ely an Ill 10 ubiiolunn of III Bowl Gib steber in this 11 Fore ted toziC or can ted Press or Ileut and Ana tlo soc may IIieplrmra mum rArkwu Hm mm 1011 PArkwn arm mail In man nrsenied program of living and first class emertammcnt which had to be rnccrmwrimcassosmh BY COMET Toronto Wildfill Ik To ILonddn Isf Somellre More Equal Than Others 31 FATE NICHOLSON fliwaA welfare state provider one rule of passions for its employees the civil setvi sung considerably less Bench nus seal for its shareholders the citizens and much more lavish pensloaperbups the most open handed in the countryfor former member of the House of Com mons who have sat in three or more Parliaments But the we faro state offers no pensions at all to its directors the minl rters In the cabinet This glaring omisrlon has not passed unnoticed here group of senators lteplsnnlnx humid firIt nibble at this cherry by proposing that our taxes should be increased to provide pension for retired or defeated prime ministers Of course the Senala has no powerto initiate any measure which would call for the expendl turc of our tuey ro in thk lrn stance the members of our upper chamber can do no mora than saw the seeds of an idea EEKPRIME MINISTERS If pension were to be pro vidcdfor former prime ministers todal there would be two im mediate beneï¬ciaries 85 year Only Nine Flying no by 11mm rosran Publisher Welland Tribune No matter from what geo graphical polnt the trip is made the traveller in Britain always goes up to London recently had the privilege and pleasure of going up to London 40000 feet up in British Overseas Airways Comet with special party to mark the inauguration of the direct TorontoLondon ser vice Lcavlng Toronto at 980 pm and making onehour stop at Montreal we touched down at LondonAirportnlnc flying hours later or 1230 pm Greenwich time The trip was unbelievably swift and smooth After climb which caused no mean venlence to the 60 or more passengers he plane levelled out for steady eightmrle high hop across the Atlantic during which any latent fears regarding the mode of trach disappeared in wealtbflcf BOAC hospii ful and efficient personal tention by stewards steward esses and other members of the crew Arrived in London there was Il clnus experienced to be believed Headquarters were at the mod ernized swanky Mayfair hotel on Berkeley Street which leads to Berkeley Square where ac cording to the popular song the nightlngslcs sang To be in London on balmy March day was delightpespe cially to those who were on familiar ground First to be noticed was the flowering al mond trees with rpmlnsh blooms very much lrke our own pinchblossomsrwlththpmd Hull wood additional similarity of appear ing before the leaves come out to greet the spring lbere were crocuscs inprofusron thep wubllï¬ihfljilr with tulips and daffodils show ing touch of color here and there ready to burst into glorv ions bloom few days hence LUXUBIOUSLY ACCOMODATED The Mayfair hotel is just completing program of mod 11hc NASA says that ten years from now the US Will placemenron the Moon Dress Report It isevidently as sumed that Russia wiliallowor+aecept emigrants from the Us who array land on the moon llhe voluble talker doesnt want to enterinto discussion He wants only listeners who interrupt him briefly to agree with him Beginning in November the majmTV networks agreed to devote aboutan hour we each to evening cultural programs to to iwdid network competition News item The smallsmount of culture fprobably wouldnthurt anybody butum pty mlllionpeople will be afraid to risk it nue Gateksaya=xmtirth 1118 beginstocaboh up with Eussia in lsazgshowill have moderately mine missiles than the 115 News item But moderately more may lbewlnaf Fo example manya personhas drowned in wetsuthutmascnlufmodcratebldem than he was talk ernization and the party must ly made up of travel agents with couple of newspaper mentor good measure was luxuriously accommodated Ad ded to this was the traditional cnurtcsv and excellent cuisine characteristic of all good Lo don hotels BOAC could hardly have been more generous in the entertainment provided Sight seeing tours included Londons West End and financial dlr trict where the banks enhanced ihe centuriesold beauty of their buildings with gay win dow boxes of spring flowers The Houses of Parliament the Tower of London and its lam our Crown Jewels Windsor Castle and Hampton Court dat ing back to the 16th century were included during the five day itinerary delectable lunch featuringroastbeef and Yorkshire puding was served at the famous BOOyesrnld Mitre Hotel across the road from llampton Court Palace which was presented by Car dinal Wolsey to Henry VIII NIGHT LIFE Evening entertainment in cluded visit to the Savllle Theatre idsee The Amorous Piawn farcical comedy by Anibany Klmrnins featuring Evelyn Laye renowned British actress Another attraction was The Talk of the Town at the Hippodrome Theatre Restaurant The Hippodrome was opened in 1900 specially equipped to present elaborate water and stage spectacles It was closed in 1957 but recently reopened as what is claimed to be the most famoustheatre restaurant in the world vrrval ling those of New York Paris The greatest tbnll for mem bers of he party makrng this brief BOAC visit to Britain was reserved for Sunday evening whenvwe wereAprivileged to sit trs dern Rny Festival Hall and hear the London Philharmonic Orches tra with Sir Malcolm Sargent as conductor Two of the selec tions must be specially men tioned One was the Sinfonrs Cnnceriante in flat mayor by Haydn played are quartet wrtb Jims een Toronto and London March 1500 Flight time Vuhr mm mm orcheshal accompaniment ln ciuded in the quartet were violin viollncello oboe and bassoon This number was done with subtle delicacy but evident strength which brought out the full pnssibll ities of the tuneful composi tion For most of the Csnadlt old Right an Arthur Melgben and 78year old Right llon Louis St Laurent Mr St Laurent is entitled to the same old age pension as any other Canadian who has passed his 70th birthday namely $55 month In addition as former All Canadian workers not iust to miners In that case orn parlia mentarians should have their present basic pay boosted from $10000 year to ï¬gure $00 above the $2500 paid each year to thumbs of the us Con Arfdvvbat of our cabinet mlnlrl tars Our prime minister is paid about one third of the salary paid in the former civil servant who now run our national rail way company which is ridicul ous contrast Hon George Pesrkes mlnlsiar of national defence draws or pension as retired molargem eral mere $1392 year but the significance of this figure is that it Is not his true pension is the difference between the $5000 he receive as minister and the higher figure he would be paid if he were stillserving as major general and taking orders from the minister of nalt tional defence To obtain the best procurablc experience and ability to run the most important business in Canada our federal govern mentwe should pay commensu rate salaries This would aliract to the national service the brains which are now dedicated to 181 improvement of business admin lstrptlnn and the increase of cor porailon profits This step should surely deserve higher priority than correcting possible past injustices such as conslderlng pensions for past MEIredrawn parlimgnianprirucmin lsLerandcrpnid pensionwhlch in his case lg 5195 month For man who once was the though they certainly were executive head of our govern meut who lived in splendor in the official residence of our prime minister at 24 Sussex Drive Ottawa total pension from the state of $150 month is not lavish for his last years But it seems that astep more immediately important then im proving lhe grazing ln retire ment would be to increase the size of thepiece of cheese in the mnusetrap of public life note that the Uniiedelcel workers of America have re cently negotiated whge settle meat with the Iron Ore Company of Clinada whlcb will include lung the highngm oi the mo baslc labor rate of $214 an hour gram was Wagners Overture to Tannhauser Contrasting moods and various effects were brilliantly produced under Sir Malcolm Sargenta batty raonoilon SERVICE We must get down to some further comment rcgardingfhe BOAC Comet Jailiner city which we were so comfortably whisked from one continent to another Despite the immense speedof more than 400 miles an hour the aircraftmoves so smoothly and steadily passen gers feel no sensation of fly ing The great BollsRoyce Avon jet engines bringllre craft quickly up to its cruising height whore itseems to he poised in space without VibTa ticnand nothing more than pleasant hum from the eng ines We had an ogportunriy for understanding ow thorough is the service nnBOAC aircraft when we visited the London Airport used by this international air line is 870 feet long 432 feet wide and 99 feet high erhr its walls ishoused compon ent repair and overhaul part which operates 24 hours day and employs 5000 people Planes and their engines are constantly being stripped and rebuilt so that all may begin perfect mechanical condition as they speed on their world7 wide flights pleaasanttnp home in Jet Prop Bï¬ï¬nmi made fast but not quite equal time with the Comet mem bers of the Canadian 11er were unanimous in their praise 61 the blind and safety of BOAC travel BIRD SONGS The catblrcl type of mucking bird found in Eastern Canada imitates the songs of many other types of birds The chief structure whlchlaturerwssiimposslbl onveninncudlhereJher compared with the comparable v5 figure of only $210 an hour do not know whether the out put of Canadian miner justiï¬es this premium on his services But the Canadian Labor Con gress recently issued some fig ures showing that the average value of the output of all Canal diun workersln industry ls only twothirds of thekiioutpnt of their US colleagues FOR ALLNOT FOR ONE However it would be equally fair to apply this pay scale to marssanon Ariiuri August Lehlinen was to become Finlands first smv bossador in Canada in March niler his countrys legstion in pttawa was raised in the status of an embassy Mr Lehtiuen had been charge QUEENS Plllllf affairer since June 1959 New Committee Formlllay Evolve av ooN ornralm TORONTO new form of committee may evolve hire It would hesomewhat along lb lines of US congressional investigating committee There would be counsel and set forms of procedures and possibly even investigators ENFORCED DIGNITY year ago one would have said the possibility of suchvs committee attached to the Legise Premiér Frost has always shrunk from the possibility of anything in the nature of witchbun vs badio be investigations he us alTy lf handed them over to the clary or commission And where there have been investigations by House commit tees alrnostlnv lably there has been tough all an who kept proceedings dr med NOT SATISFACTORY The committee system get ally has been undergoing change in the house this year And one committee in partial No Bonanza Days Ahead For Farmer HAMILTON GP Farmers cannot expect fbonanza days in the next 10 years although the rest of the North American ecu nomy will likely forge ahead United States farm expert said Wednesday Charles Evereit of Ames Iowa addressed the Appraisal Institute of Canada Surplus is behind most of lo days agricultural problemshe said There appear to be no orig idsrlrssallered ihsw many members regarding the function of Ihesesecondary arms of Parliament This committee lsd1o public accounts committee Public accounisrpnd privileges and elections are tlréonlyrtwo committees we have which can go into matters of fscandal ous nature at all Neither is called very often This yearpublie accounts was privileges and elections also wLbe meefin Andto many mernbem ug some on the government its proceedings were not very satisfactory 11 government members vote with the report cf the committee onure Niagara Parks CDlnIliiS slon But some of the were mainly party Privately they did not feel the committee had done the in it should When thc Parks Commission matter was cleared away Op position Leader Wintermeyerhad proposal xIIe suggested the committee itself should study how better form of inquiry mlghtbe in stiluted Many government members seemed gave vossilgly be cause they appreciate thatMr Winiermeyer hbnseli is not witchhunter At the moment of writing the proposal still has to be discussed it seemslikely however that recommendation will go to the main house And though the government most probably willnot accept this In tot wellimight take step towards the pattern bonanza days ahead because the abillty to produce foodlgis in creasing faster than farm goods are neede Mr Everett saw change of emphasis in farming from pro lictio niarkatin ILIlrlllI he predicted would come de cline in farm population an ln crease in the average size of farms and particularly change in attitude towards farming as Elsinore instead of as way of Men seem in mk they have all the power dedurhey fail to recognize that Is not limited as manwis Our God musthe big enoughto over ev rncludrw BIBLE THOUGHT