To Ontarios Municipal Act TORONTO tPiThe govern ment has introduoed sweeping amendmean to the Ontario Mu nicipal Act selling laws on sub iects gi tram shopping mails to the amount municipal ity can spend enteruining pen sons oi distinction bill introduced in the legis lature by Municipal Allairs hlim ister Varrender also gives some municipalities the power to set up boards oi control The Valumous bill will go to committee of the legislature probably next week for clause bysclause study Under one of the main amend ments municipalities Would be given the authority to establish pedestrian malls with the ap provai ol the transport depart menl Ottawa ï¬rst Canadian city to plan such mall had to sexJr separate legislation to allow for blocking at three blocks oi down town Sparks StreeLond turning it into pedestrian shopping area townships with population at more than 45000 to set up boards control Six Toronto area mu nicipalities will be altected The bill also gives municipal auditors the power to demand ac cess to all council and board books and records and to take in formation rom ollielals under oath Municipalities are allowed to Franklin Adams DiesWr0te Light Verse Without Apology NEW YORK API Franklin Pierce Adams Ihe FPA whose wit and wisdom delighted mil lions died Wednesday night The 78yearold retired news paper columnist and unabashed poet one oi radios earliest ponel stars on Information Please had been confined to nursing home or the last five years Death was attributed to hardening oi the arteries EPA had not signed those initials to regular column since 1941 But for time shortly alter the war he wrote syndicated daily piece oi several paragraphs called This Lillle Vnrld Hi5 verse on subjects ranging from hoseball to humorous translations of the classics appeared in many collections as well as in his columns Adams notOnly wrote light erse but did so without apology In fact in an introduction to 1942 collection at his and others innocent merriment he wrote that it he could choose the ability to write either serious or light verse would vote for light ness To manyI ERA was the seem Ineg shy man with the long nose and big moustache who helped lormer sports writer JOhn Kieran answer Clitton Fadimnns tough est stlo on Information Ploboo On radio ondliter TV The 1952 TV versiontolded alter one season AdmaIsecohd wlic Mrs theri Sayles VRoot Adams sur Another amendment permits viver asdo three who and daughter and Holder and duckling aisp be cause theyre tantrum training process exclusive to spend moneyon clvtl delence operations andto establish CD organizations Another section covers the it causing ol trailers located outside trailer camps or no daysor longer Trailer licence lets were boosted to $20 from $10 month other amendments wouldn Remove the $2500 limit lm posed on retirement allowances payable to municipal employees with 20 years service Give the Ontario Municipal Board power to pass judgment on Prom 00 REAP SMALL cattle mo or bone and Allow empties to stabiish gum calmly cotptlguse or county jail przhtct would repeï¬l the rm to any mtmi pallty within the nci pawntn oensean county goveru employment agencies autumn mm The bill would give county The bill sets out the ainount During last years visit at muncds permInion to pay costs money municipalan can spend Queen Elizabeth the municipaliv of losses suilemd by furthers on entertainment at persons oi ties are deemed to have spent lll livestock is hit by rabiesdutinction and celebration oi twice as much by permission LIFETS FOR LIVING NOT LAUNDERING SIIIIE YOURSELF ioEMONsrRATION 3qu new or McCLATRYaEAsY MATCEED TWINS Canadas lowestpriced tull load ultomalic washer and compact full load dryer and EASY Emléu martin Youve never had better chance to calm the govern lence of automatic washing and drylna or all iabrlcsl Now you can afford to step up to the famous Mcelary EasyMatdIod IWins withhll their poplilar features and unbelievably low low price We invite you oome in 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