on Norrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher William Taller Genrel Manager McPherson Managing Editor MONDAY JUNE 1011 lAGld Canada Acts Swiftly Tgine Aid To Refugees strength and will effect fair and last ing settlement Mr Pearson told the Commons that Canada would press for effective inter national guarantees for the security of d1 Israel before any troop withdrawals are made But this seems big order It The dispatch with which this count is foreseeable that long time might has acted indicates recognition of va ass before settlement suitable to uable role our country plays in foreign rael and therefore to the West affairs while the decision of war or could be arrived at In themeantime peace may be taken over by the socalled the refugee problem is not likely to be superpowers lightens It has been demonstrated that our help The danger ll that ethnic hatredsv 89h ia direr needed It is case of the inno at by the 519 hhlhti Of these 91 cent bein left to suffer as conselt 95 t0 the Wlltlcalllfmhuvhted PWPA quanta mg decisions in which they had ganda of Arab fanaticism will tester un no part And when it comes to discus 11 they P°l50h the Atmosphere halt sion of worthwhile contributions to in the world ternational wellvbeing and the role of 15 01100 much to urge says The the superpowers it is interesting to note sun um the questions of security or that Canada is PFOthhg more money Israel and relief and resettlement for than RUSSIA l5 1° Pmlde the hub des the refugees should go handtinhand or titule with 001 even that the uestlon of the refu ees ll and health of er As the Vancouver Sun points out there IHYDIVIPS the is an object lesson in the plight of the Imam legev bf mtg °° Arab refugees both those of many 1° V3 389 years standing and those made homeless In the General Assembly this is likely by the recent war There is no certainty to be overlooked as the heat increases that this suffering will not continue and The point is well made It should be the be multi lied unless the United Nations task of Canadas representatives to keep backed the great powers hasthe It in the foreground OTHER EDITORS VIEWS NIGERIA FRAGMENTATION New York Times Fractured Nigeria where the Eastern Lgion has now declared its independu cucc Is casein Afric incompatibi ty The villains are tribalism regionalism religion fears suspicions hatreds Nigeria even when it seemed stable was never unified nation The British had trouble in holding it together as colony just as they did the now broken Indian subcontinent The Eastern defec tion is tragedy for all of Africa which has already been fragmented to be wildering and im ractical degree Emotions have on running so high in Nigeria that popular pressures seem to be uncontrollable There is little immed iate hope of putting the four major regions East Midwest West and North together again The Ibos of the East are paying the price that an intellectually quicker shrewder keener race always pays They took to Western civilization faster than the other Nigerians and so they spread around the country in the higher government jobs skilled trades iness and the army In Africa they were like the Kikuyus in Kenya the Indians throughout East Africa the Watusi in Rwanda the Arabs in Zanzibar The Ibos of Eastern Nigeria were re senied and disliked When passions were aroused last autumn they were slaught ered in great numbers in the North and hundreds of thousands were driven back to the southeast Out of that African pogrom has come the Eastern breakaway and the possible end of Nigeria as un ified state To those who continue to attempt to downgrade our countrys role inter nationally thcres surely messagedn the fact that Canada has lost no time in making good its decision to send aid to the Arab nations in the warravaged Chevrolet We cannot see much wrong with Biscayne Laurentlan Saratoga or Rideau as names for sleek cars on the roads and streets But we must agree with Professor Jef frey OConnel of the University of II linois when he says cars with such nam es as Wildcat Cougar lllustan and Bar racuda have tendency to in uence the younger drivers who have much muscle and an urge to obtain these highpower ed cars just to see what they can do He suggested to convention of the American Psychiatric Association that auto manufacturers put on the carpet of public iniou because someivehicles were faulti turned out have tend ency to blame accidents on the nut be hind the wheel Well there are lot of nuts behind steering wheels who are not driving Mustangs or Barracudas But he goes on to make the point the automobile manufacturers are using such weird names at time when the unsafe driver should be helped to practise sate ty not exploit it SINISTER PORTENT Ottawa Citizen The New Democratic Party victory in Sudbury constitutes warning to the government that considerable dissatisfac tion with its record exists nue the NDP win was at least partially due to the Exality of the individual candidate and hard campaign he fought But there are other reasons The cost of living ms undoubtedly major source of dissatisfaction And there is little doubt that Northern 0n tario as whole feels itself neglected STAB AND STEER MEN Sarnia Observer Only those in the automobile business are well informed as to the many names which are given to the too many models of automobiles We have come long way from the Model Ford or the 490 Several generations ago people didnt brag about their ancestors They had ï¬nally albums and knew what they look FOREIGN AFFAIRS me new To Continue The Battle by perm maan Foreign Affairs Analyst Algerias behaviorvdurlng the recent Arablsraell war explains best perhaps why the Arab na tions behave as they do After Cairo accepted the ceasefire mobs attacked the EEYPtlan embassy in Algiers accusing of cowardice gerin wanted to co nue the war and even sent as well as sol diers to Egypts rescue Yet there is less stlachmcnt to Arahism in Algeria than in Egypt Colonel Boumediene the Algerian leader has been build log mosques all over his coun try but people still take Sunday off rather than Friday which is the Moslem day of rest He has imported teachers from Ellyn but the pupils do not understand Arabic He him elf makes speeches in Arabic but they re main incomprehensible to tho people until they are translated into the various local dialects or into French hencb influence actually robably as strong as Arabic lliflucncelies with France and through her with Europe con tinue strong if only because 300 000 Algerians 20 per cent of the countrys ti population work in Europe and more emi grateeucb year the money they send back home is the largest source of foreign ex change In terms of aspirations what most Algerians want is to be come Europeonized bourg with all the gadgets and an pliances that modern technology provides And in these aspira tions lies the weakness of medienes regime and the ex planotiori for his anti Israeli enthusiasm The fact In that al though he has given his country stability economically he has been falling Boumedlene still talks of so cialism but the word is mean ingless Nationnlized enterprises have had to be returned to their owners because the state and the trade unions proved triceps blc of running anything few experiments in collective ferm ialng havebcen failures Land reform though much needed has had to be postponed because the private landowners threat card they would not plant thus leaving Algeria short of one harvest enough to ruin the country in it precarious eco nomio state Eounicdiene pragmatlst has been abandoning locialilm His national oil company is very muchn businesl on west ern lines with foreignpariners and it works rlsutr as yet little else does and unemployment stands at so per cent Independ encecoused must of the French to leave and they hadbeen the energizers Energetic young Al gerians also leave The regime must do some thing ahnut the gap between ex pectnlinns and promises an the one hand and performance on the other Bridglns the gap will take long time turning the peoples attention from the gap is easier and strong antl lsraeli posture casting boome dieno as the last defender made sense in terms of domestic Al gerian policy it did not rats the standard of living or provide jobs but it allowed the dissatis fied to resent something other than the govprrunenh VERY DOUBTFUL IEHE WILL OTTAWA REPORT War Reported Well WW By British Press By PATFICK NICHOLSON YIIAWA No modern war has had less dctniled current coverage than Israels blitz krcig victory over her Arabian neighbors Casualties among the combatants and the capture or destruction of land and air fight ing machines were reported vaguely or never The progress of the war was mystery to the rest of the world Yet when reading newspapers In Europe found the British press served its readers mag nificently Some admirable re ports were written by skilful ob servers with interest and wit nllvening the warp and ivoof of their stories Typical was this vivid com ment Where are the living Egyptian saldiersl in the Sinai we only see the quick and the dead Inc former have aban CANADAS STORY Retails Wolfes Attack On Quebec By BOB BOWMAN On this day in 1759 the stage was set for one of the most im portant battles in the history of the world Wolfes attack on Quebec All during the month of June the greatest fleet that had ever crossed the Atlantic made its way up the St Lawrence guided by the master naviga tor James Cook who was to win fame later through his ex ploration of the Pacific coast There were are ships 49 of them menofwar carrying 30 000 soldiers sailors and ma rines On June to they anchored within sightof Quebec and the duel between Wolfe and Monte Algerian Peeple Wanted in at 19 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class Ottawa nod for payment of pooage in cadi Daily Sundays and statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 45c weekly $1340 yearly Single copies 10c lly mail Barrie 52340 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor arrowoff 315 year Mail nub side Ontario $14 year Oul side Canada British posses sions 515 year USA and foreign 526 year National Advertising Of fices 425 University Avenue Toronto 640 Cathcart SAu Montreal 5171 1200 West Pcn der St Vancouver 30 Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex clusively added to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred lied to it or The Assocatcil Pressorlleutcrs and also the local news publbbsdlhereio doned their weapons and even their boots to speed their cs capc from the sweltering water less desert the latter are those who failed to reach water in time The toll of war in wealth and health in hope and help wns catastrophic Three billion dol lars worth of modern weapons and equipment had been pro vided by the Communist coun tries to the Arabsa debt un collected and probably uncal lcctihlc 01 this perhaps half wns destroyed or captured So it is no surprise that Russian spokesmen are now demanding reparations DESTROYED LATER Some 1000 Russian tanks worth 5130000 each were de ploycd In the Sinai of these 300 were captured intact and most of the rest destroyed calm had begun It would not end until Sept 13 France know Britain was go ing to make an allout effort to capture Canada Attacks were expected at Quebec Niagara and Ticonderoga llfont calm submitted his plan for the defence ofQuebec to Governor Vaudreuil in 1757 but Vaudreuil did not put it into effect He wanted Montcalm to go to Ticonderoga where he had won great victory over the British in 1756 Montcalm did make plans for the defence of the frontier but returned to Quebec In May 1759 census showed there were 15199 men capable of bearing arms but only 2500 of them could be sent to Ticon deroga and 1000 to Niagara When the British armada ar rived off Quebec the defenders lot break from the weather Severe storms held up theland ing of the troops and the French worked feverishly to im prove their fortifications However Governor Vaudreuil failed to occupy the high ground across the river now Levis al though this had been part of hfontcalmlenn The oversight cost Quebec clearly in the weeks of fighting that lay ahead OTHER JUNE is EVENTS 1604 De Motifs expedition sounded French colony of Aca in on peace treaty at Montreal 1609 Ordinance prohibited carrying liquor to Indian coun 1754 Anthony Henday Mt Hudson Bay on trip to Rockies GSASir Robert Borden was born at Grand Pre NS ismFire on steamer Mont real near Quebec took lives of 250 Scottish and Norwegian im migrants tunImperial OrderinCoun cll admitted Prince Edward Is lend to Canada effective July NIHFormer Prime Minister Bennett died in Britain 1959 St Lawrence Seaway was opened ofï¬cially by Queen Elizabeth and President Eisen bower ISSJCeiitral Iroquois agreed Fighteraircraft 277 of them worth $160000000 74 bombers and lighter bombers worth $130000000 and staggering 10000 inicks were destroyed alike on the ground The Egyp tian desert army colculntod nt 15000 men suffered one In seven dead They were paid about $20 per month by Nasscrs socialist stale slightly less than he pays his 16 private cooks and none of them could afford to send daughter to Paris to buy wedding wardrobe filling 100 suitcasesas did the hcad of that socialist state Now the most vivid battle of the war is taking place far from the ai and the Gulf of Aqahn This is not surprisingly In the circumstances the book war of the race to publication date The name Churchill figures prominently In this Winstons son Randolph is working to produce what will probably be the winner Penguin paper back book reviewing the war and Its background which is now expected to be on the book stnlls in England within six weeks This is an astonishing writing and publishing achieve merit WRITES AT HOME Randolph himself is operating from the bookbattle headquar ters he set up in his home to handle the mammoth task of writing the official biography of his great father and of coordi nating his letters and papers for publication His son young Winston flew to TelAviv whence he fanned out to report the battlefrunts He is being aided by his Wife and another writer With typ ical Churchillian thoroughness three historians at Oxford Uni versity were coopted to moni tor press and television reports while another collaborator cov ered the Washington and United Nations sources That operation adds up to comprehensive study in depth of the back ground events and immediate IT HAPPENED IN CATASTROPH 1C clussormnismuor AMMUNITION COMPLETELY DEthloYEb MARE MILE 0F CITYKILLED IMO INJURED 4000 YiT 7W0 MAW Itll594747 F5571 ANDET QUEENS PARK Divorce Is Still Touchy Question by DON OEEARN mnom Premier Ro barta owes Ottawa at least one debt It has kept him out of controversy over dimrce In the Throne Speech lut January the govemmeot pruri tled an Inquiry into divorce Despite the broader public outlook of today divorce ll still touchy question And if it followed recommendation of an Inqulry of its own the govern merit could have lost some sup port Shortly after however the federal government announced SenaieConunons inquiry lhn joint committee now has tirade sweeping recommend tions which it Is expected the federal government will largely accept Thus Mr Roberts has not bad to set up his inquiry And though he will have to pass legislation In line with fcd eral changes he will be fpllow ing Oltawax load and shouldnt get into any trouble WAS ACTIVE The Water Resources Com mission has been active these days as you may have noticed It has been conferring with industry setting new standards and has announced lt is going to start trying to resolve the question of pollution by him ers There was criticism of the commission voiced to me per QUEBEC Tbla la selection of di torllll on current toplu lrlnllltcd from the French language press of Canada Montreal to DevotnSpeakc lng in the TrolsRivicres region Mr Jean Morehand fodernl minister of manpower and immigration declared that he will never allow him self to be described as traitor to his province and his compatriots because he has agreed to serve in 0t tawn Mr Merchand is right and It is about time that stop be put to such accusa tions which are too frequently made against persons who have dccldcd to work on the federal scone To speak of someone as traitor because he thinks dif fcrcnily from you hccause he is carrying on the tight for his people In another arena is pure and simple aberra tion If this type of dialogue con tinues much longer what ranking FrenchCanadian will agree in the future to go to serve on the federal scene Furthermore even those who reject the federal hypo thesis aresurcly not justified in depicting their compatriots as traitors because they won election to work at Ottawa Separation is not yet an ac complished fact and in the meantime certain of our in forests remain under federal jurisdiction Are these to be left solely to the care of the English majority 11 will be said that separation would oc cur more quickly if federal elections were boycotted if no candidates were nominated That is possible but first of all it would be necessary to be very sure that that is the will of the malarin of the popula tion It Is the result of provin cial elections which can best sequels of diet disastrous fail ure of the United Nations With the amazing speed of publication this book wil not be significantly tardier than normal magazine coverage of any event It will be interesting to learn whether sober second judgment concurs with the pro Israeli bias in North America which has been so deplored by diplo matic observers and by many Canadians who had served with our contingent in the UNEF in the Gaza Strip CANADA are miiAiiraxieir osmps our CARRYING EXPLAINV KIN WERE warmma nowMom bi nWMCTdIID is uMlkMfli mmflom FOR 004 scam is DERIVED FROM iJlMACiNlIRE iiqu voiAro Atonement wmi BLUISM 5129 Nose A$EARLYAS 175751111 MENTSoF Mass Powers in NEW ENGLAND WERE lNVolCEDMBLUE NOSES um sslmrsmxro rotw marzvsrmrzs mvmuym was stuck sonally by an expert recently And it seems to have merit This Ls that its approach to pollution by industry tends to hold back research and prog rm TELL INDUSTRY This man said that the cone mission in effect tells industry what it is to do to clean up its pollution it believes in certain methods and wants to are thus melhodr followed He would like to are it tell Industry that in endvprodud must be clean But leave it up toltutohvwiiwllldotha cleaning This he said would encouo age new methods and processes which are needed but which are not being developed under the present approach There is no question the OWRC has done valuable lob and one that was badly necdcd But also it la bureaucracy And bureaucracies can tend to wards closed minds Theres always laugh at Queens Park The other day huge banner was spread across the front of the main building It said Provincial Cleaning Co Even though it belonged to an outfit tidying up the centen nlal celebrations some taxpay ers would believe it aptly should stay there OPINIONS luldo us on that and so far these have not shown very much support for the thcsis of independcnce Vlncent Prince June 17 Ottawa Ls DetroitThe Pro grossly Conservative party needs funds for Na Quebec or ganlzaiion And the president of the partys association in la belle province wards to solve the problem by addressing himself first of all to the 405 most important companies in Quebec province We would like to know If Mr Trepanier also plans to appeal to labor organizations for the financing of his elec tion fund On many occasions during the last few months Mr lropanlcr has said that it was urgent to make the Conservative more dcmocratic in Quebec With out doubting the sincerity of the politician we feel some whot embarrassed to learn that the Quebec Conserva tives turned to those 403 most important companies to obtain election funds And what is being done about the mass of Individuals with mud est incomes who also would like lo contribute according to their means to the party headed by John Diefenbakcr other questions Will Mr lrepanier disclose publicly the amount each corporation contributes to the Conserve tive fund And what influence will these gifts havn on the drafting of policy In the event that the Conservatives take power In Ottawa will the sums received from the dos most important compa nies in Quebec end up tying the bands of the legis later Rene Hould June 16 BIBLE THOUGHT All that the Father glvctll me nblll come to me and him that cometh to me will In no wise cast out John 631 Whoever you are whatever your need the solution will be found in the Saviour No habit nor hurt is too much for Him to heal You have tried every thing else why not try Him Vhosocver will may come ll CROC PIT 0N SIIOW Africa Place at Expo features crocodile pit tinhrtx mmnlwv and In BEFaizs n15 STEEL MIB was INVEMTED WRITERS UiED old QUILLPEN nos was KEPT SHARP wtot SMALLKMIPE nit 012161 MAL FEMWIFE ELIEMMA rilfSLANG NAME WIN7