xTO coon HEALTH Humidiï¬ers Will not Dry All In Homes By JOSEPH IOLNEII MD Dear Dr 5t0lner My husband mhas had asthma since he has 25 He is now 53 We have always Etnti In house with oil steam cal but now intend to move to smaller one which has hot water heat We were told that hot water heat is bad tor anyone with asthma but that oil steam is moist so my husband can breathe better We are not tak ing the house unless we hear trom you limbMrs II atraid theres good dcztl oi misunderstanding about which kinds of heat are dry and which are moist TELEVISION BUFFALO IMRRIE The kind oi luel maltu no dil terenee The type ol lurnace may make diiterence Any kind at heating system Is bound to cause some evapora Iion The warmer you treep the house the dryer it is bound to become With hot air heating system water tank is built into the tur mace and it you keep it tilled the warm air rising trim the turnace will carry some mots tire with it MOISTURE HELPS Keeping some moisture in the air is more comtortabie tor everyone but it can indeed make an even greater ditterence PROGRAMS BUFFALO BUFFALO TUIIONTO It HAMILTON News Forecast SATURDAY JUNE l1 EVENING patriots Ind 33th JUherlty HIIIblHIu Ietlltfllls 9Iitter IARound Tabla 7Pieeadtlty emu it uh slorr phony We Go limo Gunsmuke onun me your Ltle Ide World 2lllpper Swtts J1man PE 70mins Reed sam We non ran ttvLacmsle thrankcnstrtn Jr 14m World km tIlret Men In rne 51 illurt Moon £3 ltnn the Sixth Iloo ISuzs ltunut Ilrnnnmm 21 ¢1tIewl Weather Sports II My Fatnrlta so rm infran zLuaur usi ln Sum ITIIe vounr suresl Iaiidtul in mm mm IlrLcts slur nut t7i rum IL 900 Jim Thorpe All rtitfon Eihlotle American Ie lltoman IIDlidll Dhlflvit lJl Sstumlll tlsocee In SmlH VIII sUNnAl JUNE ls MORNING ItNl AFTERNOON no 7vï¬oeket Slilp Mac scone ma sStlnsly IllaFILM hteehln em more Lsa ctritm 6Ahiiguitioilm rmctzclle ILLIII In Icont no and um 9Cnrtoon Playhouse 7llnd over htyth Mctrum ltContlnentat in nu Lite ZIalth For Today MIMIm uttl LI lChnrch Service 50 slopllsr 4Comm Thm ZMoyle red nun oueta in Hull Edsel 7Hulhttnktl ICoulltry cIcuarr tthncIosse Helena rlruon till Sallntv ILuIl 7ksues and ssurn and Sue Answers my mum stance onconrt mu JSpectrum lIThls Space or at lukcm turn and his Lilli scavery 9Wish You was Lï¬ï¬‚ï¬lm 7Nenlywra Glml lull 911M lSclllle IItPtHI IlDlnce PIHV Ilvetsd Walker 13 15 re rt Utiurch Invitation LNléhwsc minim 771 Uncle Ierrvr cola Ln at Nun IHcaliv and Ccctl Fluflln Album TV tilItalian Journal ltworia in Color tittiti ocmonn Country nilL MN 53 llWorld In colour Lilia iimk ï¬g enhry Salmon Um m0 ocum leII My erce The Nrilnn ltSpeetrum SUNDAY IUNE lr EVENan Loo 530 75pm 11 ue 24 IKinun Jonest inst 6NEMJs Weather PM Ill tylmr Doctor XIHDcnnts Lhe Mcn sum acriatu Chcrl in km sPunllc sms or Tomorrow Voyage PM FIIVMHE Story Erik Fnanill BDOIII uVIII DISDEY tlTlny Talent Time 730 turner Filming LFEI lI Love Lucy 7US Open tiTanan JEa Sutttv LEd sulltvn 7Ial 5in att Disney ssintnrle For Peace swtnttx My Line tlninrtc Go Round ILIIII 2347JiINea In Weather sports ILIS Ttnu ununr na Fish AWE ZJohnny Carson 3Clunrlet Movll TWEF° Murder in never tm Feature IIluvh uGolt aao flown on rtrnt ZIlatchcs and sister NP 7Muvil lsllop Sheen mm Pat nna itttke alt Dlsney stoo st Century 2annunra 49 II on Horse tBonarlza olnstrnt tiLost ln since 4Smothers Brothers tllttystery Theatre MONDAY JUNE 19 MORNING AND AFTERNOON tau 4Clndlu earners um awtnaaw on In VVntle Babb khlovle torlil asuuiise semester 600 gt2 ttDd Allen TIMI wicked wtic eMeet the lilttlersi llNewa 13 7mlitlvn 24m Vaitcuur 9Movie IBevclly Hiltbtltles lliiarrlm 7Datellne Conitdenttat gt sCartorn Playhouse ithlurrltng Time Lao ILUJ tantalum Ind BTV nvcrslty LatRm EM World rloo tsamly Gflélith lfurmnzm noelmar sweep PFractured Phrases ttthen Wm M29 ttttttke Dcfllll 200 non 1130 23 at near um captain Kangaroo avfloltywood Square word dUaiversitv tgrrllchelon Dells 7letrwcd Gm 7Family Game 8717ntiersity oi the orlrlnr Doctor 20000 li tloeri Steed l200 Heopardy 30 FNEWS PF IToreel Rangers or 75iim5 tWIla nittr omver oom ttLtttte reap BTaronrn 930 123 14am La Lanna zIlerv Gemin 4Hoose Party 14min th oreopte In Conflict 300 2Itnother World sTrke no lrngrell the Truth 7Genenl Hospital 5an and Music 830 entner Today INews Weather 1You Dont say mieï¬zcfl kGutdlng Light 12 or Night Hum For IJlhe use want Tomorrow 7Supellfliu Show Hnap Judlmcitt llllr Match oltr Your anl MONDAY JUNE 19 EVENING Lou 1tltt Iï¬Clguzltrv quslc Halt llike onuelu ZBaalblltl Secret storm annt Patrol mh Love Luz kttayrlde liSupel Comitl 7News Sport 93 9Fantlly AltairI ktumelardeSonks can tlGiiligans Island 74mm elm JKtuls oullsw imurty snow Hells Island aaie Valley llMerv Grutth arvltlnylc Zaamkm tom Ichle lys lemy ZHunIor Your Lire soan Messer ll Lllail xu mugs mm Saigon rare Chall ron orse cCoronel hlue nm Lucy Show 1H 1ain Valley 1030 flhloile arrtw TItitt Hh sent thlrtetrrltte VIIIg mm Nedr Weathlr Sports 3Pelttcuat litiietloh 1130 cw Spun Tltl Lucy Show allIKM Show cattle Ration 7ttat Patrol sinspector nlrret 7tovle 9Itndy orltnln dNaws cuminw tElixIKe To Marcelle ttwocstonu th0 Fm Th Iffln titan 63 owtln Wild want v4 ttNewl at In Week 7Moyta Weller Inertr artisttn lPam Ptcrn aerlnn 1letony5nnad llIiynery autn closed system with the hot to patient with asthma or some other respiratory problems such es emphysema Whether bot Hater or steam will be drier depends on pre cisely nhat kind oi system at piping is in use it it is water tor steam being piped to the radiators and then ttono lng back to the Iurnace with none ot the water escaping either type at tuel will protide equally dry heat It the steam system is one with escape valves on the radi ators enough moisture may be pushed into the air to make dilierenee in the humidity AVOID WORRY However my suggestion would be not to worry too much about the type oi heating sys tem It the house is too dry then you can get humidiï¬ers These are trays which can be titted on top of radiators and kept died with water The cvap oration keeps the air moist Some people use other kinds containers around the house tor the same purpochcora livc crocks pitchers large vases But remember that the aurlaca area oi water not the depth Is what governs the amount of evaporation Thus tint trays are best Plants which have to be kept moist also help And the tightness of the house itself makes dillcrcnce corridor Borneo By JAY BECKER Solith ttcater Both sides vulnerable Noam cal vxlooar Mxos 472 EAST aoazx AJIH ecsar cloa SOUTH most uloor 532 9104 +quc The biddirl South Want gas Pass Pas NT Pass North nnli Opening leadjack ot spades Most of us are taught in childhood to be prudent in our expenditures and this advice can also he sensibly applied at the bridge table But there are limes when seeming extravagance is justi fied by an untisual set II cir cumstances and prodigality be comes virtually necessity Todays deal is case In point South was in three no trump and got spade lead He Iron with the ace and led the queen of hearts which was ducked at around He then led the ace and another club hoping to find the suit divided 13 bill when it later proved to be di vided 42 he came to an un happy end going down one But the tact is that South had sure thing tram the start Had he played correctly no defense or lie of the cards could have stopped him irom making three notrump What he should have done was rtake the Queen at hearts once nouns gt an no span in no vn dull He daydream mostly about what successful businessman he might so much time daydreaming DIIILY CROSSWOBD English ACROSS Keeps queen Dertston Greek 11 Banal letter l2Anetm or Compass linden point 13 Child of Faint the Sun Preat 14 Book dentin leaves nickname 15 Decay Buckeye 15 Tahitian state national 9t Cross gull 10 Sntlf 11 Poem r14 Liberate 1B The East 16 French 2L Shade river red 19 Ptrltoun g3 Sibltlnt 20 Caloric sound unit 27 stand up Zfl Award of valor 29 Bill 30 Grievoust 31 Tributary of Columbia river 331ublle notice 36 sesame 87 Tennis stroke 40 Measure 42 Border 43 Foreign Shaving ine ntrurnent 45 Grassttke plant 48 Inactive Mix rlyer lady tor one week tightly sealed house gradually dries out and little moisture can get in trom outdoors Even mulling an inch ot water in the bathtub will add great deal at moisture to dry house Electrically operated humidi tiers are available JULIET JONES Dear Dr ltlolaer had hysterectomy some months age am quite led up with the would be authorities who claim that noman is sex ually inadequate alter such surgery Could you print some thing about itlJ Physically there is nothing about the surgery which allects sexual activity desire or latteL quacy have on occasion printed letters lrom women Wilma teasr on sat Is WK saying so on the basis at their own experience Itonever the old false notions persist and are told again and again Since sexual activity is so markedly influenced by the emotions these storim probably are the actual cause ot some of the trouble Dear Dr Mother Can you tell me the cause at tennis elbow and is there cure tor it III Its term used for bursitis oi the elbow caused by exces sive prnssure or strain on the joint It usually can be treated successlulty Resting the joint is usually part at the treatment DONALD DUCK Ivith the king alter West had followed low This would have assured him oi three heart tricks regardless at where the tJ were located since he could pcrsisl with the suit until the hearts were lully established 0t course there is It natural reluctance to expend the queen and king suit on the same trick Admittedly such play goes against the grain but an unwillingness to motto this play when necessary constitutes tovrn ot parsimony which can la ter ricochet and proved to be as it did in this casequite expensive Dcclarers View from the open lng gong should be that he has six tricks outside at hearts and needs three more to bring him satcly home II the situation demands that he play the KQ at hearts on one trick he should sleet him seit to do so The cost is cheap it he considers that the contract thereby becomes certainty HENRY SECRET GENT x9 Man Arraigned 0n Manslaughter SUDBUIIY ICP Jean Jacques Forest so of Verdun Que was arraigned Thursday on charges or manslaughter and iounding in connection with the death ot 73yearold man Euscbe Oueltettc ot Sudbuvy died in Toronto General lIos pitat May 29 46 days alter he was beaten with hammer Two days beiore OuetIette was beaten man paid Cler mont Betanil who runs the rooming house tor three days lodging Forest was remanded in cus GRANDMA BLONDIE navel be if he didnt waste EIIA KEII IVE GOTAN IDEA FOR TV SHOW THAT CANT Miss ITS ABOU COWBOY SECRET AGENT WHO IS SRYING ON ALIENS IM 05mm 93 HAT THAT IM DISGUQED WITH MYSELF SVQDRISE we SEASLEVqu REMEMSERED will BIRTHDAV WILL GIVE AWAY THEIR POSITION THEN ILL MAKE GOODITHEYVE SPRFAD 0UTI CAN LET DRUMM ANDTHE DTHER ONE 60 PAST PUTTIN60N LOTS OF Mv HOMEMADE PERFUME TO KILL MY AFFETITE THIS AFTERNOONS LADiEscLUB BAKE Ilan starttome MISTER EEASLEVl HAPPV anme mmoeyounsaur so WOULDNI NIBELE GOODIESASAWCRKERAT MINCE WEE Ila mar YOUNG we moans corset BE SURE ALL THE CAST ARE RELATIVES OF THE SPONSOR Isuï¬mrsWEErta HERJTOUTTHECANDLE mm Fits TEARS AND WHAT TIME DID YOU GET IN LASTNIGHT YOUNG LAW NATURALLY Wini ALLTiIESE CRAZY DigIVERS YOU LOOK SO DIGNIFIEDJWHEM DO FATHERS START TURNING GRAY ABDUT THETIME THEIR DAUGHTEES START DATING up snot our an as loco iiiwagirfi motive BRISTOL 06 22Betara HOUSStAEA 24Exattto we zséectlcn gnvrso AI T5 26 Cum Lt it warm nus we sure her MOSTGIIYSAIIrWElti ins XIIIRABOUIYM weitrw asluaaaooo qur wouro as Alis FAIR 28 Drudge Iestudlyl Alilwer AND Mml HUT so Peel 89Boya In 6ETnlt6 mow amniotic nickname gt amends for 41Pnrtota 33Moslem chall titles 423uahlhen lt simian 44 Japanese as Slipped mite 38 Smell in endow may MUGGs AND SKEETER IT DEFEND VOU SPELL YDUR BABYTALK amt some Buyaw not semiï¬nal