bars and guests gauzered at the It 31 In if IULY WEDDING CEREMONY 1hr engagement at Sirley Jean Daoust to Daniel Phillip Cox has been nnnoumed by ï¬re parents of the brideteam Mr and Mrs Edward Dentist at MEDIA 81 Barrll ihs bridegrounded is the son oi Mr and Mrs George Cox pt Orenaeville The wedding will take place July is in St Marys Rmrarr Catholic Gouda Barrie at amorniog ceremony at ill odoek Photo by Fevero PEOPLE AND PLACES minim DixmflAudmnyrlmatW MAST as sailing reason atte Sahnday whar the Banla Yoda Club Saipest Corr mt Following the antipast mem elubhouse tor refreshments mong the honored gumta were Mayor Les Cooke Col Lee ViceCommodore and Mrs Wright of the Kempentelt Bay Sailing Association Lt Joe Crompton of the Sea Cadets and Mrs Champion Conuuandor Wib Holtzhauer oi Barrie Pow er Squadm and Mrs EDIE hauer In keeping with Centennial yeir tea hostesses were attir ed In gowns oi the liiï¬7 period Chairlady Mrs Jim Patterson was amisted by social commit tee members Mrs Jack Bonney Mrs All Haughtonlllrs Doug Manchester Mrs JWih Hull hauer and Mrs Bun Poole Tea honors were perionned by Mrs LJack Fair and Mrs Rowe rims DANCE Mr and Mrs Fred Garrison and Mr and Mrs Ralph Green or Barrie attended the closing dinner and square dance party at Grand Squares Cluh Weston on Saturday night The dinner dance was held at Holiday inn my 27 STIVAL 0F SONG The Young Canada Singers Mm performed in Central Park New York City during Canada Week celebrations will sing at the Annual Spring Festival of Song in Toronto on June The festival is held under the sus pics or St Georges United Chanda Choristers and will bake place in the auditorium of the church at Lytton Blvd and Du plex Ave beginning at 815 pm The choirs will perform extends from their Expo 67 Festival and Canadian Tour repertoire The audience will he invited to join in SinsAlong in some of the Centennial songs OWL APPOINTMENT Mrs Jerry bughiin has been appointed to the oiiice of Region a1 chairman of the cirdc action committee for the Northern Re gion Catholic Womens Laï¬gue BRIDAL SHOWERS Pnor to her wedding to Logan Norman Cook yesterday after noon Miss Christine Anne Rob inson was guest of honor at sev eral bridal showers The young people of IlfrWavy Pantemstiai llrurdr gathered at the home of Mrs Joukman Stroud to shower the hride with variety of gifts tor the kitchen Mrs Fred Prince Frederick St was host ess ot miscellaneous shower Another miscellaneous shower took place at the home of Mrs Norman Franklin Cook RR Barrie mother of the bride groom UNIVERSITY WOMEN Members of the University We mens Club of Barrie were mong the 1500 representatives tram across Canada attending Centenary dinner on Tinnedtay evening at the Royal York Hotel Toronto Guest speaker was Hon Judy LaMarsh special guest was Dr Blanehe DoWr President of the American As sociation of University Womens Ciubs mailman of the event was Miss Vida Pecos of Toronto Attending lrom Barrie were Mrs Rory ODonal Mrs Archie Ross Mrs Dong Langiordl Fletcher Mrs no 01mm and Mrs John McCaW Jr TWICE is BIG 67 is almost twice as his In sire and range at display as the gmbit at the New YorkWorlds The indln Pavilion at Expo Wedding Of Local Interest Held Saturday In Indiana weddiu at local interest took place on Satande tn Wak arusa Indiana when Beth Ann Bontrazer minaxed vow with Eli km Mr and Lin Harold Gralrix at on Station The bride is the dangle ter Mr and Mn Carroll Bootreaer oi Wahmsa ï¬rst mriatian druid wu deeernted with twin arrange menu at white nadioil and pink ehmsmhanuma arainst back ground ot zrernery with seven brand candelabra and while tapers White ntin bows and clustered stephanotia marked the guest pm aloud the hits ear plated aisle Dr Ben Strdrbdrn eonduded the evening rilu Jack Hark the brides uncle was soloist and the brides aunt Mrs Clark presided at the omen MW 01 ME gt Given in marriage by her father the bride wore floor length gown oi lace teaturing Sabrina neckline embroidered with seed pearls and sequins and petal point sleeves lhe skirt at the gown was accented wllh lace ruitles sweeping to chapel train The brides flutetiered veil nt silk tulle was caught to crown of seed pearls and crystals She carried nhite Bible adorned with cascade ot lily oi the valley and ivy around unit nrdrid he bridal attendants were Miss flurry Weldy the maid oi honor Miss Judy Sliver and Miss Pamela Bontrager sister oi the bride were bridemralds Miss Becky lo Clark musin oi thebrido we flower girl and use was rlnc bearer the brides new Mark Soot AITENDW GOWN Th allendanta were panned alike in fluxlawn dresses roit pink crepe duknad with RECEIVES Bil Elizabeth Joan Allaby daughter of Rev and Mrs Harold Allaby lVorsley $1 Barrie has received her Badl elnr of Arts degree at the Spring Convocation held at Me Masler University Hamilton on May as Mi Allaby plans to attend the Ontario College of Edwatlon this storm and to teach in Park Collegiate Irmitute Oflia in the Fall ï¬nish Ihirto Ibo bodice oi plnk hen tenured scooped neek lines and mitten trains extending tram the bank Iheir circular huddraues were pink pm do ads acceded with part and crystals with matdriog pink nits They wrledbeskets oi phi mum JIM ï¬rm at Iaxlorl as man Hans Ahrna pl sarnla Jim Kern ohan oi Axlneotni Jerry Boni rsyer the brides brother Jim Smith and Brent dey were when RECEPHON Guests were received at the Feiiowdllo Hall at the drurdi The brides mther received wearan threepitta suit oi aqua ribbon lace with matching aqua accessories and oarsage oi two white Qrrbtdlun brands The bridegrooms mother as alsted tn the receiving line She wore eott yellow teatime knit suit with matching yellow hat and corsage at two white Cym bidium outï¬ts For the weddinz trip the bride was attired inva light blue dress with mtduna jacket and black patent necessaries Alter honeymoon in the Po cono Mountains Pennsylvania the ample will take up residence in London Ont WEDDING GUFSIS Among the Ontario guests tra velling to walrann Indiana to attend the GretrlxBontmger wedding on Saturday were Mr and Mrs Herold Gratrtx oi Ore station parents oi Hie bride groom Earl Wilson Gretrix Mr and Mrs Larry Valley Bell Colleclors Elect President 5111002 CPIlad New RR Word Hunky wu elected president the On tario chapter ol the American Bell Association an organiza tion or bell ï¬lm and ad mirera Other dï¬tcs dad at the annual meeting were Janet Mr Gelt deemeldest Doo ethy lleNabb St 11mm rec rotary and little Mind Brantord tram CROWN JEWEL REEOUEED The Briiiah Crown Iawela are to be kept in new jewel house under the nude round at the Tower at don when not on display Mn Emer Gratrix Mr and hire Joe Gnuix ol Wuhan shene Mr and Mrs tome Quantnll oi liurnsvilia Willem Sierra oi lnndon Mr and Mrs Hans Aim at Smile Mr and Mrs Dave Nelleld oi Earn litre and Mr and Mrs James Kemohan oi Antoeourt COIN lt OPERATED DRY CLEANING 82250 We nitr attenraa MorreFrI aroma an ill FREE Moth Proofing BARRIE PLAZA For Inionnatton Edgarill Dr Barrie Mr and moron Get new outfitram watermater Getlots and Iotsand lots of hotwater Blatant ConsumersGas answerng Dont ha deceived by these featherlight underfashions Theyre featherlight in feel and comfort only But never has so little done so much for your ï¬gure NYLON COTTON CONTOUR BRA Lightlyvyndded with Katie olycatertlro most natural padding ever ill never not down shift or lump Builds such high natural pointed bust White ABCvupa 3238 450 ANSWERETTE GIRDLES Fashioned from sheer uncovered Lycra spandex theyre guar anteed maohinewarhahie Sha ed waistbands wont roll orlJind Patented Ingonel hands ve exceptional control to tummy hips and tick Seams are the flatten for even the most clinging summer stretch Slims White BRIEF XL 900 PULL0N Gumer XL 1000 REGULAR PANTY GIRDLE XL 00 LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLE sMLXL 1300