Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1967, p. 6

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Raosrocxmaan girls are swapt off their feet as mem bers of the Yetshan Ukrainian Folk Ballot crumble reach lhc SASKATOON CPI Red boot flash and embroidered skirts fly as Saskatoonr Yev aban dancem follow in the steps let their paw and grandpar cnIs from the Ukmine The Yevshan Ukrainian Folk Bnttet Ensemble radium youth from the boys who leap hcadhigh to the girls who oft rlago add traditional embroid cry to skimmer dresses and minishifts The youngest dancerla 13 and the seniors are in their 10s Mr and Mrs William Lain son are shown followingl dreir recent wedding in Bradtord United Dirurch The bride is aIaarassesIIsaletlrlnaunlnllaInallrIllaIlllllllllrlllllaIllsllllllllllilllllvacal lledllhis LONDON CP England Gaul is divided into three parts and you can always tell where you are by putting sin gle simple question to the near est old rustic Ask man ving noth of line from Hull and the Humber in Lancaster If he is English and he will reply is Ask the same question of man living southo this line hut east at the old Roman road inow followed by the AS high way or in Kent and he will reply am The A5 the old Watllng Street runs north from London into the heart of Eng land Ask man who lives to the west of Walling Street and he reply be This linguistic lore comes firm massive survey of the dialetts ot the southern coun tics of England published by Arnold and Son Leeds Lt part of proiect of 11 fyearsi research tryLeeds vat versity School of Engluh which capturing in print and on tape recordings the living language the dialects ofEngiaod aur vcy of northern counties was published earlier Elderly dialect speaking was mostly male In 313 COUPLE LEAVE CHURCH climax of Hutsrl dance of die Carpathian motrmnins Tho costumcsare baniembroider ed The Saskatoon group of Most of the 50 members are second or thirdrgeneratlon Ca nadlam although few came to this country after the Second World War Smiles sparkle as the girls move forward in stater put tans or are whirled off the floor And behind the enthu siasm and evident enjoyment is simng emphasis on authenti city of costumes and steps if the costume is historically authentic the costume music and motions become link with the past said spokesman Stef the former Frances Stong dauyiter of Mr and Mrs Slang oi Bradfordr Photo by House of Brides Newmaket English Dialects Different In SouthenrPart Of Country by researchers who found that men speak vernacular more frequently consistently and gen uiner than women loint editor Martyn Walrelin said Speech usage in modern Wessex the old AngloSaxon kingdom could be traced back 1000 years The researchers now know there are many ways of shoul ing stop such as ho Way vhup wo wool and wug And as ior the animal that gives milkthal comes as hununoclt dummock and some 75 ways of ssying cow from the broad of Berkshire rhyming with snow throughvthe coca and nasal ceewr The place for keeping cows comes as cow stable cowstall hovel keeiing and shippoil The scarecrow is sally bagger in Hampshire nod mandod in Viltshire guy or an image in Cornwall and momniet in Somerset construe or MAN While other pavilions show the accomplishments of man the Christian pavilion atExpo 67 shown man inconfilct with araoughtrout 50 young danccrs will perform at Expo 61 in Auflust Photo Young Ukrainian Dancers Follow Steps Oi Parents ante Wowk it is like hand reaching into history Ccsumes reflect not only the peoples taste but those influences which have produced it geographical loca tion climatic conditions tradi tions of the people and even various foreign influences SUPPLY OWN COSTUMES Each of the 20 boys and 3t girls in the ensemble provided his or her own basic costume including the high red on dered to measure from Toronto The flowered skim white pets locals and embroldcrtgd shirts of the Poltava region were ehoscn as basic because they had changed little through the centuria Poltava is more or less ceri trally situated in the Ukraine and therefore least susceptible to foreign influences Mrs Wowlr said For dances of other regions the parents auxiliary made costumes such as the tassellad jackets and heavy aprons of the limo suite Boots were im practical in that Carpathian mountain area and instead the dancers wcar postnly soft leather shoes with remin scent of Arab influence Since is founding in 1960 the Yevsban group has performed at festivals and concerts across the Prairies lhcy figure in Saskatchewans Diamond Jubi Ice documentary film and will dance in the Canadian Pavilion at Expo Aug 10 21 and 22 But their interest in the Ukrainian cultural legacy goes beyond performing NAMED F011 KERR centennial protect the Vyshyvany Ball demonstth adaptations of traditional em broidery to modern averting wear intricate handworlr in ceohrrles old motifs accented the simplichy of Empire silhou cites and tent gowns Senior members of the en semble team four childrens classes in basic dancing from which pupils can gradual to Yevshan And although prmeat Yevsiian members are all of Ukrainian descent number of nonUkrainian children are err rolled in the elementary classes Two sisters Nadia Pavly chenko now of Toronto and Lusia Paviychcnkosotrukow of Saskatoon organized the dancers in 1960 Mrs Pavly chenkoSotnikow direcwr of the SaskatoonSchool of Ballet is director and choreographer for the group Their father agricultural ecologist Dr Pavlychenko left the Ukraine in protest against Russian occupation in 1920 His daughtersnamed the en semble for the yevshan herb native to the steppes of the Ukraine because its scent is supposed to restore the memory of ones native land The Yevshalt Dancers and auxiliary are interesed in more than lost the teaching or tradi tional national folk dancing said Mrs Wowk Once children become aware of their background proud of it theynaturally assume the responsibilities of good citizen 7260259 FOR BOX STORAGE oFur Storage Cleaning liner Repairs Completely insured Quality Cleaning from The Hour of curved tips College University or Toronto ANN LANDERS ADVISES Couples Plans For Ceremony Incorporated Age01d Traditions Keep Feeding His Ego It Make ucar Au menu suppose Ilmlld be ham my htsbaod is not slob btl lm beginning to think the other extreme ls just as bad Here Is remote ofwhatgoesootnourbousa before we leave for an evening and it is driving me crazy lie says Dc look 011 any Yes You look fine dear Its raya ls lhh it right with this Ildrt say Honey your lie is perfect lie says Are you awe my pants armt too long say No dear your pants are just right its rays Did get good haircut this time or did the harbor take too much oil over the can say Your haircut Ir beautiful dear Just as we get out the door hell ray tr this locket right with these trousers or should go back and put on my herring bone say our jacket is perfect dear When we get In the car he says Do you think should have put on my brown shoes say These shoes are fine dean Then when ask How do you think look tonight he answers Why must you at ways fish for complimch Im getting awfully timd build Ins you up What can do with any like lhlslMJ Dear Ml Nothing so dont HONORS DEGREE Miss Margaret Cowaa daughter of Frank Cowan and the late Mrs Cowan ml Thornton received her Hoa ours Bachelor of Arts degree in Latin and Frendr from Victoria Miss Oowan graduated as an Ontario Scholar from Barrio Central Collegiate While at university she won the Nora sHi yawn ANN try man who is so unsure of himself is not going to give th wife much bolstering So ust continue to prop him up and feed his vanity because he sure does need it Lady EARNED MEDAL Dear Ann Loaders if you do not accomle another thing your life the way you have put the spotlight on mental illness deserves medal was deeply moved by the otter from the young woman whose motherinlaw accrued her of using her nerves as an excitac to avoid reepomibil ity lm an older woman who must work to support myself In Happy am the victim of mu or medal illnessor am Sun plain mu whamm anybody wads to call it My children think am fak tuenur films is impossible to describe to perooo who has good manta Marlin its the trying to describe bell its no real in million mile from nowhere it has no beginnial and no end Please tell you rcaden who can live reasonably normal lives free of horrible depra rionr and agontring fears that they should thank God for every day my are truly blessed STILL FIGHTING Dear Fighting have had dozens of letters today from people who share your prob lem Your letter said it best however Grin up and thank you ftr wnLln Confidential to Meant Well if vicious remark like that is your idea of meaning well whats your idea of stab in the back You sound like woman who has an hrstinct for the iugular Youowe her an apology and If she accepts it consider yourself lucky Zoom Tm BAftltlE EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE 1967 Technique For Treating Cancer Attracts International Interest WELLlNGTON Reuters technique developed in New Zealaod for treating cancer by tho use of hiyrlpressrne oxygen is outfitting international ni Mention The technique was initiated by Dr John Road director of th radiology biology research unit at WalkDru Hospital Dtmadin Patients suffering from cancer are anesthetized and placed to an oxygen chamber where pres sure is gradually Intrcascd It 45 pounds square inch Normal treatment Is than civen usmg cocoon volt radiation accelerator The et fectivcnesr oi radiation is treb led by the use of pure oxygen The treatment which has been employed for some years in Dunedin has been found to be so successful in Meboume that patients are being accepted there from throughout Australia and Southcast Asia IMPORTED ANIMAE More than no animals were imported from five continents for the threeacre Safari area at Expo 67 WATERIDO Ont hlrry Robinson and Donald Kerr planned their own wed ding ceremony and it was about an ecumenical poo aible it In conducted In ilco ooolta cha by Unitarian rniaitler man Catholic and Jewish friends tookpart and bits of ancient CblneseEgyp tint and centuriewld European symbolism and trAdltioa were incorporated We arc not going against hadition wo lncorporaled it in personal contemporary litur ical service Mary rayr Today individuals are con rtantly faced with problems of choice and tor marriage to be meanln ful It Is not necee sary to to ow Inherited ways The bride wore simple mod dress with tlowin Norman rton rlecvcr Sho patted her hair in the mode of the Norman cra and wore dairies lwtncd In it The daisies symbolise inno mnce Plaiting signifies the joining of two suits traditth first bump in Egypt The couples bands were botmd by the matron of honor with while and red ribbon In ancient Chinese Yin and Yang symbolism representing the conjunction of oppositesmale and female READ RING POEM After the exchange of rings Dr Larry Lummings of SL Jeromes Collcla Kitchener read ring poem by Robert fitsrick lhe couple replaced the traditional do with ch ccrpta from poem by Leonard Cohen liabbi Zatman Schaclcr read wedding prayer he had com posed for the wedding Mr and Mrs Kerr signed the wedding ocrtificste in front of Panel To Discuss Problems Oi Today On June 19 at Central United Clrurdr knowledgeable panel will discuss the needs and problems of people as they exist Within the commonly and the surrounding areas The panel includes Miss Churchill Sttpervkor Guil drens Aid Society Mrs Hamil ton Supervisor Simcoe County Health Unit Mrs Morris Guidance Counselor District North Mlagtate Melcnbaoh er Supervisor District Proba tion Services Dr Ravens croft Medical Doctor Canadian Mental Health Association Rev Jay Minister Central United Gruroh This program is called Ex ploring OUR Jericho Road and has been arranged by the United hurts Women of Central United Church The public is cordially invited to attend and participate man Wentwmth Dewitt sunn tarihip and Victorit College scholarship in chassis and the Andrew James Bell award in clasics Miss Iowan has re caived an Ontario Fellowship for graduate studies THE sronssrr nsrasuara FOR TUESDAY Tuesdays p1 ne ta in fluences suggest that you out line and follow realistic scheduleone which is neither unreasonable nor overtaxrng Finish necessary tasks as early as possible so as to have some time for relaxation Outdoor in crests especially favored FOR THE BIRTHDAY lt Tuesday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that during the next 12 months your interests should he ocusssd largely upon matters connected with your occupation and the stabilization of sound financial program The period between now and the end of December shows promise of excellent pro gress along these lines it you make the best use of your talent and cooperate with the fine stel lar influences governing your interests Financial gains made before the first of next Janu ary followed by 2month pe riod of consolidation and coordi nation of longrange plans will put you in splendid position for still further expansion begin ning with March 1st when you will enter another exceptionally good tmonth cycle for advan cing monetary interests Best periods for making job bead way cp mbe Novem ber December and next March mild born on Iris day will be unusually versatile could succeed os writer speaker ship tainer musician or Uieatrlcalenter Convenient Drivmln Location It or Dnnl Ir Wear Wear Wear IST PRIZE $5000 Narchandlro Voucher In Baby Boutiqua 3rdPRIZE $1500 Morehrndln Vo ANNOUNCES VUIE PRIZES PHONE 7287731 Woclworth DEPARTMENT STORE DOWNTOWN BARRIE BABY PHOTO CONTEST Bring your Baby Photo to Woolworth Department Store and have it dis played as an entrant NoEntry Fee YOU may be the Winner BABY CONTEST RULES The Photograph of your baby will be ported on display board with designated number Shopper my cart vote for their favourite baby number by showing their sales clip Contest will run until FRIDAY JUNE dotb 1961 anhnoflmithflteflumberd votes to each shopper during the contest period PRESENT ONE SALES SL1 AND RECEIVE ONE 1nd PRIZE $2500 Morehandlxe Vouchor InBaby Boutique orCItlldrcna her In Bshy Boutique or Childrens thOUR BABY CAN BE AgtWNNERV BABY BOUTIQUE SHOP wootwoam oreua DAYSJA WEEK THURSDAY AND ratcav NIGHT TILL PM Chlidrdnc their guests then signed puehmcnt document drained and lettered by the groom to be reminiscent of 18th century doc lrncnls Later at the reception of the guests signed it Background music reoa since and contemporarywas played on harpischord and recorder Al the reception at the brides apartment the groom carried her over the threshold which had been strewn with nuhu protection against evil spirits Both bride and groom are artists Mrs lich has fine arts degree Mr Kerr an achitcct They both work for design consultant firm In Waterloo When you turn 21 youre no longer cow ered by your parents Hospital Insurance To keep insured you must take out im vidual membership within 30 days Get your application form at bank hospital or from the Commis ston The iamily Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife Notify your group without de lay 0Rifyou both page remiumsdirectnotr the Commission To keep insured follow theinstructions onthe Hospital Insurance Certificate of Payment Form 104 that your present employer Is required to give you on leaving Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE PIan Mario hospiaimmi turnip Ontario

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