Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jun 1967, p. 5

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¢rc¢qs ANGUS PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST WINNERS Here are the winners oi public speaking coolest inr Angus schools sponsored by the Royal Canadian legion Back row LEFT TO RIGIIT Sirr principal F553 No it Pilon principal of Our Lady of Grace school Judy Downing Grristinc Muir Pat ti Muir MacDonald president Legion Branch 499 and Doug Matthews chair man Willie speaking can test FRONT OW Lorna Grant Debbie Currie and Da rid Boyd Big Plowing Match Praised At Edenvcrle EDENVALE Stall We all hope to be there and prob ably will compete said John Maw 19 one at three plowing brothers when asked about their plans lor the international plow Ing match which is to be held at the arm of Joseph Cochrane Innisiil Township October it to 14 David Marv who just gradua tczl lrom Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph is now in Arizona tor the MasseyFergus on company but is expected home before lho big match Murray Maw 17 who placed third in one at the junior com petitions at Scalnrth last year is expected to compete again Asked about his own plans John saitl they were uncertain but said he would probably compete His father Russell man has frequently vtvn rtls at plowing matches We hope the weather is good because this means lot said John pointing out heavy rains made plowing conditions poor at Seatorlh last iall It isnt much iun to plow when you are deep in mudI he added Despite the rain and mud Seaiorth hatl more than E0000 people Reeve Arnold Vancise oi Nottawasaga publicity chair man lor the 1967 match said he had high hopes there would be twice this many at the Sim coe Corrnly match and believes this is likely ii the weather is favorable The county committee for the plowing match which has been busy since last fall with ar rangements is due to meet at the county building at Barrie on Monday June 12 for progress reports lteeve Lloyd Pridhsm oi Sunnidale overall chairman said great deal has been dme He already has been talk ing to some of the chairmen neove Alex McAuley in charge at ticket sales has com mended service clubs tor their help Large parking areas are being arranged at the Cochrane iann and there rvitt be live gate entrances to the grounds Mr Maw said he hadnt heard about all the details the match but he had been im pressed over what he had read about them The chairman said Hon Earl Rowe Ontario liculcnantgoven nor has been invited to oitici ate at the opening ceremony de tails of which are now being completed Plans call or South Simcoe Plowing Association along with the East Simone and Centre Simcoe Associations arid also the Blue Mountain Association to hold their annual competitions at the local day at the inter national Open competitions for senior Iuniors and novices will be held There will also be an Armed Forces special Ior ser vice personnel interested in plowing We hope to have most or the acts about the lull program at ter the June 12 meeting said Reeve Pridham ECollingwood Hospital Treats 5783 Patients corarncwoon Stall It record 5753 patients were sated in the emergency de ent oi General and Marine Hospital during the past year it was shown by the annual re port just released Glare Trott chairman of the board of trustees said more pa tients were admitted more pa tient days experienced and in levery department with the ex cepiinn oi obstetrical and nur sery there was more activity The emergency department in crease was 1532 visits over the previous year We are proud of our emer fiency tandities and satisfied at the several thousand who crossed our threshold found high standard or medical and patient care said Mr lrott mentioning Collingwoods popu larity as ski centre and sum mer sports activity boosted the Mal NURSING SCHOOL Mr Troll said that in the field oi education the most pro gress was made we irere proud to be associated erh the Add To Services At Hoe Doe Parlr IVY Stalil Work is pro eeeding at HoeDoe Valleyrec reational park in placing sale wading area markers at the pond and installing an outdoor water pressure system Usslc Earle who operates the park said it will be ready for opening at trailer and tent camping on the weekend of June group trom Angus will be among the first camp lers The some parts whleh is two milesnnrthwcsi at here has at the deeper end Mr Earle said that bookings indicate busy season ahead Home hydro iacilitiu will be IifllIIIYS nomzs mp1 snelnuznn Sieulr House NOW OPEN Evening Dlnner pan Tilt 2100 nan room no noo no 126 CQLLIER ST PtibNEnssoao uarter of an acre natur al pon Besides the shallow area or wading it has rail Regional School that was estab lished in Barrie said Mr Trott commenting on trainee nursing afiistants being followed by the blue and whitestriped uniforms oi students from the Royal VicA toria Regional School of Nur sing Mention was made that the first vicepresident oi the Get cral and Marine Hospital Mrs Dudley Irwin and the director of nursing services Miss Fnan ces Menary were represan tives to the board of tnrstees tor the regional school Mr Trott said they deserved congratula tions and particularly Miss Ca therine Brown director of the school on the tremendous pro gress made With graduate nurses in short supply and demand for other qualitied personnel exceeding the number available it was most gratifying for the Coiling wood hospital to receive appro val or the establishment or the training centre tor nursingas sistants within the hospital or ganization program to go into etieet which involved demolition of fire oldest part at the hospital and the creed ot new educational building Mr Trot pointed out remarking To many it was matter of regret when the Wreckers moved in but our old facilities were out of date out oi use and source oi dan ger to our modern hospital The end at 1966 saw us occupying the new training centre and work almost completed on the additional facilities and renown lions to the McCarthy Wing Totslcost or building and til Blllltllli DRIVEIN THEATRE Milli or stint or out This decision caused crash equipping this new addition will run to apprmdnrately $160000 While substantial grants were approved by the federal govern ment the provinceof Ontario and Simcoe County Council there still remained need or do natitrns irom the community No appeal was necessary on this occasion because oi the generrwity or two longtime res idents or this area MissSarah MeEachern and Mrs Mabel Mc Eacheru Smith Mr Trott pointed out explaining that it was in recognition oi their genA erosity the centre was named McEaehern ning Centre for Nursing Assistan in mem ory of their parents the late Mr and Mrs Neil McEachern The efforts the Womens Auxiliary to the hospital also were given special mention Among other things they corn pleter redecorated and refur nisbed the Nurses Residence lounge Set At Midland MIDLAND tStaii Ratepay ers of Midland will pay more taxes than last year when they receivetbeir 1957 bills Public school supporters will pay on rate or 6103 mills up irom 5402 last year while the commercial and industrial rate will be 6048 mills in com parison to 5987 in 1966 Separate ti ol supporters will pay $203 residential up slightly over six mills and $59 EIIIIIIIIEII IIIIDER l1 tllltllftll TREK NOW OPEN DAYS Tonight Tuesday and Tony Randell Scntn Berger soott sissy Sheree North commercial up nearly eight mills WEEK Wednesday Higher Tax Rate P5 Ctntcnnial Streamers BEETION Staiil Centennial strewn eroded at east and nest entrances to the village have been admired by vision and are encouragement to many local residents to decorate their homes in preparation tor on and Tecumscth joint celebra tion later this month threeday program ha been planned starting Friday June l6 and continuing to Sunday June to It will start with Add day and will feature ball games and parade ol antique cars and floats and other events on Sat urday and Sunday George Lisk has been mist ing Earl Vllamell with plans ior Bradford Hurler Has Il Record BRADFORD Stall Brad iords Mike decnny who is pitching pro baseball with Mont gomery in the Class AA South ern League has record oi one win and one loss to date In innings pitched he has to strikeouts and an earned run average oi 407 in third place with record at 17 wins and 16 losses the Montgomery team is one oi De troit Tigers farm clubs Frank Carswcll exmaior Ieaguer is the manager YorkSimone PCs Plan Convention BRADFORD Stall An nouncement has been made here that YorlnSimcoe Progressive Conservative Association has called nomination meeting or Wednesday June 14 to select the partys candidate to conttst the next Federal election The meeting will be held in the Huron Heights Secondary School auditorium at Newmark et Three voting delegates will be chosen irom each polling subdivision in the riding This is in accordance with the consti tution Tom Evans president pointed out In addition to nominating bandidate iive voting delegates will be chosen to represent the riding at national convention to be heldin Tomato during September The partys national executive committee has asked that at lesst one oI the live be woman and another he menr her of the Young Conservative Association or person under 30 years old MIDHIIRST By nuts MONTEITH The stall of reiorestry nursery last week presented Sam Mc Dowell with retirement gilt oi chair Recent visitors at the home or Mrs Monteith her grand son James McMillan Kingston Mr and Mrs Walter ltodway and daughters Toronto with her father Charles Bowdery Mrs Raieliire Winnipeg and Miss Ruth Channen Scarborough with Mr and Mrs Channen Mr and Mrs Munt Toronto with Mrs DAngifl with Mrs Ill Peacock her daughter Mary and DISTRICT ivsws 11E BARR EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE 1367 Centennial Streamers Receive Much Attention At Beeton the parade which is to be held at Saturday Floats and bands are being sought to make this an outstanding parade In addition to marking thri adas 100th birthday year the celebration also commemorate the 83rd anniversary oi Beclons incorporation as avillnge Bee ton became an incorporated village on June in rear highlight of the program will be the official opening ceremony for new iloodligbts for the basebah diamond Hon Earl Rowe Ontario licuumntgover nor will oliiciate at the cere merry uhidr is planned tor pm in the soaring Sundays program includes combined outdoor service band Corbett by Collingwood Collegiate band and ball games The BeclonTocumselh our tenniai mmmittee whidr has been making arrangements has held 10 meetings so tar lot tcroithanlcshasbcarsentto Stanley Copeland tor moving the new poles for the lighting system each leer long from the railway station to the park Beeton Village $171700 Sewer System Approved BEEION Stall with sp proval having been givur by the Ontario Municipal Board steps are being taken here to proceed with the installation or sewer system The estimated inst $171700 President at the Triton Engin eering Services Raymond said the proposed plan was made to service twice the pre sent panlzrtion which will al low or future growth Tire sy stemcan be contended as re quired An turderground pimping sta don is planned at the Yonge and Centre Street location vihidr will tilt the sewage by rorce main about $00 ieet to lagoon in Wash nonstop just northeast ol the village The need Ior sewers has been much discussed by residents and given attention at Bentoneotm eil which solicited opuunns Reeve Earl Brotm was among those who spoke in favor at the meant hearing of the applica tinn by the Ontario Municipal Board0thers induded Dr ItIeKelvoy superintendent of Simone Manor at Berton and Mdiague Aer inspedion of the Simcoe County Health Unit said the drainage problem in beetm was serious in stressing the need for the work DISTRICT BRIEFS CENTENNIAL SONGS CREEMORE Stati Pupils arrd teadrers of Nottawasaga and tremote Central Sdrmt will imam centumiat pro gram in song on Thursday June at 130 pm zroN enuncrr SUNNIDALE Staiil Zion Presbyterian Church was built in the year 1876 on ground given by Mercan der Gillespie from Lot t2 Con Chief Finds Sports ANGUS tStalil It is not often that young man inter ested in sports gets into court trouble said Chief Harold Brown in commending Angus and other orgsoiutlmrs promo ting wholesome reaeation ior the young people The former sporu director ior 20 years at Burwasb who has been drlrf oi the Em force tor the past month said he bdieved his appeals tor cooperation had mu good resporse because he has tried to show interest in young people and their prob Ienrs He said he has been gratified there hast no vandalism dur ing the past month motorists had observed salcty laws with iew exceptions and there has been little trouble We are inlerstrxl In young people In particular and helping to promote sports tor them he said stating he felt this was an eiicctive way or combating iuvende delinquency BETTER RECREATION Ihs chlel said he was intu nstcd in the Angus baseball team and glad to bid in any way he can as time permitS He also is anxious tosce rec reation encouraged tor the young people and commended the Lions recreational council and others doing their part To help out the Essa Town ship Police Spons Association has arranged tor centennial variety straw to be held at Sim coe Street school auditorium on Saturday evening June 10 Pm ceeds will be tor baseball and recreation Harry McGuire oi Toronto is director oi the show which will include prniossional and amateurbrtists from Tomato There will be dancers gogo girls singers and comedians BOXING SCHOOL Chiel Brown hopes to see weigtrtliiting and boxing school Bradford Legion Plans Extension BRADFORD Stall Approval ior plans to build new addi tion to the Bradford Am building will be asde in vote to be held at general meeting of the bnanoh called for day June ti Members of the mile of the Legion and also at the liad ies Auxiliary hays bear study ing plans for the attemion with Foriar Construction and details will be givmr at this meeting Richmond Hill Brandt 2775 has sent an invitation to bradlord Brandi 521 to join thorn on Fri day June 16 a1 pm for bulls supper sponsoring TRY EXAMINER WANTS ADS rtanadlnAngusintbeouriu lure emphasizing both these sports are good bodybuilders While be emphasized it was the police duty and mponsibtl ity to enforce the lens Oriel Brown said he believed this Lhmtld be done with isirness We would be wdllng to help it we can he said stating he tell public confidence was an more ml ROXY It nmctnr Emory ncxn emu AT 100 thin iii munm minutes Rock Hudson and PHONE TEMll to for the sum of one dollar it family Toronto R0 Admission Prices lAdults $150 Istudents $115 Chlldren 50 Free list suspended SEE THE NEW Terry Thomas BANG BANG YOUR DEAD 4nd DESTINATION INNER SPACE 030 It 100 ARLES CASINO IS TOO MUCH FOR ONE JAMES BOND JAMES BONTJTIIOVIEl ACOIUMBIA PICTURES RELEASE was drown by old records FELDMANS ALE eve It an $3553 7283440 sirloin HAT will will 31 IAIIIK tillMtiillUMW wergoeoron sovsrnmugint lit lull mm mo onus tantrum trill lllltt till lilonithirsty Vampire tivrsirrinl DRACIIIA Combat Delinquency important step in good law en lorvement Renovation oi the police oiirce at Angus shows an tmprovrd arrangement with separate ot fiers ior private discusions measly Members of his police force include Constables Richard Brett Vayne Foley and Cecil Altwell TODAY TUESDAY ISNT Mare it urination Deanne and 930 BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE STARTS TOMORROW WArcH our errroman Hirinoursngwgruw gt1 tillI llitflllfi HII=PIIOVIIIE lliVllt PRINCE OF DARKNESS roourorr lit tt3lltffl nunmtwmmmnu war But LAST TIME TONIGHT Claudia Cardinals in BLINDFOLD plus NAMU THE KILLER WHALE Howto make sure of acconnnodations in Montreal for Expo 67 An attraction as great as Expo 67 is bound to purvory heavy pressure on accommo dations in the Montreal atsa Nevertheless you are assured place to stay by LOGEXPO Iho oilicial Expo 67 accommo dation bureau LOGEXFO has listings otovii 79000 roumsin hotels motels tourist homes otticiencv apartments special trailer motels and private homes Every room has been inspected and approved by an agency of the Government of Quebec and governmentcontrolled rate established It at peak periods such as at accommodations are not All you have to do to make coupon below and mail it to LOGEXFO You will receive reply within few days followed bya confirmation of reservation direct horn the Addml city PRIVATE HOME holiday weekends certain kinds available LOGEXPO can ottsr you alternatives which we are sure you will tind salistactnry reservation is till cutthe Arrival nnnsprnun on unionistsunavatarNumramtcnlidiin undIr12Munsnimnspomtlon ryp ohnnmmvdltlomnqmnd palmtrunnlwo arms management at the hotel etc or the hnmauwney Orvau may phone EXFOVOX at 514 3978397ior full information aboutavailabilityot any of the accommodations listed below Make your reser vations as early as possible rhs sooner you write or call the widervour choice Private Homes Over 30000 hospitable Montrealsrs are wnlooming visitors Into their humasThs locations have been picksd to make it easy inrynu to get to and lrnmths Expo 67 site RATES from $8 to 514 day lortwn people 510 to $13 forthrse nr I2 to 522 Iortour Efficiency Apartments Accommodations mostly in central Montreal for 10000 people with kitchen facilities and maid service RATES $18 to$25 adayiortwo persons plussa day toroach addi tional person gt Hotels There are still vacan cios in downinan hotels during some periods also in resort hntsls within easy reach at Expo 67 RATES from $12 to tat day double occupancy To tocrxro at 51 Montreal no curas lusnussmaccommodllicnlniollnvn Plovln APARTMENT Elfinionsl El HOTEL MOTELU TOURIST HOME MOTEL Imrilsmpll mth SITE CAMP so nunor EX Monmtu Numbfol fightsFrifi 9967 Motels Available in many periods particularly early in the season and alter September 4th RATE51$I to $30 double occupancy Tourist Homes The position is similar that oi hotels and motels with some vacancies in all periods HATES $10 in $18 double occupancy Morals Trailer type 1200 units otter another attractive alternative are idealiortamilies kitchen facilities and maid serviua included HATE52irom $25 dayiortwo persons $30 clay lurinur cr $49 daylcr eight Children under12Iree Trailer rtes There are ample trailer sites within easy driving distance of £pr 07 all with 3way hookup RATES $360 to $5 day camp Sites 20000 sites in 120 separate locations in the ares around Montreal RATES $250 $350aday All these accommodations are governmentinspected approved and pricecontrolled Flinn5153578097 pg

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