wmv For Too Many Drownings Elite Torrie Examiner Published by Canadin if Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher William Taller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor MONDAY JUN llflPAGBA Occur Could Last week was Red Cross Water Safety Week week which has great signif icance in this area where water plays such major role and where boating and bathing is so general The drowning statistical survey pub lished recently by the Canadian Red Cross shows that drownings in 1966 in creased 14 per cent to 1265 The majority of these casualties were assoc iated with boating activities swimming wading and accidental falls into the water Nearly 28 per cent of the fatal ities involved boating mishaps Drown ings occurring while persons were swim ming or wading increased more than 53 per cent to 273 victims About the same number of persons lost their lives as result of falling into water including falling overboard This includes 36 per sons who fell into walls ditches sloughs tanks and excavations There were increases of 100 per cent or more in the categories covering drowning associated with diving into water attempted rescue nonaquatic vehicle seizure and occupations The age group between 13 and 21 con tinues to record the highest number of fatalities with 293 This represents more than 23 per cent of the total figure While statistics are not complete fig ures show that at least 170 children Be Avoided under 12 years of age drowned beause there were no adults supervising them Lack of adult supervision in the water is like letting fiveyearoid loose with car on superhighway child isnt aware of what hes up against in the water He doesnt know the dangers of broken glass debris and holes on the bottom He doesnt know how to escape from water currents weeds and mud Hes not conditioned to think of safety while hes having fun Parents are sometimes too confident of their childrens abilities and believe they can leave them to take care of themselves in any situation The above statistics prove that this is false con fidence The increase in drownings over 1065 was probably due to the extraordinarily fine weather that most parts of Canada enjoyed in 1086 People took to the water in great numbers and more fre quently too in order to make the most of the good weather This increased the probability of accidental drowning and the figures bear this out in the final results Drowning probably never can be tot ally prevented but they definitely can be reduced substantially if everyone makes an honest effort to become more aware of water safety principles and practices DOWN MEMORY LANE Barrie Examiner June 1917 Town Council received rude jolt when Water Light Commission asked for higher hydrant rental Livery and cab lic ences unchanged but autos for hire must pay $25 fee first car $10 each addition al Magistrate Radenhurst in County Court sentenced five deserters to jail Pie Harry Lennox Painswick wrote to parents from Stuttgart He was taken soner by Germans year ago is work ing on farm With many instructors and trainees of Royal Flying Corps now at Camp Borden special orders issued to prevent troops from interfering with bird men Since so many men have gone overseas recently camp seems al most deserted but preparing for expected 20000 soldiers shortly to complete ad vanced infantry training Majority Barrie merchants voted in favor closing Wednesday afternoons during summer months Gunner Rollett Carson now in Third Scottish General Hospital Glas gow his wound being more serious than first reported Sgt Allan Ingram wrote to mother that he had come through the Vimy engagements as one of fortunate to escape wounds Major Knowles appointed to command North Toronto Military Hospital Capt Percy Sarjeant who has been with Bri OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WHO PAYS FOR YOUR PAPER Dartmouth Free Press Every once in while somebody who ought to know better comes up with the dream of newspaper without advertis ing The Pictou Advocate recalls Inia re cent editorial that once the most soph isticated city in North America New York had this dream come true In 1939 Ralph Ingersoll brought out tab loid paper PM that had not line of advertising in it It cost little more but it was worth every penny of it and some of the best writeru in America wrote for it Realizing that the public do look to newspapers for information to help them shop PM ran an excellent column for consumers such as would have delighted the hearts of consumer associations everywhere It ferreted out bargains pin ointed value and gave yardstick against which to shop It had faithful enchanted following and it failed despite heavy subsidizations to get it on its feet That was in 1930 Today to give the public paper without advertising would cost on conservative estimate 50 center to dollara copy The 10 cents the sub scriber pays for copy of his newspaper covers little more than the circulation and handling costs if that Once it also covered the cost of paper but that day is long since gone Advertising and advertising alone brings the public the news of the community at price that the public can pay And there is more to it than that People buy papers not only to read the news they buy it to read the advertise merits They buy paper because it is permanent record in black and white or more recently gorgeous technicolor Radio may mention an item television mayshow you one but the impression is fleeting arid in thefinal analysis it is only what you remember you saw that is left with you and memory is fallible The paper remembers for you in detail and specifies It is source that can be tlsh Army Medical Service in Mesopot amia for year now on way to England and expects posting to France His father Albert Sarjeant got cable sent from Alexandria Egypt Major George George Rodgers appointed to command CDF training depot at Borden with Major Newton Young Zvic Pie Cross Thornton 76th Battal ion reported killed in France Mov ing picture show this weekend at Grand era House is The Evil Eye starring anche Sweet Coming Snow White with Marguerite Clark and seven dwarfs specially produced in Hollywood by Fam ous Players Mayor Curran received notice that Grand Trunk will build new railway station in Orillia about same size aSVCPR station Owing to engine trouble aviator from Borden forced to land in town Tuesday evening in hay 37 field on McCarthy farm across St Vin cent St from William Freeks house He was not able to take off until mechanic came from camp to repair slight damage Young aviator from Borden instantly killed when plane went out of control in nose dive near Dyments farm in west end This was third fatality since camp opened one man being struck on ground by propeller two others in crashes public the history of its times The ad vertisements are often as much history as the news and historians can often learn as much if not more about the life of period by studying what the people bought how much they paid for it and how advertising was planned to attract their attention FRENCH IN NEW BRUNSWICK Quebec Le Soleil The reaction of the premier of New Brunswick to motion of the leader of the opposition calling for official recog nition of the French language in the pro vrnce was one of the most disconcerting ever registered by the leader of gov ernment ML Robichaud is FrenclrCanadian and he presented another motion provid ing for establishment of simultaneous translation system in the legislative as semblyof his province his proposal was adopted unanimously However Mr Robiohaud posed the official recognition of the each lan guage in his province undernhepretext thatalaw to this effect would constitute an injustice towards theEnglish lan Emilia It apears Mr Rohiohaud allowed him self to be overcome by defensive relt flex he took advantage of technical errorin the proposal of the Conserva tive opposrtion leader to try to assure himself of the sympathy of the Angler Saxon majority in this province Itis techrucally true that law recognizing Frencbas the official language in New Brunsunck could constitute an injustice towards the English language Eutit would have been very simple for the intrower to propose an amendment to Van Hornes motion and to have adopted unanimously by the legislative assembly law recognizing both French and English as official languages If Mr Robichaud did not do it it was probably so that Mr Van Horne could not benefit from the credit for having referred totime and time again at youn presented the legisaluon and in the hope convenience Newspapers and advertising are and alwayswilljbeipartnersiin bringing the on the other hand that the EnglishCam agencycum ill to the Liberal overnnientLTr OTTAWA REPORT Show Dollar Value move ovare Oi Immigration Ey PATRICK NICEOIBON OTTAWAImmigration added approximater one pa cent to the population of Canada last year The men women and children who immigrated during 1966 totalled 194743 of those just over half were classified as workers and there were 000 wives 59000 children and 7000 ofliem The body of In migrants therefom contained proportion of workers slightly higher than is found in our pres ent population at years end our population of some 20000 000 Included 7500000 workers The significance of immi nnta is seen at once when we recall that Finance Minister Sharp has announced our gross national product rose by 100 per cent last yearin money Lanna of this rising places accounted for nearly half and real outputrose by 59 per cent Butour labor force ivas in creased by 13 per cent by im migration so we see that our increase in industrial and farm production came to threeuuer tors from higher output and to one quarter from the expansion of our work force by mun rg ra tiou BENEFITS CANADA This figure alone shows the worth to Canada of the flow of immigrants This flow in 1966 has only been exceeded once since the Second World War azure suns DUNHEITH lnd AP Goodyear blim battling strong winds anagg on hightension power lines about 75 feet above the ground on busy us to just east of this eastcentral lndlana town early today The twoman crew slid to the ground on safety rope Police said the blimp was popping and crack ing and its skin wrinkling as it fell slowly to the ground mower dorm hummer 15 Bayiield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Daily Sunday and Statutory Holidays excepted subscription rates daily It carrier 45c weekly MAD yearly Single copies 10 BY mail Barrie $2340 yearly Ontario $1200 year motor throwoff SIS year Mail out side Ontario 514 year out side Canada British posses sion 15 year USA and foreign $16 year National Advertising Of flm 425 University Avenue Toronto 6441 Cam st Montreal WI 1200 West Pen derSt Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Asocietion the Canadian Press and Audit Blueau at Ellis cannons The Canadia Press ls ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred ited to it or The Assocatod Prmorlteuterrrand alsothe local news published therein and that was in 1957 when the refugees from Hungary boosted the inflow to 232104 We have to go back to the nonderdays before the First World War to find the yearly flow exceeding that in 1966 Those were the days when the men In sheepskin coats were settling and opening our Pral rles In both 1906 and 1007 the flow excemhed 200000 Then came the boom years of stead lly rising immigration between 1910 and 1913 when the annual inflow was respectively 7116039 531208 $75756 andin linoour allvtime record year when welcome and astonishing 400 070 new Canadians singed through our then wide open door Our total population at that time was more 7500000 so the 1913 immigration added more than five per cent to the number of Canadians In con trast 966 immigration which was numerically our eighth largest annual inflow was only one per cent of our present population This comparison in dieates that we could absorb much larger inward flow than we are currently admitting al though we could not without serious inconveniences and some disruption of temporary nature take in an annual flow of 1000000 Immigrants which would be the high 1913 percent spent our population namely five per cent The 00210 workers who came to Canada last year included many trained men and women possessing skills which are costly to acquire and in short supply in Canada today For in stance 995 medical doaors and surgeons come and they formed out over nine of our provinces settling everywhere except in Prince Edward Island More than 3000 engineers mcdianlcal electrical mining civil oldcame Some 5092 pro teasers and schoolteachers im migrated and 3151 farmers andJ farmworkers These are all skills which are in undersupply in most if not all regions here today In all 23037 professions ally and technically trained per sonsfarmers of course are not included in this category immigrnted to Canada last year and the cost of their cola leciivc training would have amounted to at least £50000 000 in Canada which is an at naclive windfall for usbut of course we do not have the fa cllities to have trained that ad ditional ninnber Our immigration flow is rosy plus in our national pic ture today especially signifi cant in that contribution of quarter of our yearly increase in our real gross national pro duetion FOREIGN AFFAIRS Like Other African States Nigeria Western Invention By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Anflyst The rhorus of regrets over the secession by Nigerias eastern regions overlooks African condi tions and European precedent the fact that Nigeria for while appeared to be function ing efficiently gives some sub stance to the regrets but the efficiency was merely matter of appearances Like other African states in geria was western invention patchwork uilt of dlsparale and hostile nic groups put together for the convenience British colonial administrators To the empire builders Africans was all the same colored tri bal primitive The best destiny that could be devised for them was conversion to Christianity modern tedinotogy and latlush or European methods of admin lstratinn Since the natives were not going to remain in their native condition whet mattered in the mind of the colonial odmlnis trntur was the end product of his efforts the colored replicas of the Briton or European these would be new type of man who would ignore and re nounce ancestral custom that divided them into mutually hns tlle tribes But the rooms dioonvixting and amalgamating was never completed in Europes African colonies Europe has not com pleted it within herself to the great disappointment of 115 idealism who have on longed for federated Europe in Amer Yet the history of Europe is replete wtth movements to achieve supra national liberty under the Romans first then the Catholic Church the various German and Austrian emper ors Napoleon The decrease of Soviet influence over Eastern European countries is only the latest testimony to the strength of Dimpezn mbaitsm Wily then should African di vrsveness not prove as strong or stronger considering that European efforts to promote various African federations are all less than 75 years old Nigerias Ibnswhu have now acceded hays substantial his torical past much of it featur ing brutal fights against the other ethnic groups that form Nigeria especiady the Modern tribes of the northern regions which dominate the countrys federal government It was only this your that the Moslems slaughtered thousands of fires in the northern region of Nigeria Nigeria has some 250 distinct languages grouped into few main linguistic blocks the lbos are such block quite co hesive with pronounced com mon characteristics they are among other things Nigerias must evolved peoplethe ablest administrators the best busi ncssmen Their Eastern Region con tains14000000 people of whom dent ermine millimirugiim end the rest so far groups that seem to cohabit peaceftu with the lbns The claim of these people to independence is no less validthan were slmller claim by Austrias Yugoslav or Hungarian subjects or by Norwegians Swedens QUEENS PARK Insurance Industry Will Be Watched TORDNN build Mn tree when new departmun of Ilnandll Dd oommerdol af faln has taken over many lprxuiblllla formerly handled by the uttorneyicnenl has in dicated he may take more fateful attitude towards the in lurence Industry than has been the autom here Upda the superintendent of insurance tbc xoVurlment has strong authority over the cw natty ludintry But as look as thu ofï¬ce was administered under the attor ucyxenaal tended to take benign view of the industry and any supervision it bad to exer cise was understandable to thattbepcimipaifundwu an attornoytgcncrel Is to enforce law and ordect the public agaimt scum law breaking And most of hit staff and it thinking ll direded towards this end The actual of Main which isnt breaking onyglaws Ls foreign to the na ture of the office MORE INTEREST This was one reason for the formation of the new depart ment and handing over to it responsibility for securities in surancc consumer protection and other functions whidl are principally regulatory More government interest can be expected in fad has already been shown in these fields CANADAS STORY Cadillac Resembled OneOl Musketeers By BOB BOWMAN In this age It is difficult to realize that the names Cadillac Pontiac and Detroit are not the exclusive property of the auto mobile world Cauadlen history has prior claim Cadillac came to Canada as an officer in the forums OadguanSalien regiment that is represented in the Military Tattoo now touring the nation as feature of Com tennlel Year He married the Frendi fort at Detroit and then bécame gov ernor of louisluun Pontiac was an Indian chief whose enn splracy against Britain cost 20001ives of settler along the borderlnilst Cadillac greatly resembled dArtagnan of thoTbree Muske eers He had long nose fast temper and was quick with the sword He nndGovernor Fron tenac got along well because they had little use for the church and were always annoy ing the bishop and the priests ln order to entertain lhc garri son at Quebec they put on play to which the clergy objected GUARDED LAKES Cadillac served for several years as the commander of the fort at Michilimackinac guard ing the entrances to lakes Enron and Michigan He had to make trips to Montreal and back sometimes on snowshoes In any case he felt that the loca tion of the fort was out of data and urged the building ru nthor at delimit whim French for on the strait Frontenac agreed hut sent cadilioc no Fiance to get oer rnissiun from King Louis Cadil lac must have been good salesman because he persuaded the king even though he had once drawn his ire because he Why keep em waltlngf NW leis exi7°67 erame rsea old St DRILLIA 73 ulrsana OFIN EVENING IV APPOI And of mine insofar as the general public is concerned nothing probably is more wet come than that more attention uto be paid to insurance Con tainly few subjects have been the cause of so mud complaint in the Mialature here than aim insurance rates and some the practrca of the industry or at least segments of it HARD LOOK Mr ltounuec hasnt rald he will be lowering any boom in fact he hasnt sold in so many words lhat he will even be exerting stronger direction Bu he did tell the rnemberx that he didnt like some of the practices that had been fol lowed And he paid could be expected shortly in ow assigned risk program one of the most critidzed from of fill Industrys operations From this it can be assumed that the minister has been tak ing hard look and that developments can be expected They probably wont mint from any public action on the part of the government ltlr Ronntm is regarded here as touml ministerend one of the mom able in the gov ernment But his toughness in applied indirectly utters pos sible But from what one knots of him he already would have had some firm talks with the inner circle of the industry and gives it what arc in effect order In srnnrfen up had said The world may to volve on its axis to all eternity but Canada will no more be come France than desert garden in June 1101 Cadillac left Quebec with 100 soldiers and workmen travelling in fleet of 25 canoes Instead of going directly to Detroit byway of Lakes Ontario and Eric Cadil lac chose much longer route via the Ottawa River to Goon gian tiny and then lllichillmack than this puzzled historians for years but it is now known that Cadillac had 100 pots of brandy hidden ncar Mtchillmacklnec and he was not going to leave them there for someone else to find OTHER JUNE EVENTS ImSpanish explorersGall arm and Valdez sailed along coast of BC rimFrontenac first steam boat on Great Lakes madcytrip from Kingston to York 1832 Proclamation made Montreal and Quebec cities and gave equal rights to people ofI Jewish faith liftsManitoba abolished the legislative council The Sri prcme Court of Canada hdd its first session SitBuilding trades strike in Vancouver HillNazi Fascist and Co munist groups declared illeg in Canada went all BIBLE THOUGHT For this ll good and accept able in the light God our Saviour Timothy 21 The Saviour is at Gods right hand with lost world at hearL He ever liveth to make inten ccssion for us Suspense may be fine on TV but when you want cash Beholdlo lomws you want it right nowfhets why we make every effort to give the fastest service in townBig 0K serviceoffend minutes Friendliest tool Cell up and find outl Beneficial FINANCE CO OF CANADA titans unto Smhvourlernc 42 month column on forms ilsizimd Phone PA 35931 Phone 3267353 NE FDR House