pi SALE hwfvv Pr vwg LA iAA mfmv Aim 35w awry2 ARTICLES FOR SALE GOING OUT 30 All Childrens Coats and Jackets Infants to size I4 HWESTMOUNT 33 Westmouni Drive ORILLIA PHONE 32627BI Furnaces Due to volume purctiasing Millie they Iasl 95000 BTU forced air Iuinm installmi with easy monthly pnymwls BA TERMS AVAILABLE AS LOW AS $6 PER MONTH ALSO ONE FREE 200 GALLONS or 92 Oil wrni INSTALLATIONS ammo JULY Bristow House mom slop masts BRISTOW Plumbing and Heating 84 DUNIDP ST BEEF Fresh homekilled bod cuILing and wrapping for home freeb pls and cusiorn killing BERTS MEAT MARKET Cookswun 4534212 la mile west pl 400 OPPOSIIB pales burn on 39 Highway NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at line broadloom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOLI Renmants all sizes and priced Collier St Phone 7261311 IllcFADDEN FURNITURE do APPLIANCES 7289288 Highway 27 North Refrigerator door 30 inch range Automatic dryer auto matic dishwasher All used and in good condition KitchenAid DISHWASHERS FAMILY GIFT IDEA No more dishlvashing drudgery 2841431 Robinson Hardware BEEF 1021 no 1b Sides 47o lb market too Colilor 7185139 AVAILADLn Now Plaln and tut assembly vitrilied clay pipe and Lungs Mild mum Prod ucts Barrio 7mm 2v IIOTAIIY MOWER cycle so th Clinton engine tiled Llth also 21 Admiral TV no 16 Queen st Apt Barrio TYle by Singer mod Ill Swill Spring prices as much oil on deluxe models nvo year guarantee 5m lpontn slo uer Barrie 7mm USED FORCED Air Furnacl to pale in good condition For uh titer particulars telephone 72D 1111 Room pnonlicrs When think or Hooverthink 01 no son Hudwm viii2m USED aewma Mm hilly ro command and guaranteed lol one you Priced from 29 Singer of Bane 1N4 Allislot 355171 siGNtl eon slisz whim cardboard nanitll pt to hunt House or solo otc AvaUabia alldc Bummer Mullins olllce ImAvY Trypeel Tuner with Michr $60 For lurther loloroaatioo tele phone cruel attu pan COLOR Tv or sale zlincll IICA victor console trim VHF com Bide with rotor and booster est olier 4241545 camp Borden so USED WINDOWS light II one Jamesway battery blooder LOOIHIIICR rice good con ditlon me drain box Kenny Poul try Folm Shanty Bay moods TYPEWBITERS bought roid reg paired rented special student ml ul rites inquire about our sauy While You Ilent plan slur Tiller writer Co Duniop st welt 7265595 TENT TRAILLIIS hmi top chLTI sullen tents camping ulpr medfltAlul TACK NHL IzlMEII grin Ill WEIll am In Street Telephonep bossI omos coonmun tor ï¬le size sullnblu Ior grad union or bridennolo worn lonr sto other gmd duality Dresses Ind AImenrr Colt 10 Blue Dre times Slides size Very reasonable Phpno mom 59 punY all day Saturday WIN Title or two to Athenl Greece See the 1961 Gibson Inn and Mriremole oi Robinson arrowre 31 Dunlop st East wautads that gel mulls Takers will be with to help you write your classiï¬ed ads To place your next want ad dial Examiner Ad 20°o oil summer Wear Large Selection Of Summer and Fall Dresses ood trot 61 Sanford St 7785810 ARTICIES FOR SALE OF BUSINESS Off Tots Teens ARTICLES FOR RENT YOU CANT BEAT THE CONVENIENCE 0F RENTING POWERED VACUUM to clean your paved driveway parking lot service Notion mo CALL 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE Drion st moist ARTICLES WANTED CASII or old ilelorl Doolu Illu ps lumiture xiur chin to clocks hm etc 1m WANTED hirnltiirs slovu AV DiIAIIces Dishes Antiques IInih Second limo soon alum or cm LANDSCAPING ATTENTION HOME OWNERS let In deliver your rah gmrl lawn today For the vay bust in Marion Blue and Marion Kentucky mixture kill Flora Sod Co Ltd in Allision at 4357471 BLACK LDAiII lush grade lrvw inr uliltby the load dli Telepwnuylvy mil my 0065 AND PETS ONE MALE Orrnon shepherd pup Week old mustered Tole phone mom lDUE CUTE mu kllleno looking lol home One tally and inle nrcy Call moons olicr 2111 FRUITS 8r VEGETABLES ONTARIO No Red Normd Po toms 3125 pm bushel at tile Farmm lilar ct In Dorrie END OF saAsON SpfclaL two week only SPY 5150 bushnl illcl $250 busndl or by the ban BOATS AND MOTORS BOAT LIFTS MARINE RAILWAYS IPOWER WINCHES Iratallallon and deliveries Rolland Boats Lid Hwy 11 North 0rlllia 3255141 IT rr calcium to motor trailer loll coorploent collect condition Toiepoane mow zomul GILEW Vacationer bp blboordoutboud top and till equipped icplloo lliIdLlnd 108 but IVDILIIIS wholesale md re tail iiiioni packed Susan jun noted Telephone Rib1545 is poor GILEAVEIAE runabout ChiLean cylinder Inboard line Asking $150 Tellilrhlmc loop or Itnlpil mom Mttteeu am and 1111 BlArILEA Torsolo mi iIIinL lnox in good shape needs paint ing its Telnpbono izdaall Boat I7 Neptune Illinlrlniu ou board welrht 11 pounds Telr phone mm COMET mow runabout mood seats Elston hp electric run motor sAlI pDAT in root Gm streak planking dooron calls ycara old 5795 do Taipphono 7729160 Can be seen Carley Boat House DEAD STOCK crippled cattle For last service PHONE DARRIE 7287751 Collect Or ask for NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Faxmend Ontarlo License No 298064 Nick Montague Prop Delavai Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line of Dairy Farm Equinincnt Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 27 gt will dirertllprto denounced 12 NM ALUMINUM Cal be and willie matching your windshield rpoedo trailer with winch moment wndl Linn mm TI For quick sale FARMERS MARKET Highest prices paid for dead or and horses Small animals removed tree ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours any days week FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN FARMERS MARKET CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Cal New Holland David Brown Butt IM BURTON AVE 7337 CASH TRADE TERMS IlAIr CONnmom New Hob bod lu uic used one year like new condition Audio Million Ontario law was mt Inch root biode ciao IMenullonll run bar rubber whadlzd motor arty dd dellvay Dam on Gillan or WI Isa corny Tractor model no My medium4m Allie minim tractor model WD codi Ig with corn and mm Can Cookmn mm LIVESTOCK FOR SALE in WLANDI pin tor oaio week old lor lumber Interme tele phone nmvaic solIn TWO cona lor or one Holstein Ireh aka rout cow duo mm p14 lieom Telcpbom lam vy mnl Dr Ciydfldflu loom and 10 your old well mulled wtu ï¬lllnruunnably Telbphom valorlo FEED SEED 8t GRAIN 15o Dubs of all my 40 oach For runner lnlorrootion Icicpnoln Cooblmvia SI90M IlAr AND mIAw no can Adam Von Cullen RR mm Line om 1W0 mud or nod bay AilIn and Timothy lino 200 Conn pom long to ch dime er peeled Telwhooc mm attics PASTURE FOR RENT so Acnu IIAY new with pu turo and born or not Telephon mm IAliuiu so mum not used IIiblY ovoiublo unme dhielg non Township Pom llOi 965 POULTRY 8r CHICKS lo LIGIrr EUSlethodA bland Ivd cockmh manila Old 760 or Teidphona mm AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU rm RAMBLER l7 Gowan SI amour FINA srATioN contact Tool Nuth MIN 27 North will give musicrd with my purchas until June so 1907 Isis vouuwmcu Daluxe mt belt rldlii nudded snow tires Illst one reason moo orinnll mliu om owner Telephone 1616 Alici Iilw pro 1m convADI lor pain door aomlop ypeeli low mileage one owner All cnndlllon Ilen otter Telephom mam ISIIPONTIAC Parisian Convah lele VE nddle un ivlthledm pitmemlry matching Intlion power ricertrig and brakes radio Al condition Owner mm belL moon me ii pm my vomsmcnr or sale In very good condition Wont rciwiom mm 196l uUIclr Wine door xdanl vo Iulomallt nowoi fleeting whit wail Um ndlo Al cand taiglor slpoo Telephme risers alter Sun 1953 METEOR spring tires snow tires But plat elephant mom liter MD pm MOTORCYCLES Calling All Sick Motorcycles We have curd for all makes and models Satisfaction guar anteed HANDY BP SERVICE tillI Concession ldnlsil Beach Rd PHONE 4361171 1955 HONDA 519 ml HQ tfoo Wrlhm midi minnowinn condition Telephone 96672 TRUCKS 8i TRAILERS F700 156IN WHITELEASE Call and Chassts 330 lid Vti engine Lamb trout springs Sspeed liD direct tram 1850trlh rear aide 7000II frOnLaxle 10mm Lira roar lugs Cast spoke wheels Tow hooks Heavy duty frame or stock MOFFAII MERCURY ill libsa lid chtedu Telephone W11 Mason or site pm my 306 TIIIIII SI All us In Hidlo Om Juno UL 1967 WANT AD INSERTION Iom rear and auxiliary springs 7235558 19 ECONOLINE Fold VIII has role shatid seen to be upon Im Isllemon dump Iruclr mo Mercury dump uucir 1966 Interna tlopal dump truck also my elm Or type of mm er woi or one mam 195 noun TON truck with which be seen at Ontario orlrlo must be accompanied by certi ricd cheque amounting to 10 or Ina total roller and mailed directly to Ontario Hydro Service Cem Sumlus Sales section 160 KipIIIIg Ave South Toronto 19 out be AUTOMOTIVE PERSONALS 10 HELP WANTED AUTO REPAIRS WATTS MOTORS Your Olil authorized VOLKSIV GEN Service Centre In Barrie ONLY FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS WORK ON YOUR CAR We glialaiiteo all parts and labour 65 COLLIER ST HARRIS PHONE 7282121 MISTER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 33 Dunlap SI 7285241 Imam nArinII my We can cupptv or rebuild any two or DIIINY Broken easel lous poets or ml rebuilt In exchange manic all our blinded Darin or new wmndn Tom Nitrites 2n Bayllcid st mm I0 HELP WANTED either through innml training or cation and salary required to INSURANCE INSPECTOR Iniernallonafl Ilirn Tequirui man Ior Barrie area Salaried post Lion with excellent Mule NI training given good salary and our Age 22 35 Must have mmpleie high odiooi diplo ma some ability Io type and satisfactory oar Please write Past Office Box 15 Barrie giving iuil partic hrs PART11MB EVENINGS 630 pIIL to 1080 pm ï¬ve nights neck Appliance sales and service Must be married and between the age ol 11 and so have late model car willing to meet lilo public No canvasr mg $200 nIoTItth guaranteed Call 7713921 to arrange per uuorview COUNTERMA Auto Parts Experienced man required in mediaiely salary dependent on experience references required Contact CONNELL Phone 7261461 WArqu with experience muted lor ypeciaiiied weak bouu Apply to Box D35 barrio Miner MEN WANTED to work in bucb No experience nmmry Contcl inmnberg Jr mile ocutb or New Lowell YOUNG MAN io help on delivery truck tor appuance department Apply In person to noblnson rind warc J1 mnlvv SI Bidfie LIClszlm Mechanics run or part tlnle lovelugolv earnings up to mo weekly Us beneliti lur pro sharing En Ulric lied strict continence Appy Canadian Tire norm TITAN steady addition at lnlo In established mute nor be married age 22 to 35 choulleurl licence Good salary Huge comp roy bencills Apply Io sunriuoc Unilorm 148 Icon st BLOCK MACHINE Operator umbia equipment wanted ed llchv Year ruiinrdfï¬ï¬lwlgmeï¬l op wig oplm up it or voncelnent lele hone 7mm II tcr pol ol bow Concrete sudbury mum WANTED Quoiiiied Electrician and Plumber on 41m basis or domestic work In buck urea Would be Ideal ior r21 employed men with man Ilme between lobs Write Bolt EH Barrie Examiner JOURNEYIIIAN Plumber needed Good working conditions on dpnl estio installation study employ ment lol the right man in le erected ï¬mwllll lino All file tond be Itept In con encc and InstTend Vilto Box El Barrie Examiner WM MALE FEMALE HELP Boys Girls Emile now available for boys and girls with the omen AND MAIL Please telEphOUe 7mm EXPERIENCED Powel swim lila chine operator auvployee bent GENERAL ACCOUNTANT REQUIRED BY Salada Foods Ltd Allision Ont Will be responsible or preparation at monlllly ï¬nancial staIe merits and supervision oi cumulus payable and payroll Position requires good background In acoounling attained Please reply in complete coldideuce stating experience edit WY SALADA Doom LIMITED ALLISION ONT BE FEMININE Superfluous hair removed by Electrolysis The Isle scientiï¬c method Our Certiï¬ed Electro logist is available lor connilte tion wihout charge SYLVIAS SAIDN Fred Grad 5L Barrie Ont moose AA It mu drinking problem Ind nut orgi plwiu any Kline mam Tm um vlsnou Room an lull nbu curi loolion In Maximal Ramsan prided no day an nut an In Jupo BOWLWB cm plo To viliml it my more the nminr mu Ht at but ll Commson Highway 11 was moved by Ir Joe rim my bayonmelooomlolldmdm pa 726m tor runner Dank an WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRFï¬ING Government Chartered School Thorough training In all brail ches oi beauty culture DERWIN HAIIIDILESSING SCHOOL 11 WORSLEY 51 7296961 TRY EXAMINER WANTS ADS MALE HELP on the Sub experience FEMALE HELP BAXTEIL LABORATORES OF CANADA LIMIIE ALLISION ONT requires Ieinale plant personnel Baxter Laboratories is rapid ly expanding phnrrnaccnlicnl monuiocturhlg company We oiler above average wage ex collard beneï¬ts program excel lent working conditions Ago bracket 1H5 prelerrod No ex perience lequlred Apply In writing or call collect 36 MR JOHN BATY 705435 DO YOU WANT TO SELL It is easy to be success and earn good money with AVON COSMETICS For particulars write MRS TONI SIIIOLUK PD Boil ids Barrie Ont Phone MOSSI NOW WORK WITH FRIENDLY MUGS DRIVE IN has Openings for car hostascs and kitchen stall We provide flexible work ing hours clean smart uniiorms and excellent working condi tions Call now for appointment WWII DAIsIl smelt would or cw byenipu week in Angus area Please telephone mow between Ill around pm YDUNGOII Middioan vim to card nature 91th in day our borne no or week Telcplmne mm nousamrm or expectant loo ther or light lika lng duties in Toronto honvti to to lsox Did Barrie Examiner maï¬a CREPE waitress oolr mu ex mice ncc 21 ours or Over Telephome Inn to p111 pAnTnnrn IIItum warnn oired Tor lelit housekeeping du tcs Ior one pemo Pensioner pm erred Telephone moral BABYSITIZII wanth kl till sinu coe le am day week will In to take out For pinbal lllior mation plllu telephnnn mum liter pro limist required tor Alien dolo homo middle aged to livo in adults ampln that oil Dut ies to commence bomcdlately Tel ephono mm alter pm WILL mine or child in my own home dive days weekly Anne turn ior board ironi Monday to omened Tellypiwne rialm BOX REPLIES Whil livery endeavour will Dalila tn Torword repllel b0 box numbers In the Idverilsfl Is boon as possible we accept no liability in lorprct of loss or damage or leged Io orloo through ellher lib ure or delay in rorwmilnp such tits Apply to panto Tent ind AmbitCO Ltd at myriad 5i IBM 402 Boys WSSB subicct to concelillion when EAGLE EQUIPMENT RATES BARRIE EXAMINER cinih3iifl Ce es CASE SAVE CARRIER ROUTES latch trzi°ii 51 £5343 YOU MONEY Are NOMAvailobIe in Barrie ggigflgpIg amt mum ml my ziWORD MINIMUM And Surrounding Communities Pflcldlnl an Cooksimvn Equipment oz Time $108 mm 15 new $63 NEAR YOUR HOME BLIND me nox permits 45 Times $288 PHONE 7266539 TODAY Twhhhiriiir Eligiilhgi it Save 36 on Dhlllliilfirï¬i it who get $5 04 Application Forms Available At one oi publication mm av ONT cANcULbAnIONA HELD TREEI Ioio Iofrmrior amen EXPERIENCED OPERATOR male Or female Full range Of benefits all company paid APPLY MANSFIELD DENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED Barrie rdplles however caused whether by millmince or Oiheiwlse Tahulator nd Girls EMPLOYMENT WANTED street urea Tolephom maps YDUNG STUDENT desired baby sitting or mothers helper In re Irldoy Near holniroszina oobool TRADE SCHOOLS FINISH HIGH SGIOOL IN Kane mid PM mam or mgmzed teml we Grads 513 All books and mpplis Low maulth pay ments tome tax dcdudible IOr lull Mumaim write The Moduli Dansï¬at Academy of Adult Educailm limited Box 3S6 Dept BA Iidmiillm OITIa no lEGAL NOTICE 10 CREIJIIORS AND OTHERS In the estate nl WALTER DOWNEY Idle the Tmlvidilp of prra In the Cavity ol Simone Ruins PM All persons having china again st the above estate are required to send Mi particular at Ndl claims to tho denim Ls euitor on or More the Lst day OI Jilly 1961 Mitt which do the estates aazcts will be dis iributed having regard only to clnirns that have then been re coivcd THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY Toronto Ontario Wu by STEWART IIlcIURK MILLS AND DICK WW9 BariIa Ontario l2 TENDERS ONTARIO SALE OF BUILDING Sealed Iutders will be receiv ed by the District Fomtcr DO parimcsil oi lands and Ronald RR No hlmle Onznrn up to 1200 oclock noon EDT Fri day June 16 1961 or the pur chm and romaval of two storey tram house located on lot 13 Winn VIII Tonn ship at Vespra Further particlllais mid wder forms may be obtained km the Superlniendoni Provincial For est Slatitnl Midhtnst or the lin dersiwiui The highest or any tender but womanly accepted LDVIAN Cvpy for Want Ad Section accepted until pm I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday June at pm sharp For HERE CULBERT Al hot 22 Concessmi ll Essa Tolmshi on the Essavlruusiil town line miim north oi lbarnim corner of Highway 21 Sale of bed cattle horse farm machmery household furniture including many antiques Terms cash No reserve as the form is sold JERRY COUGIILIN audience WATCH Ior full June AUCTION SALE Wednesday Evening June 25 at ii pm sharp for ROBERTSON USED LUTHER YARD ANGUS mt Iiiflwm 90 Opposite Motel 90 Sale of al used building mater ials large quantity of shooting doors windows and sashes shower cabinets large quantity of coolest battlede linoleum tanks voter oil pres mandhottveterupinwo gallons quantity OI oil slam building 12 30 rmsz ply woodandzxis zhp motor complete with table saw potato peeler with hp motor tractor mower and dsc with point hitch set of narrows and many other articles too numerous to IisL Terms cash No reserve as Mr Robertson is going out of blis 1385 Owner or management will not be held rappiisible for aomdepis on his property day of sale JERRY OOUGIILIN Auctmneir CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 Worm MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGCom Discount lIIu Apply tl plld wltbr in days itfm per word plr loser tion or and or two rim Thm comrcutlva insertions 4c pll word per Innerlion total ms Six clinA secullvb Insertions Hie per word per insertion total $501 101 ill diIiool ellm III not paid within men dayc Advertiser using box Number wlli be charged on cool 93 This long narrow park nreniendasandy iIcrIIIus cross 140 Ql BL ROMAN STAan MS SO STRIOGN BY THE MATH OF HIS PEI FISH MT IIE wok AWNING NR MONTH mmmmWTMIMIl Ripleys BELIEVE IT on NOTI NDICAIED AROUND BIIRRIE NORTH BY DWIGHT BONNEY As the school year draws to close thought It apt to sum marim same ol the major ncA tivitins that our school took part in Athletics were never sirong er We had football baskelhzill rugger volleyball badmlnlon rind truck and lield teams that any school would be proud The riilo teams continued to spread the name 0T North Coir Icgiate iar and wide with their superb marksmanship The girls track and field team scored an upset victory In the GBSSA meet by delcnllng lie other 33 high schools to win the championship Last Thursday at an awards assembly Charlotte Blgelaw Ind JeaneLIe Jenney won the trophy for the Outstanding female dih lctes and David Cunningham won the samcpward tor the boys In the voting Ior head boy and girl Jeanette lermey and Fred Erickson received the honors The Drama Clubs presentation of Shades Of Stephen Leacoclsf NEWTON ROBINSON The Sunday School anniver sary serv ce was well attended Rev Jo Huntleyystraud was speaker The junior chair prir vidcd special Intulc Vlsllnrs noticed were Mr and Mrs George Holt Thornton with Mr and Mrs Andrews Mr and Mrs Draper Toronto with lilr and Ills Allan Homer Mr and Mrs Bruce Jackson and lamin Oi Purbrnak with friends Mr and Mrs Owen Bell and lamiiy Lelroy with Mr and Mn ll Andrews Mr and Mrs lilac Wilson and Jean Ann Aur ora with Mr and Mrs Jim Steers Mr and Mrs Glen Chantler and iamiiy with Mr and Mrs Gordon llalbert Anniversary serviceswere held in St Lukes Cliurcii Pink erton Sunday Rev French OI St Georges Church Allan dalc was the speaker in the evening Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Mull Hannes nee Evelyn Council on the birth or son Monday May 19 in Womens College Hospital Toronto VISITORS Mrs Noble Barrie vls lied Mrs Houghlon Sunday Stewart and cow Toronto were with Mr and Mrs Allan Houghton Miss Sharon Robin son formerly of Edmnnlnn now of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jtihn Echin CIIIIRCHILI Wandering ill north Sitnape we stumbled on the IILIleknown littleadvertised sMedonte Municipal Park near Highway slopes down few rods to IleaU tilul Orr Lake with perhaps only 150 feet of lronlnge hall dozen tables playground equip beadh made this park as delighlinl as it Is private Anothermunicipal pmlgct ls worth Stop The townshlps nl Tiny Tay Fins and Madonna erected monument of remem brlined allowing World War on the four corners oi the town ships at Waverley The roldlels names are engraved on the clone Prior to 1950 tour new stones one or each township were erected ltr the corners in memory at those who ought In the last Ia simple but impressive tribute to the veter ans of that area who taught or home and country HAYRIDE The Young CVGrpup oltllc United Church and some at the leaders met at tho home at Su san saunter Friday night and enloyed an Oldlashlnned lily ride to Leiroy Bell Ewart pnd North Ends Great Year was highlight ol this years cultural activities lillyaka Odorl was the name OI our most suc cesslul graduation dance and it was an excellent example the Ingenuity and enthusiasm oi the student Organizers We had an OuLstaiililng Stu dents Council In my opinion and It Is my belief that Geny Quinn and his execuilvo will continue such good service In the lurth coming season lt has been great year For many these are the final days at North No longer will they hear the noisy passage ol grade niner through these hallowed halls nor will they pound the labia when junior spills his soup At lunch hourFor some lucky students there will be the unrestrained imdom uni verdity or other msihlghschool education Ior Others debut into the working world For many it has been successlul year and or those UilIortUnatIi souls who havent had success allure is also good teacher In this my final collmin thank all or my readers or their lime and to the students of North Collegiate ofler my most sincere wishes for wonderful summer To the general public give ths last reminder from all North students and teachers while youre enjoying your holl day dont forget saiety Is by or the wisest policy 0R0 STATION By MES 11 CRAWFORD ADAMSSHEBWELL knigratulaï¬nns in Mr and Mrs Barry Adams nee Mary Shelsweli who were married Saturday May 27 at Oro United Church Rev King oliiclated and Anna Shelsweil was maid oi honor tor her sister re ceptlon was held at Guthrie Hall Congratulations to Oro Station ladies who dcleaied Dalston Mon rigyi night In tho iasiball league RUGBY py MRS JOHNSTON Several local men were on the march to Ottawa Bruce McLeod Bradlqrd visi led his grandparents Mr and Mrs Keith McLeod Elaine McLeod Jean Home and Ruth Ann Shaw Gr ph pIIs OI East Orn Public SCIIIIDI were on school bus trip to Expo Congratulations to Kutherlne Laughton who has passed Gr 12 will honors and will be work ing at Victoria and Grey IIIist Company0rillia Mr and Mrs Charles McLeod and family Clan Huron visited in the community during tho weekend ST PAULS By lips PMTT Ken Allan and Larry Green spent the weekend in Agincnurt with their grandmother Mrs 11 Green Sincere sympathy ls extended to Mrs Ivan Kell whose father Mr Jacobs died and was bur ied lnSt Catharine last week Mrs John Roll and Miss Irena Keil vlslled Mrs Percy Glenn in Siayner recently Mrs Don Jacobs Toronto and baby daughter visited Mr and Mrs Ivan Kell Dale Pratt and Joe Oavhnawi Barrie have returned irom Ex po and Boston USIt Mr and Mrs Gary Frnllck and baby son Oralg of Hamil ton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Howard Penny hllssSherryRicimrlisOxihride elect was honored hyhe riends at Mrs Pratts homo Miss Richardson rcelved many gills Mrs Gregory and Margot Pratt assisted the hostess Misc Richardson will rr Paul Big Cedar Point winner roast completed lite Wevcntb Slunden Julia 10 In St Pauls Anglican Church