rrcond bark fusion rooooo risotto Can Lose Weight Conï¬ned To Bed By JOSE HG MOLNER hit Dear Dr hlolaer Cant lose weight without cxemsingl haie had four back operations and am recuperating from rriy Would it be possible to take off weight have gained about 30 pounds have to spend good deal of my day in bed MHS LF Yes it is possible to lose vim while at bed rest but it means that the calories must be sullicieolly restricted You must also take care to get ample protein to repair your bone and tissues This incans lean meals eggs boiled or poached tnot fried scrambled or hi omelets since theyadd many non protein calories skim milk collage cl se fish You must troop tats at min Imum because ounce for ounce fat far exceeds even sugar in calories But you must also he sparing ot carbohydratesthat is starches and sugars With such restricted diet you should have multiple vit amin supplement Such lim ited diet should be prescribed by your physician and used with his approval Gaining height is not desir able alter fusion operation on the spine and you are WISE to curtail any increase Would suggest that even while you are in bed you keep yourself mentally active read ing talking doing handiwork anything to remain alert Even such limited movement as is permitted is better than being completely passive and perhaps drowsing Every ounce helps and if you can use up an extra fraction of an ounce day in activity thats to the good Dear Dr Mother had cold and when nose drops didnt help my doctor sent me to nose specialist who said had polyps He explained that it was growth like bunch of grapes He want to operate but also read that you shouldnt operate on the nose Can anything else he done am so afraid He said it must he tone while am awakeItlt good many years ago there was reluctance to operate on the nose because then we didnt know enoughabout how to do it That time is long past Polyps are small growths on mucous membrane usually growing on sort of stem so TELEVISION avenue narrate BUFFALO BUFFALO TURUNTO 11 nAiiiMoN MONDAY JUNE EVENING Lot 700 arlixe Dmuln 1Baseball ltDomi Rood tSsrret stonn 3th Patrol 0151 léugm ranrides oso uper ewr po PX ormity Altair 79333 igirit Lao llthllnnl some my LXIngs Outlaw lIMerv Gritttls ï¬m sunny we more 730 1000 ortovln zIlonkeed enun For Your Life gals 335 liesserl armnt Prev Chan Klfli Is In Itll mm 1lron noise 4cmnrt Elite 500 oThe Lucy show 1Blg anity 111mm srrrnnmtrr 7iumwry Patrol 10M ItMovte SJrobe Man On its nun Th In Home 530 trif lsearrtilt zPassport Two BBewltched 90 7News 931 er 600 lLllPetttcoEat finlotion r3 iiufylsoow XLao lws no re arrvu Show ltvnther nenori rAnoy Gruntir Fxnspfchw Mm 7ttnvie tltogiios heziment lINewl Weutaer Bporla llPteria llama 900 630 guild CIPBIIIHI 100 on ruse 2631 1in1 AAIlen ml Jamaal iiiviittitv tiiiiï¬m moo ggyiggggmm an truncate villain no on ever to iiilewr 7nateiivie iffllhï¬ mm 700 mg Tmm Under tity Skin zToday an Brigiommt File it It We zItlatehes and Mates 95 rnney or when tAr the Warld rum 1supennrrket rrapeye Sweep 200 TRocketohtp Hut and rm znrys of Our um llSehnttzel House iilutlre hnuglu kPanword lNewlywed am the 1130 scntaln Kangaroo ouxltyerslty or the 1Datlng Game 330 Bllagtshrltes Court PW mm onomper noon no llAlbeit Steed no i2iiii ZAnother Worm ideopardy flTake Thirty zToooar aoopeye and Pals 7AFortst some Hemwmm 7Gcatai normal Eduratlonal rv 74er BWorda and Music 9Uncte Bobby momr World llVlse llLtttlo Peopto nTororrto Today 930 330 Hack Labannl 12130 Litrdemvtsciie rLove or use 2Nso News 441 in li5lr Lancelot sivoonary name 1supermiir 3va 1M traitsrel tor renter to Eour iuuv Hnap iuoement lIlts Match Eznifrientiai TUESDAY JUNE EVENING 400 630 900 zivnlrr nourirr Show it SNews zMovte ocommunrerte Weltth sports ittt Pounds or eTa Secret storm llChannel 11 New Trouble Love Lucy itPrzrre Berton irzxpe 51 llsuoer Comics no 930 ito srire Baron siiirri Movies WI Writhsr 4IIttlcoet Junction erhe more Show vSPmI Torpedo Alth Hflnlymoone Trim not 29 1iiumirn 30 How Special suo 71ugltlve 314m 0b zGtrt rmn UNCLE oAvrnrm Iillihway ol 3Clith centers 19 hm tletsrl irne Navy Wryi 745gmhrt 530 tioiii iii chie ZLlnvds and sent iiim Invite sk It ewr on rronirnt Show ooo llel na span 330 tiiii iii the 2omrinnri wtn TMovle ovie rpiddgkeitm tlttlnlac Itnigitlva iteredo iiOecrstonrr wtu JShow or the Week dvAridY Grimta 1letnny Squad TUESDAY JUNE MORNING AND AFTERNOON 21rnuvwoad Squares san Allen lDlok Van Dyko zltterv Gruna lthllurlr Island DTtiu Itvohlen clipping them off is quite simple with modern instruments It can be done under local anesthetic You wont feel any painanditwulb¢overouicldy and youll get up and go home There is no other way of get ting rid of polyps They can in terfere with breathing and worse cause sinus trouble if al towed to remain Often there is an allergic history in persons with nasal polyps Remember too that polyp may recur Dear Dr Molnar When both Fallopian tubes are trtodted the doctor says an operation can be performed the blocked portion remove and replaced with plas tic tubing know this docs not guaran antte pregnancyI but would like to know about the after cf teets Can it endanger health in later MINMRS You are mum that there is no way of guaranteeing that the operation will succeed in mak ing pregnancy possible How ever them is no reason to fear that health will be impaired even if the operation does not achieve its intended purpose Dear Dr ttlotaer We use in stant coffee but have been told it is harmful Please tell us about thisFCIl cantbecause dont know any reason to consider it harm lul NEW FLOS Ily MRS WANLESS Seven members of New Plus attended the 63rd District Annual of Simcoe Centre in St Johns United Church Elmvale Friday Mrs Jean liawling Toronto spent feiv days at the home of hlr and Mrs IIarry Train Mr and hlrs Pat Cullwen and sons Toronto were recent vist tors with the Hulh family Mrs Geoffrey Hope has sold her form where she has resided over It years She has purchas ed lot in Elmvale and plans to have new home built there Congratulations to ariless who was successful in his third year exams at York University and is eligible to pro coed in the honors course TltY EXAMINER want ans PHONE 7252414 PROGRAMS Houniry Music Hall prim summary rLas Venas otviid Wild West 7llovte None put The urner Sort liilystery Theatn zIha horrorr 4House Party 7Drelm Girl szou Dont sry Znge of Night lPeyton Place sLova on nnartep North dealer Both sides vulnerable nonm nos urine em has use 198 onrs errors scum AAKQ786 onxoioo 41 Sootth rm rue 49 Pa Opening leadqueen of dubs Lels say youre declarer at six spades and Waste leads club which you win with the race What would you do next Presumably youd start to draw trumps expecting to make Ute centred with an overtrick hut Minn West failed to follow to the first spade you might be gin to have second thought about even making six And iihen you then abandoned further trump leads and tested the diamonds by playing the ltK you would realize you had reached the end of the road at APTO Ily rm IRVING CARSON It Itorn has been at Snult Ste Marie for few days attending Lions convention hlr and Mrs til Fcastiy and family Sandford were recent visitors here Little Gregory hloran threes yearold son of Mr and ltlrs Gerard htornn was rushed to Sick Childrens Hospital Torone to Sunday sutlcring burns to $0 per cent of his body when flash fire from burning wood in the garden caught him Itis fa ther suffered severe burns to his hands in trying to rescue him and is in Penetung Hospital Father Harry Van Casteran of Bussun Holland is visiting his brother Albert Van Casteran his wife and Iarnily tor few months MINESING By MRS FRALICK The Womans Auxiliary of St Peters Church lttay meeting was held at the home of Mrs Art Pain with to present Mrs Foyston presided Business discussion included the date of Wednesday July I9 for the Con tennial Tea to be at the Parish Hall Each one present contribu ted to the program by giving brief history ofachtnch Rev Henderson closed the meet ing Sympathy is extended to the family of Albert hlaw who had been in poor health for the past two years and died in Bar rie Hospital lttay 23 Interment took place in lttihesing Union Cemetery Mrs Beers Barrie of the Gid eons spoke in St Peters church last Sunday morning CONTRIICT BRIDGE By JAY BECKERV tar East trumped the second diaA mod and returned duh You would ruff minSc but regardlass of what you did nut you would eventually go down one You might possibly attribth the result to bad luck and diy miss the hand in that way but if you considered the matter seriously you would realize you should have made the contract Harry min celebrated New York expert was declarer when the land was played my many ym ego and he made the slam in ll perfectly simple way He won the dub lead with the ace and ruffed duh at rid two Thts seemingly Innocuous play making the mntrad and string making the contractand going down one when he now led the ace of spades and West showed out Fishbein cashed the quen of hearts and next led the AK diamonds The longrange effect of the dub ruff at it now be came apparent when East had to decide whether to trump the king of diamonds If he ruffed he would trove to put dummy on lead regardless of which suit he returned and would thus permit Fishbein to discard two dia again Nibelri that ruffed is diamond in dummy which East overrutfed but that was the only trick scored by the delense vis and Mrs Fratick attend ed the Deanery of West Simcoe at Craighurst PLANT SALE Vcspra Horticultural Society held successful sale of plants and homemade baking also ser ving afternoon tea in St Peters ltolt May It Centennial was the theme and the oldtime dresses created lively interest The refreshments were after the pattern at food served in the days away back ANTEN MILLS By MRS SCOTT Mr and Mrs Everett Beacock and sorts visited friends in Brace bridgc Sunday Mrs bonie Wilson is patient in Barrie hospital for few days lttrs Sid Cox visited over the weekend with relatives in New Liskeard borne Vitson ltlrs Scott Itlrs red Webb Ed Wilson rind Flor attended the funeral of ltlrs Gertrude Haekett at Bane somville NY Wednesday The UCW held successful centennial luncheon and bake 5an recently About 90 attend ed Several prizcs were given away Saturday Mr and Mrs Char les Cole were entertained by the family at the home of their son Percy on their 35th wedding one niversary Friends and neighbors called in the afternoon to offer congratulations and in the even ing relatives were received The family pmented them with lawn furniture They also received set of stainless steel cutlery from friends in the community also other gifts The family were all home for the occasion Tom Park left Sunday for Van couver where he is singing with Mrs Srigtey ltIrs Harry Da tho Opera Company JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK loitering during yo DllILY CBOSSWOB Ive Lived netoret iliuystrry rnntrn Actress 3131 rs Paid one DASH ounded Vera ahor notice 35E IE 24 hours 21 Cellar 55mm 22Capttal 337 intermte of ENrun sun C010 we vrroo 10Fencern shivertn bia inï¬gfflgiï¬ foils thoOrinooo 23Appal 12wirika 1erslen ting Lana lugs 13Are elf 24 Dover 14111 81ttore measures than one Saturdays nnrwer 15Eagles than nests distance atrranegea 16 Practice 11 Edible 26 Firearms B2Te2ter as for seed 27 Climbing 341leevertly play 15 Part of plant body to Sun god to he 25 Lutettum av Exclama 20 Mountain 11 Compass aym tlon rungs point 301sriat as Fiowed 21 Trick 221arga bundle 24 Glen 25Noctunial bird 25chcs 29 Earth as goddess so Small streams 33 Change into bone as Hawks cage 35 Sum 31 Stadium 39nlsmuy archaic to Convenient 41 Epochs 12 InseetraN not Iliuml George 42 555555 Thurgood In IllIr SpitElle In no mt riehh rund Thats the SECOND time the boss has caught us or turn as lookou gt valeemevssroxnnmiw rsuooioec latelo Captain THUG LEIIING HIM WALK AROUND GETTHE GUNSINIOTHE Drummpags MINEOKRIINGTHE surprise WATER IF THE GUARD visit to the III lt III rutraomoieeovs ONlHE BOATABOUI van mo BURKE DONT LIKE IT ADRIENNE tf WAS NICE OF HEY TOSROWOUR ERRI THOUEHTTHE ERANDMATO ASK APPRECIATION LETS SERVINGS CF ICE CREAM US IN FOR ICE BUY HERA PRESENT WERE KINDA SMALL lt lt assesses smeswï¬tiém Jusr W9 ETTA KETT ITS Artemis NOTEVEN Coven THEREADE THREE BOYS SCHOOLS tNTHE SAMETOWN HiMoM5ANY ANSWER TO MY COLLEGE APPLICATION BATTLE Aaour THAT sciloot PICKED OUT FOR SAYS ITS FABULOUS BUZZ SAWYIER Bift Milli llAVE GIVEN YOU THE IMPRESSION THAT WIS lN LOVE Jahv our youre twine IN DREAM WORLD EH11 SIIES Lost GONEHOU ulsr race Hormones LONELY you new WIFE OMEmANU YOUR 5W across ItlHAVETD MM llthK norm Mitli wenwuviior2 turnout SORRYMITZI isrittiuve ENJDITIIESMIEIIIINSS HOPES OF FINDING CHRIS WEDBE iIAPPYTDGEIItR KNOW WEWOtItD kv h= MUGGS AND SKEETER may sit SOREY can mu KNorKEoqu INA 0K mus cuocEssrui squana BASEBALL sneEtER mete momentous FAILURE mute on poor