ï¬gpi yttwiré gem3 tar ï¬lls sari ism Vegmm if Barrio Oniorio Canada Monday June I957 barrio Examiner Not More Thlnl WEATHER Warm weather to conï¬rm Ounce of drawers or fiends diowen Tuesday low to Eli NW 33 Par Copy Page RESIDENTS iii house in Tel Aviv sitin an air raid shelter during an air raid alert in the Israeli city today AP Wimphoto viaoable from Tel Aviv 6000 lltlE EVACUATED Ragingglires Threaten Northern Towns By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hundreds of volunteer fire fighters backed by armed forces and department of lands and forests personnel and equip ment were at their posts at down today in bids to save two oNortbern Ontario communities from forest fires Sioux Lookout and Chapleau widelyseparated railroad com munities long hardened to the threat of forest fires were at most ghost towns fora time after Sundays evacuation of all abut the ablebodied men Thousands of women children and invalids took to cars and trains as each community was threatened by raging fires cov ermg more than 5000 acres Sioux Lookout with popula tion of 2500 and Chapleau that has population of 3500are separated by 450 miles of On tarios bleak norui country They were being threatened by what lands and forests officials called the worstevcr forest fire situation in Ontario 71 NEW FIRES The department reported 71 new fires in zebour period ending Sunday for total of 106 Six were classified as major Ontario is not alone with its fire problems The Maritime provinces which like Ontario have experienced an extended spell of warm dry weather re ported dozens of forest fires dur log the weekend Most were mi nor and almost all were under control by lat Sunday In Quebec is general appeal went out for help to fight ma jor fire outside the resort com munity of Murray Bay Lands and forest officials in Toronto eager to borrow equip ment from other provinces said CAPSULE NEWS Has Proof 0i Bombing his MOSCOW theoremRussia said today it has anrunexplodcd zomillunetre cannon shell to prove that US planes bombed and studied the Send ship Turkestan fatally wounding Soviet sailor duruig raid over North Vietnam Friday Blames Kosygin perihelion NEW YORK lAPlSvetlana Aililuyeva blames Soviet Preoniee Alexei Kosygin for forcing her to peek asylum in the United states this spring McCalls magaune says in copyrigited arti clein itsduiy issue Win Emmy liwards HOLLYWOOD filmDon Knotts WI his fifth Emmy as yittery deputy sheriff and Lucille Ball got her first Esiuny in 12 years at the television academya 19th annual swank Announce ate For Que Meet QUEBEC or can liesage leader of the Quebec Liberal party announced Sui ay the next party congress will take place Oct ms and will ve as its theme Quebec After Expo Court To TORONTO CPI Ontario Ameal Com hearing into argu mcnls on the conduct of the Parker royal commission into charges of interference in tho ests will be held June 21 The commission er Mr Justice Willi Parker has asked the appeal court to say whether the gen rules he has laid down for his inquiry they were hampered by bad fire conditions in Manitoba and Saskatchewan FLAMES VEEII AWAY Officials in Sioux Lookout lit northwest of Port Arthur on the CNR main line were en couraged by temperature drop and wind shift at about mid night Sunday northeasterly wind turned the flames which had licked at the outskirts during the day away from the town Though the fire was still out of control about 700 residents who had gone five miles out of town by railway boxcar were allowed to return gt The train stoodby and the townsfolk returned home under orders to be ready to leave agarnwuhin moments no ILEv gt Toronto Pacing Mans Walkout TORONTO CPI Tornotods facing the threat of general palplysrs of its construction in dustry following the rejection Sunday by mass meeting of laborers of proposed collec tiveagreement with the Tor onto Construction Association An estimated $100000000 in construction has already been halted by 3000 workers on life tropolitan Toronto roads and sewer and watermaln projects The workers are members of Mat 103 of the international Laborers Union SAIGON AWUS marines smashed Communist regiment 15 miles southwest of Da Nang and reported that 570 of the reg iment were killed Marine can wounded The US command raid the marines rolled up their lopsided victory below thebig marine base at De Nang against crack regiment after two days nistr imcnt estimated about 3000 en before the battle slipped way to the North Sat undo ttllery mmering oueFNorth Vietnam igurlng the ualtlea were 73 dead and 139 of intense fighting The Commu Air Battles Bomb Raids Reported By Both Sides TEL AVIV lCP Fighting broke out between lsmel and its Arab neighbor today for the third time in 20 years Heavy fighting raged in Egypts Sinai deserthe route the Israelis took to rcach the Suez Canal In 1556 Air battles and bombing raids were re ported by both sides Form of Egypt Jordan ond Syria were inmlved on the Arab side Kuwait in it while pro claimed defensive war against fsrael and the Algerian press service said troops of the welltrained Algerian army will leave Algeria tonight for the Middle East In Rabat King ifassan If in structed units of the Morrocan armed forces to be sent to the Middle East officials said Sana radio reported that President Abdullali aliSallal has declared the Yemen epublie at war with Israel and ectared state of emergency in the country The lighting began after se ries of minor clashes over the last few months across the Syr ianlsraeli border followed by Egypts command may 11 for the United Nations to withdraw the UN Emergency Force that had separated Israel and Egypt on the Sinai fonticr and at the Gaza Strip The UN Security Council which had met fruitlessly for two monumentsoiled Nb serve the peace was rolled into emergency session in New York In Wahington the US gov ernment called on all parties to oupport the council and said Tragic consequences ll flow fromthis needless and de structive struggle if the fighting does not stop immediately GRAVE CONCERN Hritiiin expressed grave con eern and laundied new discus sions among the big four pow eis In Ottawa spokesman for Prime Minister Pearson said the Canadian leader was made aware of the fighting and number of emergency meetings were likely to be held External Affairs Minister Martln said in an interview he has been in continuous touch with Canadian officials at the UN since early today He de clined to comment further The fighting first erupted on the Sinai desert front between Egyptian and Israeli troops and tanks then spread to the Syrian and Jordanian fronts Betti sides accused the other of stoning the war after weeks of crisis Egypt said Cairo and other Egyptian targets were bombed Damascus radio reported that Syrian air force planes bombed the oil refinery in Haifa and left it in flames The broadcast said airfield in northern Israel were heavily damaged Amman radio said Jordanian planes also took part in the raid The hardest ground fighting appeared to be centred in the Sinai desert front involving Egyptian and Israeli troops An Israeli dispatch said the army there had made gains but this was denied in Cairo Fighting also broke out along the Egypt tan administered Gaza Strip farther north ARTILLERY DUEL Jordanian and Israeli artillery duelled along the border of divided Jerusalem Damascus said the Syrian army had gone into action on its front with is raeL Both sides claimed sweeping victories in the air battles the blggist of which broke out over the Sinai desert Cairo radio claimed 70 Israeli planes had been shot down An Israeli Arabianguage broadcast claimed Israel had destroyed 150 Egyptian planes Radio Cairo said Egyptian forces captured 14 Israeli pilots in the Suez Canal area it said Egypt is sending the United No ilons Security Council televis ion recording of an interroga tlon selon with the first Israeli pilot who the radio quoted as saying his unit was ordered to raid an Egyptian airfield early today All Arab broadcasts called on the armies to drive the IsraeiLs inlo the sea We are on the threshold of the final battle and we hope that God will grant in victoryI king Hussein of Jordan said in broadcast Gen Moshe Dayan Israels victorious commander in the Si nai war with Egypt in 1956 de clared to his army End Fighting Pearson OII WA PlPrime Minis ter Pearson declared today that every effort must be directed to ceasefire in the fighting between israel and her Arab neighbors There is only one certain way to prevent the fighting from spreading and that is to end it Mr Pearson said in statement lie issued his statement after an hourlong briefing given him and External Affairs Minister Marlin by external affairs and defence department officials The cabinet met 90 minutes later Mr Pearson said the govern ment is taking measures to pro tect Canadians in the area His statement have teamed about the outbreak of fighting in the Mid dle East lvith great concern At the moment all effort must be directed to ceasefire There is only one certain way to prevent the fighting from spreading and that is to end it The secretary of state for Withdraw Troops UNITED NATIONS CPI4 United Nations SecretaryGen eral Thant said today in report on the outbreak of Mid dle East hostilities that serious military action is taking place on land and in the air at num ber of penis and is spreading He also said Jordanian troops have be ed Government House headquarters of the UN armistice commission on the JordanianIsraeli border thus cutting its comactwith UN headquarters in New York City He told the UN Security Coup cil he cabled King Hussein of Jordan requesting immediate Report US liIarines Smash COmmuiiisthietiNam Regiment weekend bringing the number of US combat planes reported lost over the North to 571 Air force pilots reported they completely enveloped convoy of 20 trucks near DnngHoi with heavy bombing Sunday Another air force sweep destroyed seven of It trucks in convoy near The total number of Commu nist MiG claimed shot down by USflyers rose to 74 Saturday with the downing of two MiG 175 The US has so far lost 10 der intense air and ar planes in aerial combat groups of Communist de MUsrpiunesweredowned rectal snrrenuereddn Quad Ngai province Saturday withdrawal of the Jordanian troops Thant said his information from UN sources in the Middle East was fragmentary and pro vidod lno means of ascertaining how hostilities were initiated He reported that convoy of the UN Emergency Force was strafed by an Israeli plane with three Indian soldiers killed and an unknown number wounded Many of the UNEF troops cludingmltlre than 700 Conn dians had been withdrawn prior to the hostilities COUNTER ACCUSATIONS Israel and Egypt in official réports to the president of the Security Council accused each other of launching land and air attacks to begin hostilities Thant said Gen Indar Rikhye commander of the UN Emer gency Force was told by Egyp flan authorities that Israel had bombed several places in Egyth including Cairo Thant said Is rael denied the report of an attack on Cairo Earlier Egypt claimed at the UN that Israel committed treocheroua premeditated ag gression against it HERES ONE fffows the food it that met sent you to Martin asked his mother over thav phone There was man here yes terday who simply raved over it she reported This mom ingthe attendantsJeanionauds took himbadr to the asylum Urges exterminate the minister of national defence and met at man oclock this morning for briefing from diplomatic and military experts The cabinet meets at it aim todiscuss the situation statement will be made in the House of Commons this aftlt EIIlODil The government is taking all possible measures to provide for safety of Canadians in the area and the embassies in the area have the required author fly AID DEPARTURESV The reference to embassies having the required authority meant that they could warn Caa nadians to lean immediately and if necessaryhelp with their transportation out of the fighting zones Estimate Damage in The Millions In Boston Riot BOSTON lAPtThree nights of rock throwing looting arson and scattered sniper fire in the predominantly Negro Roxbury section have left more than 10 persons injured too arrested and property damageestimated in the millions Three Massachusetts state representatives from Boston Ne gm sections asked Republican Governor John Volpe today to declare the riottorn section disaster area to make loans and federal aid available to businessmen there Tile people in this Commie nlty are appalled at the vio lence wanton waste deliberate destruction of property the loss of Jobs held by people in the community and the unnecessary escalation of the problems in financing insurance and achieving economic resurgence of these areas letter said It was signed by Democratic Representatives Royal Bolling Michael Haynes and Frank lln Holgate Negro leaders Shes quite to arnlful but Puttleliia ilirst prize wln her at the anoint Ys Mens Club pet show Saturday at BARBIE inn silow WINNER jeanla Guiding Mr Puttia il shown here with her proud owner Jane Carloss More pio tures and story on page DeathToli 160 In British Vj fPlcme Crashes LONDON Reuters The British press united today in borrow andanger to demand re examination of air safety regulauons asBritain counted death toll of 160 killed during the weekend in twoair crashes Filling their pages with plcv tures and blanket coverage of the two crashesone at Perpig aan=Franee Saturday which killed lispersons and the sec ond in central England5unday which killed 7Zthe seven na tional dailies gave Equalpromi hence on page one of their calls for an investigation into the type of aircraft used by vaca tion chartercompaniesand the way they are flown At rPerpignan aeronautical experts continued sifting the wreckage of Spanish hound fourengined DC4 which hit Pyrenean mountainside killing all 33 passengers and five crew members aboard KIT POWER LINE In Stockport England team of doctors completed emergency operatinnron tile l2isurvivors of the second crash in which fourengined Argonaut airliner hit 30000volt electric power substation and fell into the centre of the industrial town The plane was on charter flight returning vacationers who have been credited with helping to keep peace in the citys sprawling Negro districts in past years HIT SHOPPING cone Thefocal point of violence Friday Saturday and Sunday nights was Blue Hill Avenue major street leading from the citys shopping and business sections to the southeast rl denttaf areas and suburbs Fire fighters responding to call at an intersection about 10 pm Sunday were pelted with rocks thmwn from nearby roof not falter at another intersection sniper openedJire on police froma thirdfloor apartment Policeroturned the fire and searched thebuilding but did notifinditha snipwho more hit from Palm in Majorca it uh The Examiner TODAY lino Lenders6 cerium2 Classiï¬ed12 13 Comtein Deaths12 District5 anterior4 Shem8 IheatrH sourcing10 Woolen sum my Mm WWW crashed lnflames nnly foil miles from nearby Manchester airport to which VJBS heading Mast paperbole out that there were several factors com mon to both crashes Both air craft were propeller driven both were more than to years old hothwcre on charterto va cation omnpanies Weekend iicCidents Claim717 ny run cmhnmwensss At least V71 persons died acciv dentally acioss Canada over the weekend including dlin traffic and 21 by drowning Canadian Press survey trams pm Friday to midnight Sunday local times also showed two died in tires and Lone in fall Ontario repo acci en deaths 15 on the highway seven drownings two children killed in fire that destroyed their parents home near War ren and one girl died when she slipped and fell on the concrete apron of public swimming pool at Stouffville Filteen persons died in traf fic accidents and six drowned in Quebect Nova Scotia had seven deaths four in traffic mtshaps and three drownings while Manly tnba reportedihree traffic fa talities and British Columbia one on the highway and two drowninga Newfoundland recorded two drowning and Saskatchewan shad onetrafflc rdeathjsndrone drowning New Brunswickand Alberta each reported one road death Prince Edward Island was the only Conadlaniprovlnce with totalityfree weekend The survey does not include zlfldlJIEIflirrt IIMIIIGI gdecths known suicides or slayings