Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 May 1974, p. 5

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In te In the on be it Stevens Begiritsi Carnpai NEWS fret Mirna names suntanmt rt ints tumor orncrrsarsrerrecuoois iiinu mi to newly Ain imlor 0mm IthEnsdsnlocmStIil Rim Wonder Huwbnlxumednipbtbe Iimotton utbn mm tion oi Ieombinsd community ntrebnartinhgil its Im Ind comm Ii Leiroy It as estimated cost oi WAN motion noted that the 321th lmlsm Cotonou mt Bellmmlzu 52300 cuhmon or Ind is lred to bo oi mm In vlde the loads To not ior the Metro The loan to he would em period will uire levy on ratepayers broods got ibe mills lieuover Oatm ulior Blake Camisole chairman ol the Ilnaoce eomrnltieo sold tbo additional levy ior lbs in llllv might not necessitate In Title In the townships oven Illtsxratsnextycsrrscotm all could look ierwsrd to in cmsed limit bone capital eotv mimmmii Ilud rm mm its to unto the capital contri putien lees which mast be psid swben lots are created by seven shoes or through redsicrod plans Di Million At its last reguIIr Iessi Lepitheii pamd motion Iutbo III the clerk to seek Ontario 11 at Board Ioorovallor tbs Item to borrow up to $500 con to expansion and de Vttopmebt II recreation lecllli tot Sim then the Ohm bra sug rested that mil deal with era propoied bacilli separate ly Is sidelny in enameled oouhi bold up others Clerk Adminisinlor Richard Grob told soundl In cam spokesman said he daini Intld pale any diitlasliy In eumcll ob iainlsg tbs spprorsl heroism to lakeoui the loan tor the soy centre AWAIT APPROVAL llr Glob nid ll woud iIh Ipproximaiely six weeks to ob taiaolmrp vsIIsibsby law passed tirdnudsp night We WNW app term or lemleu ior the construction pisses tor the buildings Ind In outline oi hmv the lcsnyould be linseed In the discussion the lm motion Ozunollior Bob Leonie raid be did not the 141M amleclnblut elittuclouocll ms to rig In moo pre cedent He said that whatever proportion ol ibe total cost oi the less that month paid to ur the lciroy centre could have to be mnlcbed in turther rppicotiona from other comra Ii centre boards doling that the Board had onl Iccted Wino 6000 through lod ersl Ind provincial grants led Ioms 321000 locally he ceilrnni Medanand Wide the iosndotiq ior their subuniti notes lor the tender session Goldwater Hosts skill Is to be be shout Nam Ddeece Photo lnnisfilipproveef 16911 5T9 Finand Lenny Arena None the other ooirpoll muster were agreeable to set ting tired ratio lor More re quests though so no final pol lcy sru Ie bolero the loss lor helm wrs Iutborined Reeve Elm slid he Itlt end We WM Wild in to be dealt Fiib on III on MILI All areas in new section oi the tomapr might have upilal com tributiom Irons dere AW Ihio to help linen while similar project In an ambush Im oi the township would ALWNA SGIDOL rd night iiim be Iy to tons Beach Page School horn the Simone Dainty hosed oi motion tor titan buncil Nd Mind this the Board hid orl lifted to sell the school ior 0000 Aletter iron Shuitx treasurer ol the Board oi nits crush slid they1 had rming re selling to as to movertbe triads grunts $5WI4 be by selling the Gotde members noted thet they had altered to purchase the Idieol two out If ior rionoo but agreed pay 711 ea in holder to speed we the master oi ownership so hulkilng could be used ior ed that coimcll was rnvldlng lorIvcry it raised To the can muniiy armpit centre ior are re oidenia Ontario Budget AltiIlUIl EVANS me gitUIlncoe centre it now everbodybashad the clashes to read analyze critic Usendlliksboulihlmdw Irio Budget Though people look at had et lroxnthelr was per uculsr vevrpoinl that is not TIM thing In Hull ihl that government budget do obnwnt oi Its policies and Itll i6r more than the condor year fihs budget Is lie state ment olmtehhe land society it ward goismmen liminl believe iblt the 0nt silo budget must be seen in that cordon What is the prod First the new Gusrsnieed Anntesl income System GAIISI is the tint guaranteed annual lemme rye iem Cans his new Igor Itwl TV Wm monthly Dlor single pensioner sod 1315 ior married eld erl him this program Is the provision ior lree orescrlpiioa drugs ior need pensioners The disabled srsl Iind viii share in more equal Income benets As well to meet lbe rising mil oi heating luck the base in credit double irom to to $18000 GAINS Ind the tax credit systems will be tuliy Integrated In the long run leading to comprehenst gullili ed siter income unset his emcee svlllo ll IV notI Minoan Ao IAM ICU II It wartime unmet mu TN Willmu rmr vs VII InIIitrnl ADM usearm tern ior ril Ontario citizens inflation has hurt not only its ed Income people but low and middlolncome lsmllirr Tbrso ismilies are reminded oi Infla tion every time ihey shop The Budget has provided lor exerti plionsdnswbolohostoibouso bold cleanln Ind nonIl hr girne reduce chi um and adult ooiwear sold ior $1100 or less SUCCESSION DUTIES am ve proud oi the changes uh will be made in ibe Suttoqu Ditty Act The basic exemption oi 100000 below which an estate Is not taxable will be increased to 3130000 gh emptions ior surviving demod rru chlldrenls rIIsed from too to $3000 Ior each year the dependent is under to years oi Ign Ind from 000 to 00000 ior orphaned children mil irrrn corporation will be turbo ior reduction in the peldup capital to list tax rate ol moo annually The Mi Ontario budget Ila Includes new Ontario Revenue Sharln Fromm designed to tire en Iml government by Itabll ting the intel tax sys tern email business tax credit Di ILi million establishment ol the Ont srio land Corporation to my dilllbil the Govelmntr land de ve mndowrpemlriion tax 50 per ant to counterntt ex cmlve land rpeeulrtton The whole purpose oi Ibis Bud is to billettile etiects ed in lation in restrsln inilstinn rod to stimulate supply In the econ omy This imminent Ls ino Iy committed todoal with infil lion head on Ind to retiree do iin Ibout ination on the do medic met believe that the Government has acted respons ibly in cerilrontiog inllstion eith In It aniiiutlouul jurisdiction not resigning ltseit to explaining Iway ination or so InlertiItlm Il citrus WATER SAFETY SHORT stall li lilI vis Hughes obsirmm oi the water roiety association here has Idvlscd lnokiii council iin the mural Iesrn to who pro Klrm will aim thh year on July as and will continue to Aug It the Koniltl Marion Conn ell has been mud to provide tonne rebate to children taking the obtuse WWW rnent oi this we Inlm Tnnisiii Approves Sbililliike in Garbage Pickup Contract sir lsrwelrsg approached corni Wednuday HISTDI to re reimbursement ior intru Area convention unwan scorn girls preparations being made be ior the nu Womens hull tntes Ires conventlm sous is topeaueiotoisviuareuw turner month earlier ibsn natal will be lionday Ind eshy Sept it and l1hlrs Gordon Alumna OI Tntlrnhsm as rm president rill be giving her annual report will the Ire secretary lira John Kimble oi Gillord Ind other oilkvrs The Ionual IreI eiedion she will be held The aridwaier Senor womens Institute nhlrh will be one oi the hostess breather is cure renity heedd by Ilirs Devlne with hiss IiinneIr and hire Connor ssldenis llrs ll Smith re ary and Mrs ll tone in ebsrge oi resoluiloos The ma Ire mutation us held It neutron last October llrs it llsgulre oi liloesiog is the iirst viceomidrnt Ind Mrs James Beard oi em 0old rater Is vicepresldent Shanibrs BRADFORD bro Bender minister oi natural mates are norms the amoral oi pro vindsl grant the amount at MM to Ute South his Tom or Cu room we in the 8mm Creek conservation use The WI keel Conserva uon gm misc some 00 es of land located in the town ttiio at West Gullllsrbury Coun Gimme uIge out riiy Intends to uro ceod Iuriber with the dlm um will include tomiructlon hi vlilon in the vicinity oi the loo outconstruction oi odo Iervellnnxsehool including up it system water supply and hr BIKE RODEOS STRDUD iSttli The bike rodeor sponsored by the lnnlsill Optimist Gib will be held Pri day liiny It Goodielloos School Saturday lied at Sun nibrre Scbooi and liondny hlsy at Central School lien sistrntloo lor the three rodent will be held lrom to am am til noon Prices will be Inward or tbs threebest junior Iod senior boys and girls In each eernpeiitien time GRANT BRADFORD Stall Nslur Il Resources llinhter ten her nlrr has announced tbrt $50 io grant by been awarded by the province in Ilnsnce develop ment work In the Slanlon Greek Conservation Area The stables Creek Conservation Area Includ es too was 01 land in the torn ship ol West Guilllmbury Work Is to include construction oi million lootbrldge develop meni oi nature trails lirh rioek log beach developrmt and pic eicares improvements COMMUNITY HALL LEEitOY Sail lnilisilis social services conunltira has been Islsod to examine re overt that the South lnnislil NOW PLAYING SHOWTIME pm mEMYAWIITlIT NOMINATIONS iBEST PICTURE BEST ACTORJACK NICHOLSON mumsmim Project Helped ndmnenionr inbth lle laldrooncilsblnpeaedhn lounging ioputorn tenbsgs Itherihsnre Ind doubled rs Ilong Iitb the ionsz lediotu lie laid be Itid hood soother 1506 year to cuter thecoets oi incensed prince collection lie Iko warned that be mm not mitotic bis collation next week MildI Milled to pay him exits tends Rurlnded that In contract required to day Mice bl termination bit Em replied that be felt couddi broken the contrsci in sTIIi nary by Iliorrlrtg extrI bags to be put our tor collection When the motion Iuiborislng the additional $5000 year was approved by mm Reno Don said that ll Ibis is not Icoeptble to hir Browning ibe imslfp would bare in est tor new tenderenior the sorvim Creek In YorkS nmdouma tunes rxuwtunmubnherro dull 51mm Six WWhuuikdiormi oeersuamierpmorsrm grexslre unmvave mm In Mil lmillial Million in his bid lor melodies in York innuendo ItnPrvgmiw Cmsensllre Wibodeleuidlohnob almuhilahmiah ewngm0ccooimdeiiuel recordbury tenths chauditIatanydibsn baduiamhmmmmxt itemize in Team intowrcm nine others native mm Ere 1year homily ed the ring whim tends mum to names out den attending meetings Ind yrsiota evmr UPSET VICTORY In the in voting lr Sev ens scored what mm consider ed In upset vlcllry rt on be dis touted the Ionner siting mom her In an Roberir no your bad son the riding in sees and victory over the late Santor Wallace mom Welly Gusnv NDP third In the last voting which was three way ballot battle in this ndng In cleng ior lax cutbacks lir Stevens pdnlni our tint govern mt Ipmdinz Ind more um doerbled since 1967 when he said the ilgure 510551030 Despite Iii this special oi lax syers money unemployment umpnl by tuvtbinis and places HORIICULTUML WIT PAMWICK Sim inhib Ill melt has approved $50 grant to the Psimuink Homnrle tun Society to assist them in civic Nomination protects The request was submitted to eotindl by lire mwmsn se mun IN ouilIMd lhe Horti tsrler counters and cabinets water to plate Ines hydro telephone service lines to school airborne and peril Ien Ind outletsmiles oi tool mItTIoeItloa oi entrIneo seed oil KAI Mon intend limb Ind lam machinist tree soamn genersl develome work cost TcouuTv Gimmes 15 Reviewed By Evans lowed to investigate the pesub ility oi leg at the old tom munity on Gourde 5i here The nearest was conislnrd in Aikinson lecmtsry oi the mess tees or the Board Dellvery the hate FREE with 00 0rd Orleslzl Gilture Open movie cast NOW PLAYING screen All member municipalities are designated Is beneting Ind wall bear the Iuhorltys share or the letter to council irons hire Judy also AT witml Societys rarimts plann ed projects way it is she planned along with development oi nature trIllI In lists at urgentat or the workshop lw illty parking and picnic IruI development beads development in group cumin area and other in more writ TIS FANTASTIC DOUBLE Bill STARTS TOMORROW ON SCREEN Roar once again with the original ADUlI Minimum Anlngo Pitmirgertroduciion War by DE tuie itariivisiorie COLLINGWOOD DRIVEIN in trumpedde phoned ACLIIIIET MRI Consenmlm bl ll he slid calling ILenlhi ll the Mrld teIrrs skid was es Imitamdn mn istzr invhb Did um rm when mania Dull Robin bl limiMI ltd Eb Slldkld oi lion Sula Ind Ionncr deputy rim uh nrr in Paul lloilyer oi more The team an um two Ionoer Justine Ai inli lavmce Ontario Bernie View at Ind iormer redone ministers caches Alvin Thmlttn Atran kill Welter Diem ad Geo sceneuvswsnns ersrjfgynr Immoralva unmarriedsurestch mmwrmomm ROBERT NglglzN REDFORD ROBERT SHRW AGiciiGEROillinM VTHE STING mommuseum obonmemwum museum WITmm Adult Enumlnmtn Sol No Youth Prieo Wines lt semrs CANADIAN CIARET ugh very dry Ivlly ngsd rod wins ql excellent noelin and Iiovout BARNES VINO VIEIO gt one oI our premium rrd inbir winer is particularly pleating To nil who paler medium wine Available at most ICIO stem BARNES WINES enjoyed by Coon since I573 CANADAS OIDEST WINEKV Barrie Georgian Mail Telephone 726335 Adel Entertainmenl gm ENEEEBmQR LAST SHOWING TONIGHT 0N SCREEN Anuur overestimation THEGODFATHER Ind PAPER MOON REASON TO LIVE REASON TO DIE ADULT ENTERTANMENTI THE LEGENDOF FRENCHIE KING

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