man members or otnrr llct 0t Kindness To Fawn COUNIY GLIMPSE all in Elmvale Lions be Btlltd It llLZ It caUSEd BAIL vaurrxr timid 90 55 Ir DLUGIILESI Installation mudlvrlufmiscm Semdlln m1 ltr lloeKIy not 5536le 029g cv Emu sum LI Itittfxait Tits in ruins tattoo is wev tnsmtmotrt lien on Mutiny Esme al nurssr mm at Knox re sirloinbardthehunnb iliimnrytarezusumtnm bkmmmnsmylm mucmnwhmmlumlmzmy Iilmwu int are Mi is men in mini nilinrollo PMan tmm beaded mmK it of him We mm Lilith mtitltii pttmmnn taunt ILJ mmemnlrmrnym mmmmn It potter II it not LNGUStsullilormerrrarlleld ol walk will be rxsttgrwm swastmoemtnrawl our on July slutta Mm mm Cu dz can on warm rum 13 mmxm Gwrre Mum or WW min What mding at it Mame incorporated in will the mud hardball out am pm pm at my am cuddled In Mm lruinhr opened the Arm wb in snout mun Cluh It lhrbge In tau and attained low Nati snie stone Wily sun as M0 mu now no it 114 library one at man no emitter outm an on Just sums no this an the new min Lrul run2s irtIII retain it Mr don thel Lain rim mm The motlzr oi IE Inzlr descend Inn wag out rim train learn botom nursing to cm mother haunt us not tar Ind strong IdlguenIllm Stu nould trolm mm IN ulden Ilv bittty leave It by me tnll to tie on number tailors that by at Naural Rmm Cm Iervatloo oliim Inn was pile rolling northern Ontario 1h lookld Imlrds LE titre said In too blm mJtlox here except ml was Mr Lix moose rI while the otnzr Harlanplied The otlle tr lrrlntxlhlely beached ht and the pun mess miner lessm lo rollsin tlml I71 It Ian late the Irmll moo dad when ilr rrlother did my return ltm there us the use at tamin nh ail damn tau studied curacy road Il most hit bellldrred Im II longed to lilxhlrned ml in Iorn they took oily on ll Ind Rankin it villi make In lbs Inll pd put in the leaded tor burnt Marina the lourld that no formula agreed Irth the your an man tiled or domain can puh from armory Balm lb harm doc la youti murals Lzrwzh huml omtxt in tho 11145an is al Io the dmzer ol normsin rab leslrrmthemtrmlThesoimr rmy appear lrlmty Ind Woadr mnnungly whiz in RsJ It Ls Iullrm mm kit $521 31 to arlmals md In human as tell medical trut it balm Irrlrmdislely ll capunui our ximals re lanky Units to Iii radii oddl hood they no broom ten ual nuisance not even donor ms There lure been cum ber tt 36 ol malkxl milling out licuuly with sharp trad tuner aztated to your uildlil may ttrnzly ultra undressed death Indeed may soon us lmall have had their death Isr Interest Shown In Home Gardens 131 plith mourn minim oo enisrorrrricntal Issues and Iood pntu it Is not rurrsrlslox that Interest in home leautalf denial is increasing rapt yr You dont have to lav In the country to grow mutab les llllbd John ltumes twil culturlst with the Ontario mill tairy of szrluslliire slid toad Elen in toqu or apart ltlknLt vegetable gardens can be planted in hanging baskets Int patio Dig up sour garden plat Ind work he around In line Deed bcd The still used in hangars lmlmls and patio pots shwld contain high Wllml ol tru mus or weltrotted manure for adequate drainage Parkagu oi seed are available It moat garden centres and var lliLt at transplarla ran he lolzld at roadside markets To matoes peppen melons cabt axes and onions in nni low at tile numm vegetables lailablc than Nepalan your aard en It Is good idea to have lateral rowrnrrs or irIrulent lrizs of Iinnlar product uidl ts advis This way you have vegetables bewrriinz mature over longer period or the summer Whlll instdd can be prob lem even in small gardens che rrllcal pcstlctdes should be used only when necessIry AtwsyI lollow the rnanuladurers direc tlons on the label tor the pro per dosage and timln oI Ir pllcatlon he Idvtsed MNG SERVICE OMLLIA ISIallt Former Onills mayor ior Iix yesrs Mrs Isabel Post served l1 years on council and orlllia power corri rnlasion More rctinriz It Lisa end at ms Time Is Enemy To Collection 0t llcarlian Folklore HALIFAX lCPt The collec tion of authentic Mullen lnlk lorerei1loarda at time when gentle tannin people ultimo painful eviction has mother enemy4m Onn export suggests that tline will eventually dalea Itlzmpts to preserve the vestiges More the lot can be linlthod REV Anselm Clllasson tire of Giulianirip N5 now the archivist It the din Study Centre Unlvrssllo de lllonttorl has been hurrying to lie the centre complete its coll on 01 lotklole It Will not be In time limit he aald lnttier Chinsaon told miter Easy gorng tiumsbum Jackets with two front pockets wrtrr ttaps Embroidered back yoto dome closingst in Blue Denim SMLXL KrnsrtPrice YOUNG MENS DENIM JEANS Aslongonlooks aslhoyarnonwaarMndrs ot tilt oL Indigo Denim wrltt zipper lly bglton top and Iron scoop pockets Sizes 436 AMIIMFM flillMPlllllENl SIEIIEIJ lltlilllllll Complete wtlti hintitrr track tille ptaynr It and ti timid changer wnn cucth lever ttlntcttinq agenknr anetngitmtlt men Wide and drop Dtttnr tnaluroa Include solid alato slant on chassis Pushbutlnn sotoclora tor inarAMFM PhoneTaps and AFC Sttdo controls tor lastiTrchtollatonco ittoudnosa Stereo tinndphonu inck Saatad air suspension speaker system will two boss woolers and two 232 twnolorn 40 watts salt music powers Rscnivor arm caknr cahi lnishedwtttlwatnutgtarnvrnylonwoog LOMUOSIItow handsomely core that Acodlart folklore II dtllcsant uuu DUI nnnnnnnnnnn OMr mun olcerl Lndsde lurttlllJdBosaortll John rut er uuuuuuuu DNrarv nn Set includes Woods s18and4 trons sathrough plus Wedge De quo goll prldti grips sand blasted lace ltontternperodsiop down shorts Avail abto MHH and ML rlniillloiiiiniriiiis Ourtist price 99 97 Krnsrt BpIclIi Prlel we Medium compression While otata cover FltninrdwnlingNATIONALianack it rnlrl lprrlrt thu nacK PACKER SLEEPING BAG Polynotertltl notl away hood tn navy wttti powder blurs Ilrlpo Ap prox 54x72 Krnsll Iprrlrt rrlrs Enloy Iiirrlrrlar bloom you Iound with nit coiourtul Iriitl rinlporaniurrl null Price scour KAMP KING SLEEPING BAG toot Cotton Poplin oovor tinod with huniin tilting pprox 32 72 cut llarrnolt Full zipper Floor Ct tit tr zftl Noon looting ntlilttill timid Emma itilt