ll rm sum MED mNTnW II GARDEN NOTES Season For Planting llnnuals Draws Closer With May 24 Dat By GJNNINGIIAM Mt llrttrntlunt SKI In mihem Ontario May It Irndtltor when the Ica annuall uhkh Ind lndoont unda er rammed be pl Thu year the buildIr not In Innity mend do More the nth and In our aru in Its to Add mid mum we or tn days onto that date bdori uttln out plant that It really nut trad or Wall unttl lhe rst Heel June below plum tutn lhlnu If lllrlplda Burial Zuni rnmtoet Fewer and Com burr Petunia Ire rrlIthrly tough am It the platAI have been properly hardened the can ullltltant road or dexrm at Iro rtm maler hardrntn plants It mall lrnjna Ill and should he dcr tlth are Annuals Illrh hall Im Inler Indwn It XIII DI undtr Iluaresctnl nanl tx upqul tu tub undltlo qradually mt awnt Icttnrly to plants In Inty are and Ill art mmnt Ian mm mm Iunltghl cr mt mm thl while to parc than the let bath almle Irltm run and sheltrr Imn ntntl Attrr day Iwn Im hours surl lhl ml ully vt them get HELI lu mrmxl gnrnm mndlllrm ll wre lo prot1 them at night there any dangc at Ircrt CONDITIONING IRocasr ntntttonlng prom II annthrr up in the mpcr gr or annual and it our the many Ilttngt that can min the tlillmnw helmn HIC toss ald Iallure IIIIMI vary greatly in Iher tolerance ol altt lune Inndtllnns they are Uyy trailll Inttllduals and WM rpmt In an emphan about llttlr ltch and dslttn Ilnnrolnt lull hand up to al um any ktnd rum they get dry to the wiry rt and null recowr willie Zulnrta thouzh they nnt robust and last wring qu narr thrive ll get Inyhllld ol tethadt allwlnz than to dry out or keeping them too long in lrmll Manama Inl II mnatbly the ream why the are wnktlmu wandered dttwtt to Ilart WI Tho ricotin danlellnn prauntl In annual problem In 1mm thelILumbcrr never mm to di mtlrlsn and they all unpcntrtr on Ilulcaatcr Strcu rd Ir mid Irt or an other uzpaeuant mammal ltrrthr wrlrtar II the but way to can trot them then perm mat turn or long dart drhou bnnm what the nth lightMom trod I1 him It on the Ilrlihbo htxxl Spray nth 2H on warm on when mm no turd lltst mutu mm the plana are wand ultra they are rtruln ttgorauall at all narm d1 allrr 11 11 than an rather broad loam rods in the lawn writ chldlvlud In mtml wth Ann hmm al unlrh utIl emanate tntne 4D amt Mocme II on that prnnany atattntl Follow the tantalum mrtly and qut unlt my tram Ihmt Mlgn IAN Ilwcr huh these chrmtrals not damage Ialnl rratt tat thcy rmsl renatnly vtlll dintlit ornamental plan1 and lhrdzs trEsr CATEIIIIILAILS look nut tor the turn calcrptlltln an rmvnng la in Id them IIMIlkltatrly to lure the llttll Murrm gtt bury ttnpntng the Irate They can he Jpnrd utzh per nr smn tor llcththlor or my gener aI purpult gantrn eprlty suth tltaiI vlill Ila it swayed unruly ion the mt Birch Imt nhlrh we nnt lllmlcil HIII Cygon 1E Callltl to Iral mtnm should It lpray Ill ntzn clgon zl Itnlatnnn than the hater are ntit out the manure InILS which is no hull Itullllvhcd by the cm iarllrn anzm mntntns utII urltterl lnturlnaiton on ar dcnln maltcrr 14 MI as nmt Ul olerhlnc lha tool on at the Comm Im most Icnnt nautmni III the lawn groups that meet at the caratn Centre may lhr Intwr Light Garden in 5061 of Antenna So Iar the group hat nlnat Aixy rncm tm and tltuy plan to late at lan uttry mnnth soc rY Millil There he latt Sale IrIl day May It at Int IGA Sore 51 mm 930 am and Vllll IlIIlsIl at pm lln Glace mm ls Con LlKl mvm Anyone Intemtw In lrarnirtx how to lulgn nt hum thwa Iltotlld take the one day Nurlc nl Gmrglnrl Concu tug at Cour mat Him and gnu trout Im until pm Every med at am judging mu be covered Irom vegetables to No Compensation Ior Property hl ma rat lute use uucron 51 lull in Rule Legal Coanl Demo mzsomllta me pm Irlle Ital$1 ggt zoomnrnarn own rtaanca Dell tmt ruled FREDERICIVX Jucge 2min Date In llltl Mitziill met nat law ltn all any rtttwtt prop Irrty um rutnpcnsallm The martat mun Sadie made Int rum qusday ultla lxumlt main Bth at rate tntnntng law pldrltaltrr no Muses tn he he Natlulal Uttary kl cum In rows El publicallnn at mum by LN Fnr Amttby lawyer Min publisher lttl htarlume putlty to nnncrmrLl durng brought by tho ledzral lattice Wml an Anntnny lrprutrltln hirmell will In turn txlet that Pallumd nentrped IL Ilmxllciton In parsing the law library the book MIMI emwruttoor the law um Invalid lle aka argued the Ir Wu ImLAton his dnl rm In my manta In the mdnn Iltll mghts Judge Tumult an the Nb at parliarnmtary urisdr lion rail that was nothing In llntlsll North Ammmltrt lo prlnt It Will Natlonal library Act The tart requir tun Notes at each publlrtltan under 10 In value ttx the ltbtary and are copy DI book Utir II Amicby ah ha Imrvd the National librarys quest tar mics has In he gonna the issue one nl printlple and he wll MM la the Supreme Cturl ot Cram tI nmsar Pipeline Rupture Claims 40 Ilcres lLLlhl Alta tCll Du kn look Imm plznlln potaznct and matched crzw Imm Inlrrprotimlal Pipe Line Ltd attain name Inr attainml land Imla 40 ans plnnlzrz tilts year II rtld Tn runitlr at SitIvh srrl pipeline Sunday near this rum lutlnt 33 Intel touiltht DI llimanrl millcd an ctlIrllted storm gallant ol crude all on In III IJIItl The hulk at the all gurrlcd Alon II dllttl will It land lnw polnt annul quartcrmlle lml tit break their looped mm the dirt rant on to wa lcruumad bottom land wncd by an Vlrldovnr That to the WI bot tom land In the ma ulrl Ill bert Slimming owner 04 III lter rranrcmtutl Contact ttr Philhpa nt Georgian College 729 um Irlr more lnllllmalmn Illberta Increases Participation In Domain 0t Private Sector EDMONTON 19 While hung the banner ct Ire en urprlsn Albertza Progrey IIH Conlertatltlz government has born mmlnz Into urea anu reserved or the prtvatc mm Prcmlcr ILttr INIIllCl and his rablnol mlnlltcrl mn Illsttrltly mm thnir com mlmcnt to the Ice crlttrprlie yt rm But III etlulta to exam nn cnntrtl over the wor lans economic Illtnrc tllc goternlmnt haI Increased its ltarllztpatlnrl tn arena cnu the rxclusllc domatn Dlllil rail hunlncsl lrrmter Lourhred who har worked clulcly with the NI prcmlers In the other thnn Vcsttrrl nruvtnm nn lrsuu bl mulal concern el burl mart the unvrrnmrnl Isnt intercltcd In lllmlnrltlng thr role ItttI ll the Inner nl deplet lnx nnttral rctnurccn the prcvtnfe has to make sure that it net It lair return land thl mal lull51a have an ogporlurlity to allure the wealth The thrnrle weetll nnentng the rpnng scraloll ol the legis lntnrn unzly nrctcnlnl the guwrnmrnls new This nunn nartnmhin If youre NEW IN TOWN End dont know which way to tum can rim mrnl Hm Youllba glad you did awgroarh Intntttnn Altmta shamhnldcrn untl tile 11 cmmcrtt nll bultt or the nwrnprlaie ltaltlllcc nl berta rmoulcc control and privan cntcmrtlc manarc minl Tho gntcnllllrnt Inn two matn VLrllclla rnr lmnltntcut In tlm policythe Alberta Enemy Cu hurt the Auxmt csburcrs Imlt The unruly comtally nhlnh ntII he nperalinnlll later this year nut Ila Iutnt gmrrnv tcaiur undrrlaklng that wlll allow Expanded Ill zcn partimattnn In mnurcc dcvclopntcnt Tilt prnvlnre will Me the company In natural gull mm in the them lllntlt uttmutlll tour trllltnrl nulttr tent and turn llttr Il npllon In lltlymjilll tcnl at the mmtlhnn llrant cx tranltnn plant being lmllt by Synmtdc Canada Itfvlt AN EXPLOSIVE SIIrtn IAI BIIBIIE It llml wttntnn DING llIIIUIPt JOANII Illllllttllt III Ilnrrll vntrll ln lrrll IIIyIItld Hmnltr iltlll lrl ltlny llll mo and 91 onnttrn tlrltrtI lvnIIltltItc at lm Till Iletnrrt In ttottrltoa Itlr Itclll III which the repaired vlpc BTIIIVI will hurled Ito Itlrt Wlntlmcrl vol lpcttucular crop till ttt Idel hlr Spnuldlrl iald he duesul expect much In III way lot rtlrnprnsrlttca hlmsLI much at the oil Itayed an my Ionll and the hole Ill Ilcuflllcd In ante the Ian Ia Ilmslxd IllhI 0N ESTIMATE Mr Inlever may mt prov nnmt tn estimate how much ttnmgn the all aplll rnusctl hlm Irtl Dawson western Ctr vlyiun manager tor Inter ltmlinclnl nlm dccllllml In qttolc an admin at Llamnzu Insulting tram the leak the lllltd In the me MCI and on the some llne AIME January 0n visual cxnmmlmdma yntnm tn he emllnrlty In lIlr line hulls Itll Damon xaItI Iltll nny Itatrrncnt In ynnrl that thee rpcculotlm We are rttll ntnnlng tcslI tn lktmnlne the cause nthorhrmlu In the January spills more thll 90m gallant lenttctl lntn II slnunh In land mnrtl tty IIllllcr nl Stmme Alto about three mllts mmlmnst Mr Windmtcra mumrty Itia EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 1284 mum IIch Iran As elm Nl TION PICTURE They hated the preacher for what he aald but they couldnt araao Illa wordu mm tilt ISIWA JALKIE EIRDUX 5an tr WM Mullle JAMIE Willi unnmmntrmt nmnlnylltllt MUIMI hwIHUIIKRUSS Intnnntttuntntmn munmtmnnntcn ltllttr Q3 mu ntnn tlllytlrld MIIII Advlnte Hull 50 II the door 00 BARBIE RACEWAY RESULTS TUESDAY It Mun llma Stlp TIME lam July RnJlTul1l cnodtmts III rrlnny Bibs Nlupcll Cu don Babe and Pats Srudow hdGmPultltStu smalonosaumtw Ktpptn ln 9N4 rmrm 1m hot llur we we Itrmbut berm Jolrltz Starlet Ilannt TL 111 Also oatookrr er Brwn Tilt Szlndl pres Taboo art $IJoo Cler mrur mums tall mid tltn trout llm Gay Wannr in um um ms My W10 Dock Jturnul hat plated nct Srd Clm Ilrp Put Mlle MM surly Billy Orv Brooke Ntdtllbl TIME IOI 45 Also Oud Stir uonl be dy ll Er lord rm mom to and 5m ItoArm any canon 15 not PREFERRED not we Mommy Alllm lranir NCnIIIME 101 15 Aka Kara mg Harlem Ld CM Lee SJLKIULD llanxr Brvber Im my 171M EXACIOR an tpalt an It ran uh drawn Irma Mg amen mom PanJer 30 Also alum Dealirhune nan mfg mam Azxarlyn Sir ma Ila ml ran1614 mm mm mac ly tmi tsclururm We wmny IKALIOR and run mm an in id July Farr lmlmaaojgmtam m1 Imlwtmy Joe amtllnorelarm Benn rum to ED 170 19 190 nm can 1mm zIo Isabd my With and qu Gold tummy the my 11in rar Rutan and pm trawmmlm Ilabdate hat IlIt Emmott and Svatd mm 140 alolk lull llolllalll wt Hornar SN 51370 Homelands Hm 19 110 Easy Care Casual FlaII Jeans Styled for Action rm rum hnona Imm to or Inaloo dyt blue dentin old Iran or you rrlck cottons lamina detail includo contrast Itllchlnrl Iron Iconrl Ind back palztl lnrkLt Boyswell8Munllirulto3tlt Sporty Outerwear for Lively Boys EE All tn Intnu ilylm lmtndtnn manbio wind ntnntan wentheldhnen tall lnnntr popellll ttaltana umnn nlbluthuddunlmnttnnlnchta Alwodeolotlll Sllu Blow um um uyh mum my ta wnn houmla Wm unto lulh bartl strum ma lull blown ti mt at In ntnnn Mada Ill CMI sun at In at mant cm an manIcnm n1 nylonwthtm an banmr ma llllllll at wldl pollml at nylon plum Mal that All pllou In olllnl until cloltnn JIM Ill uidly WI vuu MIN Mott TD Iltl uulll to HIKING BARBIE IJAWIELD ID HWYIN1lnd No 27 mm 207 43 Aha Root lubeL lambda DOD GIrl Aurry bell and Faustl Hope melon ml paid an 1M CL Pitt Milly Wee 3211 3m 1m 1m maimed D63 MO 20 at to make pk Ittlltslrwnwtowq in Also Smut 53 Si the Suit It Pretednr mmlm Fella EAtmlt Ed AITFXDLVCE E46 ILLsDlE $31993 IILGI REFINE rt maple Iyrup SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES BARRIE 728832I 7288333 NEWMAN Mil Outstanding Values Mens Dress KnitShirts Input ollocllon than llama Potynut 20 nylnn min In an ntnnntv pullout and Why elorrrl Smanlv nylea tor urllm Summa with Iann point vim collar lull button plnckntnnnt andcheslpccltotSIluIdloWVa tad 99 Boya VInyI Bolts 199 Boys Drona Socks lnltbrnlttnlundlmt I59 pr right tn llmtt quanuuaaa IAVAWAV IAIV luuur curnuu cAleu