Allan Cup Ov wmmm ttr In hr Cam cldat bodey trophy ins rm mm the mime in prolesslcaal hadrry trims ud scaring Md be done in rostrum ti nys Gordon Judi rrmtnry mazrr at thc Cunnrhnn Itmr tear lloritl Associ Judas Mr tor lhc usual Gull minimi said In In tenirnr farm that more setrum turns in In Unitttl Batu and Dirope hate cmtrd mused dam tor renter Kim Ind th mad hss net met We but only thrte Iain Wm why at the me Hid Judd There pod turn the Westrrn tater naLotnl llodry 11510 in British Caltnl Ind it On lIrlo Made with untol cm ls overlain mm um leIzue in Newtotmdlmd I31 hand at run erwhelmed By Pro Teams uckes Mylsramr hamsterd ntintnd wit the mlt Ink yen Junker suggested that tome at the intmcrata did In and Itidl nail ply tor tha turd TIth ran this lemn hy Vtarmad mm In Armr can irxu coud ad up play in tor the ruin Cup SUGGEST ALTERNATIVE An ultrmstln would be to let tnitrrszw teams play for the AJm mp Inn in month by MC in cl tho ORA macro is mm to stop ud rrmry km trout Iiliatlz trith me min rad rein mar the Allan 0x1 said Jinks Cm Drake court at Univer rizy at Albert Golda Bun at the Giulia inst lntrrmirgiate AtEtuc Union said the hat wombde marry in Canada tr hen plain by mi urslty team Alina on has her Irvizld sure I038 And $01 mmmMmyur 15m tlJ 00 Imtup ta zfabs mu ulA tt rould belahxnlllthnmormmr in tram Junta proposed that csdt promo rmte iiettr thIm to tiny lar L5 or chmgoo Mm mics mild be 1U cult and mute the latex md not much to Isms lt ha thought It starts up hr in Mr Id It Oun dIl on lat nut tum In WM to restore thn AIL In in parlour ierrl rt mm whit mmwrn at new this land hrn um um dam in the mucus pm mm Ire mini 11 1111 llld IJ rrprrscu the uid not Put to meet Mace Mobstb Ihn get mounts in km the hast the ttrttr under ch in Much Ind Sukident Aiax tin21 general cinn nr at it xuhxriu and nits Le poor lar LA 11118 not41w rind way Park Ear1 oi knbrmk tic Wu 4544 here cu an lbs itme rsy that Traitr this me urinalu leut in alirmau jun Wk Buy not rm tits in turn plnws gt bl rnltl rur innruu test 35 lure Frtmh rtuttnlr Hunter in the mint ryncrnl arlo OIISI min nnn in irtnsh systtm my children trim cm my rhrrs litcrlutl llt ml tnl than Exatiurr IS Par Copy Curlu Homo Dolivlry 70 WecItIy 32 Pngu WEATHER FORECAST Sifters thrdrrsxmts lanlzh and Thu mar at tr rlght so Thurser at Mr dumb please turn Pug EXAMINER IELEPHONES ClrwIIlion mm Clitstlul Adictlliin mutt Mi OLhrr Dcputmrntr mm Wldnudly May 22 I9 Fum QUEBEX lCll Education bowls said It WJS not enough HZLK tho the of much In ttt heaths chldrtn and 3w srrcn ttmsttr Francois chulicr lock ltntl thrw dissident Uhcrnls dr cmmcnt anti pntatt cultmm Immigratil ttn to be triu the middle oi the road in in tlutld it was too much it also gets ltto the thorny cold in mghstt Ofcial Language Act tnbirl nt an bill rtmiam French the are at lnnue ct hllxatlnn new we mummmrserunn the national assembly Tuesday ottiml tartzumr ol thc ttrutlnro pttstmn thgiish hurls but my in him Juana pnrmtr nttbP but the opposition Part1 Queland Nntaini measures to In muting it more tlilllcult or My my mm mm mm with be laugh In the lllJl in rl nl anti Juli primarily tl Immigrants tin limo trnrlzltrlnnlly rhusrn ntriwltuns tlltclttl Mm nolthrr htntll no Eighthrlitrlvitlntrhvrlrcaftluh mm Mm Irynndlroscr ralltd lhc tnlr ninth schoolsq more Itmrrl hm 11 The hilt wnltl tttJlel lr rillt nltittnl Inmunx tl tIl th tiy noN slitin hr and ownJr lottr cl tho int ntntrtr in main rm mllg slwlrh rimurn by the by munnrpalnns and rulnntrrr Grand mvrr hurt at rmntu urrnnirnttrns the prvmlfr told co mos Fnimmi While widens Ind mr Premlcr William Davis dccllntlnpsrttrsaltllecndolhutotml There is still imriurn cl urn dual in ooded southwestern to point the extent ol promel lie snld wmmutaltzu ltgtll choice hut it mntllttonnllvlhorr it lint litcu nrncrnr Ontario tovmx continua to halt clu uldlo the nu villi he wringing tor tint in Mr ctnutter described to work tn Frtnth and Enlish ihnnuztits wit tho 0am lle mnocdcd titularn to the tributtnt the math althoush it cxtmtttists tn thrrr Lib or there th ntnjornv Enge lnzt will meet today to dis Mn olttiuusl quite would nylxtbl take Win or mix uh ac rm undstx me rs nhn llsh PM treme but wave still mm more dgrsylo totally as thntaimxl in tire rmtdml rutr llllcinl texts nnrl documcttlt load dimi ta got nthe acts and figures rm the gunmen tor ntttrtttatln lirst reading at Irv to be it rn up in Remit Following dn helm Th promo wuld nurtmlly ir Dam would not wrrtrrlcnt my by MW mm gt ygmhllsllhirmmrmicrmw The thorn tut npcn lorthc trained by art Englnn rnnrn Kr Mllk tn rultlcs Prlrnc iilnihtvr Plotre True dun hits to Libelat north trillion muting in the lawn Stanfield Joins Fray With LowKey Start By THE CANADIAN PRESS Pronesxlvh Onnscrvltlvltl Muller nutxrt Slnnllclrl toincri the cltcllon bulllc Tuesday rtillt nppenranros at two Toronto nominlltln mrcltnits nut nnliir tin nirrntlyrulitnr ttilrlltnitznr nl ltlntt llnixtcr Tltltltu and New Dcltlrtcrutlc oi lount Regal Tuesday All being mmlmtod by lecturin Party lknder Dalll Lcttls lllhis cnmpnigll ofcially until was ll lothoy start This Conservatich lcndtt nllmitxl almost no advance put litity Ind mndn no nutter nn rlourtcommts when he spoke to Don Valley mt Scarborough East both turn by ConA sortltlivcs ln IWJ llc LI Itol schnlulrd kt star David Lewis In Fighting Form In llltaclrs 0n Foes Policies ASSLVIIJOIA Srsk CPI Xlw Democrat lttltr Druid will plowed lntn political tors rnl nltlllnc parly tarrn rittlltits tutlay ln this town 100 milrs lrrltthtwsl ll film in lighting turm More 50 trm tolk tit tin NDI nhmh it in mullng in lht Asllnlaota titling Iltr WI trotted out lellltll postwnullicx pits and ttwttllt nt local pttlnls or his lrulmrr tinnitutln rtrtlttlcr lllill ltnlllin Conttnalltn llrritoltll In llt July It lctlclal erttltnt or lllo Onlntitt rtllllll ll lnlcrbotltttrli ts tnulttl tl htr transporlnllorl policy hurl Will Not Submit To Subpoena Il lINlITON lAl HM Ntxun nntlllxl tho House 01 mmscrtintltrr ludlclnry may mttlrtl tmlny that he hill not minply tillt strtrrmln rte rnnntnrg tnlws at it fomtllihr tnur Maltll tn tho ltnlerrnrte rttlttnnl Nilnnntzc srnntlrll rnrmntnttru vury Mayne lllnrr lrtltnl tlllttgul horn in tltrwl tntitliillit ICsltl nltd rr nnntrtn lllitl tin litlc llillt Itllllc tItllNml in rrnttrrttttrr Clrnlrrmn ntnr Illilllitl thorn NJI about ruin tnnr past the deadline IN Iiy tllr nllltmita tor mtly lime Mini ltrnlinu lttltl tin tinnrrrtnn ttltlllllllltt titnt hr ml lint rurrirnl lhr rennin hlltl it nl it his nltirnnrnttir tt Vtth nrgitllw Mr Itohlin hullltcns to he prosltlcnt Cnnittliiin Intlltt Investments chairman ol hlntttllittn ltculty Writll the Itll on tho board at Hotels and Ill tttnlnto itnttr lullye urinrd Cllt sttbsitlla Juh lmnxlnc his Voting In nntlonnllu thu Itll or MT orslnlz It to provide the kind at renlm western tarmrrs re quire th Mr Lewis ntlrltrl lit notlltl not ho stirprttrrl ll lllr lormrr pmnicr was brill groomed by the tlltxrrvatltts Iur lrztnittrllt txtrtlttlitt ntttl lliitt rnlitrnlly httttlrl rrrr rlr swnd on Canada God help us Enrhrx leun ttlltttul lltt committee one critter transcript in mpomc to tho wmmlltecu request lnr litpct nl Ed lull llmtsc anNSttlotu tlcttllnll Mlllt the rtniry inrhntry nntl in tornalltxtnl Telrlihunu and ltl NM CDT leons tamer Jumcs St Cltrlr aitlrl the ptltltltl locls llc llIN tlrcLlly given the coin mtttw cvcrylllltt the it mils lur lhnt pliiisa ul lts itrrrxuch mtnt inquiry St Ghlr shld many at the conversation sought by tho mnunillm In mitiicttllln tiillt tlw lll uIitI tllll lntluxtry titul ltrl Vlcte nul lNtlttIlill nntt lllul other were not mum to the mlrtmlttccs Inqutry lt thzl will be luppliml he toln ubCIltl ttltttlltlttll in tint axon 101 Photo Thumlziy in tlllllXK Sources say hls lion start is deliber Ito stratcp mnnootmu In mitt puking twlore election tttr Trtultnu WM isltcd Tor ronto Nottlountllrtnd and Prince Edhard Island dutinl the huli day wcckrnd crtrrlod his cum prim into Qutbtc Tucsdny winning personal nomination at an tnlltuslnsllc contcittinn ttniilmnl Mount totill llc mu hcltl the rent by it little mnrgln since mtttlnp lulrrnl prtlltlcs ln lllrr ttlr innit on May in city national tour motctl rum Manitoba inln Snsknlthrwan ytliclo lie tltlltcml nn Nm nul Ity snmlt nn nzrlctilttirr nnu itisttcntl rltitwtlonx on an Mn Ilnc rntlio hlttitt lr lllltl tcnttlttl hie IOHKRIENIIM call or print null wititc mnlmls vihcrt hr hlwltt to tllypltttttlinu stitlptltls in ln rtrrttn llo snttl more lhttn Ittll II ill ltltlnllttnilry rtrmttrcx are ltrn mint ytilllin tnr country nrll lrnrn ntllsitlc nntl his nrornnn irklny wziuc illtl yrtrr irrero tnlltthul lly un llllilnrlllt tn tvlll lVlililant Strikers llely Troops Infigltt For Control Of Ulster WASP AP Gunllra in Int UDA chluls ctldtntl tracklnl today in PmllStanl dccltlrd to bank datni nntl atoitl strongholds DI East Bellust clash Mlllt Imps militant sitlen tlclicd thou cndcs alter the Mildint hnd math agnin its the now barn torn them dmn llicm as no cuties vian uP word at cnrunzllcs bur pnlgcg the lroloslaiit mnclton name said slx or getcu men Mt in cw hours alter suldicts in tolmt in the shooting romhnt gear xiiarmed thruunh Ulstcrs belclgurcd CJIIIIJI rmgggnapg clearing ttmts blottut lo bntk and mm mm Mm up Imtcstantrlcd general rind soldiers in nnnomt cm motcrl In to scrub tho utllcrrs rm To murmurs ohlcctr thought to be burnt it was trick rtply to rlalrlts intro rupolted to lllnc been by strike leaders that they run dumptxi on halldtlzcn mus ttvlcd Norlhurn lttlnntl tn tnr Iwund Iht cnstrrn qunrtrr point nI being nbll to turrn Army llclttolition qaittls urre prontiunul government disrutchcti in rhMr the rrpurts Soltlitra Milh hintironed lures Arm the am Emmi amt guns nl thumrdy mum in the nrnmnnnl mrtntlocks eom at ouitkly vim all mnnllvrs ollhu par tllilary lll mi titilk into the capital slot Dtlcntc ILWIJlltm tullnt They WNW whirl to onlch ilx members to clear sidewalks till wt in the mntlblot Elrn lintnh tmotw ttttc Itrnry chltls had riten the Um ninml nn nicrt in tirttnrn to be until run locnl time to clcnr rrntty tn rcintulu lhrl that tho rolttls bcIuro troops moved nun Ivnc nrrnrly in Ubtcr Nuclear Blast Repercussions May Be Dillicult To Control NEW DELI HII llulllt Prime hllltlhltr Zitlliklir lI untlrtgmttntl irnr Ixttlutlull nhutln ultu mtttl norrr littx sot all sin of IMF to Mlvsuttlb Ill Intlian tlt national humustun that nlailrnrnll rr nennnny ltllric linlsttr lntllrn tinndht indicated in lnll rn gtinn in nor may tinrl lnrrl to mnlrol mallzlnl rclntllins vllth in stilt The blunt ingrown 1nur my wnttmntnl ntlgltbtvr llt at home nt it ttlttN regions tliptornrtn rinrtttnnl Amethgg $153335 and tnrernl til WNW id Dr ttlunlr nnnrnt lrlnn nirtni tlhnnrs it will an WWW mutiny lliIt lll ronntry nrnr 43 We hrrn ltl nuh lrtr ttr mitt ittttlclr nut lnrknlnn thtt nu yummy 1tlr titrltttl ol lrserr uitltttls would littn inn it urtiltl ttdltxlipl it an April 15m mnvcr bvlvtwtt Nixon Ililmtl llotr ntyKtnotnl John hllttlicll and tornttt rhlto Home nitlt ll lI lltiltlotnttlt bl Tlnir tnld Chlltlwnv ill the Scuttle IVnttrgalv httitlngs hltoils lliztt tlrtrv Win dlwtwinn DI the WT Catt during that HINtInH St ctntr trrrlr tn Itpttlttjt More entering nnntnrr tinted door thrlIig ol tho utmmlttte The mmnlttlce ltciitd the tape 01 lllnnlt 21 ltm Milli on nteulny ntirl nnnr murntnrn sultl it till ttt ltlml tlrtlltttglllt Etitlttur igitiital Nlulil they hate yet heard in unothtr Ilinyttt lttclult mmt hultcirtly tvllmul in with Indizt lolrl is it Md olhcr critics rthm blast was meant only lor pence lui purposes Trrllltc that had begun llolt sand at llritlsli oors in mm Int for dinlint limo in throat bat gear by ruermttnc barrlt days ultrr tho nrnty swoop nits Pleads Guilty the hardesthit hi the llwtl twuid be dc nrvd Ilbastcr artas tur lhtt taku ot relch tl namny litzmx titimt Flooding began Friday in the wntr at Itchy ralns that swvlltxl the Grand lIIut iii ltct ltltott normal lt hatliig homes Illltl lliiltl sewage and other debris The Intt Itttl was nvar ror languago hall rarlxtd trvm nrnl Ntrtlaf but the ltlltlCt may ltv outrith hoettlity signs at touting rm tttl mm in in there LJrs mu htlgtt ttzatmt hottsvs markttl by ttntcrlints silt was plied in the thmnlnvtn areas oi some Ivttns untl drilrts clung to lentus ttnrnnty VIII esttntntul to ht Mr Wm HID nttittun ultltotlllll nill Tum tunml barkhrcht Francois French the solo old lunar have Ix tn tcptirml In the My Gm lngnlt thlrviitrvnl Sit Anne Princesss llttacker jrrirtrrl sir larti Qtlcbum vl nrnun lnrtlrer thnn nucssn iir SplillLtln lr rir homo MM loth ttgt Ian hall nunirt inst the aw opprcssitc ZGermltl omitr mental nltttttptivlc to kirlnxtlt lrintrsx mils lll rtrrrnts In with th Itan ant ins onlvml conllnotl lnthllntltly in rnrntal limpir tat 0111 whim llritninr Ipttl runt ltntrre null he nnritl ererl tliltntltl llnll in tn trtixulitlittil tnt tinhint 1m ANGltl ttllt innit tiltlnnnl ruls trxtr nnrrrnn ltttliilmls ttr Lrwnn they try tiLiltL try the lttltlL Antty lslnt ltztll an tllwttpluyttl tlriltcr tlso pleaded guilty to tour other charges in runnoetron nrth tht intltlttit thnt omnch lvlo muntn ago llt Mycth hi rtltumpling guard mllrtntnn rnhnllrnr inn yntrnnlnl mt itiltoxm itlt tnirrv lrur lm hue mt utl titt in rrwnt titwlotltc hut in 10th ttmlw tln tllsntlttl or ExMountie Says in Quebec tn artJS IN guttrnmcnt busi rile antiink tear it may he brvkc rants on rst reading ot vr tlcaltLr or mere mum ml am Is it to ult ol the iioodlnil lounl ituynil George spin nlltl Ktll ltelstr liiun admit nittubers ill abstaining mm Lllt the hill doesnt takr llte ilildllc rt lhc Nztd at Mr Gm on Mealtnt with it htl tlltltnrlnl JP luutitl tltwilbttl it but gem Language BillReacon Ranges From Dismay To Hostility II TlllI PANAMAN IlllKS lteurtion the Quclu lulrmn ltt stitrrnl nitrnmints bill making my Much the inmates otltmllntuti lrt rhtrrttrl in is rhnrh thr inner yr ltt tltrri put Tumlal l7 Elucatiun it of tlt iupl Clodlitt ll OItJtlinti Cltnr The rlglt ttr hurl our lan Kilnzt ll rlmul mlll nut he at him nl itrrunm snlrl mt titan lzeti to he utlltrvniul rs tionthr tiara bdll lliv Glttlit ltltll itltl Irv this tllsrritnl ll rtrrtrrnrrntr an is tznkm Hill lllnt he thrush many trrrrty tttlltI learn in nrvunrc littmritu lrlrnlnlttrs chur mnn at llclltnic than Curntnturity rinttttritt We uni ruin trt thr lllblilllttn It is unlair lc wniil our rhiltlron to he ultlr to miter or In bil mun rr mnlpctc in tho vtmtl today nnlionr pcntlctl ntiity runny run lorrelntnn villich now txt tnt it tlrnrrtlr that they my lntn inn CAPSULE NEWS rtt gmeraispplnhg PatriCla Hearst Faces More Charges zitlitln ltrnrn rni tn rrrnrnirr rrstlitnu Mn the nll tul pitwnl llnrr rrrn lor rln lllltt tan tut Illl Syiiiltlttittrc llltltrtinn nrrnnr tho nritwtss hndyr Police Search For Expert Sahoteur currhtng tur an rrrrrn sat ietrtt trMu till Mir mrr iurellny inlrtlliy lvlt Ito Inngt1 tnrt auntls hair an all the picture ttr all of mirtprtny Wlmh nulnmers Was No Pressure In Resignation Spanish Banker Released Ilnharmed PARIS Alt Srunislt banker kltlnhttpctl May was It ItKIStl tlltlturtttal ttxluy police snitl but there vtns nu ltltilwdlntr tmllritllnn tlltIlKr lltc tittmnnth til liis SNnLxll alurtlml ultlttttots Chnlrnlitn IEltt Klimt lrllnl re porters Tuesday that nightti cant portion ot North 11 1973 White Home transcript may he mluirltz lIotlittu shill the law ltwrtl in Kpresenlirlx that trnntrript apparently includes tltstussiott by Nixon ol the pmlbility of White misc lTllvlltlt in lilo ancrndtc utterup Nltltll has Saul lie Iirst lttllllltl til the merntp lllaltll 1m Milt said the committee has both given It law by the Watergate grand tiny that monlr mnlorsntion rrtlltcn Nluttl ntnl rum gtIltty itntle Inht thtlltt Jilllt lulu gilltt Nunn ltlttl Pttit morn tittrs mmblah mining to turns ol other tnret unhmlawmwm 10non ttztt lllltltatl Vim molt itynn uho has rrstnnui at there wttn nu racism nn hint to quit hirntur ol hrs in vltmctit ill tllSt1lll llxtttt uniting all riswtlillloll ul ltll wrwnnol ttr hull Mon qtiotcd erlcr as in pastors in the event at stugrstul to him that with ctenlunllylm Mr llynn suit In it cmew will not scan lull dis hlostlzy that ho applied last Middle East this weekend January tor you llll Prcl Rat ulnnttl tnlttr lln had been nn Michigan Be happy Hlll tllu ltCill ltucnult ltt ltuthltttrtl lttht Otlutxr lu urontu Inlcnttlllonal Airport ltvc million tiulul 91le noun nein constable said nutty House Rejects Standby Powers WASHINGTON IAI it Unlcd Staten llthKc nl littrt stnlnlltrs has reltxtcdnml pmhiiltl killtxl IIIIHI ktztslntlttlt thnl vmtlltl hrttc gittn ttlcrtl Nltttrt untulmt tnlltttte NnWtd Tlhlsr nun inn innnnnn nn Subsianlial Agreement 0n Truce Line United Stall Stale Scorchtr llttl ltt1 lll ind thtt txltls rt ttr would be dealt ttilntanllttlugtttniwl Ins hrln ttgyrltrt truce llttc III mlth tho lighting on the Golan Heights ltntil but lrnltrxltrd hti semen nuvttl bclnrc he learns tho lease More Gauoline Mlth tAll llite stair llIl ltltJW itnltt littlt at urtwluic to tile lkltull amt tliLt utter wring with tho drug mull to mt potentill shortan In nitl tottrtsm tr rr