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Xlllfl III IIIII IIIII IIIuruIIIc rrwlln th III liolkun JIRl OI AL DuIIR llul muIIrvIrII II III Izmivml DIII llTl lllKIIIKIIIll Ilhluugll iunn lel IIII HI IlIlrs Ilin mnmany l9 pNvIIIu nnwll helm IIIIIIAc III IT IT lls Illrnlr II 1111an and CO LIII IIII um III Angus Day IIr Orllllll Numu nur IIrLIlzc LuIIIIuIIomI nruvm hum Mlllllml SIIIIlnmiu 5t Culliarlncx Vlnu IIIIrh ItlI IIIIIIJ Ulluwu HIT TumIIIo JI Rim UL lIIIrllI uII lo Curling llIIl nIul InINKne IIIIII IIIu III IIIIIIIII Imuruiwc mm In III lhm ul nm in TN my IIIIII lIlIIIII Mr VeraimlIII vIIII Ix lumi III Mury SUM IIzInIr IInIaIID aIIIl Imy Ix IIIIIIml HT mum II IN PINIINEYS oI PEEL ANTIQUES Hwy 27 and Yong SL IT Balm llucII Rd MIDLAND IIIIN VIIIona IIy vcckcml Imy yuur Vlc OWlla solns chairs lOVo llalllaelllnnms lO Oil all lining moms lOVoOlla ROI inn lOVo Oll all Rlnelles IOVI Oll aI allegsnlles 10mm Antiques mm our recan Shipment MI mm The Unllcil Klngilnm All IIIIIIIckLIl lm your Ilcmrnllng plmmrn Vlnlngc bClCCllOIl ol Ina furniture lumps lablu wnrrs qul brimbrat Alllllll urc llllll Tm llll an Invuslmcnl ol lbllncllun fur lIII Iulurcl OPEN OUR NEXT AUCTION Saturday June Isl I2 Noon EMBASSY HALLBARRIE THE ENTIRE HOLIDAY WEEKEND NIL III1 IIIII Mull Ind AlunI II IlInlI l1 In MONDAY MAY 20 10 Io pm One av NO MONEY DOWN 90 DAYS INTEREST FREE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ONLY PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY STORE HOURS Mon FII Io Raylield Street RR3 nm Sat In em pm Poe 72855l