dlhyiiliarriyiiyamiuy mm Bank Of Canada Plate H1ke H1ts HomeBuyersI Publlihod by Canadian Nampaporl Company Limited to Baytlntd Strut Blrrlo Onltrio Ir NCLNT mm newttier mum on big rt arisen and Duluan Altair prim Robb Publiihlrenanl MIMI Walls Editor Emcrltut Henchw Managing Editor an nunav stir drama boom is moor way Toronto Garbage Problem amm Mugged tinlilies to Wasted btnl an Hg you can imagine trash can holding works there therras New Yorkers have more titan 1500000 tons of arbage been warned about the grouting stick of 3mm MAM you have picture of just what filth floating off their shores pommm duly in days needs During this year garbage trucks Some US ugsgtlfisiheu 1trash com gimme mou hy thadurttnd will plelt up in lclro an esti so 0c aa me as toboottlbeirprtmelmo million tons ot trash tchen table Ind hard asI concrete lbs to to it per at lnxn II ifetro Works Commissioner fins Clark These are then hauled rail to outer ML must find some way of burying or burn suburban areas for land lil projects No mil MW Mind at Demmm my in almost half million tons of garbage smell No need to wait for years before mlwdut this year for which no solution has been the garbage rots Its expensive but it MLII Mfg mm Some nunilfy Ind foundand obviously nobody expects Works in the cities willing to pay the it lingftgelhenw mad buoml him to do it in his backyard price Boards tttttrlpt to men in mm in reality rbage disposal is serious Scientists are experimenting with nation by muting tout more um In mum matter that emands the attention of all ways to burn trashand in the process emotive my mum mu IIII Canadian who are more fortunate than to produce gas that could be used for The policy at the Bank of month tu month with no mostIpcople In that lie have very large heating But most experts admit they Cutd he been to Lr to mv parent telJmt relatively underpopulath lantl are still searching for cheap wittcftl find mm tn the US strxvstlut all lI What do other peoples lln mthI trash ellt way of removing the mountains of If hfgnyj $12ng fTiII lime cr pmcn pro hew Yorltcrs each ycar hate mtllons nt trash that accumulate in cities every wmyum mu mm Hm III mum tarts shipped about 10 miles offshore to day The truth is that the global gartla tn mm UISI MEI be dumped into the Atlantic ilong Kong disposal situation remains great big am um of WM ignmfmfa docs the same in the Pactflc but it mess in piynt the central bark race funds name at rniz and It cluttered bank rut lllRlIvIwIIgntcrmllllIlw mat lollIml on those III mm DOWN MEMORY LANE dam gun as new all Watered cyen tarid of families on quality fur as YEARS A50 75 YEARS AGO MAW 3w Wm fniiIjImf if Barrln Examinlr May to rm John Barrio Northlrn Advnu May lb rnlnge pointubcio Vigil hundred dollar nonldyln elm Gum mm wicr km 1899 On occasan fust illurrunatlon by The added cost of who capo rltrs in the men of men to ill with combined with tho eight addressing meetings in Slmcoe North as Liberal candidate cumin fedmi elce mm 131 Bamence lenguy burden of lnllatnd operath truism we may bt ttan mslin Chink elected discussion at Towu Conucii over rate costs could put rome of them nhe to learn voiuabla luW sum mums mum mi THEREISONLYourwonDronrsculrlr csi iety Skctches owed proposed addi pm and Saturday night it was tion to Barrie Arena increasmg seat each for 20 lights chandiepowcr for 3mmmnxgoWmfoxi WWW3i5433$m=333 Bureaucracy Adds To The Price Of Home would move elsewhere unless enlarge called on to pay so one light doWn to rncnt TadeI diicsiderIlt WillIiIIam nch forgo no user with less than III II II II II II II II III Dymen We come hr cs crow ever Li can ave meter Barrie meter Er MN Sped 1an us can nu rn once evetlptr now it In lniilllln hly into dttch but plea of land there must nd roads people nil Queens rtrll ltrlrutt nude prefer reception in Barrie Ce steadily increasing business has Involves valved in develonlay nine of pltnnlnt boatd inlet or three yetrt tdcteloperl hid it will be blo in do Ibout missing the sen no IWGIIIDW bolero tell you proan closer to tour municipal red tape when to seasons opening dinner and dance at rate was Illy per 1000 watts There Thmlm ntwr smir Th an wntnbutin nothin be an informal meetin Villa ti rhen another public llrlttng own column that eta Sigma Phls the in 5lb lots tie it half cheats up it is tommoll to UHG MC service Itnd though there are tottof 95000 or trvorei menu hrrn and probably an The government on been ur ay Barrie Grand Trunk station one from greedy unont than they do munlctntl officials Our humble lo cs rs Town Crat in Stroud mm Itli the whlin the most ct penslva and watiettti delsylllt 0m One of the main ltcton be mm mm that that ls private meet penrlta loyal and planning tll houses in Oakcy ark ma Gunn 51 tiers from this area Barrie Foundry natty and tho ulrh ementa it literally tent of the uni in including lliepoderd It the Singer not on lordt least 2r onohal todouhl lus alter elaborate aerial net up by non Bil blic lian had 280 mm developers vland speculation act council Oomclt goes to the or five mnlur bottleneck tlu lty They got Arthur Godfrey Show from sonn big double Uncle Toms Cabin Buffalo quite well Army Week was stage attraction at Grand Opera tired residences and hotel bars Barri Co unnldale ad untry Cu ho arel patients in alviotoria Hospital to society or comrmnilv welt dermtn and ratepayers wymnycwm imllmercln cd in this new crs Around offered bar aln in la an tea 20c lb or rifle cult of fund today cumu Bl devnopen do provide don must in vlwmd It Eludan variety of dtpari MUNICIPAL BOHLENECK and evening it shou 09 my up 31 Saskawhwm Wmm CW but been stvtmmelltlt bumu ubertl Vrtnnolt sitter tnld Then another public meeting process according to Mr received by ltlr and hits Ralph Gribble brou ht staff to 20 men full time Till particularly Ipplin to land when it run radio broadcast Ionglnated live from llouse Collier St Usual big street parddo and taster and Leslie Belt Singers feat hour watchers in large numbers from uke Kent TIILLJ COIOIiLl Figure Due to editorial error ll was re this weeklamea air food merchant mnohio when the lien ml pm MM hml whmmmu re ellin art took lace Sunda Seve tit iliofs anti developm Govern gay XII rloa household effects from undoubtedly the unconsclonabto This has to be approved by oral tearing in to Ni down on tidy Council entered into recment with made up freight train to We burn Mm Mm my my Lhcysootttn have been liven int with planning bond tnt It to be retained And tilt First television pu homc for summer from Queens Univexo bcn and 3915 in stock stet Cam Bordenwtth comedians Wayne wtth southern band brought out noon =2Busmess mos Mix mliN ll nannnox in tact thrre Ire current cludt mm ed at non nowalAN Edward was also in tam Foreign Altair Anltyst thorny issues in autumn retail then uniting all the adult Thomll 36M cull lettill which Kellrdr tn pom nut tl the tenttur Mchi III mnctn colonial run made at at resolving ill wantttobe residentwmody oililtlrmr common BImSh Hub utbhtiidtidt iii timid ll SW l2 noel ll lu lean is mdy if he decldtt to run for mknuid on Mtnfmimtmt ff iimfyfry being the futher of Queen Vin PM mm ny canoe KENNEDY sitting on the boards of elm repellent ol lmowpcr conduct Vfiddtntlll 1m lt second item by pp WWW MWUWXM parties and It il accorded that igninat tltndllrly only in the tthlitt House op Emim V02 Wu bimmwb If 51$th 495 Umlttmnllldl ifth tdlII The wr tame my my lope The mm mm penis more now thttl tn the putt thatch WM 3535 as it mm miran Inf mm Mi an sored try trade unions rcp mm homo mug few years to morn and more mum 5mm um munm WWde mull Unfortunately they could lttrntlona of involvement of mm mm mm III Edward IIIIIIIII IImIinIlI 3mm it IIeblemttcratlc party Itdwani war the third son of get married booms plan political ilgures in questions mm tummy my IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIMI IIIIIIc III Amnhngly Kennedy ppetyt minty min POLITle mm id filmy huts Gretna iii and was rummoner They tun able Minus dllhlzl lo mm nlnry about tthth to be operating trough the not latterls ntrlcky unicorn limitle lltv in trtlntd as wider in Gcr one or whom rmainlti up altm Ms y0r uIs pump llltlltl ohm It Innll to many llo eunmrlldctl the xar boo and went into btutneltnrtla lalcst oi several this can up my yt the mum the were cast and another Keh fitting arcs Mm my mm nedy in the White limits with many Republicans tradi hm bled itll hm ritunrtnuebccinlralnlldhld otheenenttethetyettllldltt in man of which has re Biliin In any mntrrlu mayo 233135 mew iIIIIIIEclIIIlIIh TV lll namely htnutll item in ihCVi tionally nalltst lltt utth the hi Maggi gigging all great respectlor the French The tint um utter Ligcsmgummmcsu ti tm mm my my tttpmt mummy yutl t0 my Elmisgkitygmglpg itll will only Kthlllldygi 92 IIlitlIIllIllI MIMI had to marry lady It tile uncalled Pnulson Al hislid ilepiilFlJe thiiilni he termed the intent allcrti recorded and reported yen dent Nixonl extension oi mort WNWlink Ill pyfusgftwnukfnu Thyme tum lnvn end my end much live their at the th lawrcdlnntlon naive to lhl lty atanding NI dull and Jullerctlredloleonteni talr rumbles on out lhh hf hllrlnerr Inlcrtsls lronl unctrditlae my Quad amtpm of me mm pm the npynp had hum nimbth Prutdent Richard lttuslans trld the Democrats op shuttling in hlt burl mllitar trim hhl resulted in Iii that paying it ttrctly because of lludt of tlnr has rated will ruin Lei nu hear up more nyi Will ll 11 EVEN John lloulsnn rprealiirle nut to eat proponents lllts been ride mm main WM touch Mnlor politicians on ward Short riopuy lender of roultan at reading about tlte Kennedy protectionist mood In many boll ttwllltlluwxlnddtrm these odious tllslinclient of if will both ride of the House oi the lnlvlr party and leader llt mm MEMO Vf 213 lunged LII gIfuiIIamIIIIlckthwlim cihffi Frcntlt and nnpiitit ten are lllllltiIItoI Cilng ailertsctploz rout claw ifrl3ii$2ffif lint ihfatllifnmnioiiilll mill gngmlgdllm lthyIllllgdlgImwmIlIlIll lyIillIlIgl lyrgIlrIeI Dull gigoIgglliplggngymgwI3 liltihiliiiiilii3ii IlIlItllllucr Allow ma on which lrtmlllrn and henrhcs for accepting pay my mfh If 1m Monty lymph $161 p5 tin him theleeend darn prcltirry How would that at nine tn I533Wlt illlsunuid ilnttedllrfnm mtrlt lrl yrnla ago frnm tr day hom lilo the Iharne of former Nixon handy to tuturatlloly huvtltn on hunt in my list cmllluln clll ll llitllv to let veiled in int 51 mum at in the airltIlIal rtctnily tried my atlamywmy pretldtnt ntnlely life ltue cut twhero out loud expect Andthen me in not that ar 0nltayi1l7i artl hcl msffgf my Arthur mine that present ruhtlsetu midtor wllu will more nepllllllclllt to think this way Americans are prepnrn Mtlt tumlrlullllrrlnultnt tri We immish Mb lll and rllvI rim DEFEND WENT dptptmmnte my my rnrrtu dry maybe carry out me way Their leeltnz is no liberal or it in another trust their liftich forttr lll Nurth Ilttlltrl httncen anyhal ur mammal III ancrgaiotype almneplltln tn rentltl onllzrm relation btt trade hill with ftuula until mil tnnlvtrtary at republic tlth headquarters in llaltlax my lumpy may mummy la ck npttpth mttttpyI tween the two countries there are guarantees from ifttl lf Nixon turytyctI he and um tilt umbillorl llai to make itali cm km at mph that my my WW mm II if it war telling of the wa cow that mm and will he Kennedy nor normrut rm fat at loltctilii oil at lm MAW mm IIII py mm mm pm hit llllilll lm by the million but still Protected in their homeland that matter will penile over alllr WW mil 3W EXth Nmasuu my MI was III iIlyILoIIITIhf bxnIayIITllIner lltmet senator it was llt Ior course these are lame to Iitl event Amulet itcnnniy on no also hall truth tyttcnt nusrillr 020 Emma mm my mum we III In hInglmnay III cessfttl one single Democratic Ienator in MM line to come lattt built from flatllat Itl Qurhrc ll pudrn migahclh iguan name onlurto Wm But Till Sludlv lnrd ntaverhntnlr the ill llsull lulu vi illursc tlslt to Curtaith lntl tulllli mu nllerltln tn ngcy ielsthllnrla gittt 10km maa NihiIlIiilchoansallleiiIlf Item Spurned that the Ullllit vtlrlhcr ilttt tt Secon Clank Sm ll tall rlrn pm harnn pntd all lNil ma crecvcltltluntnlrratl pglrumnu pm dlcatlng cnlilltcitntt hetwnn Inxitlc inromct In tllrrn sgdaltirghsuwmrli 19334wa Kmmmm sluuat Is Me 310000 rettard MtgnIpeutsngnIguaraInItetd lvllIlIIIgIllgIlIlIeIgfIIIllJIIfogm rllotrllitIcnt pItllitical ligulrs tn illrt turd in tile tllerntute my ultaysa have em rnm mnhuy uhr hlatlon td llt in rrel By PETE Limo Il lle or the chooser staff with mdltll enlhatties consulates nr millille will today lorittr gammy undue eluted with Pnulton home rtrtI excepted LmeYW Among lhtm Andrew umwrt 01 Annme IszIIIIlICCm wwwaIIgINHMB medal mummy pm 12 in calling for Shorts reslmtllnrt Mm MN mm 33 electoral uorlterl is belnz an ulrtSeIrI10nrIttlytIcitin IIIIIIIIZIIIIIIIIII nnnlanhnrn primr ntznnler bbmbied tn ruptrvite Otlhz mm tyltvrlg tritiutlntmulnlls tin former Contentnttve mm Tho reiunlluz oitlccrt tlnole enny um lend linen cabinet minister an unto afxing tipI WWII 0mm JIIIII Itatf irom names ruunltued LETTERS cm im WHY PM Md MIN Hunti toys he estlmttel fun xiamgfgalxgrvfyl uhrl tulllltrtts tiltllt early the To an mmarlal Another llcntrrhrnnlt lturle lfoior throw ntt stunt yyearly rv prargm tyietlttf ulthcitm Henry the brilliant lawyer 233423 WWII 16 election in Keep Them Low vltuunrt notennn lllilres other aspect of penny llni lliriterlhentt wilt can Wuuumywmpomu thwmmlclcv ZI QlIcIeIlaI syIIWlClItII TnImnslf building contracts featured vellyi hr ldlllelvulvl Plllue netmn WEI itgmmpi iilld Extend Road liontrerl 5mm 1mm mi ma nettl to to work on linvlsif IIIIIIIIIIIHMCIIIIIIIIIII the for ulltlllti lurid mo pulling rtttlonl lot the 54 dd news er rms rm iamnus omitted CW lvould like to go alum inn mmmuncm Dc 30 WNW dew Itt uli the idea of keeping to lot butt And Md Bum WWW murder trial Villlll haldlng my 4W should not rthe been It the hour the 0mm of loftl tildnlclltlf nelwcen moon and turned mt to my my my Lynn mm WMSW ll Pr as It excluse For trrtl lyzlylaolnlrtllltldhtno th use for ro WD ll 331553 Elm ITimyoqwmtitmimt mt ii mm in mm iliingihrfilcmigfgiIKE publlcnlion of all new dispatch Imtrllluellt lhltll he npun ill mummy gummy it sfgayfhpfmyacf in WWII PM Wm people would hire it kept open tut We crrllluhl ill it or musty tIInt lllt nine shit he ynypytpmp My my my my at by many IIIII IggIIIIIMIIoIIg Ing aim nut ye are urine to up or The Assoclnled Pres lll Wt lttnlllllrlltrTlla wilt ilutliy burned hit lwllttl in inter revision oi the ibis 5mm new 10 Wk utcrld the laketulle mall lmt met him the but new publilh itll la The everlertlny he In II mind raid minimum Bilillld Street HIM our man We at Fm lnl at ramp llnt Irllctl ll of 150w vtill be paid by the 22mgviw that is no enrlllllanenunt for II ed therein In lttta liltrrld Exnmlnrr claims dampers cuult here his unturnment to man mlan slta mm mm IbmadI stoppers ullh sitally line ti turtle rolll tiltIltlllll lnrr you Co yrlght in all fillllbi IdVer lord lakotuhark lathe marl rulttl1rtl cltlr flollultl LIV Itttns with about 3000 on duty lite and ldllvrlllmnltltl cw lefwdhwluthl meaning of tuition ls unlnled llli fall rc at advance poll for union nnnvlns Vtyrll let the trniflo when litr lied by its employees and to your 61mins undtthc purpose of culled from the nucliccrwc of unable to out their ballots wt Service personnel any from main street he urn imtk Ill produced in ihtr newspaper our living Thou thalt enll flit supervisor lltli tllr liltxt ltiti tnlt day their home mm it their business tnpyrli neglgtmliun Num llama Jew tor lie that me lhill it tyntnlt hmttntV pu llradlllr the elrctlon ttalf tn DES and the rule it mil to tvyttttlv we pa 201515 reyltttr tl till mule 1mm ml Let this to twp cvrrtullc tmtlcr rath tiliqu lt Ntltrnlng nul their regular consttluency Pith rt thwart MW mdmgmWbarhwuon Morocco lt bmthclly lmo mnttnllv flnLan tel appointed by the cabinet tic ttrvllllls ahvnad tt tta clutter ht 1M not