STIIP BMtItlE LXUIINEII lllll AT ST IOSEPHS Student Council Elections 0n mar SCAIIIII llhcbdoor but IE 3t car Nu MW All the rillrlswmhsi Icarediftw in Joe ahdltwru ncat SM mm km Iould like to main it we gknfliai and all im the 27 mm walla or the anoto Lack Ecndancc lulled NJdar continues are but no urinn and harm llachulu Khml molt Um 64 21 The tamidslcs ta slur3 31 verng by lltt ou cr irc Ca yvaaic Cario irmri ans Prank Myriam iulllic orgAM io Tbol running Iur ticrpm ammc nl on rat iiriioorry 5cm their unending ettort Ibis ur Altltum aad hrnlal iiacme A40 the law student trio dd running Ior president arc turnout dwnc mrauztons Li Collar and Star cuminzuiognerinhh MW alirl liIcJ min poolHon and hard pricllit driihl rr and tuition Lit tote tar rm they can be in of her and wt tor turn ho the show Much Is In aboutt ice tar students will think More weeks NY and try to inzlc Thule iaiohed arc 391ml to rvirilanty ontl hhull cut the practim arc Tlicr it damc uni an ultrr can uhcrrrlic unntra on tic an thats Itd mt muirci rin tickets are it no at nu ucck CENTRAL MAY IT EXTRA SlEllAl TIIIIIIttSAIIhIil ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS ARE IN LIMITED QUANTITIES AND AVAILABLE ONLV TO SUPPLY ON HAND THIS IS RARE OPPORTUNITY TO HELP YOURSELF TO FABULOUS SAVINGS FRANKLY WE HAVE MORE OF THESE ITEMS THAN WE WANT BUT NOT ENOUGH EFT T0 SUPPLV OUR 28 STORES CALL THE STORE NEAREST YOU TO MAKE SURE THEY HAVE WHAT YOU WANT HURRYI SPECTACULAR PRICEBUSTING SALE WHILE SUPPLY LAST llll Bugger Track And Elections All Share Student Spotlight ll MAUREEN HSKIIRINEII and Warncr Lambert Iltsidcs the act that rich slhdmt mutt urn irport at lliii ni Iiio dayi ur im xct ihcir day cicnonc mmcd to lift aurnliinc uhicii will rep enioy his day away trcm ianly aorta with the track anJlschool Theres another trip tor ru immi it would prurrtyihw who mined this one and at last wlCltl rumriiu on It zsrd taint against North IIitiyurit rosary in Grade no liuull Ililc arm that zimc lurmits clam took all Ior in aiiiucinrnt day All thesc dimmers are lull no pay pot on urnridimaltinz it trailer on the trachcrs purlirman throwing curb other In these last cw wrcks See how Ind Ill3RD LIGIITFOOI in the mull anti trylrzg to hunt liltiil wc artll antothctlal rinaiiy alivriuthl an anion council oioriiom arm lroiliictitiri Mirth ren Ii Itql Iiit kc Iial llic art no Tho SSA Irl truck rim Iliilnc rl ItigAiIAl hurt our gnia arc wurkmg out every niziii Come on girls we hm Iii win and tiring Iimne nnothcrl inniiiy on may iiair tun noticing lllc Illll an tilt ham those riayi iiinrn arc the itulcnls Will our days are numbered and Ilich we lot at firld Irim lltll Kill iionuny thru hos loads oi atuIcnls were all to tncn Ccnrc Ni ii Sltk Clllldfll mys Distillery III In rilhna tinrni Indian Police Unearth Arsenal In Iunlryard Raid IltIllIlAY ICII Police in tIIl north India ntutlnce at Ut trir IIJICII IIIl immirtlicd what is dcscribcd huge un dirxraunl nratiial Smcml Uioiuniiil lximliv airli lunlt and antiva mill ihLllt nrid II number lit TIN nnll Illh Itlcrt wcm Ilium In It mlJ on inntynni in tho city 01 Kanpur Kanpur police chitl Submit Iulurluu said thc bombs wort rntillli in blow up in mter city it more lliui mt million tinny IiLaS Trust at India nous illtiity risnn plutttl the num Mr liiiiiln hired at more lli ilriri It It IALIHHII tlihl llin IIIIILI llmtll riiotitul rill IrCrII ruP riinu innnii imi nunr wcrip on rllIIiit politicxii group In rirllln and Indian prin llilil liil ii uurry llic Iiiliiii ltillfll it liit mnx III llllll stilti iii llit raiil liuvc illllil iiinv liilQI ILIII II llullll Illiinlialt lnlil Iilrllainvn that unnr rornnii rmira nunm Iiiiiy liziic Inttn lnwlitd In the nnoniiiirimi liipmal oi the slitIll Illl tlil iilite tllll Iii tliiiik lllvl tlri llICII may have lKKII Halon lItlIII Iiiniiiunlllun trniris iln tuiiw miiniln iizu iciuriil hum ni nv tlilillniiiil nrrn iivn Irn hunt the Kalvan IittI lunc uni iiur Iianiiinv rinii um innr ionnri well in an oriyai lIl liunlltl uni thru Vitll tirriittrl mm arc cvirrilctc Air 1917 pttsltltnt ll unit trout in iLc ixivd Ildillool 1nd Vice Graham Iiryduci rlthler Karen lock and there are thrce rtprcsrnla ilm tor rach mr Host luck to you all Ktcpln clutlons In mindV til GM iris are camrxilznlnz this wcck nu girls take note It aura addi tvlol to the lclml with all these posit Its kinda ntcc We had two assemblies In two uceiu thati wnicthlnx to write home iiboul As laid bclorc llm ls running out and lust to be cud there are only is dayi lctt Yes in Do you think you can make in lItEUNDLl llic Kanpur ammi tit din covrrcd Iotlouinir an explosion In Which one man handltnr bomb was killed and anathir uvtouity lnlurcd Two mcii attain llii lunk yani inn ilnniani One theory the Utlar Pradcah police it pursuing that the army that my have come imin Ilnnmndcsli rIIICII was this icon at the IndraPakistan war in Drtlmlxr inllllunt CtIIIImIlanL itroun known in tlic Naxnlilu are tic llcitd to have obtained slrahlo uuantiilcs ot army ammunition mm Bangladesh AnuhtT llicury that the Kanpur aroinal v1 Htl up to Supply araponi io rightwin main and iimicm religious groin Fund Started For Fiddler UlIItWt luIi inc inuriai Inuit has iiian rtarirri io Iiliilir oldlimo liddltr loliiiliy Manna nini dicd tragically lint In Int Haiti The lllyaiirold IIlIllICI lllEJ III imipiiai inrc aller racclrln hrnil lnlutii in liitltl MILllIE it Imch lie was pntormln at In IIItch lltnlllcllu Qua so milks Blast at Lrrrmiall Fllrnils iil Mooring wimlzJ In unwilling to innnr Iilii Ilitlllt Ircullronie tlttnwa tlt rncnr iii Mrnvinhcr cnmA Inlllit umhnlilnd llic mtmtirlnl Iiinl aiilil TitlLadoy lliu cuminlllcc plans to he an unniiul ininir iclinlnrwhp tor nitrlmln ol tIIlTlIIDE tlildllnu DOWNTOWN FINA SERVICE 551999 lrcc llumrs iitr Approx 39 iiiriiliihlr Itvg 536 999 Sonic iii urimir time on Hour $4 NORGE BUILTIN Disnwnsurns Joy $22999 5M5 lltltlf Moduli only mm run run will naananiun not uni 4titill VII It lelltttl III II Mutt mir iiiiiliiiil lliiilrli 5188 llilliyilillliml mill inier ripnnnii Tnlit ininnnn mill iTIiIilIiIllllt Iliiitl lionlnnn riril Irnni Tir tvlll Cont Dull11y TirilIrr liur it rmm illurlclr or our rlrr lllul Iliry infilll 0RP rigor 5489 99 Aortic iii Carlin OllilltJl lullr TAILTAIIIE El it 221WIH Run SIN11 lltltlf hiiiiillrzr unconceo PO MODERN BEDROOM TRlIEVEL COCK 53999 JIlilnr NtltltlS only PUSHBUTTON button 10 El REFRIGER Supply WWI SWING iiiii MODE RECIINEII RN nnrmiin It minir iiniiin inn no not nu ME CENTRE IN BAHAMA FINISH AMIMN ii ATOR 417999 Iliiliiicil riun no if on ppgw wm IrtllirlllrrlrrIiiiiiiul Ilimvr iinnnr inn ill SIT lliinliiiii lliil LE illmr rim luIII innnnn Ilig 5pm llmin lmi in in in livril tlt rnnnu ttl NINti SPECIAL IIlI ITII HVIIItV Fllrli III DOWNTOWN FINA srnvur Under New Mnnauamani com 0f com Clappnnon Baffle 2Meclionics To Serve You