Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 May 1974, p. 1

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15de to Mind 1M1 hm rim cam now SALDI Gen oaterMl Gar Israel ctrt mu Lu TEMy the ektooktamnntbomt at but It Hula um long at pants at my lite Dcheen Mus Li the Arab lennrbts were bar in shootout Wedxsdny the haquruh MAN txrder ue Gut Al an intact said ht ordzmi Ls Ittld the mm dirt be um um Punch and no mania MALI or the re in winders held by lrmris broth dorm The gun slum of Lho ENER lELEPHONES Orallle 726517 Onslnd Adirriismz 7mm All Wt Dtpmrmit 725m llDth Your No 115 mumm 0P Jim Jrsiimnn PCFart Williuni dclrnikd ted hls chuterlngi lnnl Nunlriand Trnnlinn 0mi rrisslou ONTCD llr lmtrlun do his charrle oi expenses involved in ying iron Florida to To ronlo 1nd hax llr Justinian laid the public imp warrior he in mi hm rho power to ordrr auxin lth lio only took thm prime flight in two yumtrio or them with humor plsz horn tho ndnbhy nt nnlunl mm had one with prlvlto inn ordmd by nrtunl re men when one bl their own was unnultahle niditar Scott hsdthochnrv ONLY WAY But lir sunburn raid today the lilzhu thanan rm ho could from Tomato to one mating in Tlmmlnl hm no rurhvnry to in coded chnrnx tor th thdo Lrlp saying it intzr ruled bl holiday luv hem ON in llnrldn ln Jimmy tor 20 yr years And pinin nor on expenses by he said MEIUm HOLIDAY Under questioninr horn Mel ville Gelnu NDPSudburyL iiir Jrssiman raid minab moot bond Min to discuss the ON capltnl budget had been not for Jan rad be inter bl howa to return or hope you wouldnt rxpcct me to my mm way would you Mr Jesslrnnn noted Tnl airing the qtieitions llr Germs milled Ottth rho deluded the use at two buriness cm ior en tonalnment mm le cars in equlwcd to rme drinks and lunches We use the business cars to mm with people ulong the annual llncl in Jessimnn nld citan incnl cnmciiiorr uid tidal on noan rout SED BY MANAGEMENT The can use used by sznlor napemem biticinls cost so no to stock inst year lnciudin cod Ind linen TOROYIO CF Health UP WITH Tho cm Up viih mo on special portalm bursa Swldum Minutes Of My luhmwlllhlnd an the W120 Riotook but two or lbw nin im our aid lle laid the rst Lunlx rol der into lbs roan cut on elec tilt nun Rodin to the terror ran explains chum prer ll run train all uld tiling mum inside in the horn helm knell mm nnmd the Itle blt mil olfm nod the WI Madly mounted by aka In And 13d lldjtex Ihlle Preach human man code word needed to Ad so illarrir Emotion Barrio Ontlrlo Canada Friday May 1974 l5 Pnr Copy Cnrlnv HEM the cutouts of Battle Cenlml llsnk innlxhr tbe Up mkputnlthormrdd mrulrleuedby ibulxxllrmmntlhun PEOPLE lll CENTRAL COLLEGIATE nent innhour show or the nmlllcs Canadian Genunl Electric arduous For story if messed Inr tbs den We cut ptny p22 rilh trader dwurcnmdd so antloclrxtulnlllte Ihnt the unit Lxn re our Six ocock Ill be the sociadr Please be puma Tng dual m1 and win he We God 1154 will rad me mm the Irl an part mu do Masada 3mm Ll irryib so you malts rode ml We mil ugt ulna Beirut as quickly only L112 1330 hours It the Am ptthl humor are com bur no Tenorgis cumi mll then to arm the by titre Lb in un kiln or levil no call nerd prmiuou ltcy 5430 tho mega him emimnrs Av ii you nut to Ohio We told t3 bay pm Lut well release Brim lmu my are rm in mm or inn do summons rs Me or the ultimatum mi ls an be mm mm Tllllllulkl puma um imucuatul rum icons rm um ibilrdi mumin iliiir ihurs ltr hcaiy raiillall ndi snow inrccil troQuel bic uuihun to at llk iiurcicr turn leann lO limes Jbtnk narmJl ll Qua about is late unlit Mm Cu wk be mull In comm kahuna pad The turn min such mamas Lrtugadwr on Lin KJy kl lint our into doubt bu oak 1mm Temruu 1lme ls run or mi hm mi lot at we man FORECAST nu peoplr hall the popuiilnr or llic In lIIMl 9U mim nuth or onion hm inn riucuatul sure no Gatliclnrm rv=e at Zuni is int above mr iJHKrlH mu lmcl in llir Flood am on the thin line smut hr limos since rim day each limo raising the nurs lvvrl lburuQuthtc utizdas hr ehpmtul to be increasul relay in more cublc col on the lively rnlerlalnln mm Im 11 3an hawnl the mm Phdni cl he ole pu Tlde nlmwn or People WM wlll pre Reform Group Of Unions Victorious PmElUlGROUGll GP Premier llllnzlm Dan In Annual Labor CongreSsElclion VANmUVEB slun nlng victory or rotorin group run virtary or rclorm mp cl unions at tho CniLidinn labor Congress CLC blunnal unA entlon Thursday was grmcd mid cheering on new facts look mix lhm of tho inur up conaw executive 10hr Although Joe Minis an In cumtxll on the tourman por mancnt Oxrcutivc was chestn cmgrvsn prtsldcnt us luv cmdldntcs backtd hytho outan CLC txmitlve um dclratea by large mnlorillu the delegates sllnwcd diao pionsnm with tho labor organ intions establishment Even Mr lilrrrfll frich linux ed Opposition as more than onethin the 15 dthllatn curl win or llmlllm known hallcrlzrr Gilbert Mat lrlLyru irurn Sidney NS The Millet cast agnlrut Mr llnnls rollth ll pnAESl vote llr liacintyre Sonle with Mt Morris on the permanent rxmi line Donald Montgormry hi Tnmnlo secrczsryuwur Shiriry Corr of Niagara Falls Ontf on extcutivo virep idcnt and Julirn Junior Montreal nlso an rxcculiia lcOprrsldmt The wnvcnlion which end Ioday linr so 31 lived up to its Admire billing by rotirint Prey Minister Prank lllller bill the Obllllo lrislature Thursday that llw pmyiiirc will inolule 10000 perm not receiving federal mmrunlml income sliltpltmtnls it new tree drug program or lmwlnmme elderly INFan Explosions Bock Lebanese Capital 35ml AW Si explosions in quirk summon shock the kbanm caplhl today The roar Oi id planes Hre board at the ram time Prince Charles Gets His Own Pad mhnorl lAPt Prince Clarion Eyyturold lirlr lrr Lhe mush throne Lt to gel his aim bachelor roda lilh mlury minim llll 113 mm and 3000 acm ol morph lBl Manhunt Is On lnLos Angeles ms ANGELFS cm Fill mm pound into Lon Annelu urly today nunhuni developed for urrre members or tho Symblonm uberarlon Army 151m miortcd involved in store rhmmt Into Thursday Olympics Commilte Running On Own HUNTER Jl The Libmph 1imrs 0i imzir Com nlul With ll Olympic lulttry draw lrsi link ope ting on it own unis tor the mi lime wmmlttrer executive ilceprnsldont said Hospital Workers Back On The lob MONTREAL 01 About mo mwpmlcsslonal workers at Sam Omar Hospital were brick on tho lob today alter slaplni tourday walkout Meanwhile nnollier 2000 lOrlus at who llNPllnil plan nvrk more ldent Doonld lilacth the In in yearn Hedda the drum DI the election W5 wbldn were mm by ioylui oor demon nmtlnn by Mum group up porttli ho delegutes Wul by in owrwbrlming miOrity bid or more power mm the Quebec Flinn of Labor That vnl rst muixnd the Median of mum tire The exocuth proposal would have sldctractui bio on must hr min control over location tinmdal and la bor council programs Mlcr ltw 2500 doingllcs ovu ruled their executive rulnts day lhl tho QFL issue was bmugh back wrly Thursday manning on the oor and the Gum wps resolution was supported The rcrolulion now is rd to tho incoming ctr ecutive or cppmpriato action lie mum eastern QFL prdtnt Louis Lzbcrge duninant ism at this con mtlon was strong in ii school praise or me surmn the Que when pm hey mmth mired tmm mltr nourish humilian their punishspeaking courier hat the solution to the Wni ii clinic Into tltut with only 00 dclogulcs lo the with ilio lul czxivnrztlon the FL had iOlhy long and third in cellist runri position an pfm url to an per tc nuiuity lion by the Oh animus amu Independent FJIC Probe Promised By Staneld WRONN CF An Ludo pcadcnt luresilgntion of the Unemployment insurance Com mission lUlC and lLs politic would be ilrslltutal by the PW grossing Conscnntlvo party it it terms the Next tcdcral govern ment Robert Staneld laid Thursday Tho ioderai Progressive Gon renalive leader told Con rervative riding nomination meetingone of three tended in Toronto Tl nightthat the T10 is important to pmndc 9th or those On shortlerm liner ployment nllicizlng the Liberal govern ment tor nlttslni to listen to Mobile Home Park Residents Seek Equal Rights Ruling PSULE NEWS 10000 To GelOn Free Drug Plan ORILlll on N71 Sam tenant moblln home park no ray thty want proilnciai lvllilallm giving them zth to those of apart ment and barrier minors Mike Milan resident the crimp sold viunosrlay that lbrw irmllirs living in the ramp rmniiy were glvm evlc lion notim by park mmrr llldm Doner 01 TVionltL Tcnmls claim MKS Dumber dictating to lhrm and dcprlnng them at thclr rluh Mrs Douhcr suid tho icnnnls Stirred yilllr ctlctlon rinths tnllod to comply with pork rille and regulation and had been given nwerul warnings 5hr did not claholutc Mr Milton who in not been evicted Aald ha lOvOrs provin cial kilslatlm girln residents 01 mobile home parkr mom in vOlvt in tho droltlm or park ruler and grcnicrirwlom to more Iroan to other parts 110 said the landlord lt0 should ht rrqulrnd to tirmsh legiti Or cilrllm be 1m nskrd city council ruLl Gordon Smxlli lro gm Conscmuivo mcmhrl nl ll Oritnrlo legislature or Simone lnr mistake but Mr me fl Highway 12 iTrallic Hazard To Be The llullillirr The iniiilm trniitlinrtatint and communication will cull lmmnllalely to realign lllxtmuy 12 to eliminate this Canadian Pacino Railway un dcrpus brldgu say Gordon Smith lPC Slmcoo Basil iilr Smith told the Toronto llurenu or The Examinur llu rudely llitlliln l2 between Victoria Harbour and Port hintlcoll in commonl TORONTO EUREAU 1y Hard to as the liolniriv thclwallJ lie raid the urrvitrpasa has born molar trulllc liar7rd long the portion oi the hlilhway bronuse it is in narrow lllnlry trucks ban to tall 31 tomato mutt when making dr llerlcl to lllldkilid Ih tender to realign the road from me llotglrrr Mar Victoria ilnrbour to Elmer hulk ml of the lldlile ccn re will involve limo miles at hinhwu the chromium mum hr aongf the UiC in rmibr inc iri 1hr lltlllll Hllummk ivriwbriir ml umdlwnt in to dial mm Irv alii ml iiiili ir sunliru Mgdtl his rmss inl City tour ii 5216 EM York mm mm naliun mull mi rrol tho mm Cur miiw mm who wax minimum by lm to clamor lur July rim tion as the min honor bio to be Mr Stonlicld Nani he how the minimum wold rial in tile loot Vt lllc problci ovum FIGURES Ha srio the urn plum is out in artr marl worn and child in Canada 3100 at the present or unemployment at oil per The ml not hitting or no pump it uncrmiluymnt 016 per cent Xilr Stanlidil will Citan ism nclcs In tho U1 program vi ant lur nwr mirilscr his job and Nut Axum lilanpoiw llui cr llobert Andras his rnllblllly Mr Slnnlltld said lh investiga iould vicar tho itr Oi sus pldon nix wule prvildo or reassessment of tho rllllldbll londollar plan Mr Staneld said the leral government bar to at an or gmro or incl in mimiiimg lnl ion and the min on lug Concdllni thcro is no simple answer to whim ination he sald rcriu oi shortterm cvutrvls own period or in months would deflatc the in inllonnry spiraL iiyimOiirhx siukcsman sin lhurnu 45 and eleo On Gas Prices swim my up boy are little snub more by cch 51 mo hat nutter ol yrs1m gun mn um mm path thorn mi will nommmur lilth about it rim dlhu use or repealed the in how morphstyle sessions with 300 rim students in Kcnricr oillrgiaio puiclnmvr audzlodum and at mmhlncd sihtxlu lundiwn ol lhrvc in halo litre he also rm cm ques cl li zuiuytir il slluni ihr audience Qul Orr durum asked by mil in na rri luiruuh guwliiic pm linml ml hail up rent satin in in oi dam tin Gilli nu Voila ml mm MW my in ctnliiihttl until ulltr mm null aid be dun lo Q13 95 vi the stmrc atmn iu all $533710 Fm Vote for Liquor Wasaga Areas iShell Ioins Oil Price Hike ll in Gull Oil Ilnnouncemerl Soon mi heavily ht puslru by mun minim at Hr itlttll utlilr trunk lvil 1i mm by ml int ll tr 159 per cent lu hum me home irlm rmiiltlul hi to or or tlh vtc ii gt llliiLilztl nil Ltll mami mw Uri 170 ram piittt crimnr out or llit tilo hither in mi 10 cw my in the liqu or 1hr lolol number ll il about Lid per rcn ol the le rate iml HERES ONE POLICE WEEK DEMONSTRATION Tho lndian mother rm ex plain rip the lam Oi lilo to he Snrgmrit Robert Thompson young daughter Stork mt ah oi Barrio my police dcsmb wqys bring Wc it come police dutlrs and coup sometum by mm umit mm group lions Viv ttors During National Police by iho while For men pho lmk are polite tumor at togrnphs see Pugo ll Em opening that door in visit lnor Photo

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