cl II ol cl Pmd mrtnbero cl that llrot moonstone Brownlz Pork pan with trophy tth Mm lor otgt Iolhlru tho moot points In tho Abhiovrmmt ohm hold ot 5L ANN RANDERS Juno AniltIn Chnrrh hoot row to it Kim An clrowr Eltnhoth Von Windon Coml Ann Show Chriltinl thhlrdlon beyl OBriln OonIro row Paul Smith Joni rt OErirn Mary Jone Von Winder with trophyl Karon Jermry Ind Coirtio llrFald mnnnmrmmromto to am at back ore Dion r1 ilanisicy loll Your Wind Diotrirt comamino ood Sharon SmILh tirqu mL Must Accept DecoihuNo Choice Door Ann London My brother oxo11 who murdrrod thm months so it is very hood to woo oath orpoclolty other It happens to young lad heurtllul perwn But It death ler Io tho mutt or on Ilium oron oocxuent on can toy to himsell It no Godo will no hod mason But death by onmiort llow con poroon no heft ouch horrible thirst know no not Ilono IIIII tort at mood hos omnrod in may other Iornili um yonjlth up Wm rycumo oro muMn poto But unit It honor to one ot your nun you cont lm no who It moon II ioktd to our minottr Re D5 dozo his best to ccmlort mr but DI ho to Insumo In no clorrr to ormtoum now than woo tho nirlr that torl riblo thin homered Can you gay somrthlog to help moi Sllil Alnurnin Iiul Nomi TD quo lo only mo ilh lilm Wily would God God oliow ouch thing AverYspecial Mothers Daycharm AtaveryspecialMo1ers Know to bowl Tho list to Ian Ind ljrn Iure you how the quor iw bottrr thnn You mutt moot tiooth when it comes to Iaml one no mot how lihyt Become you how no doctor You must he llovo that God in Iii lnIinito otsdom had reasonhot known to you rm but It there rt It if II tund mot Ioho MI is get nvor your plot II bort Lhorow lor low incrith nod auto region on mu Tor huio to tomorrer helpfulPiooso 1o Door Aon bolero gotcha thlo time We been waiting lor you to pro romo wrong Idrito Ind you did it rrlcr to your odylco to tho mretnry who had to buy hirihdo lit In hurry5oe otoppr wrap and the sock looted nw lu Io Ibo threw It may Ind brought the bottle med You told it woo pretty Sausallto IBench Bame gtMucnlionnll not muman And oomotlmos tho nuts to to put on is not conold mo tum door Nobody an Irmttd lor what goes on in ol thoir homes 50 rot your words babyLori lo tirux Ioro Ind pimth bollh ol bilhbiiblth They ddrtt illl Day prosentotthoverysoeclallvlolhers tacky toy to prorrnt gilt but It was no crimo 11m you lddcd Hod you zone to tho party naked you wuid hoto been ormttrl lor lndtccnt ex ure but this to no Dix dcol met It Awarontly Ann Linden you horont been to any north in Iotoly or Prim swims oi course Elixirlam their lollies Ibo privacy huh Door wit Sorry the uvrdo are run on the you to rot You can let resiod lor having quiet little poker game lully clothed in Iain cities when gambling II II legal orn not toying support such Intorferenco by tho rur unmet but its the low mm theieu person mlth tote oil hI clothes It party and not vote Ior Mile io Ilierot In Ivory city AN thrytJJuot MI tho other side IOUIWALUII DIES ct ormled In our citlrs hut law or no oily whoro you to Iporty holed Nuduy In Door My 105543111 Into lim near oo Ind thry tr rent It hocouso my 1er door isnt ooon Ior thorn Smoothies they come ovor twlco day My hmnd our they rimL Stewardess Recalls Event Its Pioneering Mono A=rtln Demon otnordcu on Air MI rim maria that run Ia number tho all no not molly on overwhelme Irma Tho tomorrow mom Mined loft MuirIi lat To munth olooo It mm Ind Roy an tho oirullt ruched 0t tnI tho urinethen nono Qudo Ilir Unto mu1m to on tho women on Lrom been hlinlrd dosed tho North Boy on rumier ttrtdo Tho Vlono Arrived hm ll houro our luring itoztrrot no not unmixed oh laid to In Inltmrw It or qnoonh xoomothin new to Ill al In At mt timo pond wont pulloume otrmiadrd Flying Hill In lint lord when had with tho frailty ol In on ight it must hou born bi mummyIrma Imioired why who mot would Into podde ol honor Iuot More boating Some took little too much ICA motto it rqu thot it Do Dror You Anqu who loam rent door 9pm today Nutty ii to you nothing mm lhon wiry mrlows Keep all doorI lochrd moron Ind om om up unim you know whoo on UPENIIAGEN MP Elbe Munch 69 motor Arctic no pcrrr youth and dipiorrut ado Mittrorcomsnmm who became Nozimpled Door moriro chiel spokesrmn In tho roe world durinz tho Second World for dtd Thruway alim bricl Iiineu Durino his diplo molc comer Munch Ienrd Dwmorko omhooudor to Con First Flight mum Im loo dnnk Lt unuohoomliwnonnh Emlyn Ind Moth in Tho inouzni no no Ami Ind Mn Dumvln lbln Annrtll Bruin om not hicnnoi in minuld to lxh ho Ily on hood Ilrlino dotor told rho no In Inch than of th ruin omum rexuionon helm ol Ioor loot ll Inches ohcn rho mild or tho ho Mill make rho told lhr doctor TLryII uh mo moor And two om titer they on Iltrr retro rho met the root ol the quolrlirouono hem ru ioloml nun unxle Mogul Ind brizz Aer 15 Wuhdo 5h hzcr mutilated tho uh rim moot by our tho only ooo ol Itt nuneo Im didnt go not durinx rough him llrltl our tho Ruchiro Thoro no on oxygen Ind thrir robin Irunt prosounood in than do And then orrI fright oom mornrnto in tho oir oho rocoiiod LADIES PRINTED KNIT SHIRT Fresh 01d 1100 SALE Ind lively print Sills 1MB 599 FIANNEIETTE sums Double lltlod Ind Flat Rainbow stripes Ord 598 SALE 399 of unread door It SkyLuirs progom oiimtvoiuo holidryooo tho oun continua on throudtout 00me oim yrivou Iotchomr Illghu tooomool moot ooouior out root In thovotldl Ivmkln Nuuu root 3189 2mm from I229 mluln Buhodas from I311 zoom on tho Channel So from 69 lotultln Ft Loududtlo from 5119 Zvroko lrom $239 All SlyLort hotldoyo Indudo round trio Ill ow to WordiiIJrnIuir Nudntr Iooing you mmlrtion mil1 mitoon SiyLuk re on booth bu SkyLuIr mm In Eubldox Nuuu Ind FL Loudm dIio dopvt sundry IIiritu to tho Cart drl Sol droorr Srturooy Ironing uturxwunmuuwumnmmvmm twomumumnmuMouumwoho Ask to rm SkyLIrir Summer Sun brochuro Iiiovehuerld mmmdwddmm room Sm LADIES BODY SUITS 100 nylon short mama Zip trout Assorted colors HM SALE MENS POLO SHIRTS Assorted styles Ind micro SIlILXL SALE Forlhoyery sticclal prion cl $1299 ungwothisboautlIuIStorlng thorMOM Charm and designer braceletwilh In casyllok salety latch to thatvory special someone who does In much Ioryou throughout the year This unique Mothers Day gilt mes toyou cayelultywrapped and boxed And ready to ivo It also 651 IA MIU IIIZ Proms von Scavbomurnmuno Miltzwo Number siltorrquirtd $1299 UsechequeMoneyOrdcrorchorgex Ptuooto 0niltio$aluTILTolotS Nlaw ono1weektordeltvery IrmlosochequoEl Monoqu cturrorEi But remember you only have until May nth sohutry And say HappyMothots om gt Day With little charm MM mmeowith money guarantee llwlll mean something specral cry Togetyourveryspeualmthers tobothoiyou Woilroro GEORGIAN MAL PM so Dunlop rm my CHARMS NTltiNqs Anyonocanusoaiittlotharm ranmuatuninmrtmvmonnww Walkers Spring Target Sula SHOP SAVE Till 530 PM WT on and maiiourcoupon Day pricoolonlySIZ99flilln Please dontsend rash