Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1974, p. 3

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Ellie Elam harming Doets Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to anyone Street errrta Ontlrto Robb PublisherOmani IAIneger it Walla lrllroy Interim NIHIIW MInIglng can numar rIAr rm rnoei Cutchk In Tax Spending =N0t Always Easiest Way There is room tor debate over the handling of milk Indbrud well as certain other essential nod commod ities Organization oirmarkeitnrg boards reducing gfpeuoa ioliow upsurge tea on tam rs wer Irked to foot the bill or Iu ea to roll back oi the price mm In addition iaszayers also have to Eek up the tab tor added Idminiatn on There is also beat subsidy whids mhavetomeetAsyetthereis mdy to roll back cost oi eggs alter marketing regulations milled in higher prices The out that re rotation 01 Connime mlgmve there boardsbelterbe noewu inboar pacled Illiiougir this can would almost certainly bring even more sharp contro versy Budgets which call or detidt nance in Which masses pubic debt and ear tle concern charges also have stirred not lit Too otten the turpa er who has to foot the bills Ieerna to he the orgouan Mir sEE is lir it 22 in ii an 53 oDitierrt Windy gnu era ve Pv eanmatDIeal cinemas to their en tlnn at the most etiectiva we of coin butting battalion ls tor all lev oi gov ernment to do wlnt they canabout cut ting Met the present recordheavy tam tlon There has berm particuhr criticism against certain giveaway program and donations at tumgrs funds to private time under Ina regional develop ment aohemea While the general response to the calla Zior more economy hasnt been too grate killing there We been some mom in cdroction one oi which was the cur Itallment oi some oi the that initiatives Ttm latter has not been rmde without some criticism them it is inconsistent to make dumms for economic retronch mm and then criticize when ago to dim is tlhen Poll have indicated the great mien ity oi Cansth ieel that theNo nat JionIl lustre ls irrihtlon Sh era are well gacqualntrd with What the iIIlO to corr lIln ination his done to rices hurt ii iii aged To those IIt IN UNCONHITUTIONAII go you an Beurem test thatywbavevloiatedyowm attrition aubnrliylnmmywm IlsgwlththeJImIS payliydre holed YnuIreIpItbetio ex meotiaaamuoutospe LETTERS Tommi HeDroveOllInllNewcar one rrortro inux and Recently at locIl auction mhpoopiethorleulce elrtuiItId killed the hutula tor log out theDuIInlenhudwuim rt pu cards which read am dual rude pious daeIto or wool to that eiiect Illh at hand as ptblie INVITE mmnsmm T0 THEEDlTOR when at ll V3 sad bear Sir aborud be made aware tilt to prohibit their ls etiedcd it is particular hardship era and others on fixed incomes Many wageearners havent been able to keep iup with the higher costs TI iso whim no roets or lbe eptnl continues everyone on pension have man when it comes to varlo ment handouts Assistance for practical and ventum and projects wtl continue to public support govern worthy but the mom to ward tighter check on such calls tor raising carry the tar government spending certain will have backing mutate people have to OTHER EDITORS VIEWS The development oi meals Oregon nu trad Ii reportable train BROKEN RAILS ON ROLLING STOCK Portland Opegonrlau Ille fated devices to detect mulls ZInd in rolling stock has done little to re duce the roaring rate oi niOId derail Bot public derailments since November which ob eldmi mil trod mohbwomo snearlIrmmllomadclmk anger eervlco increases because eoiew passenger trains have been involved For more reason the lie does not get upset Iboute treipn ac trident even when lives are lost concern will as are Wren eniI 1tgln happening to the traveling pub WW onta are not related to the rails Ind Ito There sectM to he direct million and by mm mim Ishlp between national trend that is muoh worse on eutem railroads um There seen to ho dlrcot relation heavier burden both the gdmctween the nancial condition oi and the rails Railroads insist and mistakes The incroIIe in rail tonnage la uttin prncn ey are and the number at derailmente meeting Meditate Oommme Omnmle downhildurlug and it antiseth The public outcry your Busmrss By VINCENT IOAN iirulneu and Consumer Alisha Analyst new News Service Canedel Iteel Industry II at It www33an cap It on in rooms the greatest Ithlo tonnage out oi itI exlltu mills Over the yam our Iteel mailer have lunnotmtei plenty oi abriaelesihey had in In or rier to remain virtually the only Canadianoonlroiied heavy in immature lb BI held Street Ontario Telephone MST Second ClIaI liIll ilIglIlraLan llurber MM Mum postage guaranteed Dally bondage and Statutory ilnlldara excepted Subscription rates daily by arrter 70a weekly tam year binds copies the By mall battle tam yearlyr Storm County 37100 yearly BIlInee oi cane 000 onrlyi All they countries error yaarIyi lotn throw all troop yearly National Advertising nlllcer as Queen St West Toronto 1110 Cdthtut St Montreal tiember ot the CInIdlIn Press Ind Audit Bureau at urcule liner The Canadian Preu iI excluss ivel entitled to the use or re publieetion at all news dispatch ea in this apcr credited to it or The AIIoc Med PrrrI er iteuter Ind also the local news publish Id therein ipa Iillfudllkllrltl clslme or Yer mrd editorial material ere atpd byits employeel Ind re produced thlr mrpr Copyright lteglatratlan Nuns ber mars mum oi it suitors lrarir maintenance began go reductions were made in the number gandy dancers that limb en the points and pound in the epilree Steelmcrkrs To Meet The Demand Indoonoimrrp lite World stock Ieion standards and have tunes in upgrashng their rails and rolling ppm mill ior hglmmomratldnog la wrong Either bar been minimal ioderalentorcomentnhasghzdenmlmgh unpaid run worth TODAY ct tmliawy hustnese teblhraie iederal now we PIluguese Junta Turning It Around by Mini DiTAItthN Tonia AIlIIrI AIIJII Thornton New Service The newlyinatolled military iunta in We has Ilreody diary This year II no errirnm the giant step nornpmlu shown its dlderencl rpm the The hi am ems Inc udo sharp luran tnvtirve prtre oi raw oi Japan to supply enough steel to lrcep the est Gout eon structlon hrdurtry going It lull materials the muiarlir slow speed ue oi plant expansion the lgh coat oi addl new produc llon capacity wtb rive wlulImIehatmvsnt equ ent and the propored new as on undue protlta To start with irritation the rslirl price oi scrap steela Itey rlw anterlIl in the product lion processat two is up lrom Ito early lhlI ear The coat oi U1 tool ch Ontario Iteel nrlllI buy in prodigious quan titles me to per cent inwAnprll Zine need to metre in red steel is up to per not already this year Custodian Iteelniahera have no choice bin to pay the Win and along the edited cost in elr rumorsInd Iteel goer directly or indirectly into In enormwe rIriga oi ln ustrlal roduetI The Iteel industrys hlest ultimon are the car makers They have had to metre do with teas ricel than they beat imm time to time thlI year bcceuro there has not been etmgh to go around From one end oi the country to the other plans Ire aloot in increase the supply oi Iteel tor Canadian industry Britlrlr Columbias Premier David Barrett tar tnrlsnee re turned from iatellpril visit to Japan with the news that the gtovinco had emuultme BIBLE THOUGHT Btldved now are we the Iona at and Ind it do not yet appear what we ahall her but we iraaw ran when he shall lppeIr we shall be llh blur Ior we shall are him II he ll John all Think about it believesi lia is coming buck to intro us here lie II and to make us like lie 0n the Elli Melt the metal dcpIrtment ni regional eco nomic eroInslon hII eomrrrlar eluded inability study with view to estabitaiurrg steel rni near deepvoter port Iteel Co ei Canada lid the leader oi the Canadian industry will reach an mount production rate oi Ila million tons later lhll gear um output wu recur ammo torn at we ll iiurrl oiliwo blast ecu ton curt Int 01le mm EXPANDING New btelco iullitlel just go lng on Itream lncirvie Iteel ml at Cortrecocur Que pipe mill at Welland Ont Ind 01de lIcilllieI It Edmoib Boih Bteloo and its neighbor Dominion Fmrlel Ind Steel Ltd need more elbow room than liarnllton cut provide and are looking to rites on lab Erie tor Mun growth stelcoI mutilton ilrrt phase there Is expected in be In production n1071 and iully completed by im Dolarrohns not yet been able to chlatn per oppressive junta which wired in Greece in m1 and III In rm Within days of taking me it bII lived Partruul preu irom soyeIriong grip oi earin ship as well as all political prlI onera oi the iailen caataoo ri ll vtllIn dittltotahip in their lIce lnrhe maln prlIan oi on have gone the oiiiclaia oi the midirninded Film or Portuguese recret poi lice ioundad by the late eeliblle dictator Antonio Salazar Both the Greek and Chilean mllItIry iuntaa overthrew longs estahllIhed democratic Kroc ruea which in spite oi the in rnlirion to build ontbe p000 acres it holds near Lake Erie But proeetI aimdy ruvder way or pannede cut of more than It billion over the next dxedoirould doible Do tucol InnuIi production to air million tons ROM THREAT HOAX 5T CATIIAItINES CF Provincial court was inters led Tuesday when police re re Ved telephone call about 1030 am laying bomb wotdd go oil In the court building at it uni Court was cleared while lrce conducted search oi the din HEvaosomlord tetra ioundI bomb terns dtiamay were elected govamrents in Antonin da Spinal new military govomment tn Portu gal not only overthrew die adeelong opprorrive dictator ship 01 the rim but am pma and civil ireedoma none bod been known in Portu gal shine the eIrly mm There are other rrlastaotlnl diilerenees between this coup in Lisbon and the earlier ones in Athens aid banttaic The For tuguese tchl ertrls iI Just II much ut Airch as it lI about the Portugurre honrelend N0 hllLriAIW ANIWEIl indeed the cause at the army kl will never late place These men who have tell IgIlnIt the growing Alrican lb eratlon moronith inr it years in Guinea Angola and ileum biryue lrnew all about war in At ricI Theynteal II In many oi can dld the French Forch Legion It the and oiFrancea AlgeriIn experience that aocial and political whrllnnl tor Pro tugueI iuturI in Mike muyl be toured Cite mg there is the mudsdecoraled monocled Airl can errior Junta this Gen de Spiooil who uhllehed book thII winter Sutton and The Fullnyvhlch rocked that enun rYltt which placed Gen do Eplp and progratrlve tile ollloer corps Ilnst ultra oonlervatlve grater is conviction military solution or the future oi Portuguese Ai In it oi Not only did the general day his eountrya tough ceruora their to do In Iian no one expects etaI their The lumber llrttea ew tribaliela to its to the ldltw eolrarnl beam shouldvbe restricted II see up words aad they rant be lined ill III be published Write abnld Illt elude their addresses aIA teta pbnna numbers per nine may be used it requested outlays i=an Hospital Strike Would Break Law DON OHEARN Muirs Parir lenaa P9001 the who they are Incth Your paper could mate the while more of aid rectal Yours Indy tilts ii Johnson mil Said deal mute dre oil in Vega 2wa an two reasons er Thomson NewI service rorwxro run out pm these tinnrrlluooI timeI is the Toronto hospital Iirlh which maeormaybonohotheltma this la read At print at writing 0000 hospi tal worbors trom nursing or aistnntl dean Ire poised to with an Ind the their helpl tIlI Imolved are roads to pro vide ernerg service only This strike the Itrlng oi have en countered in pcml and other walkout lI dblinzullbed the lad that it is complatly legal thII when IN barred by in tour airlth in Ontario Nilobi tberoluiot otvyni thy or the Ilrlhe it centres on the vragel being plld clemerl who are getting about pi an hour while mintel paL ernnloyeesmlrr drullnar5 cate are re up The preu and the man on the street have generally Igreed thll Is not talr or pr hove made it than ey icel the dune should be getting Iiholantlolly more this they are being uttered good in ct them perhlpl oven agree vi the lite illy But Itlll the prole gov emmoril on the spot this is the illegality which course it IMI condone xmm tr pettinoltn well recognized is that the mlier am the boapttel hoIrdI ng low um ago the province ordered cut in hospital because thil position the boards but the Cut provin dal Imitch thI been aelvlrrl gm deal oi abuse and blurs However it has good care in itm frhlliiely as Io ThlIlIthIttnnow wasthe art ordered with the hitting wager it was Inth to try to ratio nalize the at Will Iona lteI la the province it was the moments poll lion that then were too many active transient beds in province and being highly pensive were naming the cost oi ial care it put the control In with andlhrslrbtthsttttawouideut torn the nurnlm oi Iotle beds in use and transier lot oi car to leu expensive vslpscent and chronic iadllticl But the Until have tended atlll use the same number beds Ind try to cut down cost in other ways CANADAS STORY ColW0tter Won One Lost One he least at all would say what he did but he was tired as denutv chlei oi the army stall lnola who inughtwllb Gen lFrIrico tn SprdnI civil war otthe late M01 Ind wit new In Portuguese military oh Iener with uttinWehrmacht invading must in mi the More oi Portuguese Atrch lay in noninlliiary eulullons molt likely ln lame Iorrrr oi commonwealth government This would mean Imno loin oi genuine representative gov emrnent in la troelyelocted NItlonal Alserrthly hp has also pivmlredin whlrh lack and willie cltlrcur oi the Portuguese snauuiya luper cook but aha doesnt its anyone in WWI trrritorler would have lull and elected Npresentatlon That tribe is not unlike the lormer Froeh Union which er kted tom 1945 until the Iorrm tton nl man French airing independent iricnn ate at In dabIra Airica oi the early 1066 in that period and to much bearer dcxree helure the Second World War Airica rat trl the French cirrrnhcr oi Dep tilllu it is quite unlikely the guer rillI group msslnl in Angola and blnremblnrro and in control at about trait of Portuguese Guinea will buy the cam tmnweeltb com but ion lane is also thinlo log at the in stantlal white and AiricInborn populations oi Por tugalI Alrch who have not yet Mp hoard train liy BOB BOWMAN The Northwest Rebellion may be aald torhave boom March 17 IDS iorrned provisional overn ment but the shooting d1 be gin until March 26 when 12 members oi the Will were killed It Duck Lake The Alerts and iridlaas held the WP hand until the end at April when the tide began to turn force oi police and sol dlera led by 001 liter drove the indianr away from llattlolerd which had been Inn dot liege tor month On May the Alberta Field Force ladby Gen ii Strange completed their march irom Calgary to Edmonton and re lieved dangerous Iltuallon Thll was the sequel to JIrneI llowata dIrlng ride tram Ed montorr to Calgary described in this space April However the Indiana and bieila still had plenty oi punch tell and Col otterI iorce war dcienled It OIIKAIII iiili lily Alter tellevlrrg hattieiuid 0t ter decided to take action on NI own and attach Cttlei Pound malrera ilidlaru lilr plan to stop Poundrnolter joining with other tndiInI led by big liar and then going on to lla torhe to help Louis lllel Otter gathered iorce at all men in udlng 75 police They when loulI Riel bad septa Armricen revea pound guns Ind Gatling which we an only type at machines They trIvelIed It night were spotted in the rrlconiighl by In indian snout who tbaalsrrnllhcnmthere was cc tnlie lllil which was magnoli iera men However it was good position Poundrrrater gonciuledl his men bein iirsures IT and shrubs ma They used the old trick holdlng up hits on Itlcks In tarI men would tire on them Jilted the lndiana Ilred It Weed soldiers The lighting lasted for pure and resulted in pletelvlctory lor Pouudrnater ottarI men had to retreat liIlllolord It lI Iatd Poundhem could have them all but let them go DTIIEII MAY EVENTS WitJohn Cabot sailed nglalnd Nonivglg that on Emil ad or tel Imes Ive art Newioundland to IIJobn DGW Bristol lowCharles ll granted tengo lludsonalliay 0o Hlod liver Ilea ooded

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