istgzz 88 sizes liESiEEiES was lt lprcgpl no iu mil $31539 VVvxVVVy re WVewe weenvuneduwuvu HvtVeHyeWer vmm mmnmn TULIJAY Beeton Seed MillIs OneiOiLagst II alum Ions une oi the most Irma Ig lleulllnl mutton Ia Since Canal is Fred Pml em Indian rlover lbill midi timer tour buck toot Intuit the rum are Included three kind at llnuthy burn orehmt meado lame rm canary gnu nuns IIII led Rm tad yttscu India gm mil let War and rape the cab We hmlb TIKr Ire Twi link at 03L to mm mm llodnty Slant stornmt Ind Garry tour kinds hark Brod Kentont Im Ind IIZI AA to tine heal bothbeat rye mm lain beau peas and not very important may Inetiu ul euro All the weds traded by the mill are graded out to Condo Nu Ind In rean Ind ruled by the null as Judi Iter Intervd Ired iotlldatlotl Iced must be sealed by the depart ment at Iprkulture Ind lood Gradinr talk Iota the rule ulgvrnilla It me at the last otgukuxtlnurilpanatoa tam modsme Installed Ill It Die AW Sud Co II Mr bought by Parwnr In 195 and openird rind oumd by Fred Puma ll Itwllrs pnvale grmn and IIrmerl and neat nl dealer in sud clam Crermorg Sinner Coilingwooi Endlord Milton Illlbdale Cab ion Drangullle Barn and lllnn tmpo llte mph throughout the year Ind the ex If during the buy Ipnng and lonurlrr reasons with require hmculaticn In It at both 1me oral Importer pi ludx laid llrk um pendin no the year might Courtney pm Klimt2 export as much til eartoads or quarter at million pound at lowlly lzrwn rel clover to one The bulk oi red do in limothv and pink mt tre toil not Iuolly mold II hlpped to Quebec and tile US with some red timer reed to Item Indy moot pt our Krntudry hlue gran rye gran merion ms and Adina rumor rpm the rxrtllwut mm inchldlng Washington Oregon and Idaho Wilemu run we try to deal lonlly and with local grow The biggest oi III III gram handle out by It cal strum County InnerI un der mimel It or possible no try to keen II local to dustry mm vnnllzrv What amazed Ill writer the nurrber of mm which IIr mm and other mum require in meet all kind ol needs and corrurm Itegutlltiom mulrt rotor COIIIIINMIDXII pets are may one tor good drainage Incluch Canadian ttl fallI Iadillo urmarll grass mm Itmumily One tor art condition lnelulel Ontnnu grown tretotl mi Ilmothy Any mailman will be mall up quirk tour at the mill giv en by Mr Courtney Ihuned some or the pram reed mun go through For buildings In one make up the mill At preamt elevator bin Alore mono bushels of grain Ind Iced ready lor in mil condition at mint ml mdmg Another mm Ian lilt glut by Ilr Lilo being built ill boost thLl to bunny in the legume there are tour 30000 btnheLs At Ilrll tight tin lied clmn kith oi nlIuIla atoll clover Ing and grading plants lookl like three rod dovm too meet cit an ordinary teed mill will III III Feed Costs AndlImports Threaten Poultry Farms CARI on ID In tnrm trade lorlnl norm lchIIllm has vertically Inlrgtlled mutton Ileo in the egg Ind poultry bullnou primarily rup liter of pulidl to illotolt rlra throughout the province Dot nullcil arent ullpm all or laying hem until theyre 20 wedu old and lnco they tart toting at early ll urrkl lkCltIium bar It Iteody numiy oi eggs lie has enough eggt In tool In Ilrpply his own little egg little on Highway 17 near lhla ottllun Vlllloy lovm And More the egg store it right or the highway llt um till loca lion ll discount go bar null llr also tells chute made at nearby lactury and homrudish and maple Iyrup lit hloolluln lly there are Villailn In hi poultry bullncsr primarily lull corln tor hil hens and till thvent pi cheap impom oi rggt trum tllu United Ethics Cost nt chicken teed Ila rim ton to bclween 150 and mo In the last year and importelllczga an out the bollom rllt out at the market It thinned in at peak domestic production time AWAIT LWLWTION Wu lltlve to him protoc tlon Itr IllCallllm Ian Milli on hi pipe Inlldo Till clean and cheery egg torc Were all nailing to nor how the new Import lawn will work Itr IloCllllurn will rater ring to reernllylnirodlleed legislation that vlnuld IIIVB the government powrr to block lmmrtl ol any loud Plotllllt that threaluml in undercut rlomulln tooll Joe Itnlimn Lyn the count Iggett on pro duper no vhfluvernmntl nno ller the hill nmrmlmenlr tn the Import and Export Termlll Mlu part ol tan hnrruin Egu men mm the munlfl agreed to national marketing imtllallon llml your and were promised IathIllll In re turn tilnl the deli Included lrnlccllrlll llqulnsl cheap Im ports lilr Hudson Iayl It bail flown lo tluI ecnnnmv tea at orig production Mr ITIlUStm Ipcndl nllghliy more than $2 raisin eaeh ehlrk Ill hi Trying flock 500000 to the point that it Itnrt lllylng oggn About 42 cent at that amount Ipent tor the It pound nl teed needed to ralre price tor the lame earl rilltk to it mvuckold IUVi age PROFITS Sillll Illrn or months each mild or luring hen produce allnllt rovon rolls uvorv ltl tiny or ubaul 25 eggs during it lnylnlr lite the trill at your root lullch turned into room will tor proecu nu Imoortul grading ltutluu which Ir torccd by the Ontario on rmrkrlln hoard lo pay rate oi about In eonll doten tornmge cool Grotto It inrtc wrronlv Ira told tar about on tools But the Camden Btu Iluv toting Agency ray it mate roughly or rent to produce base our leaving rnoll egg tanner will prolit about and rent down Included In that cost In Iixveonlradozcn lolly charged by the national agency to cover the roll all diapering Iurplus eggs That levy makes virtually impossible to compete with egg prim ltr llodron rays We cant operate without control ever known The lb einl government lnill li lllnt when our home was In or Ihon egg are told to WHEN YOU BRADFORD goriu primary secondary Ind rumination ml of as per cent rezlutem when and barley Only one barley may be present In panel regisIered am and only no mJln oi barkyln one pound of No null Quality need it uLw ctltrmined IIUIL other tacer Including Ocmbllullm ll rmall Iced lo Til Iariom will LXlldIIItin rt lurked out by agrtrulturul rxv mall IAVBEIIRY WI and annbm ll sample oi oats elrvlltur mm and down ehutu the stud Nat tile IMHO liqrpm the pollen Ind belt and eourle the typical mill dust But there the rimllnrlly Elder The imary tieanur Ire three big Clmxr cleaners These look like big IInnIng mills only mltrlt more mnpllelllui and hill or big as threshing luatllllltv Wind lull prwum und glnvlt alonlt will Ihlklng motion epar Die the toiling and most ot the need reed tram till mm wed or grain it moves back unll forth and dolln rerlo ot rcrwls Some Icrcono do not tierand It In MN egg pro dudlun It now It tightly eno llolkil It It on bethlll It would wllu house In ortlcr will import mlroll tvoll own the lime or Ulo govmunent to live up ID IL promisou IIr Hudson we on Hi It number at egg armor hotly 01mm to In markellrlg leg tAllltlon when It war taint through Parllnmcnt tno your logo Now however hr ms the controlled marketing byhilfm which dole 4lulquolal and lil lLmplS to gear suppllu vlllh lcmnnd protrany boncllLt the Industry Ir IIIIIIInlI hay prim nlll prollnhly remain relo litely noble and that them may he oven night dlpln cum mull oi the mnr kcling Iegl ti wr DELIVER WANT YOUR rmns Seed Illill In lieu tun lln aura Cm re ILt Ill grain or rred lilrwgll but lot the Med Med through some let the groin or Iced through but do not In the larg er needs or tailing through III dllferrnt levels air pressure htaw lighter need tents away while mvlty hold the good nod down on the meen Or as the grain is tailing through erenrl gravity maku It tull to the next screen below uhllo air pressure waits llrtlt tolling and 10m out over the bark ot the machine It need be grain or mod ran he not through no or um times In overhead mks uro kept our 100 llllcrcrlt semen to be mod In loaning riillorenl rmp reeds and groin ulovnn CLEANIRQ mod Inseinnting clmnlnlt ommtion win the eleani oi ml dourr II Illirly rim mat ter ln wnorllto every other kind of weed mod but buukhern Irom red clover leerl ltueltilorn long narrowlulled weed ho Iced almost Identical In rim und wdgllt to rld cluvlilY umllvcnre It lg Imprluillluln rlnlnvo Il am It Med to be mnovrd by running tholeocd our velvet At Pnrsunl n5 ll Ideally Itream of red clover need came along tmvollT mall mum at wuia run down onto It and mm nllotller ehule mnpio Iow dllsl nimmt ll title It talcum Vmlitll illlui down oml war mixed will the mnlltmcd rlovcr seed Mtrr the seed chI the mix tr some lttrc hrlly MINI ulli meult time were buck rxolninnl llrl Court nuy lluclhurn need are Uilil like dale italics they in site Milan llloIrILrlnd while tluter loud rllrI not There lore only the Intrkhnrn mull pick up the IIllltilbl making omit khom ml Inlo quite pellet ul II III llllllllzll ilIHiMIIIAiS BUIN BAGGE PRODUCTS SCIENCE WITH SERVICE FOR INFORMATION we cumulus oun manuals5 PLEASE PHONE 0R WRITE ro no 4I6895SI OB BRADFOR FERTILIZER BOX IOOO maa data but at an mum bwvvau p4wweMamem ts Kind Witthlwl lle utar ml min at the mill lBrirlr Baker Pbctol polliny go through cloner screen Then to gel buekhorotree dolor Mud ll ll simply mat ter ol screening Carter tracing munhint are designed with bank rotation NSC lndenttd Io lhal they pick up onll mod barley tor lullame pt certain size and everything the goes out Ialllngr One Curler machlrla hzu disc that lltt out all Ilxil grass new Ono machine rotates like era mall klln and is called bob bing Indan machine 0n machine vibrator dweller to room by corn btnulioo ol vibration und gruvlty dond nerd Irom legume reeds Illl is or Importle step ll td cleaning because it mlsu the gumimltlon percentage oi the ilnbhod Product TIMOTHY DUIIPHR Timothy tend on line uni light that ordinary olr blusl Ind gravity method nt cleonlng are not tunerstlll in removing all Talelfn matcrlII and mod lent Up nthutoprttllomll installed peculiar Iooklng chino called it II thy bumper Barrie Timothy ma to by tube Second lland Store call New v7j28242731 Were Trying to Make life Ealsier for linMrRs WIVES Ioovo your laundry with us while you shop unui couvon One TumPiece Suit 9B RSwoatou except bulkv knits $I29 Expires Mev 30 IP74 All Clothe Exporth DryCleaned Do Your laundry while your shop Wo ano oTho MoslModorn facilities Attonduntt AlwnyIOn DuIv Wcollty MoneySaving Spoclnlr