lo emy guru club 11 pm 111 no 11 in 116 the By 7111 Newman onus Mhmlwm The 911 gag need mm 9641 label CIliforoiI Aral lbnuhhe 151 In buebelll Am hr In pm mom tune aver Oakland Amelia Their win our Ram 17 harm done 1M Elsewhere News tied the moor Am In In HIM 1711115 picked by lame to win the Holland lama Divlslon Elle have 1min whom no in 1113 budull oce Ione Inbd 1110011131111 come on lbq Ml out vimne but to but They nally dtd 11 Womeme I111 min In old uliIhle R1211 Robber willie SW11 Ind Manny SIngullTen All home run lbIl me the Flutes victory over MIMIl arm Ind moved them out Al the bac ml for The rrt time 1121 year In Wtdntsvhvx ulhlr Romeo Gnrhm 11d 011M mun Obs Bowen Mm Wm 11 leIted MIMI P111191 and San Dlezo Padres but New Yolk Mel Almhull Innw It San mm nlnod out PtrIIn Bram donor 1111 11111111111111 Iolo homer Ind sumo had nm Timer In 1119 Mb Sanxul Tnn wood It up In the TM 1111 norm c1011 Red CIM George router bam londnl Iwooul yolk 1m 5111 Brahma the bottom the 111mb Innlnx loJorre home the only nelan nm Dave Melon Med Co 33an Au at eeene ea 112111112 Vednaneadny Mod we can mm Detroll MinMM Mn Boston meoz Mllwnukoe ProbNe Pllchl ND my Sphllol 11 It New York 11116 111 on 309101 10 21 Tbxll BM MI pm GInm Friday Mud n1 BATHmote Omicron at Cleveland ALIIWIAIhI It MInnmtn Boston lama at Tom at New york Detroit 11 Chlcaro Nllloul Dunne EIst PILGTTL 313 567 We 10 556 21 Montreal PblIadeloIIII 81 mm Galcazo Pith In Angelo Ilotulvn Garland 561 5111 lranclm 529 Atlanta 10 All San Diego 11 311 RIIIIIII Wodnud Gnalnnntl Chloaeo PillWWII Mlnmn Houston st ml San Diego New York CONTAINERS lot11er CAMERON PIekIaing lndvnirln ml mu theme 11 me In II null 3111 Amy MIMInu Indian 571 1mm 3511105 An mythlnz hm HDeCouxendontdmo New Yorks Grle the ukres tor om llama 11y Royall or man Worle ax mm 1111 ary Ml lulled Ar winner Jack Elillng bnm Ind 1M Ommpdnn IT int Peta lion med mule Smith Am in rhree St 1min rum will tingle under no All thrd born oi the mm mm rum 11m dew In to run wlth and bnmer his mouth Ind Willle 01mm triplod in tuo rum lo buck Don mien mum pitdoinl in 1a Angela Sutton 1001 hi 131de 111 more Ibutont oi Ibo nun when Mlxe sdnldt singled tor thelblulcslonennlntbelov enih TIIIIII TITIII NIle Colbert 1211 homo homer 1n the Am lnnlna Lben broke lIo VIII Durant mlonded powder In Hall of tho PM the mm 11110 Ibo Em DIV bumml STANDINGS loI MIMI PAW Mental II MAIN uh ProbMn PHIIll Tull P1113111er 111m MI II 111 1min Reed we on Phlladelohln Rulhwn 10 at on no Amoks mm on New York iKoosman Ml San mm Coer 0411 am Montreal iMnAnIlly 111 It San mndm Caldwell 111 215 p111 Gnnm PM CNrnzo at Atlanta Alonlrenl at 14 Angelo New York II San Franclsm Tiwpfuii llous At ndnnntl It Tour SnlBIndodrvvelnrlvmnn IllhnrlodxlenIIaIDoey Ind bk lblld homer hoPint Kmuollrmnn In nnnmvse 11117 Rondo Mk WM ST CATIIANNFS 0d CPI Si Cotberm Block Thwb Increased 1121 uniduitd max on but Ire In tuna Iodnm 110w JunlorA The win gave 51 cubnrina 51 Ind In the 1thth series Mes rm rm mam in the untperlod an that the HIV For Fighting 0n HAMILTON 11 Doberty resident to On lIrlo Hock Alsodnllm 011A llld etIneIdIy that the mum Ind 1L1 club would never approve oi the ldu o1 Iulomwc eupenslons or player who get lnln light on 111mm was some oamnuk nude In L54 Rmwnwmm In unwed Rm Menuhin III 01 mall and nodal norvim urn be wad laid Vtotlxoh Immun llxl wort bnek to be lezhlnture 111 Hold lend to two relt oent IncldrnLIIbe Brunalen Blue reluslnx to mntlnuovn more 1711301 mm mm llnmll Ind the conviction Monday o1 hockey player on elm o1 mnslnu or allow lnz loIdeals ey Rune 1n 11114155qu early Inez year ML Doberty Id 1121 out of 1000 011A 8mm Incluth teams at tho Junlor MORE SPORTS St Catharines Undefealed In 34 With HomeIce Win Over Peles 11001111 Automatic Suspensions Hank Inledewveroen10n11 brunlnthuilithnndnowm Weintbenmn while rmklnl uth save on rlgbl vinta erl PIIcmen rrimxo enrller Deva SIMIn elated lwico or St Cllhalm Mu him to we infmf 1mm Inn 10 Filament Dove Gormln I131 Greg Cnlnz Pelerborounh mIrIsmen were Stu Jonnlhnn with two Tony CIsolIto Ind Llurence Tho Hub mm the PM 219 Ind each mun law All mlnoc pen as mum Blnlr rolmn wyeleud In It ve won till four mu lnst de Ioe President mnrlon bnndeu out wore 011m en or medal 1th than In Iulomntlc let none Iusoenslm be sold CITY ROYAL Second buc Codi Rah lcll slides II It The plain duin the we and 11min against lhe New Trying fur tho Yankees York Ymkros William 1m 111mm whilI In when Ilcomon lo llnhlinz you 01 la rue Iome 112 mu 31 an chwikIJn Cum om mite mu an over 1va Jelr Ml TIDEWCATS SIGN W0 HAMILTON CPI HImIllnn TlxerCItn oi the Canadian Football League Incomced the slznln of two deimlve buck Nearby They Are llarry Abols Cnnndlan who be longed to Edmonton Eskbno lul war and George Camo boll No 11 choke of Ab lantn Falcons 01 the Nntlonnl Football Lem but reason oNPAeE is mmsru CHAMBER or comercr Extends In Imogen lo 11 10 101111 111 OPEN SPRING DINNER MEETING SATURDAY MAI 1111 1974 AT 816 BAY POINT MARINA RESORT COCKTAILS 73m 330 PM SPEAKERS= Environ MD Gibson Attorney Muxi Ind IoeiII 1o follow Tickm $400 oleh IVIIIIbIo by Illlng 7262827 OR 4362502 deed IETSREE And Well Both Be Happy Chooso From Wo Alo Ovontoekod In Now CIrI Ind Need Uxod Cnrs So Drive In and uh Mk Doll SADI 233 BRADFORD 5T Over 200 of our New Cm ouscorruloroi CHEVROIET OlDSMOBIlE CADILLAC N1st Clnlnk MP mm 513 Immune1 mlv