to In Ila one Ita The Ud to or am In Can It not an on with has tro did with Co no otil lull 1Hmm at Oooe bullnl ml old rl WW foliage Valle Wm Authority stainnan Control SlltDlA stall Bab Dem nqaedblarlorolhormln not limit Dell nn the mill lmibeimaintilwviben he donated It to the NVCA brlrlnal trama Itruciuno was water connrvItloa rite Ina medallion the rite in the Hither Photo gt get conservation Area Rjeadvf For Busy Season muiswn rm ttlorisatdbflln made ItlbeNot wIaa ey 9mm rti here Ior another or chm the hue and warmer There ll Itlli patches at Iaow In the bush area but the picnia Letitia baa been clear Ior some time llcar Creek prwldee excellt lenll It times and la Ior eon elk many Mam The ywnxrttre eany Iwimmlna Ind wading In the pond durln warm weather it Its little early yet Ior many vlaIterI but we wtll be etutian lant ready Ior then martiy Gilbert llclilu ter nipertatmdenlmllgneod new on rm an my the hrvpavvemcnta The Iizn on the road ll Ilia tame but well have new one It the park at minim ll Plmldhh quite aw around to It next wreland It the weather iI tavolj able uld litr McMastar inunnl the main uuon COUNTY curtains cooxrrowh nanny DOOKSIOWN SIIII noon lunohom party it In be Margy the Cookitowri United otau Wanton In the basornenl at live dam on Wellicsluy Avril ll Itartinl at 11 MI WUNTV PRODUCT WAMIINSIEII Stall Ilia John Silk will be bosch tor the next minor meotlnti oi Warmin Ilcl Womena lnstitula which Is to be hold on Wrchrclday April 17 when hire Walker Ilir will be In charm at the pro rain Prodm induced in coo Cornity at be dimmed 10 DISCUM IIOIIIIIEC MIIIIEISDAIE dISldll iob on or to re poopo ilLtcumi by niombm oi Ililis dale Wolnrnl Imlltulo at III monthly meotinx an chncrday Arrll lI whcn lint irone Mac Mold will be hostess WILL PNEUENT IIEIOIITI WAUUAUSIIENII iSlalll Aii nual Ioporta will be pftlcnlbtl at the next render mettiny ol Weuhaiubcno Wmaena Initltulo which II to be held on Wod nwlyy April ii To ELECT OFFICER GUTIIIIIE ISIAH Election at otilcera Ior Ihu now mull term will be held at inertial oi oro lioru duh It the Iliver Ionian mtaurrnt on Wean ilay evanlna April Il lollowlnl dinner at ncloth Annual re will be ymscnied revluw utilelra and achievements llltrllll the put your PLAN lAIIIUN BIIOIV ELIIIVAUZ Stall Iiildli Ion thaw III In hold at 151m vaie and District Iimh Ichool mditorium at Friday night Aplt rti it at which the liapie Syrup IIUIIIIVI MET DAYII TONIIIIIT WED THU iniitauiaiibnavi WWII UNIQUE litilllitllll ariiylytmyngmim PAIIILON One dhaw Only at pun lll It rinlnl ill ROX in Itlon Illrnctlon to than intercalcd In be airurtian Limited has been ad min restored ruin mar nar the till lbo dc bdmmmhlnm 0th area troyrdthe orlnlnui mill on May loot more modern Iiiucttm In Hamel capacity was then crec ted by the Bell taothrrl Wwil III Imzer tooodation at rock and concrete alab tour and hall toot thick which still sound vi HURRICANE IIAXIIL Aa Inlet wheel whim or lrInally eonvarted power was re placed byiltlbine water power which III Md tor years Ilur rthne Ilmd washed the dam out In the tall ot meander which dleaol Wm III Installed lotmar Nova and clerk at Ens Ill into Ilarold Itoll who auoceoded hla lather Illchard II II mill capertor donated the site to the Minimum Valon eon Iarvallori Authority tor the pier the poet mill era The original trune etraeiim is laid to date back more than century to the 1m old road rhow Ii was ecl ed by plpnoor named Jarnra brink There wIa alto twp turn her mills operated nIIby dullnl the nine and NMMIUN Allmontbomlllcorrirnn Imalplloo vaich irtlI Iomethlal about the eraIy mill history It reports Ilch Bell who came to this area to learn the mill Irada Irom Ilonoywood became other tho lrlll min with hi twa brothera Manuel and twin Hod Inw mills located on north ride at Bear erect Inst belowth nresrit darn Ille uprated con curmat saith thc arirtnni grill mill won water powered with the riot ntltI wotthin In the the sawmills It incnt ed tor the rriiit to be wormed tor lt hIItortc value It minor of IhI mm In It Utilclal open or Inn consort vatlon ma pH oarhu the summer at me after new dam we constructor with one banal ridge lialtlnl the Old IIIIII roe The park has mpctlandad cam plrtllocllon and aim burl area with trIllI through the tooth laraa Ilfn tella about the dutntctton oi lurrlcnrto III tci wlrtdsiorm and rain 20 year IN WEHK OI ilAIN Under the bcailtnx What IIIppenodl the sign read In October at Utopia and most at Iaulltcm niarlo were receiv Iris arrian amount at rain Inllar full week It rained ihcn IIuricarto Ilnirl mind on the ave at the anour on On llbti lb Conned with tho crtoumtotte ninoil aI water lrom the al rcady mturaled around It raise ed the lech Utoplae mill pond until water was iInn our the dam and Into ha mill Tho Instr ilon anlnul lion hattl the ovenlnrrcaltnx water with rand and min hm but rcallxlnn iter rIIorII were vain their liveluyvoiatl angcr cave up and headed tor litrth nrouivi Tito untor call lined la rue until there was three eel Ilow Inn over the dam Then with great whim anth on the that trance infant llld the am am not or Community Centres Act hat been III11 WW Ill appmmi tor Lolivy oom grs mmmduwatefruthungulI rau va oy oar rrr mum brokeridottn dam and the ASK IIOAD IIOIIK millu MOUNT ST LOUIS lStaitl The debits and lo were mum hm been made to his plans and it near tiaiicml donto crunch lur oil rlmo on Creek to ll mouth since then mile at tho blown mill tract and rhruht hr rum Illahway ii west to hide the ovlden IMPERIA Due to popular demand 20th coniuryanpraaenla Ihaurlalna MASH Icalival own will be chosen tiom live Iinalittc The Ipr Icstival will continue on Soiui tiny April 20 with the main ntraot partly iiasril io irotilc to arm otdoetilunmlll SANDY COVE TEA SANDY COVE lSInII The Adln Sada club plmnind to hold Ith and mini on Ilen ilny April 21 IlAIIllItl CLINIC IIIIADIOIID SIaIil ril bier clinic Ior rmiil animals has been urancoi tor Thunday May at tho town hall bulld na IIIAIE TWO BlAlMJl IIIOIINNN Iliivnn Con vlraJ by the minlrtry oi bouvlnc Ihat Eliseo III oi the cornpanya dove pmcnt plan ior Thmton can not be npprvvrd until the townihtp has new otllclal plan or an amendment to the exist Inp ottlclal plan and end rimmed by tho prov ANNOUNCE IIIANT LEFIIOY Stall Ilene lint nrllo rnlntiltr ct conununlty and racial Irrtlccu hot announced HAIITB TOJIOIIIIOW BIIOW TIMI Ind pnn Inner IhllllthllU dauld Ann um lvitmlini llitll III avor Na MINI BINKIM lliltiyd WWI NH and min IIl TIII IIOLIIIIN ant conemtlan em The wee Nwlil Smmbwalie Stan Caldwell and Alan Webbwere wtraerr at the chI third thedule ol the Noni eraan dtb The Denney union mastered llve vktorlu with only one Ion with an aim at II The rink wound up with vtctory oier Vic Bolton Ind his crew at Wayne Vernon Iluvkl Shimen Ind Gm Glbblm Skip Ad Udell and NI rink ot Don Smutbwaite Jark Iletlin II and Ernie Parker lintrbcd second with tour win and two tones slip sew hater and his amt at Bob Davies Doug Tlllla and Ron Ilalton Iinished with tom wins and tie alone with two Ionics The John Smurtliwaiie rlnlt won Illth and lost ibre WIan Cookalown Team Bad Good Seaport QOKSIOWN 0dl INN Oorhreyhaabeanrecelvlngm Inhalation Iglthe II bid who WI WMINWIAIHIW Weizmann Womanlitter utiooneimderdoualter mmtaiaumwm cmwvithamrielnndll mummmununar IaItrlctuylnungame which motor Water not Coimatera Maon was aci ted by Barry Ortonbn pm lrozn Wobble Robinson loudvodilny tadch were mayor Iattor in Won win The tcam drow the penalties to three tor Goldwater but Ihownl extra Lip when Iborthnrxtod Channel Is Made In Beel Program OTTAWA Acharice in tho tedoral governments bcel pro mlum pmthm iar mmounrod by AIrIcultitle Illnlaicr Ifucrne Vhelall Ilnalnnlna thla month the Ici orII government will pay re mium ot live ccala per noon on all Ccmirllan rattle marketed ior Immediate slaughter that tall within trodes Ii and Unlt der the cxlsilna ptvurnm there wet Iovcnernt Wmtlll on Grain rattle mly Tito Ilvrlt nlIIpound mmluni on all nrarics equates to tha Iovmront premium on irate cattle That the lame total amount at money It lniolvrti Iowa and mature bulls that iali within iboD Ind ll rinilre will boaxchaleti lilr Wholan raid the rhanxo In the Iyttcm oi payment war he lan mutia to inch complaints that dltIIcuItlet were bring encoun tervd in driermlniny tho nraxla oi animal when they were home markctrd Uenney Curlers Stroud Winnrs IsBoing Prepared InEssa Ayrcl Bill MulhnUInd Ind Jed Benoit am with John Two game wiaaeu Includcd rink shaped by Milmy Spoon llili Scott Aorta than and VII Delhon The Ealton Ibo mustered lie with Iha sher crow Call Conservation Session ill an ANGUS istalti Amount meat you made here that the executive maxilla ot the Not Iwarara Valley Conservidim Au thority board wai met It the unitllamale alike on wanes day at pm llayd Iiimatron at liono town ship is the dillrmln ot the air tharlty mm has Nth liter Iron nuirldpalltloe and also the Ontario lwm haaiby Utopla conservation Is one at tho Iarxar Iron raider the bomb Motion other letIa araas are It New lowel Totienham Mono dim and III W91 township Lion the bird river 1mm ivnws It TUBIMY APRIL IL Coolcslown Title Taken By Dorsey WWII sum an and his rink at Ill DIT llll Ind Jecabl rusty their mens an norm it the 91 mb dull etbemle 1h pruaatatlou wen nude nglbe than bonsplel II at by the coo club Keith ltoblm who In MM DIN Dblm lit Ind mndn tree with Keith am Jul all llIrrI Wm Int John llnan MING BANQUET 1h annual windup banquet and dam Milly martin the end at the rurllnn mason was bold an Saiunl April It In rbuie ol lichen were Gary Fraser Die Webb Dan Can haul Romain and Bob Gear bad one at at but IeasooI yet said Tommy Truman club treasurer no portlor there In Mlln wiv tyattherinkrevendayea wool with in Thornton and soda can also plum their nine bere Tho hionkmsn trophy tor Ia dlu curlia was won by Ema llora and micro Rhonda only oyd as tor mixed WWI won on and nth Doug Brown In Mr tie at eriey IN Brown and Illil Objections To Innislil Bylaw STIWUD Islam lanlsill clerk Idmlnlrtretor Richard inch rare Inc an tormai ob letllons to the loanshlpe Dmbm laidm bylaw libs have ban remind by his otllce Dtolim lca tillnl oblonqu la the byIIw was blurb The Marlo Municbal Board will Ib rsnroloraheartnxnonloab low ratepayers It in their oblrctlom and mil WI vitin the We at the vtrtom roan restriction minions to the Ionian hr law are vulal Some moron oppose the time Nth turbid new oonstnIrtlon on private Mk bl ibe Ionusttlp Them In the latmhore lm have prolaetrd Iha lad that cottaru unnal be Mmtld to permanent homes Sorm norm meadal utohllshmcnts In the townships have erpresved con cern that they are not remain Htinlamlli away an or mixed curlinI went nip Donn Ian and NI parlors Damon ed to the answ toninr somel ratwen have on ted lo the hold on construe lion elm Ihe latte will we Wmm an tIisrwd Innislils Gratht Plans Criticihed As Too Hazy SIllDUD iblaii Shirloy lit dutctatiopplovals Ior In Irlal plan has been completed Barrett innirtll townshiaade dittluei severance ma mil twists more WW And In nW mound uremia rotation Ibo lover mrtslnl Iaol undrntwn on the part oi tonnetdp roe II llIrs haunt inlil roundl lack bl underumilnx ls ueu limbotoalachatuwrrto tumlion ml an Immediate olarltlcalioa at the nulor dairi rvmcnl Lauras should be your Immediate priority At llila path In limo rho Mini there no doubt that tho mltlonll nl lhia corrumnliy no my iilxourapcd Ind disap polntol In the Mulll oi past pliamlw Sonic at the evidence Ior this ll nunliratod In the aver Imosinn numbers at io aueata ior rrronlnl or bandald ran an sha Ilrva iliat Emma nirnls hava not to ItIrt isylnr no to lrvllvlduale The needs at whole community can only be rraionIbly satirich by dear mintlty plumlnl BBWMIII PLANT The real Issue in this lawn rhln Iv tho ml for an ode nuaia Iawaco Irenmrnt pant or will to create ciiouph servic rd land to make now oonvpre htllw alltrlal plan reality She IIiiI that dovelcptrl can not be exprctod to provide all the land norcmry Ior an Dile nuaio Iowaro treatment utility to tho munrlpalit assisted by the vinro vuu have to get In vrd as well litrI Ilnwau lelnlrJ council with itil al planninl lugrcr that to be nntriul on with the goal ot citabltthinx an ovoroli paltry Ior the Iahmhlp Launrh ltAille Iltlallnnl Procedures Ior puymrnt re malntbetrrne and wllh Lets talk about Management Opportunities prorrnin dcslznd to thwth 53 we Ial an apper by the provincial sov ornmr 01 REZONING Daclnie mmltorilnn on all It unis Iarrpot manta moral IIU Ioniiul until the new ol COUNTY GLIMPSES AIIIIOVII IIIIANT STUOUD tSlaltl InnlsliII itannw ronanitm but approval rent at am tonanls the pun mm at camera roulmirui Ior the InnlIiiI Illstlrlcnl Society plvvidlrii ihai tho pulpnun bccomo moperty ot the town iltlp Tho grant was winner aitor nocrr While and Don limi tlo told the miunIlire they plan lied to photo htrtoric tcwrtshls plriuirr iv MTIIIJMIII mild be kept IIIIIIIIIALIIB NIY COVE Stall In nIsillI proiretian rvrvircs um mIiiiv nor cniormi rrrtunmrn datloiu oi Ibo Ontario Standards Amtinlion oncoming the are at tropism lrt irrtltlrii mobile Mun such ns time at Siyaly Cove The ISA hail wanted that mic be main More IINI availbarium eiuvcr be pile and thin Ii the Iiintl an aim Nl they mint bu lllullldl rd the Inrlcry which ntaixitnctumt the mobile homo 500 IIIANT lAINSWICK tSliztil liriio Druanlo IIIlnltIrf cl community and racial cortices has nurture ad that rrnnt uiitrr the Coup inunin Comm Art totalling to non hut hm approval Ior ilto exp nln the merit plantar and davekpimn dililcu lice the TH tlevelo athletic ilvlJ hare plcbiacite ta doc the Ian lmtmcnt Issue drrparv and then wblhh alxart mm on lolll tram parlson Inalyrls Ihontnx the co nununity Idtanlarra ml disad vantacts at In arlvumte musa Iiian duly III lhl will anpr mlnlruum Itnnd ants bylaw to upirrwia Ibo Itth dartir In the marl area nailing no dtstlnction bctwetn the Atari danLt tor cottage romtnwtlan an permanent home eonslrut lion Oonslilrr cx oprlatlan oI pruprrtlrl that not oonlorm lo mmllllllnl Italidaglthbylglw tor purpoee will tpirihuiarly um proper llm In the Mort em Icslnuto and burrito or partly puivhrav at least 2000 to 5000 acrrs oi hvitblrlal and corn nitrial land In the totinihhi TIMI3 RUNNING OUT lira llasscll told council the pwvinclll rmcmmenl ban in My lnihwird till limo la nun nliip out lor municipalities to plan tor tuturo tlwoluprmnl II the remain at this lwnohip are not rim an opportunity to vote Ior quality planning and dovel OVIIIIIII the pioilnco will do it Ior limit lloote Ilurton mi bl villkll thrinkrd nirI Insult Ior Iirr prerntiitlon which was acorn pniilrii by thrco volumes at Alli Ilslltiii lnlonnntlon They nwn ilirioii that sovrrnl oi tho illval opiitrnt mmnlsalcnrre turpen ilont waro ulrenly unlorwny In the Iowmhlp and that In pm pornls uouhl be rnnsldcmi In tlciall at tho next plInnlna roni millto mrollnl or tonrmiiito oi the Itoio Nulllll CONSUMER LOANS MANAGERS raw monomer lendina Iickl uLh CANDIIMTICO VIIIL IlAVlu Ambition merry and maturity Footfcareer Growth Ability to commanimto Experch In timetqu lending Wll OFFEIII bunk oi lioninoi la Irekln condidaira to participate In the development oi the llsnlie expanding approach to Moqu Iendiuc THE JOIli Ihovidre an opportunity to banking career in the nunsaeintnt and at at bemoh conamor loan poiItalic and the provli on at Ilret cIIsI service to our customers Opporlunliy Ior urctr progression bond on merit competitive Iahrlrs Ineomo racially Ini whle range at employee boniils Please Icrd rretnrlra In corruilcta conitdenco to of lionireel Tha First Oansdlbn Dank Bank of Montreal Personnel Department to lilac Street West Toronto Ontario SIGLE VISION GLASSES at ONE LOW PRICE 11 IhlIInclude clioira pi alumna and minute your pumimiiltnn wtitto lost or mrmrlonanv nunyr mplneouinnl wmmiv rqninvi blankan your chiltt aicnso hum vvitln selection or llDIlltl Ill riyoglnu clonninq solution Lniost mull amt motel slylosioi onlystollo mom Lowest pitch on simulatipr nt lOllSi It lime Ctmvuox accoplod Ki oily ii irin Imam souni Orilliu Onl lttann airmt no styles