hrjtsorrio wlxamittyfr Robb valiehorOenoni Manager mun PM now by man Walla Editor Emorttm TIIUIIDAY Arm ll tm mm Lick At Inatidn No Mention OfEconomy John Whites mum budget is better than his rst There is no 40 per cent incrme In Iai wt and no proposed energy tn In fact magnum ultt matte tn ex ot term nn Iron toothpaste to oboe worth less The mayor thrust at the budget should appeal to mod Ontarims For enmple prots on load whim is sold without the vottdor adding any rra value to it will be subled to new 50 per cent tax property mound the dly Itmrts purdused or speculum thIt new to help show the rite ination in Md empt long Vtth mach at the prices Eventually this my htlp Iowrr or It bthre the cost of new mm The province has another goody for prospective home ovmcu lots In $30 We ronur by nstwuid It will make Ipendlng avaiitble to mutictpoftllcs ldlpercenl grant for water Ind sewer eilort to incur More lotgeese will be Ivatlabte to di re like Barrie it it dounot increase it tram rates Ontario has altered subsdy It nte bike are halted in addition to the land and hm thrush Queens PM has to the my direct translu $773 hope the pmvlncen afloru to in minor work to moon it it too bad Ontario attitude that 0mm must do mos of the mark to ght it it is Hume there no mention to the budget of eummy of the swam mcnt iLteti with down on its on Women Stuck With As Was Be GEORGE comm AP Edm Willa uaoe at hi 61521 If its at Jenn iun band ltuast kw llll met no Ilth Jam not as It In brim aud 1143b1k3 hut ml to the ilmnmbyetmltotake You ultravde lntywormwlli lilonVliehdIidlt Lrtsupperthvnlxl 35 33 Eta tired mama Lml while lhl nul Inactirsmauly ut tend in Ilarm do not law this mm the horiy lixbormnn Peter hnd insletnd on hm rozailnlt the night More hunting trio mutt atr 1an dcnlnln tu otelah who ruxorctol iumrt intdreamt Now as Jesus hung on the nose bloodedHem Ind smuggling bmth whiti rpednbm good no lured all but one at lll mule nortere had dmvpeared ducked Ind med OMEN KEMMNED But the women than lol inwl considered at tho 1m weaker ml at par um nighty Int unnuhl nature remained with Him The gospel borqtnu IIy cnnnnts STORY 33 It the nunsine Juan sum May III iuweuuduwime was SPAS NPPZD EDDY Bebold your mother iii til upward ttI nIiied laet in use the mltocutlnl rt lure on HII rib up Em will not God In ied out why but tgmhn Mu it was In at WW Palm uitnd in momate ot deep ML Furthewomen ltwuu it they thamitu lett tint IIrne Ital ot dunk tum or them Iud been wlltllmmtbelbltlnru Trade Unions Legdl In 1872 ily nun IloltliItN Althoule lhcye was local trIdes unlon to Quebec at will uIitIl ll wnnt until 171 that unions were utebiished texIIIy ill Canidl The neceer left lat on tlua tuned In the on Putnnerrthot opened on And It ot that you Sr John ltncdonatd wIt largely rt Ipomtbie More the leyllltlon rm Trades Antennalot ornnfn an or Ihamer workln mufn demanded nlnthour dIy uni went on Ilrike or 11 weeh number oi them um muted Ind put in tall until we at nle opinion or their re All sErVJoluI then Introduced In Id repealing Iuoh harih meal W31 CanIdlIn LIbor Union wu tanned rwruenlnx It un ionI tn llnorlo Ind live in both Huntlton Ind Ottlwa lIurnbcrI user We on every Montiu INVITE lETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Enmlner invite cun trtbutlulll to tIIJLetteII to no Editor column Lettm would be nthMed to loll to too words Ind they tntlet In eined or lite wttl not be publllhd Writer Ilmtll tn dudetbelr Iddrenu Ind tell4 elm nrunbm on unm nw be and it cuetoo the Trade Ind Labor 0on ltreu oI Clldx wu iormod 1n mu but it took long time or the unlonl to mm men tn mt there were only new union mornian in lIbor tom at 310000 It wu labor men in BntIin who really mm It lm for uni lbelebliodl onto om unu 1m unloru were Mt bI In mtnlnt at trade However in I1il PIrilenvent in Britain Adopted aim Carte of Turin UntoniIrn Ihlch tenured thn position at trad unionl 1m led to IlmliIr mummy in CanodI Ind the in um when atr Jolut Mu dpnzld was leader the own IItJon the marking men at To ronto held lesttmonlll dinner In hu honor Ind presented llim with gold watch MIedoneld then went on to yrltt xeneral eludion interliolhtrtu Ind became rrlme minister Inln until hit death in tort TIER APBll ll EVEN littermphln made ellltth were to Clmdl brtnzlnx mu Hm to entice IntoTether Hemeoln Iul Wad by Sou Irkthlu 11mm mm um my NewtumdlandJnd Nova Booth Bret Wwnty tn HIS11mm pIrtltionlm Quint IlAmltblh lith Union at OInIdI was turned mum at prod Crucied minlstenrlzto MWSI mm that minim to Villa Ind atom Wm Melina and walked buldo Iter It the humour clamorvuI that lIlJted thmittll the dty Ind ledto the hill at me tloll WIugtIMd Jennim HI told than Ht body but bulls Mntlltrteidonu weep tar Me but ween It yanotyul and it you ori thlh bmth tho shadow cllhe trot on admin the piece otthl Iloulis win IllIn Im cured Ind mocked the Mangin Editor loan tn an elite Iupp oi serviced IMF ronrovsmrss main no if cumh not to 55 55 ti ti Eta Et til in ns the Spoiql Cost HE 332 gt ts mo 362 Bougnxggurnent us or E35 We begin withwlloro you clnlm doproeiotion on your Vito THE WORLD TODitlf Once Invlnc By mm nnnnnoN lordn MtIlll Autle Tbmm Ne lent The lime barre tut W1 Van Kim Wu viewed mom It Ibove crttldam lubedoily tb mlhtlry Tho Inuit tnermlve ooldtn undated Ind Jqu baniHt vain torptve thu for know not may they do enzrmxmnzmatgwu mmmW minim butll ovmmubylhotnv vinedbl ty ol tlwlmett mod low In three vlttutms won more wwertut itnb neighboro 1111 tnvtnctblltty Io ipIrentty laud in the tank mound at tho armed tuna resulting in tho lured Ih duh Ind um loose to men 06 and roadt In citleial tn rlzl IeleiLieI ovenmu ma vauctiumumumn 96m Budd Elllur eblet ot Vita MILGen Etluhl kln two other Iutior inlet ImGodrtey n5 wu in corporated II dty tmltutIurnnLt in Sudbury on lncromd prluol meals lrvm to mu mnimtiummn ll Elyeid btreet Elmo OntIrIa Telephone 7266531 Second OiIII bletl limitation tu Iber um Mum out zumnteed Dltly aurnlayI Ind Statutory IIoiidm unrated Subletlotion rates daily by curler 19o weekly unto you ly single conic By null IIIrrlI No40 yeIrIy slmeee County 1100 yelrly Blllncl Inny chlet oi intention and ltgenco ot tire of the nettueiu lat fall In the shut and Along the lolIn Heights Prim Minute Golda Meir Sid Detm tout Mosh aym wrmtly new round with blrnsetii were not involved in bland lather Mn lldr we pulled in the brie report round by In limit hldzo tor eatllru out the rum or her own In IttIUve GENERAL UNDER PM it wu clad proposed thet Gm Slum Cam moo com murder1m mememl hvuu be mum hour Wald Slutty Illa In your one wrun nttloerq now mmlher at lbs with our tn Ill KIM bitterly mt cited the mention at tho nor int m1 at Cam moo yoiriy All stna in to or the eu nihcy counlrte RM yearly Motor throw oil 03000 yurly Netlcnlt Advertlnnx Olllcelx dl mm St West Toronto mo on CItbcIlt EL Hontlut ember oi the CInItliIn Pm and Audit Buruu ot Ctrculr Dul Tbe Cenldlm Preu II excluI iyet entitled In tho uu tor rel pub Ition ot new dleItcb ulntbll Iwmdltedtoltor 1h Au Itod Preu or Renter Ind me the tout newl publish ed thereto annoy out If or ulll and It hutch erv ml who unttad tlla rst Wm Amy Suez ht mattm we ob vloluly both outrun with the mtlltlry balm well bi letlhad Not an nua led bdlmod to utet MN MW DIyen Ind mmo at tho Icedot and tumor ntiim marten Beyond thinnail coterte DayIn Ind truer lIlntIta Abba Ebnn not ex ecthv close usuclltu either with Men motion or tlut In uniIll tine oration yon lt ha been Nlteged In tho KneIeet ml by enemies rl it you lint military Ithebes IP Itad by tu mblmu no to Mad end in thin MW comm ReliIhIlion Nunv ber with mute Gt Fortheverys $1299 can mm lulsuryng tver Ohnrmand designer bracelet with an casylok saietylatch tothatvetyspoctaleomoonewhodoes to much lot you throushwt theyoat This untque Mothers Dnydit oomestoyou carefultywra and boxed And ready to ivo talso comes will money kxuanntoo To gotyourveryspoelaimthm om txmmander Ilth illunilme Gm Elia ro mttm Iined hwnliljl wbl mine hlxhiyomtsnt and met victories in theileidxbm army Dayubofoniym vagigggf 3795 53 55 gig on gig ta cg it agttggsgtgggg lotus1mm ble Militaryfj ow Starts To Come Under Fire Dayprmntettho and mallourooupon Please dont send cash $6 Albunttelwoektordeliveyy But remember you Only hm until May 11th sohuny And say HappyMotherI Day with little chem it will mean something spocial to both oi yw CHARMS NTlliNqs Anyme canumlittlechann lemummnmemnlum mum1d labor mlnktor monLI min the llbruttm tilthuh WI the particulate MIII mi nmldhfht mean the modern lerntl chequeMomy0rdercrchIrgen Etc lbw Down ga onebuetlu motto AtavelyspeciallytolcirsDayPtices betwun ma mu wtlh lMollletb ll PM 0nth SllnTuHohl rm mourn mu Nunm WNW Gut Ptvwrn Pool1M on moldy EEEIIDIUID wry mxg Sllmlurlm 55 um