or ni El an meted be Md Ior uttlni the me It Ibo out meeting on Monday Aorll 15 II pnllmlnIry revlow Indlnolen the In um Tho nntldpaled 0m Int Inf musty pupae wIll run Ibout nille 111111715 all um um seemed In be larder blt llmn some of lhe others tournde III Noulela Ileere WIllm Kw molded the meetln Ind also yreml Inm me lloern npbnl Ind hunde mar lex 5mm Blll midi Ind JoInna Wen nIr Mleld rend the mlnuloe Ind mew den PIT PM 66011qu or Jlm Mllllnson at El IBra mkeernln ooln ol user would Llnn to luqu Lleenen to ck Inblbh navel pll on Don at ToInslIly The magma ILM by York Sud and Gruel Urnlled Ind wu lent to Wot Oro Residenlllsln Support Ono Flos Seeks Compensation DISTRICT NEWS he Damin Iner olrulur II resources lntcd nut vile ls word or mm rowan nu operated nearhy ma lur yunrn Um Medal to In rmel In trudlnz In on planned In IIIllln Embed UH lbool LIL dre uIdI buses In me area on road our the Iolunu ol truck 315 llon Ion Ind that the opernllon with put Ibl plant Innllallun NM mm It Ibo Nun ln OpposingGravel Licence MID STATION Stall Jim Illnlllmon at on Slnllon III drculnted Inlet II IreI mldenu lo wrllnlho Io ter ot nItIIrIl mum WIN York Sud Ind cruel IMJI I9 nIIoItlon tor llunce to open Invel olt our the com erorrmonnurtomnm the 7th conceulon ol Oro room all mum nota In lIll In ter than the How requeeted would Allow mom Ill crIroIm By ms mum Illre Ind Itn Glrven Sawy er mended the coon banquet II Ibo ConllnenlII Inn on Itmlt 20 IlrI Grenvllle Hums was husk In lbe rum Ixullluln Inth when Ilrl Br DInnon was 1qu We on old Inn new glue no Glltord Communlty cm Ddzble Guthrle rnluellme shower or March at In Gll ord all She tlunkcd Ill and vlted everwoe lo Illend her trouseeru In on llureh 81 Illnr mnn Ilurtct Carr llIrold mono INWM wcknmn Gllloni Suud Sdnonl Im GrurclIllI eundny ronool held thelr mung party on lunch 11 ll Stroud ak on much Ictvala mllllon ton ot Illiel udr year In In non $7le mm per on lnaeue our the wt tew Yum Ito MII numbor at Ieuoon Ior ownelnx tn um Indul hon the Imminent the Monwlletmrelwuolllh heme tlon newton dllt md hm lhll will llhlnn destrwlon at thorn tree In the vlolntnd pnlr mud towuhlp road Hut named tor ouch hurry Mr Mulllnnon In his lot ler that at our very concerned nel urge you to protest mlajInollnIuon by man petlllcn lhnl wlllbe elb eulnl but above Ill VRllo letterlo the mlolster dlr than dlrect uteri will hm the most ellod Oro tomb clerk Hum Neu Ield hm sold lbnl lbs 115th at IlIIlIIIIIl resources could llrrlt be amount oI navel excavated Ionually It ll docldo to Issue the Ileeme Ilo Ilao nltl that Oro XIInt mourned nbou the oneslble eltods ol llw weds lln In oomcll has wriLen to rnnloteonnce ot the male are vlllrblo Ind II lndlvlnunl non tmterI could be 0le townrns nnllclwled extrn road Imlntenr 1m costs he proposed grach pll we In the was all In dame lo m1 chlldren lommxl tuer lo re DIILrlte ll workshop on zoned Ior rudI oErullam plan unlch d1 Ibulcd lo rIte IIIIo byln adornment otIle lion Club Aids Elmvnle Projecls yen LI tmuedl eomnwzdnd ll utenslvoJodIl krvln manually pronms One ot It latent prom we rntlcn quln room in Irena whld nu oclnted In row on out at coverlnx IlIe with Me Minx landscaping Topic Inr Oro Gathering OIIOFIATION Still Ar EE Ei II Pm AMI I1 11in mom om he POI Lost Tax Assessment Rmrwfotnldmlhn WA JAE my mumuwrmmnm HP 511 SW06 til mhhmawnm hmm nounInn lh pmn Inlnml lb mm as In added Ind Inn my hoe maul mum In rem lor the dlllsun mum IN mun mad lulxldy from In nmme had been at by moo lab It nerve Ellltn Asked Anhur mm mm wrllm on whisker Joln Mlle In new mun mm FIJBSIDY CIT Ilr Mm mxmu mat nos runes llwrtmlnlllxwatli md In the subsidy had been cu hy IL we at Item El liott dot1 mt ltd Ihk nth ounle mum hawntr us Plan um pmlxles mt ul Illa norm lor the mark ll kn Inl It eoulwm AM Mruxxwl ml Ire the me Hoe oumdllnrr um Lrlf Irre pmnlsed vubnlly Ilnt they ml be amperme Ior mo nor 11 at then losses me am your an per com Ihe mend and In with 1119mm Slm the lounshlp hat me 4m to EN wnm L1lll1ll1ln Burn annexation ptr eupiu ml born the 12mm Illl be deennsnl from 313000 lat you to $11000 thls xv prrln on ed llnlnmtnl ot nor on NJ The Onlulo IIoIlhIlluuLAn In oonventlon IIII be held Jun 12 Ind It Nlusln Nllr or to usher noer In cmed Irdxtnz come r1 Bu rtee Georrlln OolIeze LI planned tor MillBl cm Yon Booln Ire erpeeted to be Itnilnhle mAanI 20 members Itlendd Ibo sorln Home ohm 0de Centre In Toronto NEW PLUG INVENIED rel opernllon on the town mm 011 Bruno company bollove It has Howl WI Ior llIo tra the ymvlnclnl rovmmnnI to IM out extra lumldle toward ml the Mn energy plum ohlx lt an Immrnlber then BONNIE ooc mob IMDALE mm MI WEI INCHOUSE tknnnuwnlngzupcrmtper mttmuhl Iurispm CREAM our 25 rener Slayner lluction Sels New Record SlAINm tart 11 1mm DillLoon Holstein Iuctlnn It Shyan act now are records no muted by Amber Colwlll and ml Severn ludluntl The rhinmen madam Lhe Prmllun and type ot the Dirt mm hard on hate all known nwnlI Ior grade HelmIn ms Iald Ilr Noll The to rank war sold or 360 and another brought SL310 Some Io grade m1 Iere Iold 3100 or am Illh the Irer Ize yrlce iLImr The tap regislmd cow Ioll tor new In In mislead mus brmani In INHIQ ol The BS hm which Incluled am calm brouglt In Ivor use at mo The Indian began 10 mm Ind Wu wnplllcd by pm MIIEII DISIIIIUI NS APPIAILS 0N PAGE ATLUVTIM Gt AP hr mIr bunny Increlnry John II morally an Amulcuu law lived Ilnwzuclly or the past run and are rotor to llw tromrnwonlnmmotmro my Ind Infra 0mm Iago GeorxlII annual 1km NndnLdn dinner We not win to be bad en In In Inn to lure mm In I31 ternInk Iree enletvtise Is Im on DROPPING mullWWI DAM 17 mncdlnn Terr Sail recently had to rene from the OF THE 15 oim Enron arrowsarmor AIIENS 5151 PEA or vacuum sour W100 Ill supnnm HABITANT 33c I28 FL 01 5h liquid Bleach 65 SmIrI Shopper 132 mm mlk WY Duelop County Industrial Plan sum 51 MI Proms LI mu nth ll lhn dealt mmt at Indulrinl policy by In mut Int Inrlrnuul corn Inltlee Sam County pnlla mm mm ulnnl mun ll tenure lad mm denim ot IN area mm be beneclll In In whom milk at nru Ind Ivuld he bend rial lo the noun uni than dam Izlx tho laxinulunl Ind Ilur onlI tum mum uld mod Rom lb mnmiCee Ihlcll LI Lurk ho My we Mu Ionn4 VIn mom bra lncinI there Theo Hen un at VIdnru um my Real Hourd Well nl meow Manon Dye of Women and Retro mgr Iwbt Man ani In I1 dul RM Elrl lial Eu mung haw um pl lcll mm hrIrl IIlh nIlIdnlA cl Barrie Ollllll Col Wood Ind Illdlnnd l3 nenlv owner at In poLq further prone report SHOWTIME Sinbad battles the creatures of legend In the miracle of Worm MM Munro Loun lllDDlNGS for 69 Bollm PitM Burned snout VIIBBYS BEANS 59c DulBulInndnnlnun We no KRAFI SINGLES 99c Ieumlallllehtlle nu AI ll Th APPLE JUICE 65c FeIturel OiIll PREM luncheon Meal BETTY CROW Pk Vlll IM36min ChatChm ml cnrrtr MIXES 49 But lluyl Flncy Quill llEINZ TIM Gum bu Ml Md our for thelr wmmcnts prlnr dance ln cl ord Hall The we conducted mm Wklmlzg fffmmm New You rm Bol Ienloes In mmtu an on nun commodle ll pollu or 995 told on March mu mm CIIUornII box mm mm by oounell Ilsa allowe no unto the who mm overMINI In that mm ll ounces TEA BAGS 59c IuIIIIel Budd Phi Inow timer lrres Ire Lrytnl to evelop MWMW mm MM tree Ibnl mm In dirty my El H01lltlr mm em NEW VAIIIEIM prefer our FRESH PRODUCE NH Grow WSW Wm la runwaan In mlMorll TN LErWIIILLL lImlllEnFULL cur cm heal No lelllnz III Southern Dill wlll ulkwr reslrlenlI Iootber on lb CELERY 33c ullh her duufhler try for portunlty Ia protest the pwpol mm Lb invrmsnmr roux WAXED TURNIPS III BTAIITND MINT unload Tangent Dd navel plt ll they wbhr Imlnr We Mom Aurel Inner wmorx In 89 Singllllnk SAUSAGE 69c lb $134 lb STEWlNG BEEF manor In 29 $138 lb BRANDEDDONE gt Issrnrmmx 1ch LUNCH no or MEATS 0mm nonu RUMP ROASTS Pkg 98c rum Slylel Ily III Ilcce Inrk BATTERED COD We Bologna lb 513 Hooks lb 59 1mm uu An mm madman mum rm BOILJNBAQ 53 SOFT and BM Bacon lb $109 Irvnr lb 59 Nor1 renown EXTRA LEMAIM Lurrnrpnnmnmnn COFFEE RIC 17 0n Tln Buck Bacon 2mm 233 Poll lrstv $ll9 FLEEIHAMS RED WHITE Thm on rhumu ESSA ROAD Ihese Prices AI FleeIIIums Only AIIANDAIE In II sr l10 Clll odAll1 P37 sunrxwT prIIllIWhrca nApllIn Open ThursdaytrFrlday nghmlll9pm Inurmulllarxcmmrurf7 AN Hm THE WHULE FAMILY W5 KIIHARLTON HESTON STORY JACK LONDONS gt cmssrc ADVENIURE HEM TH 8r ES UN FEHTURES IIuorhlor lmh burr so III IIthe MACIEANS Toothpaste 59c 5mm Shop In wlll enloyt FROZEN FOODS WeldIl I1 01 In GRAPE JUICE am SI mm CAAN MARSHA MASON rm WALLACE rmunu DAYS ONLY 101 013 nu rr Mr blllii4llI