mom snnvrr What Could Be Done About Burid undergo de mod res idential rector uly Ihlerrnen were polled meant the mother on what the city Mild seek trout the pro vineIeI oovvmment and out steps they ieit the uly could to help keep the costs ed It hlslimitedorcon tro whet help would the city need Irons the province Aid Alex Arthur We need Ila Issitltnceusdreneo Aid leek Morrison dont think we need that help Were North Bar with unlim led IndorBurlgionIiew yeIn Igo Wilh control we mid do It our many lmy veiepments Butit should be up to us to set the centre Aid Robert Bent II the province wants Barr to boI growth ccoire it must belie lin IndIliy Tito province could help with the scnieing and de benture debt damning We need to work together with the sun roundlng townships as plan niag teem no to It it to grow mantis it does ntvd assistance to me construction projects salvage plant or the lentlilli site more should be more provincial subsidies lor police and lint services the provinco must be more Intolv cd lllLe yoai Iiroliy It hasnt done anything positlw since the introduction or in Monaco Ire region to Aid Ed mpson The city will necd some help irom the province The growth thats hap pening would not have happen ed ll Barrio had not been day Ignated as growth area The protinoe has to come to our rescue and be liberal with its grants Regarding the recon tiruction oi Dunlo Sireci West and ms llood re is pcssl mism that provincial grunts woutl no he made during the construction your Aid Jsrvc baking II we are to be growth conlrc Iilcn Increased Incentives must be ollcrtd by the retina to bread on our lndust base immedi Ilelr There musl be liNtiItlll Izuton cl tovvrnmcnl services to that some oi the government oilires could to breed here filters should uncondilionul ltwnrclel sssmce lor capital outlays lor Pu Utilities Com mission recreation and the Iowa plant Al Val limiter ii Barrie has been declared growth area then we shoqu have In ancIeI assistance item the prov IIIW We must receive ccrttio erneuut oi money Ior every area oi the social lramewurkl to maintain this growth rccre atioa lihrarics andsven educelt tion The province must shoul tier more or Its share or rrs WMIhtlliios because we have to build additional schools and we couldnt manage it ourselv It has done nothing about to province must also provide expecle In all insets oi re gional planning But the decision Gas Station Owner in Hospital Jetit Dosehamps an In renor ttdin sItisIactory condition In St Andreas Ilospllai today Il uv being beaten about the bead drain W17 that took place My evening It the Discount Gas centre at Ilighuoy 21 and Vinch street in Midland Air amps oi Cedar Point INFstd Incentives making Ihouidbe Iell with the municipalities Aid noes St Barrie his burn designated growth centre but were not having Iny Increase In unionet pro vincial grants ior capitol expen dilurcs Aid David iicllyrnontz Tho prosloco could give us lump turn oI money and let us Il ocate it to areas oi oocd LAND 0813 In what way could the city keep land costs Mn Barrie cant land own in Isolation Brucker him had answer In exitIlIst llamatic oodety how Museum Advisor land costs at he Iowe one IotI In last what the mar ktt brings and bent Its too late Ihere Is no more land avail able Four years ago meet ed this Inn won on planning board Nothing was done Now its too late Aid swhens It weve the hustle to proltds additional sore vlccd had that would hm Ind prices down The crunch mymainconcernislhat Minot has to elmm how quickly It Is going to IIIow res Identlal expansion without Indus trial expansion Aid hicCtvmnt dont think think Its mm to keep aad costs down It tux is placed on tho ind it will ho MM to the homeowner At theme rnt moment It Le Impossible lor ma earning $000 to own hotu Aid Arthur Its impossible Ior the city to keep land mt down Only the provincial gov ernrmnt through still capital gains taxation could do that That upotaglng 01 land cry is sheer nonsense As Ior land bank we dont have the rnoncyt Ant hIorrLron lA land bankt Theres no land within tho cliy Restrictions Thats alien to tho centth or democratic socie ty Aid Strlug Ltnd priceI are gain up Ill over the prov ince uni believe in the cue ting hock oi ecrrlws Land banking would be Willie low years ago when land was role lively chcan Its too late now Id like In suggest we dont allow more high density devel opments Ibe domino oi IOIIA or the townhouses have been too high But believe in strong downtown core and the redevelopment oI rundown si Aid Bentley The cily could rely on maximum lot or floor areas or land hank Perhaps little research on how resl dcntial area could look alter Ill own needs Tin city should talk realistically with email ard big ucvoopers Aid Penr dont believe theres way to keep costs down Dcmand exceeds supply Iiome ownership attitudes have changed Nowadays young couples demand hon right alter marrlngu The city In really trying Its level be or Ontarians It Is doing it in planned lashion Were it going to lower our standards Aid Thompson Im not sure the city has mutt portunlty to do this Im pcssim tic Aid inking Lend banking or eilecltve lenduse policy in provent land speculation it In Lt iMWMI oi the gas station which lost turns in the robbery llis ton Paul Victor Drochnmce 25 he been charged with rob bery with violence by Ontario mrinclal Police at Midland lie was to appear In Midland prov InoIaI court this morning ATIAIIIVD Islntktdtubriditdce oration arrow Meets Ke as David prrlornxd ooh II PM 111 Fllorill Valen tine Photon 15 Guest An Interesting evening Is in store tor membe ol the Sim coemunty ulstorlcul Assoclh titn in April Dorothy Dunc In sport on end metamm ziayes1lllmbftr Inn on Iieuitice ol Reviving our Post the will deal with the problem oncomtoed In working out In thcatio rural ior historic bunting using do at some oI lter past achievements to Illus trillion the meeting will be held Nessay April It pm in the miners Brutdlng It Georgian Olliego Dorothy is muscer advisor in the suit Iiisirs dli on 500 Colorful Skate Depict The Calender Appro 500 shim peril In the Norrie Him kiln Gales mini revue emoon Incl evening It the Barrie arena was Installed to seats slum woorirte tor mu torsion Ibe Karlin rain an avid In the Fohrluryurr Nitrite Vulca tino limb JIM Vlnllln Ilsa gave solo pom as the Queen of hearts Iiohhie inated PI ru and Join humans was Speaker at the Ontario unis or col legoe Ind niversltlel recent years he has worked at Block to hnecr VIIIsgoI 1axiom31 Toronto ls Bosni on the restoration or the ROI lid omcen Quarters It Calhorne mum WWW lodge the lllmlgomcr 1m and li in 00 my Di Wm aim we Roman Catlch couch Brent Although wellImus ior Itcr ml by rm William Scrum work at marry other Ontario aIt Rev Item Item limes es Donutnyr connection to 51m endllcv 0nd IorIloy cos County Pnnotnngttlshmq hicitinnon of Sunnldaln Town mo restoration Ily curried out on the iunrivhings oi the Mr licltlnnnn was In his nth militrr and naval cstabllsh I001 Ind died at Lb mcnl there is largely her Ic Royal Vidorln ilmtal co usinocnt slides or this lie vrnl born in Wisconsin purl uzlnr proicct will be used USA in iwrangl come to oo illustrate hcr talk Ida as boy with his parents WPMNO Colleen Burns Imorrrpanled by Joyce Lang tent on the piano in plane and vocal redial at the Georgian Coilsgo Theatre Sin wore Inurni not day nlicrnoao lho pianists tsmcron Mariner Piano Three Area Music Studente Provide Recital Of Interest Merit Sunday ANGUS R058 nsuic rceitai or local inter est and real merit was present ed In the Goondan Ihcttre Ind IIorIum on Sunday allcrnoon oeroro largo and onlhusiusllc ltttiitilCC Ihe perlonnere uoro thine young women Laura niighion and Anne Cameron pupils at Illuriel beeper Ins hIlss kitten Bums soprano pll 01 Joyce Lengtonl Each the three in tum presented plcaotng and iwollvtisiuncctl group or relect MIA Miss liler ploycd Bach Beethoven Debussy and Bartok her most rllectlvti piece being perhaps the Burtok sonstlna with its three moirmc Iip ers lietr Dance and FIDJIE the beginning at Bachs iourilr mun Suite the tailored one oi thtoo totally unexpected i1 cs oi memory which may unfit all kinds vi nubile pcrlornr as at any moment even citer yearn oI expeltwee But the iIrndied the situation pcrlcctly continuing and nishing the suite to prolonged etholrlng up platter MISS Burns vocal program included group at Scolilsh rungs mostly trudlinrn II two Br licdcr two picc es by Put the and Duputc ro avwwoiy mil llnolLv number oi evenpopular Broadway raise tlonr rush ns surrencrtime look For The ltnlnbow and oil crs Miss Bums displayed good control oi her material her enr resolution and cluty ol lone be ing also good interment ills Cameron played Betthov tn Chopin sy and concluding Icicrtiou fiery Brazilian dance by Champagne all very competently presented and troll received All moon IrtLxe gave very perlorrnnaees and they continue their mus Ical wotk proiceslouaily oth erwise IIIsbouidnawetL the ogre in St Patrltis Bey Itd titted the math oi lent mind Puffinglen Incl Dur ron lorrle were uttering Bots In the April Elsi Mine Ibo rill blanks ditch and April AMY mm mm Vale were Miss Aha Done in the April sneer Bring hLIy m1 retain Lets Pb BAR was Ibo Mm by intermis Vacationmensthetbm 10 July Nch Included told Kerrterm retitled Bot Nix byQndee GuthIin Sandra Well was de Beer and Anne Porringteo us Boo Boo Blur in tin Aw curving llolhhy armouran Till DAME mm MONDAY APB IMI OBTTFARY marl anti June mental Tboysmlcdmaiann in Vesper To Air hiinKinnon hurled in the umber ounce in Northern 0n lIrin bolero MilliHg in Sunni ane winship where he torsncd until rotismr its married Annio Stat or in not and they celebrated their Mil nodding Innlwrsuy in ion lie wss active in the church and community affairs and was mine oi the IIon Nome Sociotv Ito era also Mimi NW ilo Is survived by his son loscph Ilstcr diary in Po or Toronto broth or Thomas or Texas and live groatlchtidnn lie was pmkccsscxl by three brothers and three riolcrs Burial was at Bmotwootl Ocm clcry Palibcerm were Joseph mammary Berton Summits sy liLiidul Desktrdcm Jack roam Inrnnco mncdy and Jude McCalliv NAMED llLlALMM The St Elias mountain range In lire Yukon are often icrmcd hnadus Himalayas October was cd Im Ich Ind lmnw Pigutili 7me piratin In the Moreen umber Is Board Topic no Slmtw County am or ovum more cuss the tort capital allowtiml end the boards lice In rt curl lo the mansion and renovations oi mots coder bonnie hnisdlciiolt Iho minty board asked Inn 37 mllkon to Mon we at and rccolvcrl little lcsihanhailoitlutJhehoarrl was tuned down on reopphmt ioo Ior Ilnrcntion earlier this City Committees Meeting Tonight Phage public northward vc cemmt hold their mech with the any urn Ii mndl too will out sills Eli Joining at tho Emergency archer corn mlth Public works mndltee will midcr amiriotion rocomrrmlntions regarding parking tocldllce sxxi road relt Nmtnlcliou City dovel vmmlilcu will disuse the takeshororoatl TAXRETURNS memo BYCO This year have your tax returns prepared better way by computer with the Bone llclal Income Tax SorvIoei Computerized lor accuracy and to calculate your lowest tax For as IIItIo as $5 and up Sol up especially lor the typical inmily omens everywhere Open all your Phone Benecial for an ointment Act nowI Avoid the mshlpp way BENEFICIAL gt mcomnnx smvrcn Aservlcnoiaomliolninmcololm BARRIE DRILUAHM dam 18382 St WM