ration bu donnin pmmm ro inn 3th re put unlvmib menu not up WM and 01le Wald mammal ll or III onlymid Id tho 1m no urn mm doing Ind runninl on WWI or exhi ram cause or lost or thrill lidI Id ol lMlli ht but think lhll wI numb ion nllwr Ill mm rm Mm ad thI Itmkar Now llllii their 131 writer to UN Imam liria wiim in nyl oil numbing that or hold ua ka iIIIII Ilaa llul lmmlvul nally on feet and Inn In no 111 lelnl TIMO Imalomuihnllhom nyinu mum one In anmanirlhIlJquIoolm This Ilalool mind la the It SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Whrvistiaitversion or Fad tripping Oil Ones Sins and ml and Inyona or Hum ollo WI nut to be an Iwrllod will urns of our on and think no em dlovuiso with God Ind Iivn nthu any Rimes to To goal delusion mod lou moo chart Id ill by Email Inlri God my mild echo in port Sniaburnu Nil Glory lo man in tho lor roan la the manor in Ulla altitude man beam on miliy nl tho dradIlosl oi sin prido Mom have run aI In from other III at In II the outtome Iall Godxunlo oi mind Illilio width bcsi dumb mo film mIn II no IiII 93W in his own nonhuman umlnx bin handmothl wlli Ind nun lmnda Di nouns no only have to loiuunduridmlhlother old of lhocoln that on Ind other rldo ol mann lromrodun Movement In lull tmnemn ions mum in Militia nurid oo nnri mahllshlnz lobui eta Li rnInI lrellun or roli nliidmy the non um in nu Idaiovod worylhln on hi own Scripture Union Director IsjAt Emmanuel Baptist lluv Eastwlckl villi to Bar rlo will no Iimlnr ol on Ilevultnrrrim Elstwlcit eoeral dim oi inc Scrip turo Union will rpoIk Ii Em manurl Baptist com Slaxlay illuvil II ul lilo llW Mn Ind 100 nm rcrvicol llev mtwlck bu hId expo rimco paalnrlnl inr aorno time has Wild U10 Sairuro Unlotl in Cum Scilotion Union is In Inter naliooai and iMmominItIon Ii maturation diluted to wo plrlnx lilbia duly halos tor Ill nnrrn Mitts Ry nma acurr Gonzalulnlioru lo lit Ind llrl Wm Park on tho IrrIVIl Elf hairy rlrl Deirdre Marin The UCW met Wodmdu Il lilo home at Bin Gilbert llalrlrl with 15 woleol DIVolIonIl wII noll present ed by Joan Carton Ind tho program wu In cnIru ol IIII you who woke on the writ ol Dr Modura In Bur neo RIM lrerta shinsiono delIileti town tum ii zrouu Ibo attended Ii Simeon Pm oeiorlIl on Handicapped Port Iona dellolnua lunch no Iervrd ht IlitI PIilInon and mu Thighi fonununity Hall was nicer mm ink on ml trip at our also pm It uilqdllcimq Inl Im much In need God our iiru it wa lfOl will the cranes oI HI tho lruo ilimerl llo walla lo In us use mallow nun Ito llrna he can go through lilo unlr on own man duh hhwntlouzmlbormn sln admit his wmi ol God ll mud on lmlkr ill at cluclemml and is Ibo in rnoot Lin tlullongm God pllm ho iouo him Till nlmljon at tum old as man hirnooli Mono ind to link that am Ilia be hmichl larval la the load land They had welt I0 can in in dlloult rimm rlanou oi Ibo inert and man ozone lma the Wind lorlliI nu cormny Canaan tin IIM cl milk uni honey AI lint limo Noun IM than that II the vrry moment when my Him llu hd ll rmdo they mm In our ol loridlim lion xihvneaf OI lite and um liable In all in In loo error ol ltdnklal lhoy were rollerde people So ho laid to thorn Indood In mil om lilo MW radon in us Winn you have out uond Ira lull and have built mu nvmn Clorislulla Him and wanton to treat lo Into The aim oi this undod daily Bible wading malarial la la loath iridlvldllala how to gel nmilul Ml 1mm innword oi God Ior hmolm mel lcnt material amiable In pawns use when mailing tho and Bibio gradual ohildrcn plura Union has rnrcodI Aerie at or chlldrul utilrh have been Ild on large tolcvlslon Ration in Canada Ioccial italtuo oi PIiriritI dance Sllllrday night wllun crowd allerrdod in Ipila oi the poor WMIMI Door prim was man by none Wmer IN the mo draw bu iiiuiom Gittor oi BIrrio It was I65 lira Arrold Boer um chil dren Iro unending th holldly mock nilh ign pmnla in Or ConfrIiuiallonI IoBIrry WI no who aduIlea from Wilirid hour or Unlvonlty III Vnirrioo In May and has no lrriorr iianlt head oil Mr and Mn limo millinrn illn Karl Phillipe The Dolled Church Women con duclcd the church Iervloo noun ly dmrIled lor the aria El ll routed volition inalom administrator in To onto Donr pl OIIIWI merit tho wetland Mr mum unm murmurJim We We dIy night In the ammo oI homo Ind llw than Eln multiply and ylaur Ili Ihcw him In iiiI lulu cdllt od Him In llolln Margo TNI childrenI hm will no woo nm In Sign limit ll Tho dutch in II in Vincent The labile is invited or II end time medal mutiny Dirnlay nl WWI Unlco Imnioriala nlli TI on dlopi ov mun who with mile in holidaylnl la lIrnIch Mrs MurrIy Canon In onceliont lot ol condor in would mmniihi oll in Park moored no audio ro loo Period Prom Ian How Gteni mnu Art lm oIllod lnupiraiinn wu Ilmln ll dealt with the IWR ol the doom In Conadl Air Ind Mn Kul million into yuai returned from two week vacation in Florida lretood visilon In iho Corn muniiy noro nun Glyn mailed oi Tomnlo with nor ML and ma loom Ind and Mn Barry ayno Colts Mutiny WililImson II Ionl in Royal Victorla Hos Ii yvvyiinvvvvvvvvv HIWAY CHURCH ANNE ST 400 HWY RIIImd Orun Fnior Ernlll Smylll Virilrilon THE iNTERNATIONALLY KNOWN SINGERS FROM HARRISBURG PA THE TORC HEAR THEM 5U HBEARERS NDAY MORNING 7PM FACBS ABOUT THECROSEK Pulormn smoking mum on IIED AM rum IING IN armon swoon noun limo AM music nu ma WROmEATlER YWA llI lAPl Duwiu 1mm on beat had In or mhm Iivr IIIman no road II on THE BAHAI FAITH Wally otilla May an mono Ionn Mayra harm um mama Maa loch It and by lbI minor 1h Goa IM lbI Wilma Tl Mr MuleI17 METHODIST CHURCH 200 Buiidd Il Dalian Ru Carl Bull DA ID Illln MARUT Ii Ml Ian WY WOOL nm In MORNING OilSHIP TM EVENING SERVICE or 33 Ill 1th on WED II no IMI 5016 and FdioIiilv iIIIO Irn sign out you NEE churns li you hungor lormlam Inqlnllio you do And church unalvoyouihla moanlnn whmiinlvoa you Inundmtlndlnq oiod Alour Ionicomoull hoara Eibio Lesson that glvoaynuncionmrosh IdoIoi God Ind nnw mutation that Iallsilos yourlonginn Why not come noxi CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Court at amt Ina iron IL BIrrlI Futon mam nodal mm ESSA ROAD leikriu lnl In no ll am Art Fill Ml Tobin IlrI II Mum 0mm la nixinformal magnum Gndn Ind NM rumm il Ian Curr Beau lvr III In ledarldu IM para 30 LE Moral Innhlu LEWIT mausAurr Nnmry lIriillirI AnIiIhII Ira SIIdIy Sonool lulu to Teen Em Im In Murdered ministry ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cm II OIrI Ind wonky Allaillrr IT Sluian Slrvlrl ILA ILDII ornnbi Cue VIII Urmm Marni Wannlp IT MARYS ammo Roman Catholic DUNDONALD AMELIA SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 109 MI Band Mn llT In run un 00 am WEDNESDAY EVENING rim memo by Park Devollm FLEET FRIDAY Mum 130 In mo pan 00 lIL HIDE ANIi SEEK no Senior Cnnrrn School moo llnlor Church seam All Vlailun ernm FIRST cnmsmnf mourn cnurcn mommmoua IIIMISrnlnIm humans UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH him HIM AI MIMI Ora Bank SundIyI II 1030 Ian no fun PREACIITNG LIVING mm TO DYING WORLD Palm lnmmbo GI MIN low Wilda CHRISTIAN WOMENS CLUB 0E BARRIE lnvlm you to ItIInd View in in MO InnMtan Sundayandaooli chufchlantluolwhal youvobaonnoodlngi CHRISTIANGCIENCE Clinton Btnlm Ind lundIy School moo In Collier Iuilnruny nlreiial dmnd Wrdaudly ol lich MonthII IW In Iludin Iloom Open men Wed ninn van Tum momo our Why noi loin In liill sundry II no Ivm Illru WI moi It ii In Ind p111 Boudny School II It um leia Study Wodnlldly II lllii pm In manila hr will Why MI itl Tllm RMIIII within you WI WIaI You To Cum CHRISTIAN BUSINESSMENS COMMITTEE OF BARRIE momma umcnmu Thundly April III 11M Noon urn alum nmeIlmlonlirlhurInLBInk llqu Burner in may to omen Pmldeoi an uncut romeo out mm 822 Ali Aim cordially invited ror Tlrhll Control Ircal maul IV Dread doc mam lUTHERAN CHURCH 220 Sioolo Sinai Barrio Roy John Kloln PIrtor wonsmr SERVICE 1100 mm sunonv SCHOOL 00 oul oi BIrlrwn rnI tnuun in cm with am INIIIII MimiA IL FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH I2 Crlwlurrl It IIInll MS mm EuadIy School or lilo IDil lImlly into In Marlin Wouhlp pan Eveninl 8min WodarIdIy It um ChrlsIlIII Growth llonr It Inc Donna TENN SetrelIry Homo Mn DonaI Ilnarberur Erlrndly ermmI Awnllr You Prinrlm lrom ll PopulIr TV Sui GUESTS NIGHT SIiurdIy April Dinnor pm ichurdolll Room Holiday Inn Spealicr Dr Dolmn Cam Pedialchn 1th challenging arsz Mr Neill Douglas Misslsmga Barlimo Special mmhmmi For Uckoi reservation phono 7285015 PASTOR FRANK WUEST AND PEOPLE OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 128 ARM Barrio Invilo you In In IhI REV MAURICE EAST WICK GInIrIl Dlromr of tin Scrlyiuro Unlom 312 It 00 lll Ind 7200 pun tomorrow NUTS BOLTS THINGS olil olwwn It 100 pan SImpIu oIhllplul Bibi reading mlilrlli ior Ill II will in on display Ruths murmur auraammo MMIDNARY amen THE ANGIICAN CHURCH ST Groneis llama Ind OrInvlllI ST GILES CHURCH cm 64ml rum 1th The nu Lorna Pirm I1 Irn Ilon Communion Ll Gll ml llallnu mrlal IrLlIlI mirth 5th Ind Nunrry IvuvonI in Wilton mody Srrricu Mann and nan Inn Holy Communion Iletiori he Ray KIyI ILA ElfIm CENTRAL unnro cnuncn lion and Toronto Smell mvmoa You lononauu You Iolerd in min with II III mun runr II in mid nutncrlo on mum ll oclock ll ll Irn II Meditation mint on nuts ow Nuuary FIcliilirI AnilIhlo Chum School motion mo Ian and ii oclock INTER WORSHIP UEIATIT T0 HERVE BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH lillnlIierl Plain orrralm Mr innnu BULLIEII 51 UNITED CHURCH in comm El NEAR CITY HALL PASTOR WM FRITZ 00 Mornan Worahlp MY SON MY SON TUESDAY LENTEN SERIES 1005 l20y Lunclmn 15o 1230 Wonhlp SIrvleI Ala ARE rumour TRINITY CHURCH coil or um more our nunor An muon WNDAV Im MILNI mutualI mo Inamm ammo um rum tlm ImpMalilll urna TIN Liblunauil Wilton Minn commonu You II mm in Irluv mun mm cum Illch 3m iron II III II Cool It IIIialakri Roy Arthur stony no In Paula mania tram St John lllw Ian Morning Womb Gum some lilr not umuhv Charon schooll llln not and 111W Inn Nutter FIcillllrr AVIllIlilI Bmym woloolno Your PInIImlIl Amnibllu oi Clnllla Conullim