lWarden Pleased County an ii at be rrcr rmrsrursslr rowrrsrrrr berpiti prominent iign lhe iiimar MW drnp wbldlataleemmnp is irrationalide This dosed allow Dec tors are residents are rtill piling up Mile It the mtranoe to In Representation in to eoniidcr luau the mm to our the adminlairition The present rul new ei also have been already aitl lng powers aim hii it tunist Club If VII ml arent rrpmmtatlod and vot which wllibive to be could vie rm um we tadhx alwgzdmgtlanlon tin or Marry prnpnroi Under the most recent Im merrlaruebi the planning at gm my mpg nnounces ans mini elcctora cannot be lteeve George Danton hull nuauo lstall lie bolt to describe police opera eblalned hear the assessment ill township item Nonirm wroruwhmk cksn Liens oilch until notabrr oi the year Lynn bi Midland Reeve Duane no and names cole in which in election in to ho Petite oi liqu Beach and bold raid the report lrom the the warden nova Earl Elliott numlty projects Wegmnlungmnrulluwuglcb ol Hos township MlerMlOllliMl but ear V9 one In rr planning committee in lap ol brill Wm anuirrmsr Slim omindallon that action to re duce mvnbcrabip and than 071m voting poweri oi slmcoe coide be taken in two year ior me was made in report presenled to slrncoe Oorml lira coundi by phoning cormit lee rules Need for iurther updating tb cae rules which her but Itrcii The report pointed out the pre sentmembership at it is three more than liri yeir and by next year It will inmate igala to at under present rcprctcbtatlon timing is but difcult lol the to MUM as theaalwite must be caught township spring report on restructuring Mmf YEA recommended rc rcptalloa by population term county uracil once had to members tinder private trill parsed by the Ontario lcg trlslure on April 25 ion dung antiquated rulrl were rev thornymbcrihip to idlaii year rnnerzrrrnuurs Under this bill which is still lea up to 1500 municipal elect ori are eutlllcd to one mcmlr rr with one vote Municipalities with area to ooo elcotorr are callth to two ban the We have been able to abide the countylibd division program auiilcierrt unolilolii lniormatlon at which Douglas Clute lormer Mr MI sin Third pnlecllls the topmlct that two rmrn deputy nl Foothill commenced his moves will molle lorirJ in up mm mil arr on oan Ch irril are oi to youread wit lsdbo owner or tenant at land lint oi the year Held Tax Increases mum sum Staneoe at by tho writes the we was diut by 115 D8 51 leaving act lnumse in levy to tan per rent We cut that is good Nc erd in these eat the wanton ring special merit to nance mm xviuelrugbea and his mum clerk Gee do Wain and treasuru ODonnell WAGE INCREASE mlamrmwd rcdhandcd and witnesses are ni nvirr end that they per we needed an resident ererelt are uantettor ilnrrli my ad and idea made it our mlndedlbntbrretram wrap bored Ex linddi launcrvlm ldpelmnwlnopeniion Ironicr oi Askedhovrtbenewlrvki lot Owe north would Iliad individual rc tr taxes NI raid it world amount to around two DISTRICT NEWS Till Milli EXAMINER FRIDAY Wu and change the rol oi Talcnbern vi WARDEN ELLIOTT perceptualmend bi etbcrmdpelilin no me in Mattrbuhdil iotingmoocylmirdunberpiul eunstruttiendecidcdonircen Iyicvyoiiorndcntlnuliml enrboeqrnlinai mm Daisies the chairman mem bers oi the nance eemnittce lndraie Reeve Lionel Dion Pencienruisbeoo lice Jame Wake oi Tonomntio lime 06an iii Slum item Dd lir Corrie oi Notth Reeve Norman at town and the verdrn martinis vrere made to re Quests ior land division Iyalem and in county beam Iiter dlv Ner in committee The lit trr asked ior more from 80MB In Mr VIM approved The latter provide ior per cent tam in salaries rather lliin the per cent requested lie ior irptlc tank lavacued was disumd to add to revenue ior this do partmcnt apoan tepid on load div ision bralgct appch iii mo ior operation and allowed Insert the win schodtllod ior late or car ed the lyMkyJlteomimlatGrbmem inniriil orchnist cub bcrskflan to Irraan pick Club President Ernie lascca oi car bodies afr In lined the plans to mu irnnltune and the normallth reviewed the Work and mm erorrri or ipal mu miner eamlr tier as mumWW riled in May to in auras tram the clcrtca elith dentin be dance hrmorlng th police mu iucb Is liim iboue to the eclr Mum Uilll ilr chute toot orcr all projects two wins Ind plus oi to stir mcmbcrr with one Wlo each mm munkipy or lb mu clog reported that ill icy Findlay skipped the wibocri CounY Plirce between 5000 and 1300 lo ol rucir in owur or tenant applications ior iovrrancra had or tip obohlown rut chum onlhurvum Ilunruenllilol ll lam lot In the date womens bonsplcl the but or to two members with the rcevo mum ed Co Oxdmat luring two volcr The maximum ior more lhirl 7500 municipal voters quollllci both the reevo and deputy roe ac to two voter each The rcillucturing report iii are mun go onto cnr made various sole ior Itudy sci mu one WAIT TILL ml wourl matethe qugllll Alterlisting the rcprcsrntilion mm were nwllcallons ilk mum cvmrrcoli1 pdnmwm rm ol the resent simembcr mun mm nilhoicoomi iclpnlllirrr the report nu Con mm com oi oi and Jun 0mm with mended lyy warden Lari ruuou Ildor this iniorrnetion we re hold gem comrhncnd lhel Itops be under and Wm oi Wilson trul missed out being whlc cntlon ior deputy rrcvo 6000 po rrlollon it was rrrggcrtcd it might encourage lerTer piece and 0r lllro the cities or lierr COUNTY NEW CONSTAIlHZ STROUD iSlalil inlllilll this Dalunlay townlrlp no crltlccl two coir eliblci to its police iorce brlnrr mg the total number to in not including Chlol Drown rnorrmr ANTED THORNTON Stain llrnro one at tho community centre mmmrm 55 project hrre is now underway iloxion Corrrtrrrztlun Company rm awarded the contract lor the lnilial photo oi construe lion MEDICAL CENHIE SlllUD iStolli ribbon cutlinc cercntouy lo oinciaily will be arrrvrrsrs mcrce cnarnr urarrnv rout snoerME on Slnbad battles the creatures oi legend tn the mire ii matinee til Kldr mm euiiomlird ru or Fantr Muir am Sal purchare oi oce Cole skill toiling question 515ml mo VA 75 ie have veto but in the cure it lilo piers here will be held and an assistant also ioughl April dlsple it the County Museum here will lciluro the work oi tho Simcee County Aria and Cruitn Arroclotlon and made quiltr hiatus hinglnga and crrsrrtclwaru will be iesttrn cd in oddlllon on Baturvlay April the lluruniri Sllunm riormnstrcllng their cleoi uliia lull ior nu Free the rcport was made Thu land curling ciiib it IWikW wins and pita oi so llyrlle mumpmumrvyurnv it amnion iirlppcd the Ice contribute to the service irrrcr lulllimo secretary parttime clerk have been hired Doris Campbell mm the land division commlllce ior wMMii Opening This Weekend With Senrillonil Triple our Friday Saturday and Sandi Box Oillca opens pm Show Item 1110 wurrrmo Ianmaqu rute huge an annual zrrrl mo and mi landy Only Md and Ira llux Oitlce Opens lrlil heroicrnwvlmlml emu at their regular mum void by Mutton the Sim rr marked to the parable uni ilt week will on Maggig week drnlnl wbleir there would Mm to somewhat which brouth down Continuinzi explained lie wilbthisoew dcportmcntJbud dcparimcnt unrl other nutme 3313 mg presentation It the count lcrcl and voting power ladecmlrb fmdulrtrlen eerie durlng ma willka INCH JOI lit 20 HOMO allocllrc member municipalil munlcl legag siielhtegmll ring Irauvhernrncutanaudit3 Findlay Curlers Ircreu Iln oilm crripcru Emmi Vim them cw thor an lion WIK clerk lrom the 000mm stall wub Corrncil med mlltudv ior tlo romrnrzrty norlr oi the 0p timist Club and Allied ilr Prue cw to meet with the parks creation committee to int ln the rise oi summer col red ior pmccrslng Ittho record Wm mm linglrjiiipglh App twin lucoi boil the owner endiwll division commlllco met mu um wmuuum Dummy lis mom and beer in no pl propcrtlrr other than homes saith ti applillggl ms aggewizncmr only the ouneror iolnt ovrnm dealt with it ill llinnm and plus ol my mm mm Otbor lirIt drew lesdcre vcre mm pm in mdu or and UN tich shipped by Pat liaison with we been authorised by the county We nd Di iii CI in report to council lollon tng approval lrom the elites oi evrlxowinncrbylhomkmre Barrie and orlltli which also and lice winners in the other rm applications ior Aim with mlmv din with two wins and plus it lgtdamn mm which our cl 3d The blolmt plus lor one wcm latcrrlorrcd and ilr Ar game winncri was martial by gylo recolmncndcd The pro Connie llorrlnua rlnir with vtous coordlnitor Onle 5w Km Wt mi 03 if Finlrhlnrt iourth Just traction herd rerlmcd in February vlliigolyz rmuvsomv mugging lm Am back was the rink Iklppcd by long with our ottoman we ol the lnnlaill Chamber oiilom No the rub mcmbcr oi gueogdroprtgnmmltm uItee In ad purchase bi MENU lbe mm at mute was peso ed tor the alum Aid 54gt clety narrate also provides sus araans ourr It ill rtrorl lorlrr GOODIVI VlllOW BRICK IOAD COIN ll SllKitONl ramnun JetsSGMdoyNJgH love rm urgent and more patriotismunmade ieizigiivirav aw ram mari urvrsruow DIAMOND NEEDlES million sent rue orcorro MAN 10 Dunlop St At the Five lolnlr Barrie WOri1h$fi5i3andtbem The agricultursl budch minted in will 20m rvar ior purdnse at land or reiwaticn arai mild ior grams in lieu oi turn The at mom Ip Dmi the cerintyi mire toward recreation Ind $31103 ior the property mmJllN lhe pruning and More boxrt was plant at tram lion Boormin Sales Phone 7164720 in of ii EE is ill ii egngaor sang agagra pillage Ra7 tilt Es JALLZD TWO MONTE SUDDURY CF W7 Ede Werbuhy in mint convicted oi disarm 89 514 El Good Gollv Miss Melly lla BEllEVUE Ron Boormln Sales ri mile at Barrie err Harv 90 lottery Sealed long Ploy Slrae larevde l1 iilll gemnfoWlhn Fltloglllld Sieredgleeoyrdr NAT lilNG COLE aircoror usrrrcuour Nam on swam rlndoryummwom Wwil WillrdOnpeAy aorta am dvvbaeAIiuill SAW OIlV mu min saw Oil MIMI hill MIIhHmn rents hangrnnplTAv numumn rumor an 90 our uorrrrirmo illil 90 We One each per SIMS Oit lV Vldll Ilill vm ramimmu uim ovumwanton Untodummy gurmvnd 99 ilhtilii Iantatnuierli rowm SAMS Oiill Ilbotlili All mu 099 Houvrr oo Mom Tuer Wed at 99 Thurs lr Fri vanthegBuaeiepeIisimaDoor Fillingsunaliena