in re wins Editor insertion Wilmingmm nmv mu riur Bilter IIs Over The Language Issue Pmnirr Robert Barrimoi Quebec enuyrato rummower Idlonei hailtediummdhtlnthngmge tberixhtoipuents Macadam dmmmam troversizi per one trillion in Time in at least Isbepeaking Canadians Quebec wwlrite not noted lor its tolerance or understanding oi the nation eat witurerthat make up the martian amoral poittlaam most oi them bc spoong members at the Ni scantily All non We genuinely 119 This is who ill Engirsirepcakl ddn will be towed to attend Frogs Idaools ac vfsm mimeng cording to initial re mm mm own ed proposed ior certain areas in Gene lor the escalation to the new mum of oppountatlc 1mrealiyareipob retro uponthe issue to placate the electorite rtnge on banner rights in the iinat wilysis we believe that the parents Amid deride ihmbrtdge Daily new page oi the provbaee ram rats who do not meet certain cult requirements will not be allowed to enter the mwooder what the riders government think about that mono But we become alarmed when group that is what they morons VIEWS LlGHILY TARNISHED IHAMKOCK Stayner Stini Indtlreownersibatts uwrur didnotbappen My For centuries than 11 would have mgmv othth um Wt 00 the been the one when everyone with even gilt who were mtg an ounce oi lateh blood in their vetre millmnwwm wouid ime beea Itan up to be they have long insisted must come some mg mm datvl And granted there were plenty oi alone hard work bm ontheleitoitheleborPoriy MM who tnthii leotl hant loving bani 5th mm me mused oolnlthat opportunity or mm WM terrori bnla drum in noun urmhnt logo the hit oi mo and killing esteem oi the Irish tirrouphoutiheworimne atiew yan mmwmrzum mg to topurrue part And thatls goingto make ior st Patricks Day may still be ceie promote oi government can enthusiasmAButnoneot the above grated thL with muen than in iormer diys biopei the ptlyi narrous asrrcr tableau Christian Sciencegllmriiori was necessary Outsiders catching Britains election our and most serious moment to those mm the last tirrce week tended to see who can be trusted to put partisanshi in it dangerour larlzetion oi politics aside and thlnir and act for the beneil hole new class gglehctwcon labor at the whole community has INTERPRETING THE NEVE Fate Oi ElectiOn liy rmn uucxtzrev publicoum oi who ior the preriddney Borne go lur 1me thcr reeorrrmendlr that Illlll JP dim WM tionel clmpul or both on similar worm in lhe United mm my dialer as mull oi the Wirorl we 11 go ats models low liruei me it buy web touch battle in Congrclr ear the current ellorti to end 16 WW IM um out lately against most public Mum imanclnp So have icverei mar The Senate wbIdr piiicd one Sdorm bill but summer only to Hill W1 hill Mill ruthenium We to get the uteri Illcnlion rr eatetlvcropcned dibeteron in memiv WM Mn more irrbllloruj mciruu WC Mir inll nnd thilpyhcc WIM Ylll fl prorpcd ola tillbuater 173 in mm eonrervatlvo southern Dcmo dwellold Democrat pita whore ooillmlntn district oi Ilhe Ilorue meanwhile has Ohio herbcrn vinthlm lat gnly tint begun undying in own malariUri ior as yam licpre alarm mouum the procrii untatlva ilayi bar two impcrv Shore Ii expectmi to be pro tint iobr ractcd lie is chairman oi the liouii alhe tcrm Walcr ale hii administration oommlllei come to mean Icimla ol many which hai the responsibility ler varlctlee Amom the moat Gila wrllln campaign lcgiilatlon urtring have bccn lire Vqillr and ii heed oi the Dorm lonr about ciuwolkn llnancin critic congreulonil cimpaiiu I1he strongarm mrtho corrrmlttco which rrirei and red Wreiidcnt Nixons oirci dirpensei money to Democrat too to extract Ilrahlr runnln tor Carr rm in next yonrrlrllbrdrlilliga 1lor corporations Nov rI electlllnr 1lro illcgal donationer mm my in We mm Tbe two hili worn by liin elio to Democratic oiilceecelr Milly Wm mh reiormeri in Corrunon Caure hwy mm Ielillyled citircnt iolby to or We who mlrlmm buy lull ac newspaper ad ovrd the were buying and humor Theron another win my political 11an in town but um Ind mm hii one belongs to tire Demo criul congrmlonal com luv mm Noting lliiri two Join and ihe airport universal habit lmmm Wl PM or concealing inrr contrlbu CW W5 on by mm mm up rm any Ivrprire that hii appetite awning mum 40er ior meaningtul relorm it near 5w ma Ilow can the lloure mama 5mm Democratic lredcrrblp noctlon web Icinrtel Irolaurrrzi oursnoun rm answer as many pollilcil The result oi rrronlirr oi dc obeervcri hm see Ir lirit Jailed exposes about audit the Democratic majority in 4s 4Iu rnu ml ibulu lrea been widespread Congrru is nowhere near unanv lie unllmmt rclorm lmoual enlbiulartle about mai overdue For congrountcn tori arms would dere Ianorurcd now that New election law are paired Uiuy re campaign rciorm the mud oplo who won Illollct rr but there are ihirp election rrndert od laws And iiilcrcocu over low much re the old lan have been denim iarm lr nmriiry or ririlribtv led in numrroua riudirr ln iloai meniurci prepare It giv rubltantlai advantage lo cut pirllil funding iron the ill random in lhe NW WW In Laws In Hands Of Democrat petition with clullengrra ior cimoalrn doaalloru Menbore oi the norm lacing ciouion every two yciri irI lllrety to be more icnrlllve to such line polnir than the re lorrmrrindcd name who have air years between elgc tiolu lleyi may be reecting tilt privale wishes oi lellovr eon Treumcn more than their pub to altitudes in any event he appeari to luv the power to mist the root ardent riior mcri to Warm ellbrr through hli oorrnrdlieechnln manelrlp er hlr control nvet some all the palm airing in the neat election not than Humour ti Reynold lilrict Bar Ontario Telephone 1mm Second CIiII biitl Rigilllitlun ir abet More portage guirinlrrd Dallyl sundayi ind Statutory llolldavv excepted Ellbliilillliill rIlrI daily in carrier 10o weekly tum yiir ly Single copies tic it mitt iii out ycariyr Imooo County rm yearly liilinri oi Cam moo yerriyr Miler munrrre WW vibrin llator throw all trace yrarly iilloual Advirtlamg lllcfll in Queen El Writ Toronto liliil Cal cirt Ito klontrcil hicmber attire and Audit liuriiu oi arcula tloni lvrl pub leatlon at all new dlrpilch II in this paper crbdlleri to It or The Ilriorlated lrrir or neuter Ind also the local news Wle ad therein Colbeltgie lliflil cldiirrri yr or ii ver llr ng and editorial material ere Iled by Ila employerr and re produced in thiv nervrpiper Copyrlilrt llrgtilrallon Nuns ber rrrirter ll sympathiz with Quebec ior moving to protect what itconsbderi to be its own THE WORLD room Uganda Uprising Tribal Rivalries JOHN BARRON anlgl Milli AIIJyIt nemroir Nervi service bioodbilb iii in Uganda and the resultant re and ebetmg oi re com has Slightly tarnished the num mm mm be counted on and reeclrcd the In rt oi ids countrys nine tr Il rogionr it is now be lieved be cannot count on any oi them except his war and W14 albly not even the higher iolr irort ler be overthrew Obole gouln that lick and weird country hmmiho Mufn AM in the 000 men Uganda Irnsr vel enu hag oi maria Drvlpzu Even tblibirnl been enough riormanoe oi Preci ugn ucnt ldi ii about what is rei namely in oltlmndsimol Igilni tltzlmpeiuouem AmiIII we understand in the Writ but the rurii ancient tribal rivalries the that still exist in most modcrn to keep the lilberns ire Ilnce it is WEI lrom this lri Indii whcii iarmed the Kampala po ouiriere when marry me that Britain is un overnable or in Sy state at politim on nite the contmr The Britta did wh send the hothcidr home and hind over the management oi Iliilra at danger in niwrtquxadi Itlrtciil blacx littu To be explicit oi aloe main admielslrivoiod lloe be tribal rr lone one at the rmil thought the ouatcd arig Arube West Nile region oi war held in cuitody To add to the conluilon the revolt ol luvorcd Lugbari army monpel igilnil llevcd to be rcruit oi bli tribe called itrong ieanlngtoward the Arab mainly flelr stator blr tlin General Amln ii hioi campaign and the removal ei lam illI ilIln army cnlel ai Cbrlatian olilccrr and olllclilr liuli lhd murdered iirl idler tromrenlor Grilles Arube lhour wee also hrlitlin when General Amin power irorn iormor civilian brink Political murdcrl and or president Milton Obote In mo ecutlona are endemic in late IId YOUR BUSINESS ilnsvvers lire Needed On Energy Crisis last in lite in tribe the home oi tbi Imaller trith el Uganda mainly Medical and clear to the tar Mblil which Generil Amln It II one oi Arrrin is also bittir intiliraell rcrnmcntiebi Amin la in In lindEMlllttMlll troan rcircd lie conceivably idlerr on the liliehii lormer senior vice preeldeat oi hoorrlil Oil Ltd in rcoce however the Arib alilon tr that they beat poerlble come what by VINCENT EGAN Consumer Altalri Abelrrt Thomson News Service As the lonrplrrylng rlebilo about energy mi on it beglnr to come down to choice oi two Wlilhllltlbl Iire we being courted by in durtry into paying hl ior our energ ielrI pretext are rapidly diet Or do we swung will iorce urnaa r3 la energy our llintyle to that Ibortigei Aireernrnt on dellnlltve in iwer is next to lrnporrlblo Iorni 150 delegates bare iormd It In latter ve lwo diy symposium on main nonremible resources organ ized in Toronto by the Financial warning rly Even ll Cane tilerra Ire bleued with nearly unlimited uppiiea ol oll narr is coal uranium In other ener could rtill Ierleur economic trouble ii ii In ind the lodrrolrlailied coualt rice ol Europe are hit by recei IlooII they could be ii the ire unable to obtain or lo lard the all tth nrrd to keep their economies elloal Oli lili Illch Obviously elualon on the energy outlook could emerge from eny lym wrlum led by widely dualism an produoerI It bi bi price or their may The Ioclallet poilllon ii that Canada has plenty or all rerouroerwbtrtr should be micrved ior luture Inorailoni because they wont lo bitl and their value wlillncrcue aleadlly And in durlne position is that we cirrt let up on lite costly lob oi rerourccr them to market AdlilitED IUPPLIES Uniortlluitelyto clichethe energy too important to be exports Comlorlebl luxury bole bcr prch or on the at our rciturcci ioe genu inde bringnr ueitlon ll all to the mounted in one at the lym rtumi otpcrli even alluded lhle eounlrya rpcclil and continuing need rourcer oi the coer tbal alone mate bare the nails that make it Mr alble to ship lbs neoerelller oi ltle acrou CioIdIr veil dir mm no but leierable IOMWCH An economist or politician who baiea hii Itand onl narrow abortiorm ooni lions oi nationallem or price or antibruins rantlmenl could be ionglorm itrr taiir oi dovclorilng our ro sourch lor lhi lulure will du lbe mind action hired on broad longrange eIariament oi Cen ider hiereerebie reuulrcmrmr And that action mart be taken soon in the time irame at re source development rooo is iuir around the cornerind lirati lerown cenvcnlional rerernriealol oil and gu will ho hum lrerrbll lpeekcll ei divergent Abderrab min Kilian lecrrterygoseral at the organisation at retro lium Exporting vounlrlrr the Mlurert oil producen clrlell NDP mtrrtbcr oi Parliament Max Blllmll and Ronald when our crge if in iii Esra 555 ii EEK wig sEirsi egos is so l3 There me the insertion ul rabdlcniiuu oi Ily bi trying to mini Ithi and thl couldHW kick cl faith in senior moorland in day earn right men must help ior tile phyrtonlly Ind mmtiily disabled etc But it was all criticism and be maul summon Reilly the on concrete pro peeal we the one tlrit tar Itlrm rbould bereclrtrllvsted to rock the rldi them And while vrg all know that ion can be popular atom are also know it lint the mirror to the problems oi today environs STORY By BOB IOWMAN Camila Jimei Ooolr dcrerver more prominent piece in CI rrIdiirr history bl he to win ally given it Ill cook who pio niend ibe dmlopmcnt ol Bril lrb comalanding il Noolki Sordid Vancouver iriirtd on blerwb 29 lm however In rm it was tbi IImeoeptiinOookwbevrure eeunlry Iome ray reiehln 00 ooo Itace be relied powerl And all this la going on within what lilnow mainly black Aiv rleIn state the lndlin popu lation lardely iorocd into exile id monlln ego by GcnAmio Ugaerta is the only new Airt can elite which is undergo open lnlchl disorder came by tribal dlllerenbei The polio Iiroririrr other Mr cen countries is Iivra mi ibI billei Mdmul illu ran war Nigeria during 1960 us win the biggest and orbit bloody errarnplo oi it in rmot llmu Zambia Uhaoi TiotInlI and Kenya here all been hit with waver oi tribal dllml oc caional lrlllingi ind incipient wnriere Tlrir could be lire main reason why nearly all at Lioclt Atch will be ruled by military and cr vilian itronmn ior long time to NM in ltrell veri unsItlrlectory solution iloce each strongman can onl cpri real Ilagle mo in cauu lry at any onetime The whole bruloers ii great oblect iciren ol what will trip pen in Portugals Airican tcrrl Wing ii and when they are lib erntcd by guerrilla movements which in Angola It eIIt hive already shown the limlllir ilgna oi internal and tribal dill iorcnccr Porluguese ooleatai rule hoi hccn harsh but certainly hii prodrlocd no ldl Amlni 01d Hotel Declared Unsaie UITAWA OIi Plans by the National Clarita Oomrnlh rIorr N06 to ntiln the loo yearold termer Cartor Hotel as In otlIWI heritage bulldlnr apprar to have lillcd lbo olri hotel which ior tho lart eight years her bound the lIIhlonnble boutiques hii been Mud male for habitation iillal lite oi the building lI not yet known Art Capltng chlcl NOC architect Iild be still hopci to save it or have it replaced with replica lllri the cod aremed near when an N00 employee nollced new crucke in the Ilucce lace oi the building lirrco dayi inter oxpcrte laid it war unrele The Manila day the nperitori ol the bouilqu moved their stock ind acceiwriei The old cuter llolel was built in rear For more than century ll war lImlllIr lind mark in the lower Town urea oi the city not lir irom ill Wlld mlrci ororr THOUGHT rin vulre shalt thou hear in linuer xOllrlgecrtr In the are or my prey ll unto thee and will he by Palm III ilow material it would be it we could all train up talking to the bard and go to aim thinking about lllm Seek ya the lord wirllr lie maybe larard gaitr lipon liirn walla lie is Iponilble ior getting the initial iiect up the Wrenoe to it link Quebec That III In irnuing achievement There are danperorn shoals and lhll lows Iloog the route ile bad no charts the iIiied liners trru and eaten ior no miles Yet cook not them up the river without losing rid le our lAlor b1 survey the coral oi Labrador NWIODMIIW and Nova Scotti Vaneeraver laland rrIr later named Dow wanevar at lrmunrrp men Another dtailagulrbed one war and member oi the expedition was Captain Bligh who became ill mour later through the mutiny on the Bounty They did not even know that the Inca was an island at that time Otbcr ermlorcre hid iillcd along the coast Sir iraocliv Drake railed Ir tar nortner Aloske in mo but ran Illlla ol the coast owing to illngirlg logger Ii ill wrote in hii diary Spioirlr explorcri Ilia IIllcd CookDiscovered Vancouver Island up the coast before Cook bur missedth strait oi Juan de which would have led than to the real mainland The Spaniarrk did not claim the area until alter Ooolri vwero Cook did not got bad to Dril alrr because bo Iii killed by either in 113th orr reign vo over bivytiil bli diaries lo Brllil and they led other seamen to develop for trade on the PI elite coast with Noolka as their bare it was then lb Spain claim Nthe adrei lc lurel In neary caue war it Ithe avoided beque lirllntn had Spain reed to abire Vancouver iriI equiily it on known as Quadra inl Vancouver Bland ior number oi yorrrr limit Altai EVENT romanac neevma can Ida and Acadia irpm lsrlrIlu by Treaty oi st Gemralncrerrye Hie Cblrlol Heldlie be came governor tinNiagara nlrer ran dry owing to ice lirn tanQueen Vlclorli cave MA Act royal arscnt loudWinnipeg Itrcet railway unpleycca staged rial lullCanada Ind Writ Indies held lride conicrcnce It lawn lmGolernment control at lidrrltor replica prohibition in on Major Crisis In Singapore Shortage 0i Household Maids SINGAPORE iAii Oil Inertarerl lnllstleni Milling de mer ground beet instead il Sparz Isltleiuxht tor the citl loot worethe can not liouoermlndrr The domestic critii Ir Io grave local news per de voted twopirt pens to the problem and headlined it Where havv all the molds gone Totho iectorice that hsve sprung up or rerull oi sing apores ripld lnduetrieliiallon lbe brrrgeanlnr industries have lured away tlrotuonde bl ovarian to do iobr which the llnd more rewarding and tllprrl llcd mi The Nation Bring servant hii become liltlll rilznia The mid shortage hos lorccd chlocie and European hour wives in litli lio and hurnld city 71 mlle irom the equslor to do their own was iron cooklnr and or the ldrcn Wm Some horrleholds which reed to boast cook warn amalr bsby Imab driver and two gar dcnrn liil down to one aervrrnl or none at all There are rtill odvcrtlwmcnli lliro thia no in the straits Tlmcrr Wanted couple omilr or two Martha and mole dunertlc murt be lorvd oi do large lunin inure These know any Mir like that are hopeleri The rosllstic epnroarll Cook email live in small lam ly No woebing llrunrtyi At inactive quarters British and Chinese bemoan the nrrtwrl oi larue numbers American all men and their lernlllro Amortoanr nay izso month liiou Uri give them Irle vlrrlon rel nic ti oil provide trialling machine and pay them llO to rnirlrl the kids at nldht raid iniidleer Australian oili crv Tho next thlnr theyll golth ilr condlioncdouin munram THE PICK OF PliilCll ne EVIIYWHWMMIIMKWIezldi momma Mmggy