EXMNEnithPHnNss mealtim dswtld settling stints All outow eels IItIitrVurCN 75 rst Ken Guy trontre supervi sor ot the rootntorklng and rmirteronce shot or the Shl tered Workshop uortts with Quebec LiberdlnBttdget HoldinngineOnques QUEth I0 The Dou nus Liberalgeiornment msln tslned Its record ol holding the line on taxes Thursds when It brought donn Its lith con semtits budget with no In creases At the ssme lime lInhrleo ltloter Redmond Gsrnesrt presented not spending esti irnstes oi suitomtsoe an In nut umto Ilrilluml David Batter Irlghti who no main Ing steltes lor sunmrs For crease ol Ihe per cent our The budget also presides toms The bumI which utters ss sIstsnte Io owinronre workers slso trlms pooplo In the letters tot brackets irnm the tax rolls ltetronrllre to Jon this trsr slttele persons mnlrinr lens than moo st year sntt ntttlv riel eortuies trlr nrom in then 100 no longer here to pay Income tss astiippindtsotke TalkstDmgglrrg Jimmie tClt rolml labor hllrdster John itlhhro spent the norm lhurviay In nrnte mretlpst with both sl es in tho tunnrekoli lntturd rhlpnlnt strike but It spnkw mnn tor the Sanktern Inter natlnunl IllrloII ISIUI tit Christi raid little progress was made Itdmzn trulettltl siu mn Ilrnt sold lulth nre not so Ing lsnyu rrrl not Im not trudging lte told reporters ntisr tro heur meet ulthlr hlunro that the blade mltllutur should be rolled minister at rompsny stintrt rnukerntalt on tho Collu tllnn latte Curr rtnrrotltrlltln sod ltt ncuotttnt cnnrndltee met elm nrootins tttlt tt ruin Inter to eonshier their earlier position and otter Ilotir lltlst trsntrl In Ihltlllt the meetings here at In Mn to day ertlrer hlr lltuirn not Mr older uould comment on the dIrtrstiortt hloro then who sailor intro rerru on Iirnsrltsn tltlllt he thren the nnl thr JUIIN IIlIiNtttl Gull oi ht stmrce ere IIttItr inn to hneit demands Ins Im ttttl wrtttu hours It worlt Itlll ronrhllonsin new ttrl Promises To Keep Russia Posted On Golan Heights Withdrawal WASHINGTON tAIt IIII ltIttinerr trot Iltnlltilttl tIro hettet Ulrlntr ltt lIII tron III close tooth or ltClIIItl In sulk not an nt lltthtlronrrl In the lulan rt The rltttr trrtttnry Itc ttlnt tnllls nith Irrnell lielrtrre Minister thtoshe Ituynn totny tttrslnrtr returned thnrsthy nlulrttr nihmritoolttosnrdttt nltitt rum his ten in Morrow which he told tlltl not eterni iiltlr hrtukihrouglt thnt rnlrltl lave list In new urtuxlttnltov tlon oureenrrnt tritlr thn Soviets Ihn meetury eleurly exports lhn Iunelr tn eenrerlo some tttetivtotrtr Vnr territory on lltu intuit IItlliItli partlth even the city ut Qtiueltnl In nit tittlon tn utlhlilorrtn Irnnr the tfmlltltl unlnri litter the joint Yntrr illonur nttsrlt by hrrlo ultII It trninr thhi oitirlnl nuld lrlrv sinner hnnnt In norle out out ttn wt It treatsstow till Irrvenrettt spesrtttrly with ls tutl lLl yrin tvrthitr month and stung throlttlr the Iiitttln not to troll it down lsnrtrsnro wontrsttor cnnrsmr Kvlous yearnta per cent In tIhen trained story and more photos ot the workshop see Pnge IExonrtner Photo tIsl rellel tor rsons sllg tly shore that sub Increased es empttons tor the sued end hnntliesmcdnnd an increase to soon trotn mo In the mount spouse can out bolero their earnings stteet tsxpnpers ex empitoris ugggttxrlnnncrtttm stun pa spo esmeu ettndssd the budget for tnlllng to intro mount to mmhot In tlallott hrln lowsolsrlrtt work rrs oretrme to the aid ol rurnt pistons Quebecs relennn irons oet Inhll Income tilt tstl iresrtwss ste billion The rent more their year enrlrrwlttie roh porote IIINIIIE tux was not mil lion so Inertsee at per rent The Mdse estlmsted Income tromipersoirst Income tax will rise tum billion In mitts his Gnrneeu told lieu eon Iersnte he considers hlrher In court tax returns to ho mull ot helter unxu tor Quebeters anti tire itrrprnted economic slt nation In the province lIe pulnledsuttt that the gross provlnelltl pttttlurt Increased tuft per tent In rim rumoured Itllll roe per cent In tin and mum ex rnttitures In Que hees menu hclutln teeter rose per mil computed with Ie7 pereent tor the country Is It whole The In per tent lnrreose In expenditure Is It sllthtly higher Jump In spending lisn In prev lmlt rind At per cent In 1m rJnrd Is attributed to Intlntlun end rlrlnt goremmertt rests Women Applicants Swamping OPP TOIION UPI The in tnrln prov mldl police are helnu swamped with ttMhIINIIOIIT Irotrr homer vtnnllntt to Ann the inrrstemnrlrsioner Iloroltl traitom said Thursday The cotnmlsslnhrr who an insured or the beginning ot htnrolr that metre would be oh milled to die lines said that us eI Thursday tltrre rtrrn too nit pthIItntlons tor tIrn to 1an Mail Its onltl lIItt list It women so leettd likely will be In training by the end rt hing trwrtrn will ride In patrol tLtI with men Ilut the romnrluloner suit the turns VtIlI try to pair them with unmnrrlrd mrtrlto sroli lent onch unwtu wtvrs ot mottled policemen OTTAWA ICE The $1 ernmeot may soon muddy Its hesieged but subsidy program In In citett to shore up sliding estlie patru Agriculture Illin tater Eugene nhslrn Indicated nunuayt tin said he still Innounro pu rlhty lousy whether or not the government trill slter the two lsx rote swept by Pnrllnlt meet that year will eseste Mon new lobe nnd pmdrroe ht Iton In new rates by the end et lllnlster John Turner New lnvsstmerrslo nranuloo luring and proetesrnu Inthtatrtes Is toreeust to total 62 billion In the some period The tax rrmrsnree outsourced In Itll end srsherlred by Per ttunent Inst year not the servo rate lntome is rate tor msnu tsetlrrtnt rind worming In dustries tots oer tent trons tut we led up the tax uriteoti tnvestrnsnt to in euts Inelllrtlne the spillover into otherreriors ot the Vssnnot he mowed pmttr Hut studies suggested thst significant Indirect rrntI tn tlimd henellt tsrs liktty to be grmmted Ttrs totul Invoet on the SUDJJIIIIY IG Throrxo doctor told coroners iury thumlny that tho deaths oI three elderly vtonren In hudhury Generst ltospltol lest yesr were the direct mutt ot heer dis ease Dr Dnsttt Pollen this sites thellst ut the tIotpltsl tor Sleit mltdren Toronto dlstounted slteltntions that Anna lilhum or hlnrl short es and ltote htsrtsl to oil ot Sudbury nrlght hove died as the result ot the mislnlten sdnrintstrtrtlosi ot nitrous oxide This ttrree omen were given lMtIttlI use trons nn dryern wall outlet In the emergency IL psrtment tountl Inst September OTIAIVA iClt Jameslay ltttllslts sre helntl salted to ss teunt tor the st million they melted irons the Iedernl govt ernnIenI to tight their tstst tle sgslnst the ntullIbllliond her power project In their srea The reotrett tome ntttrsdsy Ironr the Coirunuru IlItIIlttI nt lntre eontnrltlee siter Alexandre Cyr IIItissue rentl published reports one oi them by Irnnlr Item of lhe Cnughnswogs int omtvn ICIl ourpnntst sort void the Intel si rm ninth urehd program Itut he re fused to bend I0 demands try tlltkmett tlut the limitl lunMml program he setup rd Wk and as quirkty as NBINL We Just want to be rid ot the thing Gordon Psrke president of the Guardian Cstttemrns As sodslon sstd bolero prlrste Turner Claims 94000 New Jobs Due ITOTcrx Cuts lsll says report tabled today In the Outsmarts by more sortienutrient unruly lMHIONPMWILI be larger hen lhedimt eliret on the mutulnrturtntr sntl process In eeetor olenc Heart Disease CauseOl Death For Three Sudhury Inquest Told in he emittltre nitrous oxide due to nrlsronnreilnn nt pipes ltlrl Itihurrr dlttl hlly t9 im less lhsn an hour nltrr sr string at the etrrergrnty to art rnent ltre short was ntlmtitd to tho howitul Inst Aug wss given rrsrd bed nnd tiled Aug 29 Mrs hturtel died Its the mummy slemltmvnt Mn 30 Will use than on hortr nllet are flying III the has lint Dr lutton relid III on ex Drrt ntetttell witness In all three rttso sulti it won his opinion that the retellly at the herrt wndillons oi the three Itorrren Mil udirrllttd Its the hearttnt was Ilttt prlrtrury rouse ot touth In each Institute Federal committee Questions Indian Use lames Bay Funds distr rersrro nrtrr httlntml rttttllening whether turryerr and other IItIlIlltlIttIlt were not set ling the must benetlt Item the tedrrul money lir Lyr wunted to no ittrth er and suspend any turther lrtl ernl rnntr In the Intllsns but Contervnlltu and New DtlltO erotic lit snltl they nutrient no part ot Ilhhltll expedition or on action thut might hams In ten legal netlens Ottawa Mcto Modify Beef subsidy Program meeting sithhtr Whrlelt It It had to my it should be no tended to eorer sll rrsdes at beet lstnm ow pey lermm the going rate tor cattle plus sev en his pound on the top tour grades meters In turn are relmbuned the seven rents by the gorernrnent As he lett tho meeting Mr Flsie aid the minister soper ed receptive to suggestions that the government take over paymets under the pro gram but he and association manager Charles Grstey said no mostterm solution to pro4 hlems centrenlln the heel Int drutry nrre In ht llesmhlle opposltton tn the program continued to grow as rattle prst moved letter on may ot the countrys msrtets DEMAND RESIGNATION commute MP Nomi tron ner SaskatoonIt odenl sntd he would NI tor tits lsns mimstien end the resignstion ol elllelsls mponxlble ter the program utters the Commons met totlsy Csttle prim hsd dropped to Maren Ind to cents pound lrom roughly 47 tents pound hetero the progrsrn wss snnertn thus IANM out sII stirru logo to lsnrters Csttttmen here rate they must sell snt msls st to roots pound to enter meuetlon costs Death Threat Kept Kidnap liltltthSlLlD Mexico tAII Ttre tllsawearnnre ot United States VtreCotrxul John Potter sort not kept meet the trite became the rsnnrr note ton inlntu nun threat snort lIuiS tlplusmt suit Thursday flat not the mun reason we didnt went to limit this because they said II this was titthllrlttd thrv VirulLI on out the threat the scum salt luttreren ll dishonored ian hithrv oltrr he tell the United StlIIl onsttlnte In Iter rrtotiltu ulth an unidentied mun Its lirean rorettnrr The Ins emhury In MTXIL City rtnnounred tsdrieuhty that he not hidnntml nut soonrs In Washington reverted run sum note hominid 300000 amt titrth by the Peoples Iter olutluetsry Army rt Mexico was um ulster the rontrrtalo lts Shirk toughest Would we are to buy some all lollowltrg new estirn RIO DE NERO iReulerl Troops rescue Imlll sesrvhed the details et torus In seven Emitters states today is the note Hood uhleh turn titled between Low and Lore persons sad tett more than too thid homelessl Although no othdlt death toll has been glue Interior mist try spokesmen Hit It may resets 3000 and unottielel lib ports put the Itgure Is high as Inoou Thm sures Ssnts Crois halo been declared pub liNIIamIty runes Interior Minister ltshgle Itelt rsid the floods hen the sorst In Brasiltsn history Wilda reports from the Santa Cstuins etty ot Must said the bedles see tlood vlr tlrns nets taken to the lierctlio lets soeeer stsdttrm other reports spoke or bloated bodies fleeting down strollers rlsrrs oi thoussnds 01 houses swept away and ot mobs roster In ooded touts and shines bunting ier teed Air tum planes Irtd helicop ters now tood sod drtshlng lsr to terms rut all In lead up ters MINI CUT State government ottlrtsls hid thst hmdredJ oi towns snd slitsres hm besn tsetsbed stthont news sod heb toe on em this ntth wmmmklllou dons Ittte news rru nibble Iron Acts ststr northern Pars end the Interior at Its nnhso srbere rivers bunt their bslrrt alter torrential ml Geotrsl Mate Grooms lllll government repor sneeoe heed ole tle have drowned Troops em burying mare toot rictlmr on the spot In liberated disclet typhoid melon us being rushed to the emergency sreu The homeless erotth Intr thurehes othlte bonding and tsetorres utter Illa Nurse In Seetr Cstnrlns sisto were utmost Irlpcd oil the man sud the nth rlrora smortg Its Nation 01 moo we Inserted entirely dependent on emergency toot tlllorts Brsx ltrd Cress snnousted that giant tents tor the heme Iees are on their stay trom the tnlemsttonsl ltrd noes In snit mlsnsl The ntrst gorrrrtment snlt notmred It has freed member funds tor szreertttus and the monsterser et rursl towns and Is eoordtrsstlng sit writes to ltd ood rtetlms Gas Going Up But How Much ly ll CANADIAN IN It Is Impossible yet to tell uhst etieet the WIIWm stsi smoothest on without all Wires will here on gasoline st retstt puma across the urn trg nut not In Athens ere the gorerruoent has nousreed whttilwnts Kellen substitute gamut are up er months When They stsyrd rels titler level MN govern Item CrweCsnsdn Survey by The Csnrttlsn Press in nrslor eentres shosexi that under the prise Irma the general rule was tor unchanged prices thouxh there were low dips and Disturuou outlets showed In the us rressee ot shoot on rent Ien during the test month Prices In Alberta Toads were on rents ioryrtsnds IDA on lot pmsdum grantee st ms outlets Discount outlets strive neots ten lnltegtns regular gsa sun setting II are tempered whh two months ago and pre mium hart alien to In Montreni climb Westley with sertdeo stations showed that meet tier ItIil contornung to January prim tihlle about third ot those thanked showed lower prkes Itverssenxloe et reader on this steels was at his down cent from January The sleaze tor pres usturnwlsttosmtosulsemw Wants Protection For Customer Against Travel llgency Collapse rumwo tolt lehe Cle ment mtntstsr ot eonsumer end commercial eltsirs he has naked the travel in ustry to unrest res et protecting rul tornrrs egs net the collapse et IranI sgondes lte told the legislature thurr day he Is expecting Npolt within three or tour weeks trom nrroup representing tutu sisntlst number ol agents In thII nrortnte hlr current was re ring to Vernon Stngo ronto Downsrkwt who sstted whrther the province was prepared to II eense trelel agents or control their thirds Lost seek more then so Im ellers uero stranded In Toronto ntten their charter ight to tire Censry Islands was estroettsd itlt Clement ssld bending Irsz agents would protect clients ogatnst thett ol their to posits but not sgetnrt teem op erstors Limrstng srents would not Ittldlltgoumdxir ol deposits son III lsIt hrough he ssld CAPSULE NEWS Oil Companies Conlused On Ptires Witthu Iolt lullly about tho sstmt ol sttd til ledetsrt otilrtnts hIsJor olt cenonnles eiqntrtied rottiustnn nsetlneond hsnttnu oIl trrtro riser orrrihsit renewed Immerse by White House Will Supply Information thtSllthlmN IAI lho tttrlte ttoure smothered tnnty it still preside Iprelot Watergate prosecutor Leon isnorold with the mulletIsle he no Wilt Ziegler Ilse ltrl time nor Jewon by strapoens Press leerets tlonstd spanned this worst to rancher without elaboration Neither letnl Im raid nnst one mute tn the nightwear itsllsrilntlulittstn as ore htmdoy to some cents as result ot Indetul rtst toy cmI mum Why in Antonieo Minister arsenal Ian tVASIIINGION AP Sen ste De ovrstlo border tltite IetSItdes Oil Runway gt hnnrltet IItIlA today that sov wummn om opt minm on out Home oi lteoretentstlvet the main moo tntlsy utrtte tending st wt or rte torm members here told hlnr the Ing tote halt hbwt too lest iron at steers rlltwsy 0t mm votes sre there to Imoeudt ho tntorieo ere reported wrong pessmero President Ninth and loree In i1 Ethiopian lIlr Bases In hebolvtlande lls std continued In tsllt Ing to reporter tttst tle hrsno ADDIS ADAM iAP Most Aslr tome orttetn vaunted El Isstwe erstrbsm ted st the northern bits MW mewsnd proled so mtmdln ot here testing In It II srutdnttltdltdretnrlunstm lgridded mam NW enlisted their remote settle to themillilll eterans Land Act Extensron Approved OTTAWA ICI Extriirlun oi the Veirrsns Lend Art war tillen itnel Comment approvrl lltttmlny night but the Will men mainly responsible lot It my the tight has not tnttett intir Mnrrhnll tIGAIluniher bl Georges5t IInrhut nnii hunter Knowles Mirwont Irlt tsttlr Control want the net to he more flexible snd ssy Uin Intrnd to renew their euro ltllttt when the veterans stislrs sommlttes dltcuim depart mentnl estimates peurd hers thence to note lull LIII cusrlon ol the titrl ntlIllon dor lt ttnslrnlly protldrt in In lined tor the program In INNS tetotl lnsus tor errtnln writery well put our point enst huhIII to stores tor Illltt twrrnudothetn thst lithry dont 3mm inr retitlenllnl III or some through with some Im etsnm for lilting vessel iroterrtenls well hsve some trppusittnn rrlttrr have railed hint elte nultlntlurihsr ulont tho horror extrusion on In theI line The pressure It stletrttlo and narrow eonen roIlIItlt wnlloltl en tire rte Knowles lcell ttrtt sn government two wrelrs or amendment tor whirls he min then the Conservatives and ed to win approval Thursday New Democrats thrssisned in it be value to later In pul unteet tlto minority Liberals tint pressure on the ofnwtu IIr Knowles rntd the rum mentxttpernrttr in syste stodgyfchsdhhretntgdzm nttim st Iesttlwlll live mem lists on them six months alter Ildttlt It tint and Is expected the extension eomes Intorl the hill ripped through all Cunt tn grt royst esstnt next netk reelll motiontotbis slleet It more stirs In less then tour signed was ttlr Iron Thurldoy hoesuse lts The Ides ot the amendment It brokers worried It implemented to nllow the optiotllten time to Wth III Mutiny expiry mnk imprmmmt to Veterehs Altntrs lttntsler mo and even press tor lurther ex WWW IMDUIISIM the hilt tensionI slid the extension It not It In Amy Mm bi nor to veterans butsright they hm esrrtrd does not to the senate until Title gorersrrnrnt nlll lfltttltllll uIhtm5elnllterd Pall lake menu to nobody to If It Olll at theittvperxhoutu srld mussdry Mr mm mm tslttthLlo vetersnr rtttd ntr the dolly In roysl IWNVII W111 lttseDensld rt selersn who lost not hurt my veterans so am end legume the Despite thetstllee oppositions iSeeendtwirrldWsr