Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1974, p. 7

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II ii II be It eon with of iii MW ill lo rem in of til with Tsrrrritrzir IIIJor TirWlih lien NMMENNT den ehItawltbllliorl LII ofihemllllhi trier of GermanAmvrnoiLLArk mmnottInCaozdiIumres Itthr erosion lore onl irrelelbroIIo1boymtrk in rteroommate to Meddlin em or redior appointments In the Canadian Fortes Doe burr rune lNIlIonIl mo Direators Al Beaten Make Plans or Fair exam tenth Directors of Breton urinateIII moiety hove been rnIklA plain for the 1m Wither air Which Will lulue ml ham racing livr rloek millions miduy rider and indoor displays In the romnlw titre Bruno Minnie II Inning blr ueeod term rs herd of the society lotiontog the Amount fair bold Iut tell its succeed ed tanner ioeumuth eotrIoitIor Iteriord tong who eontlmu on the martin as immediate put preeldent The Node Beeton fair in yeerrttmt Itoiri Ittendrner of more than new with the Mr crowd attending the b0 fuel Ihll veil b0 iotloud Run with Canadian Trot oeIIllen ruler Idopllfd Thereir Iian bone Ind bum rm Ind driving titiom Including content or the but Indy driven The film ion Ix bone Nkeb Ibo has been Emir oontrolrd and Itln Canada Needs 5A Palicv rod mill Internet in recent yem Cattle rompotlfioru IlIo drew large tin of entries in both dairy Ind boot dame mm on pIrtleuiIriy Iood ebon lng pi Aynblru Guernuyr ud Jersey in the dairy Iodine last September while beet cattle oomprtiiioru included lierrierdl Aberdeen Angus shoriboms Ind Cbrrolrlr The coming Ialr will be the on report for the baton rnlwlturri IeclIiy one data brnk to the err when the oom niunfty was known as mm ville The tooth anniversary of the naming of the piece Is Bu Town will be eolobrrted la lune redtbil riro will be lad by will exhbitl It felt The nun me ally vIII condensed in Bee loam it bar been blown tor yum Reeve It mohey is iormer preItdeoi oi the Beetoo irirrndcontinueruonnnittr moot Inthualrrtie booster lie brokenmemberde ton Igriouliurrl society and lair borrd for Iimoet no yam Mr Ing Int teed totsei Dr his lioth II past president eulwfbe Qntrrto Fnin Asshole IECREMRY 16 YEARS lteovr liar mu oi Teo umreih rlrov at Mile net able rvotrlbution toward one Ing III the Breton air as no rotary or be your Honorary dlreeiorl Includ former Ontario lieutenantgov eroor Earl ltm who It one time drove rubneon horror at the Beelon lair warden Earl Elliott of Simon minty An ihur Evens In for Centre Sfmeoo Reow nch Kelly at Rem Germ Gum gr mu Reeve Orville Hughes at West WWI Downer hi for nut ierln Simon time it him Kelvry bl Berton Reeve liar 0W oi Teelrllulh Reeve Joe Word of Toiienhrm and others Miser warden George List II among our nruidentr who are now runetrio dlreeiore ion Transportation Madill ly ELIDOD MADE Ml Feel Dnrrin 31W uidly Transport thriller dean hlrrdiml to In the Courteous rod to the entity that it doemt have no beruive lrrheportbtlon po that existing It is ppm to our quest in terms oi what benefits it any it ts viding to the WW and It Filth ml nuns oy that does exist Pro owl nrrrrtberr been letting the yean that II be upon atrium oir eom pre ensive rampqu oopo Lad oi web polity Ins eauy ed truncations blems In the past rial by Ju oi this year may revue won bolted Ions in grain rates to western arm IrI Western iahnerr have Ikeaely lost In estimated Whillim in grain Ialee lIdI year because the railways donol haveenougir from to move Ibe grain out or the west to departure poinla for Ihipmeni The lost trier ion lulled xlmeieb mil lion It limo when wheat prices were around to limbo WHEAT BOARD The Canadian Treat Board Is now behind an additional 33 million bullets in controlled rates tor mi become returner cannot meet the eorrvmltmentr Our Woeiml menbm estimate that each western grain farmer Ilendlin loin about 001 by Innumoflhouopynariitho government does not art to vaI the groin transported IIURIWI WT DAYS TONIGHT AND WEDy ONLY Audemy Aura Nominee Wailtn be ermrent tor Entertainment ieritlre It rue ud emo Lari Complete Show II mour nurse lioih Otto Lang Minister re mlblo tor lim Chadian heel board and Transport biloiater Jenn lirrrbrhd have town about this Iiiuaiion ripen lIri Itrnmore rIiI Itttlro which lullhil held up grain transpor lotion The railway converter ere not Interested in coming out bo cauao It Is not pronto losoiio Multimeter responsible tor the mmdiml treat Band In My the be will go erimm to Dork additional money tor rolvrrbiaimwnt ni nsent box can and the sale oi new cure my Atkinson presldent oi the National Farmers Union erya tint tho lllllihada have wilte tent oer lleet in move cereals but are porfonnlnz badly in order to tone change in sirtuuvry grain trier lie Iayn that the Ith total of 2100 are ls ndenusnytl moperly deployed N0 AUTIIOIIITY in hie hind ilit Ipeiob lo the Genomes Minte iel Jean raid doubted whether the railway will buy the mom errr overt it they were paid to do so lilo more tor the whole nine flan tr that he hostile respom slhliity but not the Itohorlty to take the adieu necessary to re solve the Itunion mildly and olllcimily Thotruth Is that ltlr tier cbond has all the Initially he needs under the National lrnne portntiob Mi lo 1mm the railwayu to more the with tile respooibliity is to exerclu thIk llomevnwlo loaf ITALIAN IIILEAD nllh ereh deluxe pizza Lillitlli so ill MI MEDIUM iim MO SMALL 50 rm Deliver PONDEROSA BAKERY AND PIZZBMA llrrdr PIIII TZNTII authority even it It ms form of ordergm log Ition Ii Mr Mainland rails to deal with this problmt he will not only be negligent in protecilnd the ipiemsts oi the western grrin former but also negLi gent in Icoeptlng his moon entity as liluisier oi Tim llh hiardund has gone out Well to divans trumportaiion problem with the tour wed ern provincial tranan trlni tors They all agree that rem thing must be one It II up to hlrplilrrcbrnd pow in hire the initiative couurv onnpsrs INSTAUIENT tint instalment on rm town oi limit 29 Moe II treeourer inmororu Lions each month Haid Over MPERIlll eovrievn waoou vIoInoN rota You 00 GWDOD Siam Jib Giltumour tum ere vduellli ml rt Imam clerk SRADNIID Sidfl Brad ford Iona club meet regular Kort the ooromutlty centre on lint Ind third Monday oi Imam ovaw mmvmmvtmmmeI mm rteres ImportDrivers liven iteoogrtition ior Siler by were Iron Es as ii iii ll gin 53 231 is if EEEEES In utmost too Ian estwu small grass lire shed in Misls Warship mom or A0 tour by Ing to noon muslin green the Golden Age Club code Thank llcnuJierlso unlit Home assernb m1 on Wednesday end in Ind LMXII WI been still available The Drama Group meets Iddlormwv uielnrthlsrolhegru trriniog of senior volunteerr aorvke which Is 1min 885 is limbo arriving IttbeSen tbr Gillan Club meeting In St Johnn llama cam Pm on Monday wen greeted um ihehm Home Ind him Allan Laiimer In ritrre lively druid hm couple Fall for the St Patrick meeting oi line and the privilege to wear shrmnok MEI Minn coomadld lb hnprnllro opening worbdp rer Iice on tbr theme Payer daulbing ll II AcTd to God Adrrtlratioo Contrlil bill no to PM Dicuty oi Age in domrtmrnt and an as In min to Ibo Iney lotion their air Preside Sam Johnson on Mod the mistress session and maria revolved included the weekly oudue Ind bingo prrths Pride 11 term and summon are Itlll bowling an Btu it to ren item It Egtlhton hinloroniohsvn ed and name so have booleoonltourtotho Cambrian nest in June rule in St Johnr on Thursday rhrn noon and the their robeeroe in or toll relied lirrold Pearoon gave lull report at the edvaniago oi the in mm ii is ii ii Cm Buddy blchuq family death of Keith bitkuor McIuaer spendingrftvl inlomdo and neatly have roomnod weeks holiday Mr and hire him WM visited retume ton and low In eon It lllghgaio more Is extended to the workendtobowiihtbeiamily Hlliston Socials By MARGARET ITOLTI Mn Tbera Cancun he been Dr and bin Win16 brvotetmdfromagoiiv Egmmtlnr limoilvorrlnoewle midday in helm IIlt blitrndllrslildrodw man and family oi Gainrieh vLsitixi It the home oi hir Ind Ave last Esmday 111 end hlrl HI Bun uiihrgdr Iiilaw Ind daughter lilr and Mrs Ellwood in eating withinmdhboitnrrvslmp rilen rr rill Err mayor walk the torn llrll The ion population LI rpprertmately Ed mother or more live in the toothed lrle 1y TWO SUBDWIwa Druchm oi ho IMM Ilbns bu Idled to the urban re na with new but rum llOL haze ag 55335 MAYOR OARM GMT miVI Parana ii 33 nbkbnuthenilniustryio thrrrar Mme oi the until alirnmd more bottle end the maturity that and lo de Aliutnn but Wotan velop By 1mtbegrouthvn to diamlion mutiny moor strident to warrant suburb ing rertnnmng with Adtahr in post oliieo and tr var Teambmiouwrnegbbob beekdinlhecicberbonm In moldpeilllu bul they inn with mood Ion GeoIgI gutted in tenants appointed the itirtpoatmartrr Ihrrrmr fieorgeelehrrbe lit the mint Wardn an the out new aben on minntly gII lint my Mm Iredtobeliwlu Vi riedvilla Inmitlrrner amhmdmmbubongwym ellnitquor Minnesota unsohadilbertdvrt theiobdorer trailith Tint 1m dealt with In limb neg hwthn mm In It rbeop riser It rould be regretted trier Now Ion his uth ur on mm MM Albion the III In local mordiaot bar been me We be bimodal mu Cote our last fall Previous ly renal on my eoinril toe Imul yarn move Peter Gathered la the turret Aliisiur representative to Elmo ammo retinal have lag been moved l3 kasbeb ln ry will pmmot rumor other current Mil WI uxoadr Deputy llqu irrner TM Tami en Ian Ind Elm llovrklbl with Brien Guilty clerk Porenee clerk borne Whiteskie Ibo tired tart Ir recently return ed home in winter vene on CENTENNIAL YEAR records Ibovr Allilion bo ume In Incorporated village yearn igo In mi Asked if mb lmm waning It large riltau bu E0 and young drives were empt ed Provision aim was dude for mouth of peddera Id iron door to door klr Gilberie rIIIr1 er clerk was too per mm ville Ilr Dmiy mutter nr graph ed In Ilimm of TIMI MAYO When town rau var Initiate ed in thin Join Mart III eluted tint mryor TM earn evmlul year the town was rwopt by dunno lire arm destroyed Maa oi the downtown business notion Ito eooirueilm of the town aided protreu and Mar development derided lime Mari the GUARANTEED em In like lance rr tells in the meat lather tbe lIte Mr to Ottos lot IIBV 10 RON MO 11 Eur at turn It Irrrie mm on linrnd ra weeks raid ll Ital been brought before 001M rome timo ego and it was Mind against It It was decided It would bi more eigmiitabi to 11qu it until we it your old er town be rid noting this would not be unlil 1991 History oi the cornmunlty drier bad to In when William Fletcher Iettlor irom Eng land mid0d wlidl who the in the present site oi the tom The toltwlng you this pioneer mm three inhodda nobert Snort Smltb Downy CAT JOHN CAMPBELL 7280492 or mu mm RAY SCOTT AT 72880 mfsikgygngtmecflum PHONE ANYTIMEI Mathis wool near London Camoapostmrnesmmumismnon pieces of mail every day Think oi it 15 miion pieoesoimal Tlinkotihtstoo Every address has to be read everyiiemsorted belorewecandetiverAndthais MterePosiaiCodes oome in Because now theyre parlottheaddress UsingPostalCodesonailyourmallwlisoon helptresodiilaslermlgotlimwherewuwant tile 90 quicker Postal Codes will mean better sowloetoryouloyou lhinkoi ii Postal Codes are an important part ottheaddreaThlnkotilioday Your locaIPosl Oico can tell you the Postal Code for anynddrossln Canada MRO OR SMALL WELI CODE YOUR MAILING HST FREE For more lntermrilou control the tennis Peri out 6557 between 830 run end idiom mildly to Hush on 43 vtHl

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