Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1974, p. 3

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oi edidlsrmrvtly Ieritr ol lunchhour Regina Ind iIuii log in STIIBS GOSHOPPING rune rutvar the mi Royal In My mung la BtlJsh rte Cissylin pertormm tilm The Three capital tn the presence oi Actresses Reine let Gent got anotherill re eentiy They it two at the For MurryExiled Americans War Continues Here ZEDMONION CPI It has been tire years since the ood ot American war vbiee tore to CeoIdI began and yesr Iloeo United States in volvemcnt in the Vietnam er ended but ior many young America United to Cunads run It another kind continues Up tit70 per rentot the drill outlets and desertere nerer obtained landed inuni root ttItuI says In Edmon Ion minister Im hos worked gt extensively with them itev Brorntle oi the Edmonton Unitnrian Church raid the var resisterr tree contIMLlng threat at dlr envery deportation and or resl in the US Ind live subsistence iim rihlie stiller trigu train degree at you owl obioetorI one obtain lIridtdlrnmigrsnl Itatur Ind have round corms tn Clouds probably would not return to the us even it genersl Im nesty was dceimd said Mr lirownllc itir ilreunile utbo lelt lilo ncepoiis tive yerisege Iilcr working in In underground reliwisy to rot drIit cvnderl out at the US sold hp does not expect In nmncsty unlit Itter the me pica dentlnl election FUTURE UNCEIITMN Drntt evaders Ind deteriers who their tsndcd immigrant status fhave pretty well put the rum out oi their minds he told The limitation Church or genlsed counselling pro ngrn inst tail to try to pen suede objectors to apply or lchl status under relaxed ini rrtlgretion department rerult iatloiis hir llmnile said the progrn wssnt very llie eessiul Globeh Theatre Ptcivelrs Readypr Play ArtyWhere REGINACPI We Ire prepared to goenywhere Ind pay absolutely anywhere urn Sue Kramer eotounder or the Globe Theatre That IlIlement can be It testtd to by hundreds oi thou IIitds otIthoolchiidren in cities towns and hamlets throughout Suketdiewan who the seen Globe productions during the theatre eight year lstvry The IctorI who go on tour Ito Ilinost slyI under 30 because only young men esri stand the pace llrs Kramer hill the theatre is also ex panding lls prolrarns or beginning Iys tn novatlve uetions hast HIM ltrImer end her husbIn derided to test theorythetCanIdlon Iye particularly about the cst could Ittract prolltshie audiences tn rurIl Saskatche VIM They sent Ruptdittvcr 15 harry VIndIrdonk LleInIed AUCTIONEER Plioiw 416 7154631 BrIdIerd sound mourn The Qoeena Dlamondl whirls was Ibmu just dont think they trust Imbody litany it then thought the whole thing us iron to deport them think they would be hot ier coming out even it they bod to tutti themselm to Ihd hope or the best lm ntrlld Lilli theyll get parIneid end my tn the woods even it there is geo erIl Iirinesty ltlr Brownlio rIid most drIlt eveders sod deserters were broken when they resched Edmonton More than hell brought girls with them STOP RUNNING lie said he would Isis them whether they list stopped runnlng lleny sold it help codide altered In Edmonton they would It They could tor week It churchspensnred droptn centre tor that housing viIs tound thh memberI oi the church or at Universityoi Alberta itth students took them in Ir roommates mould coll in the ehirreh and risk Iy entitd use Iirroody One at our people was invInirlrig steel Ind needed gulls teri labor err Another needed or mode need or delivery boys or dents Isbornoryf llo told he does not think objectors psrtlcuinriy those without legIl slIlus Ire Ik trig labs Iwny trom Caren titans They Ire in the back woods molt oi them or they labor In In organization that pays less then the minimum me They Ire Just getting llostobieetors helped by the Unitarian Church hsvs lound Jobs and served new In an mu 11min HAW mt Valuable Still For WEI Gr John axles dadW Minty bi envied hill hy the well on Irtist Int Owen Mollie Ellubob AP PW llo rtlll meets some It Ied dings he pertorms hnl snort wtttdn two months at Irrtving either moved on or tound lobe in Edmonton Estimates oi the number oi objectors in Canada vary Irbm 10000 to 100000 hlr llmnlle said he would piece the number in northern AL bull It Winder 100 ll other sources indicate the number may be tour times that treat many Ieltinlllcled es tie has meenl estrangemenc Irvin their tImlltes In the US Some sold lit Brownlle meek bad ter visits even though they risk up to tire peers in prison ll arrested PONDER CITIZENSHIP Thou who come to Canada legally in me Ind eerty rm now Ire deciding whether to tnhe out Canadian citizenship landed immigrant is eli thin to Ipoir Iiter tire lWli Citizenship eourt Judge 0r vIl Allen at Edmonton said our objectors are treated Is lodlttdusli An applicant tor citizen ship must prove to our Intis iselion that he was tended by the immigration department and meet three criteriI be laid First he must be of good chIrseirr lle musthnva illl adequate knowledge oi Eng lists or French and he must appreciate his responsibilitch ICsrisdlen eltlzen it doesnt melterito the court whtther he oienped irom liuiignrytii tool trom CtechosiovaIJa in 1568 or is evading the dreit in the us We euro more about what the man will ho in the More lives tor themselves IIld Mr uBrowolie tweet documentary play about the ethnic tulips that settled in Saskatchevnn on tour through 10 towns oi lune tier eallot population Iiid re port extellent wdiems At the end oi Februsry they will urge the ttrslvm tsh production or The in It ltr WhetedlisNIme lime Iet own by Montreal plIy witth Robert Gurlk The theatre has taken two major steps recently Inquire log budding tit its ems Ind ierming permanent cem htyoi IctorI rather thIn hiring actors on perxpisy basis Finances however Ir rtlll motor Problem Griuits Vllnll It lepton loi mts Ind tectloti ter 10 years is High st iimi adults outside the on tel prorscrvouit new CAR INVESTMENT inside Indeot it metal surfaces protectors plus stiiln Nslstlng pro upholstery In your IIiesiIII when ordering your new III or telo nheaedlreet Terry iVlserriIn SYMCO AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES Ind tht he is today then whet he was yesterday tom the provincial education department Ind Irlr board hen the school teurI hut hesed only on RegioI eu diepees Ind do not take Ic eotrot or production tor It tee ot $200 per orinance is charged school bonrdsverrd even though the hoerd can get he that been In grent niIiiy boards rtlll teel they ceiuint Illord it llut that it not IiwayI In liisupersblo obstacle Sometimes the iohool berrd hIs sold it hos no rrvrney and cant have the Globe this you end the kids have gene out Ind rstred the money therruel said Ken Krsrner IZING slog proieots your oer trom with complete rustreoting oi ell vu erehie pltn exterior point usrentced corrosion PTV tlmty to mat the pm It the Idlin in foil him It In lug boot bound rod moronIn lcslbrr Ind decantedwith nd drum untied Nldht Thoughts by Blind Total the return limitert poelwllllsns line it Is one or so copies tooth to ha been colored by hand Ind no ptrblbed tn lTYI The reuen htr mules re hised to ngllgh mouths nine or It tlrln in anrersily 01 Ah bulls special collections til vision is which heis llhrlrin that he teeth ll ener we to think in the more Theythlnketttutilt III diamond or Cadillsc rIrtterthsn thing tor the mind in ease at Night Thoughts It Is Blme milIo trelions thIt mouths boo valuable to the division which Ilso houses lingo mt lectkin ei toesinnles oi BiIkoI lllustrslrd works Dr Rose cube Dig llsh department world Its Ibnrtly on Elsie hes encour aged development our lllIhe collection itir Chutes IIld slmtierly the presence oi Dr Ferrell Ipeeliillrt in the nu ol John Bunyane works It then impetus to tho univer Itth hunt collection Speelsl collections bond in is when thI universityI Cameron Library ned mg Its more sign ieInt Items IN the Eerie eeer at In LawrenceAg notes pundits and till Fordeeilretlen oi Bunyan hlr diaries described the taller Is the best collection It hunysn in Canada it consists ii Irrnlswh we WIntlo sec liwe eon Tax Day comes Ilinowwhstldld AtihetopanI Employoeqorpsymen The anr Iiii iriIxImum 600 ItriIllIr mount it has Exorrtpllnno $600 ThInlII CDnIrtbltlIOIISHIIl urn Trial enntbemoie troiti lhIt amount pIrEoIBonIililIl Your Butdl lo IMIyI me but temmiotiewioiiguis thtoorout iiiiipi total Looknnyourttsitp llIllkolbiu become retirement or isebill pension trom the OPP in 19 should use the ilgure Irt oxJ tor CPF calculations in otherwords only portlonotthe lneomeetmvn In BexColyouru siipwlll booonsiderod or CF purposes as Iiirr to checkyoui Guide items 26A end 24D Otis The headline mt find it Foilw IL Bliim ILItIttvuldtIilyouthtyoumed Books Mind lovers The Inrl LIdy mtlcrteyl tavernMr mxtu sold the rliy the boots Irtses not so much trons In rent Ivsllsblilty WORM mm In wrote blue InsousL but he hId new with ten born The ltIinbow In printed in Mt Hm twins Ind tinrnedtIlely kind hm nsniier ot them were destroyed is hybrid um the bizarre Mentions Mt We were side to buy tint edition published in 1515 still durt Isekel nhich ts very very inusual In most uses ohisl locket do not sur vire With the books The university ILso has June Joyce eolieetlon which was Ittrted tn the Ilul there Ire many who collect Jams works Ind it is net melon collection eoiinetiens ot Joyce gnu in try to get in on the Joyce market now can only be done with haze Immian et money The Iron the eollcetlnn wits ItIrtttl srnr partly due to the tutthat the limits timid Al time when the univer sity trml lots nt money Mr Chsrles uld TodIy lb financial position Is not Is my and the coil lien is not being dereloped great deal INCLUDE OTHER TILIL Spcelsl collections which boom 20000 storms to vohus not only me books There Ire else which present problqu tor Eitherino BNAD pnst the Gmnjnri Xiiege Bursary on Tara hioltcnnn J1 rster yblrh no easy to lose Ind easy to ct tilted We ebb have ofcial copies at nil theses done at the at soil closed stock books which lib the ram books can only be used in the den meat or special enlltv tlons Special collections mainly evasisLt wk printed he tore lbwOdom 1327 or Clin rJI Ind beiorn 1930 in the ease of Western Canada The division Ls open to any one Ind being is member oi the university not is pre requisite ir Charles said However lot oi purple on campusincuin Ind stu the circulation department aueh Is very very thin books inst year more errors omitted In the enleuiatlon at Canada Pension Plan werfeymenls then In anything also They even bent out Irlthmetic on almost etwn Sc sincI somel ing obviously wontwrnng somewhere this year comelntlrst olearupsomoottrieeoniusion The Inlorrriationbelow will help you when youre doing your own CPPcsleulItlonseeclip Itend use it or reierence whenyourown Income Vou say it Ipld man in tom hm cudll coming but how lie Byyourresll Burn It you hevsmorothen eneTe Illp add up the seismic amounts III Box Ds to get the total you paid it you have only one thats the gyro you use whmdnleIIcuIIthhethIrnrriolIoVIrpIidI selyourlnoomelox Return itecleeilytsbctlcd oi Contributions and Premium Tout Contributory EImiIigI pI ran rriIanl My Iinplo IrgIvI mIITl sun which tier one tlguro In hos Ind JWhtg ro ldd tn OT also It ya glint Do oxeotlywhat It says Deduct seoo mm the amount ir entered ebovo No menu what you earned or contributed that amount the some $600 in Howard The only exceptions to this Ire those who turned either to or70 years out In 1913 or incein OPP Pension In1013 Chookyoui Guide ltern 245 uItstzIrrilngI Sublectlo 5000 lgure is thoooeyou petwhenyou dpduci the 3600 Iron your Contributory Earnings on tho lirst line It hen $5000 oeeeuso mnxirrwm Contributory EImings csnt exceed 55600 and youtio lust deducted $600 FtriI Now It says TotIt Contribution deducted look It youth slip Igelrt Box The amount shown there Is the amount you enteron ltiet lino Mills It you have more then onstt Ilip end up thItntsl nteit BoxDsIntt enterlL iii wow this maple From new INNER MIMIIIMIII try it plus you Is much Idoitienrl help penthle In prim specic pioblsm Insswrten we meet the Icon you olip IN Id liltl Induuitwhenyouredotngywr own mum Itehnuld help It box is blank use the ligure In Box lust Is it sts on your Tt Enter that amount on the tint lino it you here more than one it slip and the totals in Box or Box new to more then $5600 Ignore that Ian lust Inter $5600 Is the maximum ligure you contribute on no matterwnat you corned BIIie CInenI Pension Plan dcanre not were DI itth we have here So contribution GEORGIAN COLLEGE BURSIIRY PRESENTATION diploma W2 studmt It the amino ller School ole inOniilnTbep11 ITIY AN EXAMINER WANT PHONE TBSMil Lirrriu iii III sins er surprisingly low prices COLUVIBIA DIAMONDS Selltol hleniiirleI caution we made doing In it dsy held nutty the mitt31 Dalila Iii Brvm ts MW of all iilogo mu grams Georgisn Open TillIn Ind PKL ttlt It gns you are an ample eeaiid the quour Canada ensmn Plan contnbutionsuaeiiiorehaiild last yeanyou haveooreditcomiiig oodhutthiIlswharI lgIteonhiIodzLuI rInulrId tInmIngs subiect Io contribution or would per Contribution TI maximum $90 The keyword isOR sotnku tho oosywnynndl noralho 18 Theybolh Arid comnnulthoserrro In the end Goon 20 OPP Contribution Tobin Ind loo on the Chart 00 tind Suiin to Contribution which you now know Right bcsi It as tlgutl tailing you how much you should have aid Enter that ttguru end it cant be higher than $90 boonuse thats as mue Isyou cen contributo on on that line lltIiIhowdolgetthltilsttlgurol Subtract And enter thoamount on no line loboiiod Canada Pension Finnmelpdyment Nowwherel It them Is Idiitcroneo take that lesttiguio and do exactly mum relurnteiisyou todowrth It Enter the Imeuntoii Line 23 oi Pogo olyour ieiuin Ind again on Line t9nl PIge ireups tor 90 st or received It case you to give you Foitow That it YouVe done it Whetitmy eIIcuIItlonI IhowthItliMI the anvmmontmoro That maybeynur emoloyersorror lisowel havohlm oorioollt Do not pay tho amount Attach note bringing tho error to ourntlentiorp and we ti contract him directly Dont worry about it Hold on twee IIltImployed part at iIIt Iarwhatdoldo1 In that case It your contributory earnings roiri employment and sellompieymont earned you more than $600 lastyoar II it didnt dont bother oull need to iii In the bottom pertotPngeCllabelind Corinna Pension ien Contributions on Sellimpieyod Eernirigs Ite lust Is unsy Ni youll ind lull Instructions tor that In your Guido Item 210 III Io hutlrrr IliiII little mthdup riIAid RsedyourGuldeThen rotosd this Id II Its still truly phone or drum your DistilotTIxIllon oilicnWIli be glad the help you OttI more thing Please check your arithmetic And iiicheck Every time theres even is small error this computer reieot your return and It haste be checked and corrected by hand then cycled through the com titer again or it not up the completion at your return but nvury error no matter how small Is expensive Not only to correct Together we can getit done It Ii youiI ltlii eoniusod all Your low Diltltmlion OIIIC littme is below And on ire it moor CIIII Ire tree Ind the notice is then laryou nation lengdl mummm malmmmum 3va people prItIr to lIik It over In petnnw thitlliMJooJl you On at them Ind Mil pmblemwtlh your risenm drop by tor in help IIIlo with mouse toryoumvtn Dilllean OltiCl Ilbdiww Mackenzie Bidg36Adoiaido StreetEaslToronle 0ntMSCtJ78691hoo humankind ltmlu CIMdI Fortunaton that statement Is much less mnluslng than It sounds rGui no the hack to the Empr or Ehrrlings Witteteyoiimmioiriiicim iienonicemion uclIoityupossIbIIndineiuoe Iiitnionmiimwioyoumtum wanupioueiymymnm your letterunuicltyupossinle problem to

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