run transmitan IIyers CUP Expecllnfu To Meet Terriers sy FRANK slow ersgsir the Mending Ahn 019 tan Drilltl hilt brt thI run guns in row with sisthpmerdhuhnledhCan nyers pluereoeeb DIrryL 9y sold Ilter his this deiut ed Bude Foresters the ex poete to meet the Therlers b6 reuse er better ruminantsllama Trduts for the that series will go on Isle the Barrie emu Wearesdsy irom pm Prim irom on sun dIiurdIy trons noon to pnr Ind Sorr dsy hour noon until game time It 730 pm All seats Ire reserved Ind seI son tldet holders must plot no tides hi sotrrrdny It the Terriers ttln the series tonight the Llnll Mid In dnyniaiJiutllthenorueu dostlull em sevth more My it VII ikdy Atari Sundry One sensors tor the Hornets urngenes in the series hIs ban the return hi goalie Sonny Pennington lie oilyod in both Gastritis Notaries Mover term the Hyeu Ice the this series llwuio be one ol the dudes During the the Fhers Ind Terrier Im even ssth tour wins ends with such team luring two wins to tbe olherl hm rink Anson Spring HomerRun By Til ASSOCIATED mass Jer Torre hashomo advch or Steve Blur Stop tuhrg Iti V106 fnus should stop bed one any Tbrre laid Monday alter Bing hunch st routs Csrdloals lire ilrannlng runs The Crude then held on toe ethlioo huobIll Idory twee Pittmngh First know how it is what youre hartrg grounds lorre Isld but mine last year Ind ev erywhne went gsve mondvioernstoo eeloteil them to he use Ilene lilnss the rm World Series hero bu walked 25 button in it innings Meanwhile Hank Aaron who neede only two regulnnessen home runs lo Blbe Ruths mark at 714 it his nod wringinth homer it was tworun shot olt Texass Pete Droberg in the nlrrth to ping too into to preterit Atlant Brnves from losing to the Rangers moire1 Expos dropped their seventh in row boudng to Boston lied 50x ins Angoies Dodgers Ihsded lUnneIotI TNPeierdieIoo Sports test ut ebotgun Is scheduled Oct holding membership new gotten Th0 target is too new mantras be obtained It te general mmger II Ist lorthe aea 995 Snow stratum will he Aug to with the new Sinner Oollegirie instit ute Buckeyes basketball team won the senior boys IiiOntsrin chsmlonshlp tor WW rm The schools In those he Ara ll Ind Sept will Sept being set Iside tor the my at moonus bender trophy will he up or was Sept with the menl on Biol 21 The CsotsinI closing breIl IS The Country are is otrrrnntiy drive tor information at golt lees mry honing oluh Cards its 2nd White So 34 Hotnton Mm but docinnnti Reds Al KID YInhoes e1 Ba Diego PIrtrer nipped Mllwsuirce 3mm Detroit Tigers sousd trounced New Yurk him while Ieeond Detroit term lost lid to Philedel In Miles Ind Chi csge downed cleveinnd in dlanl Montreal wssholding lie was Igstrot Boston until Ilan Bert esdrovetnnrunwilhn single to the eighth In nns illdtey SLIniey led with Detroit sum on tho Mel WIlli lour singlet dermis Ind three runs bolted to llllko Anderson Ind Greg druid drove to three runs am Is the miles but the Tlgers team 11 Dodgers Irnn tlrctr win mng dusk to one Ems edg lng the mine on Willie LrIw lords runscoring double in the 10th inning Bobhy Valentine singled twine drove in run Ind store two bases to lend Carltornlr over OJHInd Fitthtnniog home runs by Twine CIliIorrris Angels Deli Ollllnlsd Aihitiiu Bli ilmors Order Chicago BiiitIiIE RACEWAY ENTRIES hummus hlAlilAl mt hunt tillI6 MJNE FILINGEN Ii Irwin EGAEIIC OIIAIUI MIuson tANUVENT Alison irtodny Do WM estoney 14m Wild Van Mair MW IL IIIon 74mm II Field mile so WHEN llarrilton enemy ammo wrr thm imkhIrt wrap Dunne Frills Mom Boy WWhitewnli mom rrmwuh Nickle 7th once mile 50 MUS TWINICIE Brunton my mm Clement somiii mm It Dom sttoneil Hops Hamill Km Ros Jones emewood Well Fem ornate PM Wm Moi Wh Oregon alum Bhldyhllt Bub moonshine NEE BOMB Shel ltlt or oilardwuwlr Kid ttohlnsun oNetdin Armrrtht 0th price mire use Fernon Gontnles sod Fred Pltek gave the linbe their win over the Ymhees Mm TABOO li Held LBASIWOOD SCOT Robin son SShlnwny irene CIII illllntitl Doss rumou oPthilc interest it Andrews 1ltns King kowe Hilts KnoiI Thirtrtsgh Also Eligible Wli lor Dixie hisclrrthur ScIrIet list vest it Fern 5th our rrrilMWo lxilli EDWARD RICK Mao Enchetn mun JANICE WlIO TDA DWEE Elm Jilaekhnrt intentioncrook Boy Lston ZBoswortir Whirl filiiliy Bottled Weill oDonnss Time liulton 7Wldows too Anrterud WEN NAM Webb 55mm FLIGHT MacArthur Liiobrn Diller ituttoio also sheen lit it Mitsu Duke TDA Walden ilodten Robinson nth once nrile $2540 SMAECH WAY Whilewell HIANDY BEE ADIOS Llw sort Irrrohasr WAVEILLY Dive Hold Mloio liLJII Veil ii Kmonly Hiram gnattlhnung Mic Bun MWIplen mt numwrmun lion ADONNAS lIAT Ii Hutton rts rm sue clamor dliorynerene 82o ii Kenmd outwit ICIVNFMB trellis non Duke Dee liohlnson moo Join CMnnArthur alIon tam had mixed room in tournament play recently the and Oorrsotnlio Erhgrwww the Ierole little NHL torm cord numtszr at events schedui mm Cosmo DATE thI been ed an in the real game on tr minim Alwtn liner Iii Greg Elmira won their next three gnmcs par edseu Greattore 21 on goal by Comobeli and Nut deluded Bob in at BeeIII but New rant iwwi tPmbiem Drinker welshrt WEEEND PARAGON ll lili with 750 students or less The Struts Mina llodtry AssocL 1mm Lions hentnrm won mil Thelhrsduhdtnnpedcbbo rm lions loci their tlrst ome or to Selmbcrg to drop the correlation rvrmd that Nutt scored the lone strotrd Sdlnmhe in tho eecmd gnrne Ihe lions nobceyeeon while comp iiiiim es in Itom CC division Jones Ermvnllng Iinrns hlanlo ed Schnabelg 141 in tho lirrt grnrro on two goals irom Brian linruymchtrk with Neil For mhe in goal The Jones squad wrrs elimln Ited in the eerend gnme with 51 loss to itoneywood Tim hwy nursed rheJnne Stroud In the Sheree Optimist nrld get juvenile Icrrmamenl the umhru Andi Union mdarts Terry irwin nailed sin iludascs dniuled the invnek collegiate tenrn lrom my 47 had the Tmrmseh Collegiate teom irom dntham s7ie1treytheyuontho champlotshlptrnsithtalch is by tdcntlesl scores to lind lord and Simon Grog Wolsorl scored the lane Sttwd pool in each dome in the luvcrdiI section Cycle Home For Open TORONTO OP The Cans or arm MI minimum imnemevmonthem moron nrotossiooel roll tour will have pennncht home in To The Royal Gaussian Got An sociallon nod Great Northern Capital Gnrnxhid at Toronto announced Monday that the new permanent home oi the IICGA Indathe Canndlsn Open will he en ll nmnwlf nlii nearby Oskvilie Ilioueiies Split on hanlnnr Alnuettrr split two garnu on the weekend In their bostoHlve OntIto iltnor liockey Associrtion semHlnIl series with Wdltngton Wellington took lend In4 in their home arena in Pinion and thuwed the Alouetles lddsy ntrtht but the 0m round come hack Srnulay with 44 win were etirninnted in two games licrnio Parent ol the Philadel phls Fiym Ind Tony Esoosito oi the Chicago Block linulrI no two or the National Hockey leagues best goalies lint thorn in no doubt oneir their helpless Igslnst screen shots The srrren shot is similar in deectlnrr In one rupect Both Ire treadnchos tar goslleo Its hIrd to say how my times the situation or normed shots Irlres etch gome For instanze when delence mart lnlLs to block shot Is the sortie sereerudroten the goalie in thereloIE ltI Im portlrrt lor the detencemsn to mslte sure he stops the puck deteneesrrnn does not lntco lionsiiy screen his goalie hut lonwnrdr do Surely you an STANDINGS By TIIZ CANADIA NPREH World EItt Dlrhinrr Egt 233592 havde Chicago New Jerel West Division EEq gt Wm Minnoch Ethmnton Winnipeg Vnncotwer Woollen Penny it Morrison 323322 Wellinglorr now loath the ser BOBBY ours Hockey Tips picture Kerr llodze carrying the puck om the hiuettno their duty ping rr oil to our more in this core the ienl man ttlodge mom toward the net or the dclrnoemnn while the trailing attacker Etpo uses the menu in lront at him and tires toerds the not The gnIlie bu his rision blur red so he doesnt know whnt to expect And in important tor that tend men to head tor the not become ii the prick trlis the post or the goalie hes got or chlnto tor the rebound in must tor miles who Ire screened to yell at their players The deience should help the goalie by moving out ot the way or clearing the turtle in root oi the net DRE TTER PRINTING on monnow noun nrrnmn 7232821 PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS IIT STAYNER by Meeting the lienry Street ollchLI teem irom WNW 50 to in The winning NA me trvrn klt heel row Onech Ted Fetter lllInIger lilnl Ken ice with the iourth game schednitd 10m Community arena Setmihy Doug Shotsuoil led the 0m Ionrtnx with two goals tn the loss while GM ENE Poul Caltmll Ind Erie mounting traded singles Cirruringsis leked sslst on up Shoirweli end Ennis Orrrusting each mud twice In the Math eit victory Strung with Ill the scoring In the rd period The Alouettes went ahead with day at the Barrie Areas to the high scorer and it In the NHL dtvieionglalm LIKE NEW AT Itertetl oodr Paul Sinnevicliz How srd WIlher DIvld lru Ind Hunger Dob FIIr Front row Jim Dulc Jim Cook R07 Walker and him lice Irrrloer Photo Stroud Mirror Hockey Tectms HaveMixed Tourney Success two minim leit in the game and scored an empty not goal to clindr the Mn with nine seconds remnlnlng The Alouettes odnhntWelilg ten ms in tho Sunday gems SportWail Real unto itnenilel thznlgod ltidirmm Hill Dr in tires game while losing no In the ward NI Bouthmi Ind Gm WIL son eroh scored twice the tumult win while lllnlnolrn Illrd Craig Ailrhlsorr and Stein Iiatmn nsilud singles legion lilmr llock From tots David Times in loom ltoy Paris bentsrn WKATARE woerl so AFPV ABauT EXCEPT THE PRICEI Investigate the Spring SIvingr on Goodwill Used Car from The Dollar Slroleher KINSON GOOD PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH 145 BRADFORD 5T on 13 Norton Lighter Than Foreman luldmrmlnthlm down too to new hand me linnIt build 09 urnmum Itme airoww bout will EST in tile los tIIIrd in dioxin IO In WMW hm 62 34 hummer Juana come eree shortly beiore the hell The oarmisled LI World Boxing Aloudlion Itlllleis Ind In traded it the WA to III decision The flu World Boxing council ind claimed the rlgll to name use ottleld Ind manly WWW Days The husle are itth mugs right Wm Wu late in the midst oi link Manta lDnoL think Norton will win tattle Foreman Contract Invalid SAN NW APIv InderIi tudxe nrled Monday that attract requiring hurry welght bosina chenoton George Foremantopayxsoereent at his endings to Phil premeueoar greats lnvnii But In toss out the urn Izreerrrenl Ttohsrt Millard oi the pulled Ellie district court endered Forearm me he non lrorrr loe Punter lo rm Ind ammo held in escrow imrrr his title bout In Toho iIsl who tmight delends his title Ignhrst lien Norton in Cums mutants to mhnbune George Foreman Associate tor the Id notes Thelhll laid WM Ind 0d 191 The Mrss order covers both the rm oontraet Iodine Ilgned October rm lt tnwim the there oi annn iron the with which Underwermmrhonmu Associates wise to hm pIid thI lighter 510000 yest tor tire yesrs Is trotting menses Ind mm more or nine years in return tor an por cent oi lho receipts This included Ill lire Md tlevlsiun urry Ind oumen or en donunwis pemnees sod vendor to Foreman end his muster Dick Sedier had tried rrrtr IgIlnst Foreman Assodstes liking that the Nntrnol be de elerod illegal under Csillnrnlrp in Assoclnies lied repent Iuit uIlnst them saying the urn nwrrrros PRESENTED Awnrds were presented Sun SIMII taint TAN Mr morn Willi ALWAW on Anctn THE WOFFICE PONTIAC BUICK LTD PHONE meters pent wu legal and asking that the detondents be held in roo terrth lot vtotnling an int tunttion vrrrrir s1595 TIIE mm CllliYsth CATHEDRALNUNABOUT IS DEAL LADY OF THE LAKE Dost with M1 hill limbCumin Ind Oil TtIilft sorcrnr $3295m UBRIENS SPORTS MARINE Ltd Bllre Ind Bernice RR one FIATION 4872211 111th Dodo we Motors um our no mo in