Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1974, p. 2

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harm lineman Robb PnhliehenOeneret Manner Wilt Watts Iditer Interline HenIhIw Managing mm me More letter Bclrries Quiet Clusclderf Out To Save linhisquietwaymrecbietmnliwt in under lielsdotngntetotgoodtortherosi council tor elee writ my or ermine tors downtown Nthtad allotment In lite uglqu tn the north sI or our ampaiming this week with sprinkler systems he in hedadnot cttootIr estl edinnewhiuiscs blngI pastetent eorthe oil cc of the lily develop ttee Ind seek tge recommen es regardin erlInd other II ety systems m5 highriss Ire follow the motto nations of other n1 duvets lBelore too many more build larger but hiring wake timslrudcd coide should look seri lnertlI 33 then restnloturin Indu Ullllty 1012 hi the time let do the job rial is more portrnt than haste Sincere it hideheyot Berton rer cornmlltees Ire busy with tor centennial celebration The occasion will mark the tooth Inni vrmry ordIl adoption at the name Benton in reinzttltton started by Joules Inlte earlier en the commu nu been as Oinrhrille Itt frequently reterred to by visitors bee Hawaiis amuallsprlnz maplszysyrup van rating as in IOntariosur lesttnl bu been second most based only by The the antic yesre hat been emits to tine community eitort including the enthtntr support oi mI reelumtr IDon niompson heath the current oixmnltlee thlxstmcoo letionuFh Your Life erulnurbanareaealloverthe BRIEFLY SilID advice or Warden Dari Elliott mrld Ire iobbyhlg tor rum mien the 111s Ireu utmost rm the development of hi hrlee dwe unite loundi mugthllot quickly to keep pace him the solely aspects of ldgibrise tolls invented tint on the 1th floor coetothndlnurban There have been enough tin in mfwgm We to on We mgrwhy the public does not summing for protective le epuldicendeoundlmnlter ing from what could become deadly lnthe em months to would be to undo what he has done Ia nunisler ot agriculture to bring down food prices Germany has blind the meet eirective way to reduce Ioddonte is to reduce Wei 31V lancer bee vid Allan the OVti mm lineage speed it lame about it srlngthe MW crisis when highway speed limits were reduced to 82 miles per gasoline tubetintial reduction in highway Incidents ms ride benefit it has been erIwiligoduwn nhbto Intime of shortages Many cant he but wonder should he in short ly iehomudlunempioymenJe evolution to create the neo essary to end shortages and unem ploymtmt It the note time hourlfloriierlo noted this economic ln calling for stiffm lor neglect orterot the compulsory oteest llawnooun Iiueihat olny aboutlo alumni Ontario drivers have been bothering to hellup Itua 86 mm mm heloglcailly construed II evidence patronized on Saturday April 20 llilebesl compliment yet paid fedsrrl lgnouliurst mlruster Eugene Whelan was the interence front suggestion that he should he made minister of new depart olfairs Said the con numerrepresentetlve The leek mud be easy or him One his main Ski moot oi Coal PovvnSollrce Caues Poland Problemsv tlimilt urinal WARSAWAAPJH ludliattiail pollution is threatening to de rtloyfoimie tirrberhna it 911 realm memento pm Dr Jerry Him tereaery ministry oili ciai Wrote lorests ere dying Silesia Polands WWW lndustriIl oluuh meinly agricultural instead industrial Now We the round Mint we are tuil it TIM the go Hitherland make the wearing clash hohncle mhndetory precauqu mi induce therenousness on any the conservatives lu in causePdandepown prudueJ lien is based Ilmort entirely on coal lIidhiIhlla heiore tile WIr Poland Wu ot other My witnessing la the climax oi years ol steady outwit teartlndJs enrolmentscw femnetted bi the liliphur rlously attested mu Sulphur anged commute Ire bne Ind nitrogen illiout rent the um whlelllaeceunl iur ea per smoke oi malmratcd Mill rent at the nations forest pllnle in robliltg the roll of its nItural properties Thousands vot are at vege have drieii to wit er utopeen colloidlw hat mUIt pollution problems they are more Iertoua hi Polmd Weraaw ml enlists Iold ltI nurse in bi milliry he up limo Examhur it iilylield Street Bertie DnlIrio Telephone lzeeall Second Ctm llItl lleglrlrutlun rv ther out nature pe tIgs guaranth Deli mum and ery Holiday Sll urrtrr los weekly little you iy Single co in lie lly mall BIrrie reel yeIrly slrntol County 1100 yeIrly Balance at canIdI moo yeariyl All athrr rmllllnts NW rlv Matorthvalot it vr ll aetla Montreal growth Pnoonw he tart Po ht ectnttiatl have bunlighting Mind brittle New emtfre tillers tor clerth and lettilizers that utralize nitrogen have yielded minlrnul results In France Philllllcillihil INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Ermine lnrllrl can tdhullenl to Its Letlen to the Editor riot in Ihotiid he restricted to LetterI to on wards and they must he ned 01 they will not he Ilubilshed Writu Ihuuld lni elude their Iidrerm and lets phnee lumbrre my he men it queried THE latex or Punchl llemher stthICiurdlIn Preu and Audit Bureau el creole tlolu adieu Press is exclue legwegtlitcd to the use in to puh unmet ell lieu disleclv ea in this Iper Edited to it or The Anne lied Press or heutel Ind also the lots news publish digulia Eeltnlner tieirttl Wight in Ill originl adven ttstng Ind edlturlrl mIterIIl ere Iled by its employees lair produced in tth newspaper amulntlut it her inns antler NW urn nIIne omwtnrrtm nutrewoptelha mortally just arent most mussel method lot Mainfer lid too These two 1313 but live miles ill tl in ii Wt will on user urvouescou entiauy reduce this nlunhgr at Icoidente mulussmllorwuuelinosme mmtusrorol em once on ll Irsonveooeen t1 dunn the And altimgh some enem dJotn Ber Wills me touttxil beneath order llol pretend ubmh did lm Iorne lemmi may not be borne but in the Awll lprovindtl generIl ciedhn Ire exdumrln inurrnatlea with the Callty Neiimll deI iterherchee Foreatleree et Nancy Mother mulchpartner is the Forestry Rewards ll Itilute oi Grcnoblo University To replace their pines Polish 1b re lace their pines Polish ntlhor es have Itarted pro gram or ptentill oaks There trees Ire Illd to the chemical dult Poland lI treating in pollution problems Ieriously Thocurrent they plan which endI in ms calls to the elmenditln at $3 billion for awhomneru pro tectlon Buldelloainrloresll round it already spending mil lions annually or the rake oi clan glass otmvilatlcrr gou or pur in luelrnteallypomeee rtv ere Onlyw per cent of Fe landl natural water mourns are said to be lit tor human commotion holocaust roll roLlcu MWEG CF Bob Ful ton who retires It the end ol hiereh alter ill were with the Wuullpeg police three most ol them es radio dispatcher says when he Iterted It the eel IboIrd we coid tor clove to In hour withoit tell Now it we go for live minutce without meted by the lm yer is ten motto gutsell Hietoillka re llr Eu uehaueoe leaders in itae in nite toheal some rspin rlitI errhip contest The adenoid lielliexlIu litth inhohasyettol eveUlI lbtllldn be sought to protectrlu hls Idetahip em itetried ehor etlel taking over the leaders by orgIn lling prDVillW series or policy conferences to include peope oi all political parties During the last two your the rty Vlzutib opposed the Ikeover oi Neva Scotlo Utht and NMi 00 Willy the provincialwa New South Poweruonmtrslon and thl involution recession dittleaIrld gilt taxes The iat ter stand lled the party the etigarlaot ingvon lhI ride oi ay Joint 505th HALIFAX thl Were lnevlllbie here ltI lust question ol when conded Manitoba New Democretie Petty organiser ied Guilty II he mounted the toughest camoIign the party bu emf managed in Now SmLiI The strategy is the Isms he used to help bring in three NDP lovommentr in the West poem the totem the paltyiaolrtloilneeatthem gretslvu plusenutlvea Is till oiliotai ton to the Ami Lnth general election Ind thtlljtlellielt the mullt Working with bane or too were ill thejoseat legislature theoert ll looking to its lltiiihi cadmium Aker men at atleaIt to beet up its represerietion Akermen has become pretty Inelor asset arid were using him Ia our mIin weapon Laid hh mudyk veteran at St NW Um KM Dbeervcrs speed thet ulr Ahrmnno balanced but mehli image in the legisla turehire two will stand him Indthepsrtylnloodatoedln this election But most IIld they were ltlMltOO MILUON runorusno slim rnxmvhlts or alone 35 till er gins ii 52 1557 had Anil Ms Bey may put ltIMIFMM1 Jamel lulu luouolll Wm lulu harm unlit rneene more nod In Ell din we die lovnscollll ulterior Bllchanclrtls Seeking The fBuildeI Image like no unmask new Ist war Blmhanen sounded the government knew what the report contained Ind world WW it in in plat rm duh Moll till emailed Neil til the trunks lost tupoyesI Ind pay them out at general revenue Eluded to the legislature in lh in the last Staneld loop ltlr BuchanIn wind as inherits minister in the Smith cabinet until till natty wss edged out oi power me The tollovnug ycar he was one ol three candidates tor the leadership alter blr Smilh resle because ot ill health when the NDP oould maks any Iumtantiatgeine UPSET NEE hlt Randys WW that the hadtional voting items Ire hard to brelh in province hiith 31 spotindustrial lope Breton where theND brevity through throeyears No Then hlr Akeemul and Pull linemen rIuceue iormer school teacher rur Efishd tho plaudits by dbl two Italwarts Believing til the Con IervItlvee have alien into dhtamraime the departure othtohert enlleili end ere unable to come ttonith asy Ilternetivea to the liberal ed rnlniatretbn oi Premier ter ati Regen the NDP has not llhod up its eanumige lechv nleuea More money ls ItIllIbIe Ilthoiuh thlr Gtttdyk laid it Itiil is peanuhf Wellstalled oeuae MK Youth 3990118 humanism nialnder Immmh vh Wovvuunsuhe the Alnll were moth general eleion Ivahelm seaweed the WI lllhh even in the province fa Eh ol mt ht hm Boston uad York tend eoilneot Drimawiokdlline pule but it tit re mutant met It Moe lbhrhemrnt met It bee than lliellternelt lug rnet us Prelideot rut to and eluted Memo morepotternrouthaluv In memlithoul oatmeal on er was Egitimity tute mar reprehen etble lien parties thought he tint have cited the Milieu hate Ieealon to let the people know still the end warnedthat We oathm aeuidersd dark hone Ifly the camptot hh it at strong power have in the Hell taxDeth mirepout ma um psid all when no land llmdnll then mayor ol DIltamllth Ind ebo oandi date tor the leadership threw in with him tor Imbal iot victory ineld met who led on the lust ballot and was No aidered htr Stanfieldl choice alter having wvod in his cahullt was enbittcred by Iome emulator taotlca Ind declined to run in the elkrem election tionieader in the house be his subttsnlinl eon toarleetoehetee and his muse hills and resolu tions has irtlnlty ignored the government to go liter thslcsnith vengeance At nomination meetth early in the Hawaii be de nsbed them as yesterdaye min with yesterdays pol ioiea leer their past the one Islrelives the ignored the ND both in the legislature end to the campaign native ht Alvechurch Wales nix AlterrnIn came to Cape Breton In 1m and won became involved it the IMM ties of but shermen As In wheeledt at the luhmtury Flush tortreII oi musbourl be researched the bowlsluts of shermen oftlltilmy whtd tailored reunited in ids rlIluiIaai in 931 he stepped item be will whitest scenes no candidate in the polite party olilou have some total eiedion and lost Later throughout the province lbaeI even canwalgn gsnsurglngto unreal lllr AkermIn whens Pre nuerlteyen titles ta ohmic Win It the othdtl ewoei hndleet uh that year he became party leader drenhlg ht llppo Caste tlrctonlend elieuv eting the ltaiiiu win at the bumble ran edereliy Is Working TO Replace The Torjes III cum the mm enhancementInd om release ea also lichted mod cooled mm Pruner MlsaI oi latureto headde Mummnem trudollon since he edged into Him in tell ot on will bestyem the Pt had Mi enloyed in Nova settln bulb with in lieu htii posted wphlsllcated twine end Old luhioocd grassroots pom Tue hie Mine trolled the mid to center with IhiWinx ruaglute Arbtotie meals nancier Baron mad he Will and wwmm to automo to their political Wm lytnrte 0tth aeoe There use his tteoldnq the wt rrlth executive assistants Ind Idviserl whieh her the Ir oi the Wilton We timed il we cabinet ministers disagree with one another on the floor oi the hovu and in norm millet raining meme on out Iliumt not The Ileotalle which some observers raid would new take to nun who ad made his original men on or talkative apertscasler at Evin hilth ee bye lens 1m the Liberals gained ram tilhm oeuatnnrohrl Johannesbu Dirt illabuts an uphill lie enteredpoutlll to her lawyer trom Vtlndsor NA lost hb lint two trial tor provincial seat in his home constituency oi ltIote West In 1856 end hnd that went on to bill eliort in the 1962 federal election Ind plolincial with iIter the same you year later be was elected toPerlianlenl where he broke ranks to vote with Social Mil Ind often took pot shots at the liberal govern ment over was Ioalu tn the liesitinch WINS Wu Mmk in 1963 over ilnelIl liberal leader mm ear later it even eeeat ilaI lu xluon leader he in by grabbed tllhiug tor Ihnost la allaim hotueinenetlorttoheadolt In increase tIxess 1helollonlng slim Halttax WW trout photoneph or him fhh Ilth etor eiallned to he saved tIa You Ind vi have been the byworde lo Nulll vocalndery Ihd he lot Dill ensure that both were in diner in on rst SINW hleetet its members were true inll hit since his van government came to dine he eelole as his main achieve untrue it cos We Ito like in the term ol the sheheen oll renery to be bulk at the Strait of Canto end nthtill ol two Michelin the But his treatuh Hillier he said has tome tn the ileid bl lode legislation where ruinhnurn wet es and wodoneus compensa on pay ment have been raised deu turlsts legalized and con Iutnerprlenled icgixletlon will lotelnmen aces you Got lnpiemenllng ma in the Inle mum BYWldl In prorlnclll

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