Decits my Murrlmd xi shun2d IS CANADIAN PM Range lid thro In man in edema tht Iey rm mu team um Ilrstqlxe pixIdeas needs Idid paltmd in em codlmd My Kluaner Antigen climbed top If in 53 gr E5 2E E5 EE nudel shots when lhcy needed Im NUT Al BM The curdlab new or lead mood Wm nodular were not It llid best An in dchtton or ter IOIITI crime ibeseventh end with mum Darrel Butt Hansen and if the Pro E33 93 gr REE El 75 is is IE and France Ina um um swim STANDINGS In CANADIAN bruise mm aria tour mm In cbunplnn mamm SAW Gem Sudan mm Duumrk My two Noruy HOCKEY SCOREBOARD By riii cANAurAri rnnss NIlInnIl El Dlvtrlbl 22555 Eigs gsaassaa snlsasscegnua 251 Lul sazza 4==n EE lteiulls nub Detroit Ilentml gt EE3 Vanwmr It NY mums it NY Islanders II Pltlsbuh gi Duttalo It Chlrnro World It gt gt 8883 aura2 QSSSSCES 323228881 ger Kitchener St can lmm nodular Prov New llimn ll llan Baltimore Anzclre 2147 nmmie NeillIII nnm Mdand Gilcaw VInoouver Allnnestut Glmn Inll New Jawy It In Mack mm It New Ilunten It Gounod E2EEEEEEEJ nature Autu er ulnouuoooal warrantsires =EBSK=EB numb and twinning iinnilli Ottawa Wow Kl stOn Puerborwgli when Gun Ind 3sudbtll7 ol Permit Imdan at St eatinnm Ametlcan North DMslon 38 ED 37 23 805 SWIM Boulh DIVIIInI 37 II leisas assessanasa 33 it Unanlett com nix n1 terabdwolrratlhemt thNwYorInDar slid But they rrnlly hustled Vlsht Ind their hltlltlde The Islandm dclm led by the spirited play at Pelvin held the blues tn lust two diet In the tint period Crntre Garry Unger hnd them both WI hId ILremd hustle to his pllyen throughout the lam iiy run CANAiiiAN new 33 HEN was Ier In the Nahum mam League have zone they mnde lblnz inlnlul Tues daylornneotlheclibeltllln Mlentlon Ishniien bummed 5t Dull liliiea bl in me New YetIts tom losln streII Ind dimmed St hula chutes ol cultth AIIIntn Harries who My the Imith and Elite playn poslllon In the West DI vislnn The Hamel Idle Nes dny remained the points IheId at the Blues to other IIrneI MinneielI North Stan binned their hope tor the pestseutm lqura by do tenth CalllornlI Golden Soil 64 and mete lupin lieItI teurth In the mined respectath disinc Ibearl ct Mnlo 53hr by IIttlliu tor tie with Angell GIrrylIIrt Ind Nm benredthekllnt alllol the Item tor the Islanders and roolle deleneormn Dent Potvln had eat and two IIIIItI AMOUR rum The IntlmIIn bf roach Al Arbour playen hasnt nim nied Ipparentiy they Irent WIND Inld Arbour alter New YurtI triumph ltI hard for lhlm to get up when theres no pines to this into in the reason Arbour azxsg=a=asab uiiy iIncy nuiity Bruins Leading Scoring Race by THE CANADIAN mass Naonnl inchy lmzun no In ludtvs alter We In mite Ii as 70135 Orr 21 1a iOi llodreB ti on Armin But 18 cnrie ran 18 Cnshrnari 75 slttlcr 73 Aim Feb 73 Ilextall Min in Tea Bags BSSSESBS Clubl In TM 5mm ii porn right aims am tint porn at the Nam mum IAI mm Glen Sorbet mu Idea losing aknn Im bwn telling them all Iloiiz when you hustle the other teams dcleim is go Inz to make mistakes One OI the St will mlslahes resulted In Gary llowzlta geII which made the score with to wood let to Dlly Itovratt Inukrd behind lh ddente took passee Irom hob HEIDIu Fruit Cocktail 35 is 11 Tim Beans with Pork 39 rum own in so to 83c Islanders Snap Losing Streak 1de Hammering St Louis 51 and Jean Pnlvin broke In and beat Wayne Slcvhlt ndson tor his IiIth goal ill the Nystrviii sermon Weve been playing romi hockey tor lbe last two mix but we just havent been rollinx the bmuls bald Pntvlnlllll nurslnx broken bone In bl Din Edvard gene getting the omen Peter bet has been the malmlay portion at the non Peles Coul PmRBOTIOUGlI CPI not be joke that the Mole team my edema 0iqu Inr Kltdiecer IIIII Daith tor Paul but Isd Pele Sill Derek riltih Dale lines and ed tor the 57s The Kit ener mlirndin duo oI Dhutll Ind Bob Blan the Mlenl rise lrom ruin place line the run or the mi They have conthlmd lot an iolllellhmst Image our that stretdt whidt has seen the 51min mitty team an cl lrii jokingly Mined tn as luv in the plum but in the ease ot Ptu it my oidals at the OnLIrh Hockey Amalia llalnr Jill lorA teem malty doom interim train We Rimhn win IiJinmt Imwn Is innit Clih Mar Iwnd the rim um probany pletul no In IAnm and when the term no mod Ceith in the hvrtd urx Betty letr Cherry Ola Dcilll Food Germ 100 While Ill Cake Mixes 39 Case 01 it ii Il0I The Coca Cola $289 Featurel Lila Beet Bull I00 KIEENEX nxMl may tr 111 Tomato Juice 33 Feature Ilrd In INSTANT SmIrI Shoper preIer our FRESH PRODUCE New cm Hm Eula JIIII km Oranges 99c dos hrth Ck Supreme SOYA SAUCE Dell Buy Hover Ln TUNA FIAKES FeItlIRl Red Ind thlte ROASTED COFFEE IUX IIOUID St mam email IA decit with llx out In dnuulnl thl Rad Iho moved their anni rm ll Nissan lls Kevin Kacnrly and dmeeadlmndtlhtorth Bled Ihwh will NM Ind Iln Vanni VIM om om rum led rue mailed or the VI lore rrwrd Ina lly Be Sick hiniar hockey mm in Smco writing tram tht mm Jan tin Pel Wethme league Immlk Ind mat the lays 2mm 11 can minim vanilla and Ide mtmtsiodnyanimnvdy Iratllthcyertlamdtnben retina born slnrda memo nrule Marxian minim ibunuillnlbrretnlrvedul saldDrertndclIrtonoeI tiietmmptmieiam MORE spoiirs 0N PAGES 20 It 39c unpert rouns lJty Slnoe siiirrranrsouii 33 than 29 PKG 95a in IIITin 66c Scalar 97a tbh Bil 99 II II DI ill 55 To Pick Ile Pl FKIII TISSUES il 1in COFFEE rly January IIOT CROSS BUNS iiiii Iiiy llnynle noun BATHROOM TISSUE 450 lo 01 TI Ila IDLJI New Summer on silt No mill or um Grapes 69 lb llrrlrnn No iriule Tendrr Durand I3 iiiiimr iledTeiitlrrJnlrr 98 You Save WIN WILII mallrl ltlte IIIIIMIA BLADE ROAST $I 08 WellTrimmed lender IIIlny SI lb BIADE STEAKS lmll Mime Ideal tor Mral Win or Burnt GROUND BEEF $Ill9 lb gt 11 IIIIEAIIFAST SAUSAGE 69 lb routs osrum Washed No Gr lbs 5515 Grade Cooklnl Onion lbs 39 Irrnturel Condensed Iltlrin TOMATO SOUP lriihlrel snak Freon Drled INSTANT COFFEE $137 will Inlay then Future trues1mm II on FROZEN FOODS OUAIIER OATMEAL 49c ri lutml Glut Banquet Dinners 59 BREEZE DETERGENT $II9 Strawberries 65 mm min Asmtcd ILOI IIr LIhbyIInd in Oz llil Dinners 79c 5m shappm lrlrle oI Camel or Ill Cooked Ham 79c lholo mm wmnia Pork LoInI lb 99 to II Lb Elle iiy rim Belegm lb 58 Down ii The sin SlIb Baren lb 37 run Avl llKENEW EXCEPTIHEPRICEI lt WAN Ran aWHITE IromITIln Dollar Stretcher ESSA ROAD Tliese Prices At Fleellittms Only AIIANDAIE GOOD PEOPLE To DEALWIHH PHONE 7264685 wax l446BMDSlru BARRI PONTIAC ATKIN use hr Opeb Thursday Friday Nights tillw9 pm