Here prac editeded medicine retain you mdleII Cane in medical it tort nn mm prices godown all advertising will KID Its no secret that advertising comes In for good deal of criticism Is It justified To nd out Laird OBrien Interviewed Professor Photo from the School of BusinessI Queens University Professor Poole answered questions about adver tising and how It uccts prices competition economic waste and buying habits His objective comments are worth reading Promar Poole know rhr brumm hullrlfrom both IAI acadean and pronrat rider For number 47 years he tree on stain the University Alberta the Unhwtty If Manilodtr and Queens Uniterslry He joined Canadian marteurw aruanlmuon an menell mower and lam mu VicePrevlilenr and MM tram udirrtblnr Murry Me tr now Profemrofllunnrrr at Queenr Uniuuiry Klanan Question Wlnt Ire the mnjor criticisms of Idvertlstnpnn economic grounds PROF POOLE Well first ofell think your dues tton is too broad Mott economists and people who wtderetnndthc working uf tree enterprise market nrlented system tlp accept the nine of Idvcrtising Although the CInndinn economy is mixture nf pnvommentlnd privatcentcrprise and both sections use Idvertleini think no can beat evaluate adtcr ttrlnp bylookirtupcclllcnlly It Its role In competi tive rwkeoortented economy anltloat What do the critics soy Ibeut Id netting PROF POOLE From In economic point at view there Ire uterei criticisms Advertisinx is wasteful for one That It more prices That it creates ences eive profits for some companies nnd makes it dtdl cult for new companies to enter the millet Question Your llrrt polntrvns economic weste ls advertising nuted PROF POOLE if we Icccpt that we Ire llvina in basically freeenterprlee economy there Is Inevitabty tome duplication Ind wute of rerources it happen In Idvertisinz it also happens when you rind four gas stations It one intcmctton 0r three depart ment stores In the ante shoppinp pine 0r too many never devoted to wheel Any form of free economy does have It Wlltl But there is Innther tide to It the mnwrlrlon be tween rempanler entouraer new prochrrl develop mrnl twitter quaily belt smite free enterprise nurketvoriznted economy In chIrIcterizcd by growthl In other words It is dynamic economy It Is muted by hmvoIIon pu ttcuirrly In new product development Advertising used to inform consumere about these new prod uct nndthrirbcaettthe Introduction and Accept Ince of new productt euenthil tor expanth markets Ind continued economic progress Qantlonrhtlloohttthmtheolercnd What would hIppu If It Irinarising were eltmlnmdt PROF POOLE Tb editon or the Huvud Busi nesr Review Isircd the nine question They found that 857 of businecsm did not think that elimh min Idvenbins wordd chase the ever otprod nets Heres the crux the problem mm people look It Idvcrttxin In Icahth Ind blew tt out of pro portion TbItI mutuke Advertirinl in au Inctor Ind frequently rIthcr small factorthat drier mines how product is told In telling tool like ulcerated store dispieyr pechzes the type of clone ItI sold in Ind In fonh Now for tome producerlike cercelr detergents Ind countiesadvertising may be big part of the IeIiin cost For othersItch rode other furniture chip buildiaeIdvertisina is mull pert Lyon hntlmtedMIrllelutlte other selllru man would play ldrxrr role But you probably Iould not charter the cert rrmcrm turntrendy Question Some people er thIt it we stop Ill Idvcrtlstag prices will go down Herr Ibout Itt reorIeooLE People cIn look at television Iistcn tethe radio Ind or Verity mow clap all the ndtrrrtsiru could pay Ins Put It doesnt work thnt way As IIId before Idter lining is only one lrctor in whnt is culled the mllktt nr mix If you eliminate advertisinu isnt it IOIICII thenrmrtutncturemu he to Mid morn lumen or gt buildbiuerrtnrcdisplaysor ndlomenthcruplnmm gt peter Probably rhI new methodt wouldnt be It edective and they could be more costly You know when you break down the coat for each Illm sold Idvertirinx is really very lnexpmtte way to sell products Question What do you think at the tile thIt Idterttslna should be controlled or restricted In ware my PROF POOLS Remember thIt were talking about basically tree competitive economy If in dont trust burinesx people to use their telling tools In the My they choosewithin the limits with law then we dont have tree competitive oeonom any longer And why single out Idwtisinp Why notcen trol the number ol eeleemen company can have Or the size of the air conditioning units in rtore These Ire Icilinl costs too in feet we IntrinI In the Ira of advertising Is the next step to teItIcompIny now much research It cIn do Or that It must replace workmen with bulldozersl This line elthoupht cm led to lot of problem However not evut the amt Irdent supporters or advertising and free market wItltIy Ihntthere isno Ihute Indthethothlna cur be Improved Althoth we rely matniy on competition to regulate Idvertiy Ina some public policy my be neceuIry to control mmdwthdmhm Iectorsoltheeoonthpuretoodllnuul Cami QuestionWhItheetthIrxrnnmtthItIdn vertising mm people buy tillage they dont need PROF POOLE How would you dene the weed nudl You can my thnt elimh realty In belie diet clothinp Ind thine Admitting doeentuhe people buy Inform Murder Ind broIdenI the ImokhothW people to mod And It In eouruee people to rave you look It the gures on Idvertlrlnp expendituree you will and lint KIWI tom of uvlru be gt Xx promoted thrown Idyutiu In good example the eImpelrn for etude Suing Bondr And remember somethinp called the tint Mil tiom Iere spent on Idvenisiru but people still choII min buy It The Murmur on the other handuvu greet sum because It tilled the need of the an Adultth cant reach into eomebodye pocket Ind trim the money It can only open up ride IreI pfchoin And iInt that whet our he nurht oriented economy II It Ibouti In the Ian run you time to rely on Wneumen to mIIrc the ripht decision It you dont trust them torpend theirm money you dont hInIad Iuete dont nonr free mnrtel economy Question Whet do you expect from adver tising In the yen Ibcrdt PROF POOLE hope that the industry by Itrelt cIn need out my Idvcrtising thnt is deceptive er misleading Theyre Iodine on this By and use ttt pretty nodbut there III II Iomc ottenderr And hope thIt advertising can be used to sell 11th well products There Is no doubt that Idtcrtirin is poweer method of communica tion And In efcient one in temu of cost Why cant we use advenitinIiu esperience Ind people to promote concepts the In important from tociIl viewpoint lm thinkin of things like Into drivink 0r rev mailment of policemen nunes Ind IOCIII writers Evert undennandinp between nations Were retina Iliitle ofthn newtthope mucoddeelmeu of it El NOTE Profetsor Poole ItIe weed to the reprint in his conunentt by the Chiediln Advertirinl Adviwry Board In the Internet 01 calling hm understanding Idvertlsinl You the container can do remitting Ibeut but Idvertlslng Write or your copy at the Indurtryl Cod dimming Standardr Iddreu II Advertirtn lundnrds CotinctL no any Street Toronto ltd Ontario need the boolIet Keep It heady ltyeu we advertisement that you think limb or bendstneniles outnudmentbmtnpklntnodee unload with the Code booklet Canadian Advertising Advisory Board vie work tor better advertising din Barrio Examiner