to in PRESIDENT CHECKS AGENDA Windham onunimeahuhridat St aimmi Womena lttlssimsry Androwa Prasbytnrlrin Sodzty Mrs It McKee climb out the IgcodI II Ilia log on an Mrs Robert Brownies Guides Activities Reported By Central District Pint tiqu anlu enrol Iid Kelly lavalt lnio the wt Golden Bun were aarocd try Cindy Itoltuurr Ind Michelle nutty Golden Iiand wIs pro rented to Dorothy Mokniio Ind Margaret Roms rmiud her llousekccpor more By man It manic met the Brownian tniitcdlhrir mothers to colon with thorn oniiit EIIIiInd liar badoI Holland and Germany SoocIIi displays had hem tact up by the individual lines IpchIl Thinking Day cm nu mind to the Brownies and guests VInIIlarrII Onldca spocInl dhnllyl wm propIrcd to show paronta and menu the training oi mung DIy mini IhI rate was tho iocIi point ihtlcnntil were ill to yin both tho Promin LIw then lIl her candle on cult cakl mm IIII main undch Minion countr In world Guiding Dim right was HF rolicd Is Guide in lhe inwross Iiio rmdlellzlii nemnnny Laundrosr Badge wns presented in Dunn King While the Guid es my In International Guido Soon cnch ldc on namln wintry to World mo Ihip deposited her Wortl Friends ship money in Globe llant Guides Ind parents then enjoy rd calls and mites Third llama annlrI gllNo imlamxubthalrmcomlry inor Iy or rrpon ii the hrouoio mmlsa as lllit tiy Irish Brow ca tho uronoica playcd In Iriih game Ind In In Irish song displavau rel up to aim muss Ind IpocIIl ll uls ihlliliml ward ind ac nontomcnnlow oi Ilia rust oi tho nIuIloni duttldn oi IMrr PM In loh Sixyrqu litrth Von Allin oi iiuuiitunugol am prising rznctun ynstmloy uhm Ito pustch candy into tho mouth oi utirer Yolnua an in the Hamilton lonch lnrdons ICl Iitutni USED ORGANS tTrIdrII ll elrl Thrsa IInI Init min III III in 100 nnrltlnr order 0119 IlImmntui Lion with brriie Ono lllmmund CI with CItht Dno IiIrnrnnnd III with India illiin newt Ono iIIrIitur Ilodrl i300 Driuxc Ono Elnirohumo ArcIdlI iiiodrl NEW ORGANS PLAY My niunAu son SPECIAL rumour Mucus Arno IIIB MIGHTY voter or uUIIInIINIIEN Iur MODEM lN nrucK Com Insular drnwnairstlou no Iny II In annvn orIanI liy your old IricndIu Happy IIIrry LIIk Also in the IN to with Iliiu IliarI lldlo Ind liirr Mnrlu lnitr Ctxirttzl3srrlciicsdsyla limrtm IExaminIr Photo bow Ior mankind Bach guide Iouvenln oi lkilnd World rlodt with pennies They Ilsa ShOuld Plan Visit who Hols Living 15qu mam Just re 394 tromfabelrmmla or gt It ywnnr brethrrlllnd Hz us my His death us aladden and dash pcctcd wingu mun riser dur Ihlcg WIN bald til cunt HI gt tadto b0 physkaliy mound Batu lair mswnding we rttIry and Lin Al Jonklm from tha meter 0i deeply grlIml but nu Ill fully hotbean him Ins guilt For Iran he kept Iaying hadidnt ban lhI that or money to In brother Now tI ton into MM iii tint and tho mona have navrr Icon any on broken up as my iather us It lhll funeral Firm Ann print this Idler Ior III million at It Ibo think they cant span lung or money tp In romeo they hm hi in Inner this qnution 11 you rmlnd phony all Iilia Icme terribII ms go Iouldnt youi Well not go 50 when you can Inlay on other in II vaya later IlIn thinkIII Dunk boar Danrhlar TherII In aid Yiddish expression pron in to trirods and relativu will get together at alm ch Ihlch means II or casinos my now on too well that they will Iti logllkr Frlrndshlo Monies hero placid Woman Rabbi bio Allan Dian Allah Debbie Etlwlih Nancy Dauldry and DlIno mldervaid Sccondcr strip es were glrm to Alec VIISIIr loos Alison noiult and Dsrkuo White in loiloiinp badges ncrc nwardnd SlItcrs Palm III Wall Cotirriou Linda Paton Virginia iIcron hour Bastien and Allaon BotuII Oran Unis Paton and iil Ion Boiult Dist Comm Mn Sein It the Birthday Cake and was mind In Im in Packib PatriciI Slew Ind owl Ilaurero WatI Nlnltll limiting gash lro prcpIr Went lsplty an on oi the toilow trig ountrlca New Zealsnd Grant Britnln Australia Ind Barbados SpeciIl guests It the Thinking Day party nun Dist Comm Mrs Sclwood Div Camp Adviser Ilrl linden IDII Ind plight oi tho Gialdtt IoItosa BI rl worn mur Iod to him nmnmhm KruI Ind lilotieilr Al on Coiioo Indicate waI terv to its Mata Ind milder XIIIIII tunic unnien wu lint byllt It Ibo iiin Day Party ThrII Neale Itiwed down tho riv or to tha magi lInd oi the urnwniro Frances Bell SusIn MIUMI Ind Debbie Porter Mou rch Kaorh Mltltd tier Gold In liar 11in Brownlns picked Gormziny as tho country to learn about and novrml Moo rnlcrtalncd parents and grand pnmILs with Gcrrnan gamo Ind Ionr Mtcr whltll they rnlt lam toilet imhla Ind blriir dIy cnlro with Ihcll ourstr onions lN CANADA llioro nro 2MIII mentorsI oi the Girl Guides ol funds AIllVE CANADA Th5 Girl Guillu oi Clinde hus tiaon Iotivo ior 15 yearn my nxunnnn IVANl ADS riionn 1mm plays at Torntnor Ilaplo Mal SEE US could ba grounda for Fall AN Al Makes Changes YORK IAPl Sally Irlos 21 Ind the United Sa HM woman llbhl Ilsa limited cmturlca of Jewish trodltbo in matter oi months Siaud tilts Io too still morI rhnnII to give norms gmitr microlm Rabbi Noland outstant Inhhl It the Sim Wise not Symcozuo put it till way Womut ought to IN to tolra lull Ind comp rvioa ulrhin the Iynnzornn Is tar II ludenho and Winona oi lend Ilsth an married have potty much rodtxia lilo wedding Iorvioo in order to hmptmiu the totality or Indi viduality oi rich parlour and the Milly Ior respecting thI uniqueness oi each pIrlner Wiron norm in ude like lath men Ind mankind llminnin them In and Iuch Inords aI oy horn nurmn com IA rabbi Ior Iii yous rho mentiy dotted on liar nor in In intrrvioiv min or low hrr Ihouidm nld Ihl did not Ioln tho rubbinnto as plai Iorm Ior womenl liberation lily decision vm bound on bzllri in God boiled in the worth hp individual ml ballet that Judaism is worth tamarind the raid DUNN RETURNS IIlIrnon Dunn tiia lilcrnphll mruoaoprnno nlii mIlII tum Ippoiranro in Toronto thia tail in the title role oi Biteil Carmen nlih the Indian 0p Oompaw HELL CLOCK Ciorirmlrrrs sell new rand lather clock last as they ran pm them TIFFING OVEVR TAXES If iilllna out thIt incomo IIx form Ionathor divorco let us do rido how vourIn IIVOJMOMV on IIIan dos ducllons and oxompiionl Evarv rIturn hm is qumhiudio be accurate PHONE 7282791 POINIMENTI VIYHURouIA Ibl tragedy ILHIH 112 you tor protocauw lrtler Du laden let my boyfriend mm in lllh ma be um thought rm meant and tell sun he would mm the it Iuraod out lint Ill not mm and ha is still here and am still pl tin Mt L5 rovra hill and nu tbs Irmncs Iork hing boon III inn and havent In Him or the to go out durtnl tho mu ncad Jinn ol mu homan and iamdry mtcoda Ioud uioy an III nlog oi dimslon ii onlyi omit but my boyfriend Italy has someone to In that doesnt indud me haw Iver at home Impt to sat and Iiecp last such got led up and told him to out It tints down Ind tried couldnt and It What Iboutd do Ann Iunholschnatlngoamobutt Ina uid to ho nonMiser Into an Dar Mary GII Inlh it Wow You Ilone im no It on It oi co in lonshlp mt lmiosdcr liwxctv tlnI room and board and Inn and you Islilnr used To Mm no It ham to cloaor out lit crief give him oI per town and wish iiim kick Eicry time read letter like you Iy to mmii lYlaI Door dame lnown utiII rho ought to do Stir lust need somoooa to tell her to do it So irn tclilnI you Dear Aaa Laden Tho III who aid in Wmld watr plI Instead ot watchdog hr cause II had heard thIt pin non Inurirr than dog had to in putting you on Im aurprlscd you lull Ior II lit in highrisk bmlnln Ina and In been told that 1Iii not gmatlnn IgIlost pronIra Ir gdor Willi did the uy think his II Ir II II Ind rIli thI oollcotpll were nior and hard piI olnltin break in Iiire And morn MonaIll Boat All olntln shit homstmlrazlvlr than Ind toll in love This maitia ita captain door It oii your hm It with you nnIml WII Ind IroItesh on Iii IIIIII v3 funIII Pork show vaiuahlI0i rrlsldutt oi Slim Presbyter might mor rIloI ooI WhIt won its mo in how do you homes pt would Imrodxiory iru In riled throtidt Sui Apathy About Due To Lack 1h Gm Ind iJ invoke lith handxtoptd penuu to them some by Iln canva Jude nan Ipoh lat in must meeting at the SIncoo Prcstvtcrhl Untied Much Wm until Tum tho darbog tantrum hrid muer nd Uidlod Burch Barrie In brdor in her on with the United mm Dillst at mains in CInIda doILr Iilh tin rights and needs at was clovednemm Sb LI IhI apath at the uncut population in this area la rank tank at intornw lion liar wort iavolrra Ilia pro paqu Cristian Iducltion auricular notng Ior retard Id Iliad Ind dial persons Tl United mm support Dutireak Home Ior Rhoda IdultI Ina Gttzcn Admqu Pmr rn and mm throw icr ardod rhiidno lion and man chinks are nrnviding Ibeokhair rampa so that the physically handicapped any It Irnd church lurch membeh ship is now uttered In tho re Iarded PUBLIC ATTITUDE Tho Ipcltrr Iaid public It tittich toward the handicapped occh to drum The lawn ment is moving aster tho the public in utiin up Imali mm conmmily mi nm the not ed but many communities In not rudy to accept them She urged deIIgItts to nuke room or this handicapped in all church groups Disrussion on in the theme Ivar oniinmd at an Ilirmoon workshop led by Mrs it Fox rroli Barrio Books and study itiLI on the handicach um prominent in tha lIIrrIiurr dis play amazed by Mrs IV mu President at manta Conters um WW nirr sumo onto cormlimrntod tho Simeon Freshylerlal on Iuncnsslul year Ind reported that all press oyierlcs in this corchan had ascended In Islidctmnincd ob kclli MrI Norman riiornar Bar rie rortductcd brioi in Nlm orlIm mulco in honor oI mrnr but who had died during Ina out Iur hm Everait Bums BIrrII al introduced goerta Huston Ind Your Preatrytuitl and tho Doariery or Nollwall tin thotIIi Tudor Inrmer member brouahl Illuta Irom WIIrIqu Funnier its wig But it doesnt feel like wig 999 Ill new III Touch ll It on turn your Ilngrra through II the WI youVI been writing ior ltI lta in new Iriucexuunt KInc kalondb modIcniic You can or ulth Sula putts or Muted Slyie Inoil IiiIcir auburn broom biondrs nw 5mm III in msrt the son anniversary at the United alum oi CanodI opus vitlh Iinzson ch by llrs Kay llaimtccr Midland bell Guthric ducted by tin Cough till liarric nutu tor Turoniu Conicrcnce announzvd llllltn mot Ior slmcoe Prostotcry Focus on Jesus scriu ol mutton MRS HAle Mrs tch Diey welcomed dcicgslu to the wiring on be hall oi the host rhurvti Annusl mom at new troup In Sim Pmnyiuy mom that the members two been ac it In all crguninuons in Ihclr wnxrczsiionr II ii In ur nm groups In their communi tics Maury rIlsrd Ina usrd in the when oi horns chunks and to Minion outch nliri Itudcnt hummus Camp Sim iilicrcst lake Chris tian Tr nlnp Centres and many community Winds Moe mugs bearing the Unit rd Church nest and dslcs I91 ms Show These will be Iniiabie throush iho WV to The sliemm sesriun its accompanlrd by Mrs Camp norship Icniw con rtmu Cougruaiional Con to be hrld on xmssiw pings in United Churches round the minty Ia allows March to in coilinxuood lurch II in Midland liluch in Bar rlt loontrII Unilzdi plant in Bond Head 53ny wortshoon wm led by hlrl Buddy BIrrln Mn Itountcer buss Joycu Muttw Oollianood and Mn lI Form DIrrII IIII Campbell prenatal Iitl to rs Farm in Ip pmialion oi line leadership durina Ilia our in mm In uuau MAMA In lam Wai ucu autumn inllDIM It hinity Wat Astral Kaolin flunolo Our fem UCInAant mt Ins rulings 92 mm EXICUIWE Imutivuzi Sim byteml um tor tmT Pnsidcnt Ina mu MI Barrln IA mom RR YWWI Powell Bank pttsidmt DUI Muslin mm Soc XIII Sunni iftnhcity Mrs Knox barI rie Treasurer Mn i1 60ml till StIynor mum Dr ii TI it ii E15 Barrie Nominations Mn Gui Kit Barrio Uirratiuv 00w municsttom and human Mrs nilr nIrriI Str ship and Film Mn Bxi sod Ni Barrie Supply SociII Assisim Mrs II WILM ilii Mldbunl my din Black Strand Arrhiics in Bertrnmon Station ItInisl tlrs iI Curlin bell Sime Bay iiiilcrcst IIS Mun iii Mrs mm lIIIleIlc smwanu Iilhout Mount llsrold WHL Ulld Mrs smith Barrio liln Bell Doolittle Emu him hL hicltnhur RR Sinac But Vandcrdonit LIIInIId Aucrtounn Hum Ins rrsusr IrIdlorIl AOL All Mmi clopmrnt Mn Boddm andicqppe up Of Infdndtiom INCOME TAX SERVICE lllnn Ilirn Fri NILh pint III In to FIIED BRANT STREET HARRIS mm you not or Inn warum Stow Hm gt Iainum or rm Mon mos Sit 930m 53mm meFiiWImVm ilroraian Iillll mam MRI